Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 42 Soul skills are useless, soul bones are super exciting

"Oh, oh, forget about soul skills, aren't we talking about soul bones?"

"Although my soul skills are useless, my soul bones are super strong and super exciting."

"Which one of you wants to try?"

Seeing that everyone's topic was almost going off the rails, Shen Jianxin hurriedly brought it back.

"I, I, I want to try."

Ning Rongrong raised her hands in the air, becoming very interested in Shen Jianxin's soul bone skills.

Shen Jianxin waved her hands repeatedly: "You are too young, you can't do it."

"Then, I want to try."

The soul bone skills that Shen Jianxin had used before were ever-changing, and at this time, the 13-year-old Dugu Yan, who was already in love with him, also became very interested.

[I really don’t know what the limit of that soul skill is, I’m really looking forward to it..., ugh~]

Shen Jianxin glanced up and down at Dugu Yan, who had a strange expression, and thought carefully: "Well~, you can't do it either, you're a little too weak."

"It hurts so much, I don't think I can bear it."

"Boy, what do you mean?"

"There are only four of us here. Neither of them can do it. Doesn't it mean that this matter must be mine?"

"That's okay. I want to see how much pain it will cause my granddaughter to bear."

Dugu Bo crossed his arms and took a few steps forward, staring at Shen Jianxin.

Shen Jianxin chuckled: "Elder Dugu Mingjian, this matter really belongs to you."

"After all, men have to fuck men."

"What needs to be done."

Looking at the very confident Dugu Bo, Shen Jianxin smiled sinisterly. The blood lines on his upper body instantly rushed to his left arm, forming a bloody long sword in his left hand. The red light in his right hand moved slightly, and the Tiger Soul Sword suddenly appeared in his right hand.


Shen Jianxin let out a breath, tilted his arms slightly back to gather strength, and the two strange giant swords in his left and right hands, one red and one black, showed the momentum of taking off.

"Mine is very big, please bear with me."

"Stop talking nonsense and come over here."

"The first soul skill, runaway!"

With a low groan, Shen Jianxin's eyes turned red instantly, he stepped forward, and a pit suddenly exploded on the ground, and he rushed to Dugu Bo in the blink of an eye.

"The second soul skill, heavy sword!"

With a loud shout, Shen Jianxin turned around, his red eyes suddenly pulled out a bloody light, and the red long sword in his left hand also slashed towards Dugu Bo from the side with the force of thunder.

"Well done."

Dugu Bo's pupils shrank, and his left arm was instantly filled with green soul power. He raised his hand to catch the red blade with his bare hands.

Shen Jianxin smiled strangely, and the red sword in his left hand passed over Dugu Bo's left arm without any hindrance, and instantly penetrated his body.


Dugu Bo screamed, and the sudden pain made his body begin to tremble uncontrollably.

Shen Jianxin was unyielding, and the Tiger Soul Sword in his right hand flashed with blood-colored light and followed closely behind him, about to deal it with his face.

Dugu Bo was worthy of being a Titled Douluo. In the midst of this lightning and flint, he endured the inexplicable severe pain in his body and held up his soul shield.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Jianxin's hundreds of kilograms of tiger soul sword, coupled with the kinetic energy when swinging it, hit Dugu Bo hard.

Although it did not break through Dugu Bo's soul defense, it still sent Dugu Bo flying more than ten meters away.


Shen Jianxin took this opportunity to fine-tune his breathing, then swayed and followed Dugu Bo's figure.

"Create your own soul skills and kill with rage!"

With an angry roar, the two giant swords in Shen Jianxin's hands instantly turned into two afterimages, one red and one black, and with the power of a mad dog, they smashed crazily at Dugu Bo, who had not yet regained his balance.

In the blink of an eye, Dugu Bo was enveloped in red and black sword light.

The red sword ignores defense and brings him great pain every time it passes through Dugu Bo's body.

The black sword was so powerful and heavy that every time it hit Dugu Bo's body, he would be in a trance for a moment.

The severe pain caused by the red sword will make Dugu Bo's body unable to defend against the black sword. The heavy blow from the black sword will make Dugu Bo in a daze and unable to defend against the red sword.

During the alternating black and red sword lights, Shen Jianxin, at the level 34 soul master level, overwhelmed the level 92 Dugu Bo and was unable to lift his head.

