Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 315 Seven Tests of Shura: Smelting Shura Sword

The meeting ended and everyone went their separate ways.

Under the protection of Shen Jianxin, Ning Rongrong began to absorb the god-given soul ring and worked hard to break through the limit of the 100,000-year soul ring.

Accompanied by the Seven Sacred Pillars, Ning Fengzhi came to the Star Forest and began to devote all his efforts to the research and development of artificial soul rings and gunpowder.

After Qian Renxue returned to the Angel Empire and handed over all domestic affairs to Qian Daoliu, she also immersed herself in continuing her own Angel Divine Examination.

When she met Shen Jianxin this time, she found that she was already far behind.

Fendis, under the guidance of a large number of officials from the Angel Empire, began the difficult road of governing the country as the bishop of the Blood God Cult.

The rise of ordinary people is undoubtedly the greatest inspiration to the people of the dilapidated Rakshasa Empire.

A week later, the red light all over Ning Rongrong began to gradually subside, and a bright red soul ring slowly took shape.

"The overall situation has been decided, success!"

Seeing this scene, Shen Jianxin, who was guarding Ning Rongrong, couldn't stop feeling happy.

The hundred thousand year soul ring was condensed and formed, and the soul power in Ning Rongrong's body fluctuated four times in a row, breaking through level 84 in one fell swoop.

At the same time, the nine-pointed star of the lottery money between Shen Jianxin's eyebrows, which represented the nine exams of the lottery money, also shattered.

"Complete the ninth of the nine bonus exams, the completion degree is low, the reward soul power will be increased by one level, and the life span of all soul bones and soul rings will be increased by 1,000 years."

"All nine bonus exams have been completed, and the overall assessment has been completed well. As an additional reward, the soul power will be increased by four levels, and the life span of all soul rings and soul bones will be increased by 30,000 years."

The soul power in Shen Jianxin's body fluctuated twice in a row, and the level 99 peerless Douluo easily reached it.

The cumulative age of the soul rings awarded for the nine assessments has reached 52,000 years. The fifth soul ring on Shen Jianxin has gradually turned from black to red.

"Level 99 soul power has reached the human limit. The excess soul power rewards will be automatically converted into soul ring years. The conversion ratio is that each level of soul power increases the life span of all soul rings by 5,000 years."

A total of 67,000 years of soul ring improvement was not enough to turn Shen Jianxin's fourth ring, which was less than 30,000 years old, into red.

But Shen Jianxin's reward distribution doesn't stop there.

"Complete the sixth test of the Nine Asura Examinations, the reward soul power will be increased by one level, and the affinity for the Shura God's position will increase by 10%. The cumulative affinity is now 165%."

"The soul power has reached the human limit, the rewards have been automatically converted, and the life span of all soul rings has been increased by 5,000 years."

A total of 72,000 soul rings were increased, and Shen Jianxin's fourth soul ring was also dyed red.

Black, black, black, red, red, blue-gold, blue-gold, red, gold-red, nine soul ring colors that made everyone in the world look at them, slowly rotating around Shen Jianxin's body.

Ning Rongrong had already completed the breakthrough and came to Shen Jianxin excitedly: "It's so beautiful. This kind of soul ring configuration is probably the only one in the world."

Shen Jianxin opened his eyes and looked at his soul ring: "It's quite beautiful, but it's just beautiful. It doesn't improve my own strength much at all."

Ning Rongrong frowned slightly: "How could it be? The lowest ten thousand-year soul ring, six soul rings that are more than one hundred thousand years old, can't it still make your strength drastically improve?"

Shen Jianxin reached out and rubbed Ning Rongrong's hair, and said with a slight smile: "I have improved, but I am not a god. After all, I am just an ant."

"But Bibi Dong hasn't become a god yet, so it's not impossible for me to give it a try."

"Come on, let's go find Master and get some information on Bibi Dong and see if we can find an opportunity to kill her in advance."

Ning Rongrong rubbed her little hands and said enthusiastically, "Are we just going?"

Shen Jianxin nodded and said, "Yes, just the two of us will go."

Ning Rongrong smiled sweetly, clasped her hands and said, "That's right, they don't seem to have time."

"Zhuqing finally reunited with his family, Xiaowu went to the Star Dou Forest with his father, and Sister Yanyan and the others are training their own team of soul masters and working hard to improve their strength."

"It's decided, just the two of us will go on this trip with Brother Xingxin. I'm really looking forward to it."

After saying this, Ning Rongrong excitedly held Shen Jianxin's hand.

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly, took out a written letter from the storage soul guide, and nailed it to the table in the room with a wave of his hand.

"Okay, let's go."

After leaving the room, the two of them left the Rakshasa Imperial City without anyone noticing.

Pulling Ning Rongrong to soar between heaven and earth, shuttling among the clouds, the blue sky is above the two of them, and the green earth is below them.

The sky was vast, the breeze was blowing on his face, and Ning Rongrong's cheerful laughter kept reaching Shen Jianxin's ears.

At this moment, Shen Jianxin made up his mind in his heart that he must protect this beauty.

With his consciousness immersed in his body, Shen Jianxin continued to use his soul power to impact the Shura Divine Sword.

For no other reason than to refine it and integrate the entire Shura Sword into his own body.

This is Shen Jianxin's seventh Shura test: Smelting Shura Sword.

Unlike the King of Slaughter, the King of Slaughter has the spirit of the Clear Sky Hammer as a medium, and can integrate the Shura Sword into the Clear Sky Hammer.

The original steps for Shen Jianxin were the same. He only needed to integrate the Shura Sword into the Wuhun Tiger Soul Sword, and the two could be combined into one to complete the assessment.

But this simple step caused problems for Shen Jianxin.

The Tiger Soul Sword actually repels the Shura Sword. Not only that, Shen Jianxin was also surprised to find that the Tiger Soul Sword can actually compete with the Shura Sword.

Neither of them can do anything to the other.

After many attempts to no avail, Shen Jianxin had no choice but to find another way to integrate the Shura Sword into his body.

It happened that he still lacked a left arm soul bone, so Shen Jianxin found a way to absorb the Shura Sword as a soul bone into his left arm.

Although the idea was good, the actual effect was also good. Under the constant impact of Shen Jianxin's soul power, the Shura Sword really showed signs of integrating into the bones of his left arm.

But this process made Shen Jianxin feel extremely painful, and it was also extremely slow.

The Shura Sword is originally a supreme killing weapon, and it also contains the Way of Shura.

Every time Shen Jianxin integrated a bit of Shura Sword into it, his endless killing intent would break a bone of his. Then when he used soul skills to repair himself, he could take the opportunity to integrate a bit of Shura Sword into his left arm.

This extremely painful process was almost the same as when he absorbed the blood tiger soul ring to refine the soul bone attached to the blood pattern when he was young.

Constantly destroying, constantly repairing, assimilating the opponent in the repair, and finally refining it bit by bit and gathering it into your own strength.

Fortunately, many years of physical training and the experience of repeatedly destroying his body to the extreme allowed Shen Jianxin to develop inhuman endurance.

While traveling with Ning Rongrong, Shen Jianxin never stopped refining the Shura Sword, but he never showed any sign of pain.

First, the pain could not break his body and mind, and second, hearing Ning Rongrong's happy laughter, his protective heart did not allow him to compromise on this little suffering.

A week later, Shen Jianxin and Ning Rongrong appeared in Jialing Pass. At this time, Shen Jianxin's refining of the Shura Sword had only reached over 2%.

It is expected that it will take at least more than nine months to completely refine the Shura Sword.

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