Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 53 An old story, the real cause of death of the former Pope Qian Xunji

Ignoring Qian Renxue's urging, Shen Jianxin picked up the milk on the table and took a sip, then continued: "Then, if you think about it with all your heart and wait deliberately, then the chance encounter must be inevitable."

"In the days that followed, with that kind of tacit understanding and deliberate encounter, the two of them strangely developed a feeling of friendship that was more than just lovers."

"As the relationship between the two continued to heat up, Yu Xiaogang naturally used Bibi Dong's saintly authority to obtain the confidential information he wanted."

"After the two of them jointly reviewed it, Yu Xiaogang was disappointed that the confidential information in the Wuhun Palace was still unable to solve the problem of his martial soul's mutation and low innate soul power."

"Just when Yu Xiaogang was frustrated, Bibi Dong couldn't bear to see him decadent and said to him: 'Since you know so much, why don't you write your thoughts into a book?'"

"Bibi Dong's original intention is to let him divert his attention, so that he will not be so sad that he can't think about it and take a dead end."

"But unexpectedly, these words awakened him. He actually wanted to start with theory and write a book recognized by all the soul masters in the continent, so as to prove himself and use theoretical knowledge to improve his status. "

"That "Ten Core Competitive Theories"?" Dugubo suddenly asked.

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Yes, it's the crazy theory written by a madman."

"Actually, if he really relies on what he knows and has learned, carefully compiles the records of previous generations, and honestly writes a basic reading book about soul masters and soul beasts, and then proceeds step by step, maybe he can really become famous."

"But he is a conceited person with a lofty ideal. He has never thought of doing something down-to-earth."

"He actually wrote a book based on his own conjectures, and then, without putting it into practice, he used Bibi Dong's authority as a Saint and the channels of Wuhun Palace to spread his book throughout the continent."

"The soul master world gave him the title of 'Master' out of its trust in Wuhun Palace."

"But you should also know what happened later. Many soul masters who believed in the theory in his book, because his theory was flawed, mistakenly absorbed soul rings and missed their future. Some people even lost their lives because of this."

"This also caused him to suddenly go from a master to a 'big wet' that everyone shouted and beat."

"Because of his incident, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has also been deeply affected. Its industries, colleges, etc. have all suffered great losses."

"Later, after the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect had no choice but to remove him, things got a little better."

"But it's not much better. As one of the three sects on the mainland, there is no affiliated family under the sect. The sect's status is solely supported by its own children."

"Until now, they have not recovered much vitality. The reduction of resources has led to the decline of their young disciples, and the only strong person in the sect is their sect leader Yu Yuanzhen."

"Brother, 豼, I'm off topic." Qian Renxue, who was eager to know what happened next, listened to Shen Jianxin telling the story about the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect for a long time, and finally couldn't help but remind him.

"Uh, sorry, let's get back to it."

"Yu Xiaogang was expelled from his family and was beaten and killed by the soul master community. He was desperate and came to the Wuhun Hall again."

"At this time, Bibi Dong was also affected a lot by this incident, but thinking of old friendship, she still warmly received him."

"Later, in order to downplay the impact of this incident, the two of them decided to fade out of the public eye in order to use time to smooth everything over."

"In the subsequent relationship, they traveled together and took risks together (trip to Poseidon Island). After experiencing some things that are difficult for outsiders to know, Saint Bibi Dong actually fell in love with Yu Xiaogang, and even betrayed him for him. Wuhundian eloped with him."

"Later, Bibi Dong's behavior was noticed by her teacher, the former Pope Qian Xunji. When the warning was useless, he raped Bibi Dong in the secret room, and then threatened to kill Yu Xiaogang if she disobeyed. Then she imprisoned her in a secret chamber for a year until she bore him a daughter.”

"Daughter?" Dugubo exclaimed, "Could it be the daughter who died in infancy in the rumors?"

"I didn't expect that this child would be born to their master and apprentice."

At this time, Dugu Bo thought Shen Jianxin was telling a scandal story, and he was stunned when he heard it, and he immediately became the best compliment.

But Qian Renxue was struck by lightning at this moment, her eyes were blank and she stood there, muttering: "I see, that's it, no wonder, no wonder."

"Boy Qinghe, boy Qinghe, what are you muttering about?"

"Are you stupid after listening to the story?"

Hearing Dugu Bo's cry, Qian Renxue suddenly woke up: "No, I'm sorry."

"I apologize for being distracted for a moment after hearing such an exciting secret."

"Brother, what happened next? Didn't you say that the real person who killed Qian Xunji was Bibi Dong?"

"Yes, kid." Dugu Bo, who was addicted to listening to stories, also began to ask: "Then what does this paragraph mean?"

