Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 40: Soul Bones and Blood Patterns

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, the cracks on Shen Jianxin's body began to extend rapidly, covering his entire body in the blink of an eye, making him look like ceramic, as if it was about to shatter in the next moment.

Soon, as the first dark red scab began to fall off, more and more scabs peeled off his body like falling fruit shells, revealing a body that shimmered with light gold inside.

"Ah~, Shen Jianxin, you stinky gangster."

Dugu Yan shouted and quickly opened his fingers to cover his eyes.

Shen Jianxin was naked at this time, and the muscles on his body had become extremely obvious. Although they were not exaggerated bulges, they looked full of strength.

There is a faint golden halo flowing under the bronze skin, coupled with the bloody lines on the body that are constantly flowing like magic lines, sitting there cross-legged like a glaring King Kong, giving people a strange feeling that is both solemn and fierce.

As if hearing Dugu Yan's scream, Shen Jianxin slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of confusion.

Shen Jianxin still vividly remembered the pain before absorbing the soul ring, but she knew nothing about what happened after absorbing the soul ring.

He only knew that after he endured the severe pain of being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts and finally absorbed the Blood Tiger Soul Ring, he discovered that all the meridians in his body were emitting a strange red light.

At the same time, all the medicinal effects of the magical velvet chrysanthemum hidden in his body were stimulated at that moment, and then he felt an indescribable sense of relief.

He could still endure the pain with gritted teeth, but when the feeling of relief after the extreme pain came, Shen Jianxin could no longer bear the fatigue that was everywhere in his body and mind, and fell into a deep sleep.

When he opened his eyes again, it was the scene that Dugu Yan had just seen.

His eyes were hazy, as if covered with a layer of white gauze, and all kinds of feelings gradually returned to his body. As his consciousness gradually became clearer, the scenery in front of Shen Jianxin gradually became clearer.

My body felt indescribably comfortable, as if every cell in my body was cheering for joy, and my whole body was filled with a sense of explosive power that I couldn't help but feel unhappy about.

Shen Jian couldn't help but stood up and slowly twisted his stiff body, and suddenly there was a crackling sound in the bones all over his body.

"Hmm~, comfortable!"

"Eh? Dugu Yan, are you injured? Why is your nose bleeding?"

Looking through the gap between Dugu Yan's fingers and looking at Dugu Yan's blushing cheeks and the nosebleed that was about to flow to the corner of her mouth, Shen Jianxin wondered why this girl was acting weird today.

"Be careful brother~"

Seeing Shen Jianxin wake up, Ning Rongrong's eyes instantly turned into beautiful crescent moons, and she rushed forward with excitement on her face.

She didn't care whether Shen Jianxin was wearing clothes or not. They took a bath together two years ago. What was there to care about?

"Rongrong, why are you crying?"

Seeing Ning Rongrong rushing toward her, Shen Jianxin subconsciously caught her.

"Yeah~, I'm happy, I'm happy."

As he said that, Ning Rongrong was like a coquettish kitten, burying her head in Shen Jianxin's chest and rubbing it hard.

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, then as if he thought of something, he patted Ning Rongrong's back gently: "I'm sorry for making little Rongrong worried. I won't do it next time."

"I'm not worried. I always believe in my brother. He is the most powerful."

At this time, Ning Rongrong's happy words did not reveal the worry about Shen Jianxin she had before.

It's as if she is just a heartless fun-loving person who doesn't care about others at all.

Only Shen Jianxin looked at the clearly visible blood stains on his chest that were pulled out by Ning Rongrong. He knew that Ning Rongrong just didn't want him to worry.

[Chest? 】

"Fuck, where are my clothes?"

With a scream, Shen Jianxin realized that he was now completely naked.

"Rongrong doesn't know, it wasn't Rongrong who escaped."

Ning Rongrong looked at Shen Jianxin with a blushing face and shook her head wildly, as if to prove that this matter really had nothing to do with her.

Dugu Yan looked at the scene here, rubbed his nose with his hand, then took a deep breath and said seriously: "I don't know, and it wasn't me."

"I am a girl after all, and I want face."

As he spoke, he sniffed hard again.

Seeing Dugu Yan's appearance, Shen Jianxin was speechless for a while.

【You want face? It doesn’t matter if you can’t wipe the nosebleed clean. The gap between your fingers is so big. What are you trying to do? 】

Angrily, she lifted Ning Rongrong aside. Shen Jianxin quickly took out the clothes from the soul guide and put them on quickly.

"Huh? What is this thing?"

It was fine when he put on his pants, but when he put on his shirt, Shen Jianxin finally discovered the strange blood patterns on his body that looked like tattoos.

"Isn't that your tattoo? It's very beautiful, like a big roaring tiger."

"It was your tattoo that I saw before, nothing else. Don't think too much about it."

[Ah~ I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy, how did this little guy practice? In good shape. envious! 】

With that said, Dugu Yan twitched his nose hard again, otherwise the nosebleeds would flow out again.

"Tattoo? I don't have a tattoo."

"Besides, this thing doesn't look like a tattoo."

Looking at the blood-colored lines that covered almost half of his body, which resembled the flow of energy, Shen Jianxin felt that this matter was not simple.

"Since you don't have a tattoo, is it possible that it's a soul bone?"

At this time, Dugubo expressed his opinion.

"Soul bone?"

"Among the six soul bones and external soul bones, there should be no such soul bones in the form of tattoos."

The six major soul bones are the limbs, trunk, and head of the human body. The remaining soul bones that do not belong to these six parts are collectively called external soul bones.

But Shen Jianxin really couldn't figure out what kind of soul bone this thing like a tattoo had to do with.

In fact, he would rather believe that this is a curse seal that can absorb natural energy than believe that this thing is a soul bone.

Dugu Bo thought about it seriously, and it seemed that he had never heard of soul bones in this form.

"For now, regardless of what it is, if it suddenly appears on me, it's better to find out first."

"Try to feel your body carefully."

"Okay." Shen Jianxin nodded and sat down cross-legged with his upper body naked.

For a moment, Shen Jianxin suddenly opened his eyes with a bored expression.

"Elder Dugu, you guessed it right, this is really a soul bone."

With that said, Shen Jianxin closed his eyes again and concentrated, and began to control the power of the tattoo in his body.

Soon, these tattoos began to spread rapidly to his right hand according to Shen Jianxin's will.

Not long after, all the bloody lines on his upper body traveled to his right arm, turning his entire right arm into blood red.

Seeing that Shen Jianxin was in good condition, he flicked his right hand fiercely, and a long sword four fingers wide and two meters long suddenly appeared in his hand.

Then Shen Jianxin seemed dissatisfied. With a change of thought, the long sword instantly turned into a spear, and then turned into a long whip.

"This, what kind of soul bone is this?"

Seeing Shen Jianxin's operation, Dugu Bo was stunned. He had never heard of such a weird and changeable soul bone.

"It has soul bones and blood lines on the outside."

"This thing is not the kind of soul bone that has a physical body. In other words, it is a special blood in my body."

"This weapon that can change is the power of blood in my body, mixed with the special energy generated by soul power. It can also be said to be a soul bone skill."

At this time, Shen Jianxin finally knew what this thing was. Isn't it the bloody color that was tossing crazily in his body?

[It seems that people who have been caught in the rain will definitely smash other people's umbrellas. 】

[I am brave and brave, and from today on, I will become the living king of hell in the eyes of others. 】

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