Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 34 The improvement brought by the two eyes of ice and fire

This time with the support of the illustrated catalog, everyone quickly discovered many fairy herbs that were not mentioned in the original work.

It's just that most of these fairy herbs are poisonous fairy herbs.

Shen Jianxin guessed that these poisonous immortal products were probably the raw materials used by Tang San to refine the King of Hell's Tie in the original work.

It's just that no one is very interested in these poisonous fairy products, so they handed over all these poisonous fairy products to Dugu Bo, so that they can be put to their best use and exert their proper effects.

In addition to these poisonous celestial beings, everyone also discovered some celestial herbs that strengthened the body and strengthened the body.

For example, the Earth Dragon Golden Melon that Dugu Bo asked about from Yue Guan's mouth before, and the new fairy star Luo Lingzhu, etc.

Earth Dragon Golden Melon, there is no doubt that this immortal plant belongs to Bone Douluo.

Apart from him, there was no one present who was more suitable to take this immortal medicine than him.

The Star Luo Spirit Bead can collect the essence of the stars and the moon to enhance oneself. The branches are a rare black color, but there is a palm-sized golden fruit growing on the top, which is as golden as a huge pearl.

But if you look closely, you will find that the golden color is actually made up of thousands of golden light spots, which is very strange.

Qiluo tulips absorb the essence of heaven and earth, the brilliance of the sun and the moon, and are extremely noble.

Xingluo Lingzhu collects the essence of the stars and the moon, radiates with precious light, is noble and gorgeous.

It can be said that to a certain extent, these two types of grass jelly are extremely similar.

Therefore, when he discovered this fairy grass, Ning Fengzhi's already dead heart became hot again.

He felt that God must have taken pity on him, Ning Fengzhi, so he sent this immortal product suitable for gem-type martial arts to him, so that he could go one step further and even get a glimpse of the title.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the two immortals that strengthen the foundation and cultivate the body, everyone also discovered an extremely special immortal, but there was nothing they could do.

This immortal product has no effect of strengthening the body and cultivating the body, and it has no toxicity in itself.

It looks like a very ordinary grass, rooted in the ice and fire eyes, not conspicuous at all.

However, it has one characteristic that makes Dugu Bo ecstatic, and that is its ultimate concealment.

According to the records in the book given by Yueguan, after taking Bu Nai He, the color, taste and other obvious characteristics of the soul skills released by the soul master will be diluted.

If the absorption effect is good, this effect can also reach the level of being almost colorless and odorless.

For other soul masters, this characteristic is simply useless. It can neither enhance the soul master's attack power nor improve the soul master's qualifications. In addition to making the soul skill nearly invisible during sneak attacks and achieving unexpected effects, it is basically useless. Useless.

But for poison-type soul masters like Dugu Bo, he is simply the best weapon for Yin people.

Colorless and tasteless, invisible to the naked eye, isn't this the highest level of poisoning?

Since this immortal plant is most suitable for poison-type soul masters, in the end this immortal plant, like those poisonous weeds, also belonged to Dugu Bo.

But after much thought, Dugu Bo decided to give this fairy medicine to her granddaughter Dugu Yan.

After all, he is already so strong, so missing this immortal item won't hurt him.

Another reason is that everyone else has it, and his granddaughter Duguyan naturally has it too. Although others don't need it, it is a sign of his love for his granddaughter. In principle, there is no question at all.

After Ning Fengzhi saw Dugu Bo's caring attitude toward Dugu Yan, he was extremely generous and decided to give Dugu Yan the eight-petal fairy orchid, which could strengthen the body and remove impurities from the body, to be absorbed by Dugu Yan.

After all, Dugu Bo is now on the same side as them, and after all, they snatched the Ice and Fire Eyes from Dugu Bo.

In order not to look ugly, and for Dugu Bo to do his best in the future, Ning Fengzhi had no choice but to do his best to calm Dugu Bo's emotions, making him feel comfortable and even feel the warmth of home.

The most important thing is that Dugu Bo has been saying intentionally or unintentionally that his granddaughter has an innate soul power of level 7 and only needs a little help. She can expect to be banned in the future.

