Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 298 Fierce Battle with the King of Killing (1)

"finally come!"

Looking at the approaching ships in the distance, Shen Jianxin raised the corners of his mouth slightly and began to twist his wrists and ankles, slowly stretching his body.

"You seem very excited?" Bo Saixi's voice sounded next to Shen Jianxin.

Shen Jianxin's hands and feet kept moving, and began to slowly turn his waist. The bones of his body slowly stretched out, making bursts of thunderous crackling sounds.

"High Priest, do you know?"

"A man's pursuit of fighting is actually exactly the same as your women's pursuit of appearance."

"It's been four years, and my body has long been hungry for this hearty battle."

As soon as he finished speaking, bloody mist began to escape from Shen Jianxin's body, and his dark gold wings suddenly opened.

"Don't interfere with me, just get ready to clean up the battlefield!"

As the voice came, Shen Jianxin clenched the Tiger Soul Sword with both hands, flew close to the sea and flapped his wings. His body turned into a bloody thin line and flew towards the armored ship on the opposite side.

Using the Tiger Soul Sword as the edge, the body as the pole, and the wings as the strings, Shen Jianxin was like a sharp arrow shot out, hitting the armored ship of more than 20 feet without slowing down.

Loud rumbling noises continued to be heard, and within a few moments, half of the dozens of armored ships were destroyed by Shen Jianxin. The ships were destroyed and people died, and half of the people who fell into the water died in the blink of an eye.

"Where do these arrogant people come from and dare to attack the fleet of Grandpa, the King of Slaughter, regardless of life or death?"

An angry roar sounded, and a blood-red soul power beam penetrated an armored warship and hit Shen Jianxin who was still wreaking havoc.

Shen Jianxin suddenly stopped, his whole body's soul power boiled, and a layer of blood-red sword light suddenly appeared on the black tiger soul sword, and he slashed towards the blood-red soul power light beam.

The smell of blood hit his face, and the blood-colored soul power was split into two by Shen Jianxin, and shot towards the two armored warships on both sides.

An explosion sounded, a huge shock wave rolled up huge waves, and two more warships slowly sank into the water.

At the same time, a bloody claw pierced the waves and scattered the water splashing in the sky. It followed the bloody light pillar and grabbed Shen Jianxin.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Shen Jian turned his wrist slightly, and the thick blade of the Tiger Soul Sword immediately turned into a thick shield, easily blocking the second attack.

The harsh symphony of gold and iron came, Shen Jianxin shouted loudly, the sword reversed again, and the blade slashed fiercely at the incoming red claws.

The attacker's reaction was also extremely quick. Even if he failed to succeed, he did not fight with Shen Jianxin. With a sway of his body, he flew back tens of meters in the air and distanced himself from Shen Jianxin.

After a brief exchange, the two sides stood in the air, and Shen Jianxin saw clearly who was coming.

He has a blood-colored robe, a cape with a stand-up collar, a pale face, and a blood-colored sword-shaped mark shining between his eyebrows. There is also a pair of huge blood-red wings behind his back, which are fluttering gently.

"Hey, damn bat, I haven't seen you for many years and you are still as cruel and ruthless as ever. The method of killing your own people is still as cruel as before."

"Look, you can destroy three warships with just a wave of your hand, with no casualties. Zhi Zhen is even more efficient than me."

Seeing that the person coming was the King of Slaughter, Shen Jianxin felt indescribably happy.

The words that the King of Slaughter threatened him in the Slaughter City were still unforgettable to Shen Jianxin.

"Are you, Black Swordsman?"

Shen Jianxin's appearance has changed drastically. The Slaughter King did not recognize Shen Jianxin for a moment, but seeing Shen Jianxin's Tiger Soul Sword Spirit brought back some memories.

"Hahahaha, you can't find anything even after wearing iron shoes. It takes no effort to get here. Black Swordsman, do you know how hard I worked to find you?"

Recognizing Shen Jianxin, the Slaughter King also laughed happily.

Shen Jianxin was a little confused: "Why are you looking for me?"

The King of Slaughter raised the corners of his mouth and said in a joking tone: "Don't you know? That's right, you haven't reached that point yet."

"It's okay to tell you that there is only one Shura God, but in this era, two beings who can inherit the Shura God's position have unexpectedly appeared, that is, you and me."

"So there will inevitably be a life-and-death showdown between you and me. After so many years, I have already passed the seventh Shura test, and the content of the eighth test is to kill you and seize the Shura origin from you."

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly: "The origin of Shura? What is that?"

The King of Slaughter said with a smile: "What does a dying man do if he knows so much?"

"You just need to know that if I kill you, you can successfully inherit the throne of Shura."

As soon as he finished speaking, a large amount of blood suddenly erupted from the King of Slaughter. A red shadow filled with infinite murderous intent suddenly appeared behind him. Red light spurted out from his claw-like right palm, and a handle shone with countless strange magic patterns. The red giant hammer then appeared.

The next moment, the giant hammer softened, twisted, and stretched like running water, changing rapidly. In just the blink of an eye, a bloody giant sword with a length of more than two meters and a broad blade was already in the hands of the King of Slaughter.

The bloody giant sword appeared, and the momentum of the King of Slaughter began to rise crazily. Level 99 peerless, demigod, peak demigod, false god, false god peak, the indescribable huge momentum spread out, towards Shen Jianxin who was not dozens of meters away. Press hard.

Only one step away, just a hair's breadth, it seems that just a tiny bit away, the King of Slaughter can break through the hundred-level boundary and transform into a god.

"Hahahahaha, power, powerful power, Black Swordsman, how about my power? Are you scared by my terrifying power?"

Shen Jianxin looked at the swollen King of Slaughter quietly and couldn't help but shook his head: "No, I wasn't scared."

"It's just using the power of the Shura Divine Sword. It's just a clown, not worth mentioning."

"Arrogant!" The King of Slaughter shouted: "Then let me see if your strength is as tough as your mouth."

Shen Jianxin laughed and said: "Okay, then let me show you!"

The next moment, the Shura mark between Shen Jianxin's eyebrows began to shine, and a bloody beam of light burst out from his body and shot straight into the sky.

The powerful energy reaction stirred the clouds in the sky to rotate continuously. The white clouds were infected by the blood-colored light pillars, turning into a beautiful orange-red like burning clouds.

The blood-red thunder dragons kept rolling in the orange-red cloud city, colliding with each other excitedly and making a roaring sound like the beginning of the world.

The bloody beam of light slowly converged, and huge energy was poured into Shen Jianxin's extremely well-proportioned body.

His skin began to turn red, and blood-colored flames rose from his body, rolling and swirling. His long blood-colored hair danced wildly under the waves of blood flames, his eyes glowed red, and white steam continued to overflow from the gaps between his teeth.

A huge aura that was not weaker than the King of Slaughter, and even slightly exceeded it, burst out from Shen Jianxin's body.

"Damn bat, how about this power I have?"

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