Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 300 The Seventh Test: Tooth for Tooth

“The sea—infinite!!”

While Shen Jian was stunned, Bo Saixi, who had been paying attention to the battle here, mobilized the supreme power of the sea and launched an attack on the King of Slaughter, which was dispersed into countless little bloody bats.

The sea began to boil, huge waves covering the sky and the sun surged in, and a huge undersea whirlpool slowly formed.

Suddenly, the sky and the bottom of the sea were all affected by Bo Saixi's full blow.

A large number of small bloody bats were crushed by the waves, swept by the whirlpool, and torn apart by the current.

"Burning blood, blood shadow escape!"

A flash of blood suddenly burst out from the boiling sea, and a line of blood rushed out of the sea and disappeared into the horizon in the blink of an eye.

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly and turned to look at Bo Saixi, who was flying quickly.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, my attack power is a bit weak, and I accidentally let him run away."

Shen Jianxin shook his head helplessly: "I don't blame you, it's my own fault."

"Arrange people to clean up the battlefield. The King of Slaughter has brought so many people this time, and we should be able to get a lot of trophies."

Bo Saixi's expression moved slightly, she opened her mouth to speak but then stopped.

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "He is not Tang Chen. It's just a huge difference in fighting style. You should have already seen it."

"The real Tang Chen has disappeared because of his failure in the divine examination. The previous one was just a blood-red nine-headed bat that occupied his body."

Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment, then sighed softly: "When a hero finally comes to an end, he must not grow old in the world."

"After decades of separation, we are no longer human beings when we meet again. Tang Chen, as arrogant as you are, would you end up like this?"

After saying that, Bo Saixi bowed respectfully to Shen Jianxin: "Your Majesty, I implore you to kill the King of Slaughter again when you see him again, so that Tang Chen's body can rest in peace."

Shen Jianxin glanced at Bo Saixi: "The King of Slaughter is my prey, and there is no way he can escape from my grasp."

"It's just that I have a question that I want to ask the high priest, and I hope the high priest can give me some advice."

Bo Saixi said doubtfully, "Your Majesty, may I ask?"

Shen Jianxin said with a slight embarrassment: "It is rumored that both Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen once pursued the high priest. However, the high priest chose Tang Chen because Qian Daoliu was a servant of the angel god and could not become a god in his life."

"And he also set up a multiple-choice question where whoever becomes a god first will be chosen, in order to make Qian Daoliu quit."

"Excuse me, is this true?"

Shen Jianxin was very confused about this matter before traveling through time. As the high priest of Poseidon, Bo Saixi is also a servant of Poseidon. On this Poseidon Island where the divine authority is supreme, it stands to reason that Bo Saixi's entire body is the personal property of Poseidon.

Since it is a personal item, how could Bo Saixi be disrespectful to the God in her heart and take the risk of tarnishing the Poseidon to develop feelings of love for others?

Bo Saixi was slightly stunned, "Your Majesty, where did you hear this rumor?"

"As a servant of Lord Poseidon, I have long dedicated my body and mind to Lord Poseidon."

"To have feelings of admiration for others is to tarnish the loyalty and belief in Lord Poseidon in my heart."

"With all due respect, in my heart, there is no place for anyone else except Lord Poseidon."

Shen Jianxin looked at Bo Saixi's blue eyes seriously: "Really?"

Looking at Shen Jianxin's face and feeling Shen Jianxin's aura, the figure of that man appeared in Bo Saixi's mind again.

The same white hair, the same extremely handsome appearance, the same aura of soaring swords, and the same power.

With a blush on her face, Bo Saixi turned her head instantly and stammered: "Yes, it's true."

"Your Majesty, I still need to arrange for manpower to clean up the battlefield. I'll take my leave for now."

After saying this, Bo Saixi returned to the ship as if running away, and began to busily greet the men to go to sea to clean the battlefield.

Seeing Bo Saixi's evasive behavior, Shen Jianxin smiled slightly and said, "Women, emotion is always greater than reason. Even the high priest is not immune to this."

"But who is the person in her heart? Qian Daoliu? Tang Chen? Or?"

"Forget it, don't care. I have solved it here. The divine test has not been completed yet. It seems that Sister Yanyan and the others have delayed it."

After saying hello to Bo Saixi, Shen Jianxin tracked Zhu Zhuqing's location based on the connection with Shura's mark.

One day later, Shen Jianxin had already traveled a month's journey and arrived at the island where pirates gathered.

At this time, one of the two islands has been completely destroyed. There are ruins everywhere on it. The few wooden houses are still surrounded by green poison arrays, and nearly a thousand prisoners are crowded inside.

Shen Jianxin just glanced at it, then stopped paying attention, flapped his wings, and came to the sky above another island.

From the top, you can have a panoramic view of everything on the island.

It seemed that it was the last moment here. In a green poisonous array with a diameter of one kilometer, red fires continued to light up, and there was a huge roaring sound.

Shen Jianxin used his mental power to detect and saw Dugu Yan and his party of five, plus a strange creature that walked upright on two legs and was neither a rabbit nor a cat, besieging four scarred Contra warriors.

"What is this? Zhuqing and Xiaowu's martial soul fusion skills?"

The battle at the scene has reached the final stage, and victory is only a matter of time. However, Shen Jianxin became interested in Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu's martial soul fusion skills.

It has pink rabbit legs, a black leather jumpsuit on its body, its hands are like cat claws, with black bone claws that are more than a foot long extending outwards, its head is like an anthropomorphic cat, its eyes are deep and cold, There is a black hat on his head, and a pair of pink rabbit ears stand high.

It looks more like a cute creature, but its combat capability cannot be underestimated.

The four Contras have complete agility, defense, support, and control. Except for their slightly insufficient attack power, their combat effectiveness is still very good.

When Shen Jianxin was away, besieging the four Contras, this cute rabbit and cat creature became the main attacker in the team.

Escape into the shadows and backstab, teleport through space to thrust out the face, partially defend the body, and occasionally glare and try to control your mind. All kinds of fancy skills are at your fingertips, which is dazzling.

It seems that this martial soul fusion skill completely combines all the advantages of Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, speed, attack, defense, and spirit. It is exactly like a weakened version of Shen Jianxin, a small hexagonal warrior with no weaknesses.

Duguyan controlled, Ning Rongrong assisted, Bai Chenxiang harassed, Ma Hongjun assisted, and Oscar shouted 666.

Under the siege of seven people with the lowest level 73, the highest level 78, the lowest purple soul ring configuration, and possessing martial soul fusion skills, the four Contra pirates only persisted for half an hour, and they refused to give up one by one. Drinking hate on the spot.

The green poisonous mist slowly dissipated, and the cute rabbit and cat burst out with bright light. Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu emerged from the light with tired faces.

"Complete the sixth black level exam, all assessments are completed, the reward is to increase the soul power by 2 levels, and increase the life of all soul rings by 2000 years. The completion rate is excellent, and an additional reward is a god-given soul ring."

"Complete the sixth of the top seven exams, the reward soul power will be increased by 1 level, and the life span of all soul rings will be increased by 2000."

"Complete the sixth of the top eight exams, the reward soul power will be increased by 1 level, and the life span of all soul rings will be increased by 3000 years."

"Complete the sixth of the nine bonus exams, the reward soul power will be increased by 1 level, and the life span of all soul rings and soul bones will be increased by 3000 years."

"The seventh test: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, starts. For the murderers who dare to invade Poseidon Island, they cannot withstand the wrath of Poseidon."

"The mission requirements are to fight wherever they come from, to counterattack the Rakshasa Empire, to penetrate their hearts and make them feel pain."

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