Ning Fengzhi also needed someone to succeed Dugu Bo as the king of the group in the future, so he arranged for Dugu Yan to be the one.

After everyone distributed the immortal herbs, after discussion, everyone unanimously decided to seal all the remaining immortal herbs as the foundation of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and then use them at the appropriate time.

As for other herbs that are not as good as immortals, they will be collected and placed in the treasure house of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and rewarded to those in need based on their contribution.

Shen Jianxin also took this opportunity to ask for some medicinal materials for his parents to strengthen their foundation and increase their soul power, as a gift for his parents after returning.

It's not that he doesn't want to bring immortal items to his parents, but that he is not a master now. Besides, when he becomes a god in the future, won't he be able to make his parents live forever?

How could a god be such an inconvenience? If you want someone to become a god, why not set up a god test?

If you can't become a god, you can't become a priest?

after one day.

Bone Douluo who took Earth Dragon Golden Melon not only made up for the trauma in his early years, but also accumulated a lot of experience and broke through to the level 96 Super Douluo state.

Moreover, Wuhun Bone Dragon has also gained the ability to control the earth element, and its defense has also been greatly improved.

Bone Douluo was known as the strongest defensive Titled Douluo when he was at level 95. At that time, he could block the attacks of level 96 Sword Douluo.

Now that he has broken through to level 96 and his martial spirit has been strengthened, except for a few people in the world, probably no one in the world can break his defense anymore.

As for Ning Fengzhi, who took Xingluo Lingzhu, he was a bit old after all, and his qualifications were not very good. In the end, he only used the effect of the immortal product to break through to level 80, and his martial spirit stopped at the Eight Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

As for whether he will get a glimpse of the realm of a titled Douluo in the future, it depends on whether Shen Jianxin and Ning Rongrong can help him after they become gods in the future.

In the end, Dugu Yan, who only made up for it to take care of Dugu Bo's emotions, after refining the eight-petal fairy orchid, the effect was still very good.

Not only did he remove the toxins inherited from Dugu Bo from his body, he also took this opportunity to break through to level 30.

Since she had already reached level 27 when she absorbed the Eight-petal Fairy Orchid, after obtaining the soul ring, it is estimated that she can level up another 2-3 levels. The remaining medicinal effects hidden in her body are enough to ensure that she can practice without any obstacles. We have reached the realm of Soul Saint.

However, Dugu Yan was still limited by the quality of her martial spirit. However, with the Jade Phosphorous Snake Spirit, even if she took the immortal product to improve her qualifications, she would still be at the level of the Golden Generation of the Spirit Hall.

You can expect to be banned in the future, it’s super promising, and it’s not a question of being unbeatable.

As for the divine position, well, just think about it, that is simply impossible.

A trip to the Ice and Fire Eyes greatly improved everyone, and also allowed the Qibao Glazed Sect to rise to a level unrivaled except for the Spirit Hall.

Sword Fighter Luo Chenxin is level 97, Wuhun Seven Kills Sword has slightly evolved and is expected to be level 98 within 5 years.

Bone Douluo Gu Rong is at level 96. The Wuhun Bone Dragon has gained the ability to control the earth element, and its defense has been greatly strengthened.

Poison Douluo Dugubo is at level 92. He has eliminated his hidden dangers and his poison attacks have been greatly strengthened. He is expected to get rid of the shameful title of banned goalkeeper in the future.

The great soul master Shen Jianxin is level 30 and is about to obtain his third soul ring. The life of the soul ring is estimated to be 4,000 years.

The great soul master Dugu Yan is level 30 and is about to obtain his third soul ring. The life of the soul ring is estimated to be 1800 years.

Soul master Ning Rongrong is level 20 and is about to obtain his second soul ring. The life of the soul ring is estimated to be 800 years.

The remaining beneficiaries are ignored.

Ju Douluo Yue Guan, harvested a ninth-grade purple mushroom, very happy.

Unexpectedly, a windfall from heaven, so far away, he was able to have the opportunity to encounter the two eyes of ice and fire. It can be seen that the martial spirit is a person of immortal quality, and the source of blessing is profound.

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