"It stands to reason that Qian Xunji has control over Bibi Dong's lifeline. Even after the child was born, she didn't resist."

"Then Bibi Dong probably doesn't have any countermeasures, then how come Qian Xunji was killed by her?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head: "Bibi Dong really doesn't have any means, but she can wait for the opportunity."

"Are you talking about the Haotian Sect Tang Hao incident?"

Dugu Bo suddenly realized: "Bibi Dong had been holding back for several years until Tang Hao seriously injured Qian Xunji. She took advantage of Qian Xunji's weakness and inability to resist and took the opportunity to kill him with a finishing blow."

"Then he sat on the Pope's throne and took control of the entire Spirit Hall."

[Good guy, I’m really good guy, Jian Boy really made up a big drama that can justify himself. 】

[This story, let alone Xue Qinghe, even if I heard it for the first time without knowing it, I would probably be confused. 】

"No, that's not right." Qian Renxue suddenly interrupted Dugu Bo: "There are many masters in Wuhun Palace, and Bibi Dong has no chance to kill Qian Xunji."

At this time, Qian Renxue thought of her grandfather. With her grandfather's strength as a level 99 peerless Douluo, once his spiritual thoughts were released, the entire Wuhun City was under his surveillance. Bibi Dong had no chance to kill her father.

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly: "Really? Then how did Qian Xunji die?"

"I remember that the 'Call to Haotian' issued by Wuhun Palace said that Haotian Sect Tang Hao seriously injured the Pope and two elders of Wuhun Palace, and the Pope died suddenly after a month after returning from serious injuries, so he sent troops to capture Haotian."

"Focus on it, Yue Yuhe died suddenly."

"The Wuhun Temple, which accounts for half of the soul masters on the mainland, should be able to stabilize the injury even if they cannot save him with their strength. How could they let their own Pope be seriously injured and die?"

"Or died suddenly?"

"Besides, by that time the Wuhun Palace had already invited the head of the Ye family who owns the Nine-Hearted Begonia Wuhun."

"With the powerful healing ability of Jiuxin Haitang Martial Spirit, which is said to be the flesh and bones of life and death, who can die suddenly in front of him?"

After hearing Shen Jianxin's analysis, Qian Renxue frowned, wondering what she was thinking.

Seeing this, Shen Jianxin knew that the overall situation had been decided. Qian Renxue had already believed what he said. At worst, he would go back to investigate, thus slowing her down and disrupting her progress.

Thinking of this, Shen Jianxin laughed happily and said: "I have said it before, these are just my hearsay, I don't know whether it is true or not."

"Brother, don't take it too seriously. Just listen and enjoy it."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue suddenly stood up, bowed to Shen Jianxin very solemnly, and said in a surprisingly calm tone: "Thank you, brother Jianxin, for informing me. I will personally investigate whether this matter is true or not."

"It's a very important matter. Please take the first step for my brother. I'm sorry."

With that said, Qian Renxue said goodbye with her hands folded and hurried away.

Seeing Qian Renxue coming out, She Long and Qian Xue immediately came up to greet him: "Miss, how are you?"

"Don't ask any more questions. Arrange the itinerary for me. I want to escape and return to Wuhun Palace as soon as possible."

After Qian Renxue left, Dugu Bo's eyes almost changed when he looked at Shen Jianxin: "Boy, in order to prevent him from investigating you, you actually made up such a big rumor. Are you not afraid of getting yourself dirty?"

Shen Jianxin rolled her eyes at Dugu Bo: "Rumor?"

"Why should I, Shen Jianxin, rely on spreading rumors to cause trouble in my life? What I said is all the truth."

"Truth?" Dugu Bo looked unconvinced: "Okay, just treat it as the truth."

"But the prince has been deceived by you. What are we going to do now?"

"Play music and dance?"

"Hmm~" Shen Jianxin pondered for a moment: "It seems that there is no point in being disturbed by her like this. How about we go back to the sect."

"Didn't you promise Yanyan and the others to go shopping?"

"They must have just woken up at this moment, and you actually want to sneak back to the sect?"

"Shopping?" Shen Jianxin glanced at Dugu Bo in surprise: "I don't want to ruin my good mood now."

"do you want?"

Dugu Bo suddenly trembled and shook his head: "I don't want to either, let's go back."

"Let them go to Qibao City for a walk after we get back. It's safe and there's no need to worry about it."

"Hehe." Shen Jianxin smiled strangely: "Then please let the old man let them sleep a little longer. I'm afraid they will suddenly wake up halfway and it will be troublesome."

"Okay, leave these little things to me."

"It will definitely allow them to sleep peacefully without harming their bodies."

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