Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 57: Refining the body hard, losing both energy and blood

Wuhun City, the Worship Hall, and Qian Renxue's palace.

After more than a month, Qian Renxue felt that her body had almost recovered. She immediately left a letter, waved her sleeves, and walked out of the palace, embarking on the road to the Tiandou Empire.

Qian Daoliu, who was standing in the worship hall at this time, was slightly startled when he sensed Qian Renxue leaving quietly, and then he appeared in front of the envelope left by Qian Renxue.

Grandpa personally declares:

After fifteen years of expectation and fifteen years of hard work, once I woke up from the dream, it was time for me to think about myself.

Fifteen years, the first nine years of which I was confused and confused, the last six years of which I gave up everything and lived like someone else with my hands stained with blood.

Once I woke up from the dream and saw everything in front of me clearly, I suddenly found that I was a non-existent person.

The place where I was born and raised has no trace of me, it is strange!

Looking back again, I suddenly realized that the thing that brought me a touch of warmth was the big pot. (laugh)

I will complete the mission, and I will never come back to Wuhun Palace. (Think, cross out!)

I will complete the mission. I will not come back if there is no need for Wuhun Palace. It is too cold, a kind of coldness that even the heat of an angel cannot warm.

Qianrenxue remains (crossed out), and snow clears the river.

Seeing the handwriting that was daubed and altered everywhere with a hint of edge in the delicate hand, Qian Daoliu couldn't hide the sadness in his heart and sighed slightly: "Is it cold? Maybe it's just cold."

"But he gave us shelter and allowed us to pass it on, and it will continue to be passed down in the future."

"Xiaoxue, maybe when you are older you will naturally understand grandpa's painstaking efforts."

"Whether it is right or wrong, let time judge."

Qibao City, City Lord’s Mansion.

At this time, Shen Jianxin acted according to what he was thinking, and the more he practiced, the more he felt that something was not right.

After suffering a lot for a month, he was surprised to find that in addition to the obvious improvement in his physical fitness in the first few days, the same method not only failed to produce the desired effect, but even caused him to lose both energy and blood.

If Qian Renxue came to visit without disguise at this time, Shen Jianxin would be surprised to find that this girl's face would be as pale as his own.

Qian Renxue's serious injury has not yet healed, but he suffered it by himself. This shows how much Shen Jianxin has been suffering for more than a month.

"Kenshin, it's not a big deal if you continue to act so recklessly."

"Is there something wrong with your method? Look at you, now you can only take two sticks from me."

In the competition a month ago, no one knew who lost and who won, but judging from the fact that when Shen Chengfeng raised his wooden stick and hit Shen Jianxin, the third purple soul ring (augmented soul skill) shone slightly, this time There must be something fishy going on.

"The third soul skill, death resistance."

After releasing the third soul skill with great difficulty again, Shen Jianxin sat down on the ground, sweating profusely on his pale face. He gasped for air for a long time but did not get up again.

"Indeed, there is indeed a problem. Not only do I not feel that I am getting stronger now, but I feel that I am getting weaker."

Seeing Shen Jianxin's weak appearance, Shen Chengfeng guessed: "Is it because the nutrition can't keep up?"

"Recently I have noticed that you are eating more and more, and your body is getting weaker and weaker."

"Maybe." Shen Jianxin shook his head helplessly: "I thought things were too simple."

"Blood energy is blood energy, and soul power is soul power. Two kinds of energy that are almost inconvertible to each other, how can it be so easily replenished by soul skills."

You must know that energy is conserved. Although soul power alone can stimulate the blood energy in the body to restore the body, it is difficult to replenish the consumed blood energy.

This is also the reason why many soul masters still experience symptoms of serious damage to their vitality even though their bodies have been fully restored after being injured.

This is also the reason why people on Douluo Continent don't practice much physical training.

Everyone knows that good physical fitness can absorb soul rings of higher ages, but they cannot use soul power to make up for the blood energy during body training.