Shen Jianxin was in high spirits, but his second soul ring suddenly started to smoke.

After all, the weight attached to the second soul ring does not vary from person to person. Shen Jianxin can only turn off the second spirit ring to reduce weight when lifting the sword, and turn on the spirit ring to increase weight when chopping.

"Boy, you've gone too far!"

At this time, Dugu Bo, who was so suppressed that he could not lift his head, roared angrily, and the soul power in his body suddenly exploded.

Shen Jianxin was instantly blown away like a rag doll.


Seeing Shen Jianxin flying out, Ning Rongrong screamed and hurried over to help him.


After struggling to get up with Ning Rongrong's help, Shen Jianxin opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Dugu Bo was worthy of being a titled Douluo, and Shen Jianxin was seriously injured with just an explosion of soul power.

"Be careful brother, are you okay?"

"The third soul skill, death resistance."

"It's okay, intact."

The fighting time was too short, and Shen Jianxin still had a lot of soul power in his body. As soon as the third soul skill was used, Shen Jianxin suddenly became energetic again.

But Dugu Bo was miserable. At this time, a large amount of blood energy invaded his body. This special energy, which was completely different from the soul power, ran rampant in his body, making him miserable.

"Grandpa, are you okay?"

Dugu Yan was shocked to see Shen Jianxin beating her grandfather like a mad dog.

At this time, Shen Jianxin was knocked away, and she dared to step forward to ask about the situation.

Ignoring Dugu Yan, Dugu Bo frowned and shouted to Shen Jianxin in pain, "Boy, what's going on?"

Shen Jianxin scratched his cheek and said with a guilty conscience: "What about that, can you try to repel the impurity in the soul power?"

"If not, we can only wait for your body to slowly adapt."

"Maybe, I'll get used to it~"

Shen Jianxin was constantly repaired and strengthened by the medicinal effect of Qiantongtianju. Only then did Shen Jianxin go through countless rounds of repeated pulling before his body could accept this special blood energy.

As for whether Dugu Bo's body would accept this kind of blood energy that was completely different from soul power, Shen Jianxin himself was not sure.

Dugu Bo's face darkened, and the soul power in his body surged, and soon a green ball of soul power formed in his hand. If you look carefully, there are many tiny blood-colored particles inside, which are flickering.

"Boy, what the hell is this? It doesn't cause much damage, but it hurts me to death."

"It doesn't hurt much?" Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment: "That's not right, this thing happened before."

Shen Jianxin paused for a moment, and suddenly thought that Dugu Bo was a titled Douluo. How could his physical strength be comparable to his own?

Just being able to cause Dugu Bo unbearable pain is already a huge injury.

"What was it before? What the hell is this?"

"It can't be defended or refined. Only by expelling it together with the contaminated soul power can the pain be relieved."

"Do you know how much soul power I spent trying to expel these things?"

"At least equivalent to the entire soul power of a level 30 soul master."

"Seeing that your boy still has soul power to release his third soul skill after the battle, doesn't it mean that I used three soul powers to expel one part of this bloody energy?"

Hearing this, Shen Jianxin smiled slightly and said, "This is the blood energy I'm talking about."

"When I absorbed the blood tiger soul ring before, this energy entered my body along with the energy of the blood tiger soul ring, causing chaos in my body and making me miserable."

"Later on, this energy caused damage to my body, activating the medicinal effects hidden in my body."

"Then after a weird reaction that I didn't know about, this kind of thing was inexplicably integrated into my body. Not only did I greatly improve my physique and become a real indestructible vajra body, I successfully absorbed the soul ring, and it also gave me such a weird The attached soul bone."

"After I got the externally attached soul bone, I realized that this thing is the product of physical energy combined with soul power."

"This energy not only has the property of being easily integrated into soul power, but also has the property of being difficult to refine."

"This is why it can pass through your soul protection and act directly on your body."

Dugu Bo thought for a moment and said, "Does this mean that this is also a special soul power?"

"It's like my soul power is poisonous. When it enters the human body, it will poison people."

"And if your special soul power carries a knife, it will cause excruciating pain when it enters the human body?"

Shen Jianxin was dumbfounded: "Uh~"

"It's actually not impossible for you to think so."

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