In the dead of night, dots of firelight illuminated a small visual range. On one of the two islands where pirates gathered, the pirates who were keeping watch yawned in distress under the light of the firelight.

In the center of the pirate camp, the largest barracks was still brightly lit, with chaotic shouts and faintly heard women laughing.

The lights reflected the interior scene on the windows, leaving many chaotic silhouettes.

Drinking pools, meat forests, and singing every night seemed to be the daily routine of these pirates.

Suddenly, a pair of strange-colored pupils flashed in the shadow of the vigil pirate, and then turned into a thin black line extending from the shadow of the vigil pirate, silently passing through the range illuminated by the fire, towards the pirates. Penetrating deep into the camp.

The person who came was none other than Zhu Zhuqing. He had the third soul skill Shadow Escape, and with the breathless breathing method taught by Shen Jianxin, Zhu Zhuqing completely turned into a ghost in the night, moving quickly and silently.

After lurking among the pirates for a year, Zhu Zhuqing was already familiar with everything on the island.

The sea breeze blew by, bringing a slight chill. Outside the brightly lit camp, in a dark corner, Zhu Zhuqing quietly leaned out.

Looking up at the moonlight above her head, and then at the brightly lit camp, Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly: "It's already midnight, and these pirates are still having fun. Didn't Sister Phantom see the message I left? ?”

When the opportunity came, Zhu Zhuqing naturally would not act rashly, so he had to retreat into the shadows again and lurk, waiting for the best opportunity to assassinate.

The most important thing a good assassin lacks is patience.

The high moon gradually set towards the west, and a loud cockcrow sounded, fading away the deepest darkness of the night in the middle of the night, and a dull dog barking awakened the next day's dawn.

At this time, the night was still dark, but dawn had quietly arrived. Without the cover of the night, it would be difficult for Zhu Zhuqing to evacuate the place where more than a thousand pirates were entrenched.

"Wait another quarter of an hour."

Zhu Zhuqing set a deadline for himself in his heart.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the door to the pirate camp suddenly opened, and a drunken man with his arms around the dancing girl came out from inside.

Zhu Zhuqing's spirit was shaken, and he casually glanced at these drunken pirates from the corner of his eye, seeming to be searching for his target.

Senior soul masters will have a special sense of the gaze of others, and these drunkards coming out of the camp are all senior soul masters at the soul saint level at least. Otherwise, they would not have the same title as that title. Douluo's pirates have the qualifications to toast and have fun together.

Suddenly, the behavior of a drunken soul saint caught Zhu Zhuqing's attention.

I saw him pushing away the dancing girl in his arms, staggering away from the large army, and walking slowly towards the darkness beside the wall.

"Hey, Liu Mang, have you drunk too much? The door is not over there."

Hearing the shouts of his companions, Liu Mang stood on the spot, then fell straight back, and a snoring sound suddenly sounded.

"Hahaha, this guy is wilted. Quickly, take him to the beach to sober up."

In the midst of laughter, a group of drunkards rushed up and hurriedly lifted Liu out of the door, gradually disappearing into the darkness that could not be covered by the firelight.

Seeing the pirates leaving, Zhu Zhuqing in the shadow raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and couldn't help but smile: "Sister Phantom is really reliable."

"Not only did he get the target drunk, he also drove away all these soul saints."

A quarter of an hour later, Zhu Zhuqing used Shadow Escape to sneak into the camp, and his deafening snores echoed in the empty hall.

Following the sound, I saw a man with a height of more than two meters, a strong build, and a tiger's beard. He was staring at the empty hall in front of him with his terrifying eyes that protruded like fish bubbles. .

If it weren't for the deafening snoring sound like thunder, and if Zhu Zhuqing hadn't already collected detailed information about this person, he might have been really frightened by this weird scene.

In the darkness, Zhu Zhuqing took out the 'Half-Knight Douluo' made by Dugu Yan, gently opened the cork, carefully poured out half the bottle, and smeared it on the fingertips of the pitch-black bone claws possessed by his martial spirit.

After carefully storing the remaining 'Half-Knight Douluo', Zhu Zhuqing took a deep breath, and the soul ring on his body began to shine continuously.

The fifth and sixth soul rings lit up, and an extremely fierce aura rose from Zhu Zhuqing's body, and the invincible power continued to ripple from his bone claws.


The first soul ring lit up, and just when Pirate Douluo woke up, Zhu Zhuqing had already activated his first soul skill.

The Nether Thrust was activated, and Zhu Zhuqing turned into a black afterimage that stabbed directly into Pirate Douluo's big fish-like eyes.


The calculation was done mentally and unintentionally, and the alcohol numbed the nerves, causing Pirate Douluo's reaction to be a beat slower.

Zhu Zhuqing succeeded with one strike, and with a scream, the bone claw pierced Pirate Douluo's right eye.


Soul power surged wildly, and Pirate Douluo was at full power. The surging soul power exploded from his body. Large buildings were destroyed, and Zhu Zhuqing was also pushed out.

Dodging and jumping, Zhu Zhuqing nimbly dodged the collapsed building and landed on a broken beam with nimble steps.


The collapsed building was pushed open from below. Pirate Douluo held up the debris above his head with his left hand. He covered his right eye that was still bleeding with his right hand and stared at Zhu Zhuqing not far away with his only left eye.

"Ye You? It's you! Why betrayed?"

People can disguise themselves, but martial arts cannot be changed. Coupled with Zhu Zhuqing's soul ring configuration and her unique fighting style, it is destined that she will be recognized as long as she attacks.

"Betrayal? We are enemies in the first place, so why betrayal?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a black light wave rippled out from Zhu Zhuqing's body, and the black mist filled rapidly, covering all directions with darkness.

"This, this is the realm?"

Shrouded in darkness and feeling the suppressed strength, Pirate Douluo immediately recognized this domain, and his voice began to tremble when he spoke.

"No, it's impossible. How can the Soul Saint have a domain?"

Zhu Zhuqing's cold voice came from the darkness: "Existence is reasonable, sir, times have changed."

"Heart - liver - spleen - lungs - kidneys, eyes - nose - throat - stomach - yin."

"Sir, please choose!"

The cold, ethereal voice full of murderous intent came from the darkness word by word.

Pirate Douluo panicked, the severe pain in his eyes was unbearable, and the toxins were corroding his brain, causing him to start hallucinating.

Coupled with Zhu Zhuqing's voice guidance, Pirate Douluo had already fallen into the fear deep in his heart.

"No, you can't kill me. I am a Titled Douluo. I am a powerful Titled Douluo. You are just a little Soul Saint. You can't kill me."


With a loud shout, Pirate Douluo summoned his martial spirit and slashed desperately into the depths of darkness, meaninglessly consuming his physical and soul power.

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