Just relying on the meager supplements of foreign food and medicinal materials, after a lot of effort, the life of absorbing the soul ring was increased by a hundred years, but others took advantage of your body training to advance several levels, and even got one more soul ring than you. How to play this?

"Why don't you stop bothering me. Seeing you in such miserable condition makes my father really feel sorry for you."

Seeing the secretly happy look on Shen Chengfeng's face, Shen Jianxin knew that he must have had a good time recently.

Not only did he get back his dignity as a father, but he also legitimately applied his theory of 'a filial son emerges from a stick' to Shen Jianxin.

Rolling his eyes at Shen Chengfeng, Shen Jianxin sighed: "Hey~, it's been more than a month, and I don't know when Uncle Ning and the others will come back."

"Sect Master Ning?" Shen Chengfeng gave Shen Jianxin a strange look: "Why do you want them to come back so much?"

"For a soul beast that is over 50,000 years old, it depends on the type of soul beast and the appropriate age. Even absorbing it takes a few days. How can it be so fast?"

"It's only been more than a month. I think my fifth ring has just passed ten thousand years. After searching and absorbing, it has been more than 20 days since I came back. I won't be surprised if they delay it for more than a month."

[Why do you want him to come back? Of course he wants money to buy ginseng to replenish his kidneys when he comes back, so what else can he do? 】

[If it weren’t for the huge amount of money needed this time, and Fu Loli is no longer useful, would I, Shen Jianxin, miss this old silver coin of his? 】

Of course, Shen Jianxin definitely couldn't say the above thoughts.

"Uncle Ning takes such good care of me and treats me so well. He hasn't returned from hunting souls for more than a month. Why don't I worry about his safety?"

"Kenshin, we haven't seen each other for more than a month, but you already miss us?"

As soon as Shen Jianxin finished speaking, a black portal suddenly opened behind him, and the people who walked out of it were Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo Xue Qinghe?

"Brother? Why did you come here with Uncle Ning, Master and Grandpa Bone?"

Seeing Xue Qinghe's appearance, Shen Jianxin was quite surprised.

He thought he had been calm for more than a month, but Qian Renxue was already so busy with her own affairs that she had probably forgotten about him.

But the way she looks now, it seems that not only has she not forgotten, she even came directly to her door.

Seeing Shen Jianxin again, Qian Renxue's mood suddenly improved a lot: "I feel ashamed to say that my eldest brother has limited qualifications. He has only reached the soul master realm when he is over 20 years old."

"Since I have never been to the Star Dou Forest, I wanted to go there to hunt for soul rings and have a look at it."

"Unexpectedly, when I came back, I happened to meet the teacher and the others, and then they came back together."

Wuhun City is located at the junction of the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo, and the Star Dou Forest is also a large primeval forest spanning Tiandou and Xingluo.

Although these two locations are not in the same place, more than half of the distance back to Tiandou City overlaps.

So Qian Renxue happened to meet Ning Fengzhi and others returning from soul hunting on their way back.

Then he made up such a lame excuse for himself, and then told Shen Jianxin the same thing again when he got here.

Seeing the familiar conversation between the two, Ning Fengzhi was slightly surprised: "So you know each other?"

Qian Renxue smiled slightly and said: "I was lucky enough to meet my little brother in heaven and on earth more than a month ago. The 'flaming red lips' specially prepared for me by my little brother is still fresh in my memory and has endless aftertaste."

"But I haven't seen him for more than a month. How come I am now in such a state of losing both energy and blood, and my vitality is severely damaged?"

Qian Renxue was also surprised when she saw that Shen Jianxin's face looked similar to hers.

Although she didn't understand Qian Renxue's true intention, she was not the only one who came with her today.

Shen Jianxin chuckled: "Oh, it's a long story, and this is not the place to talk."

"Uncle Ning, Master, Grandpa Gu, and eldest brother, let's go into the inner room and talk in detail."

After hearing Shen Jianxin's words, Shen Chengfeng reacted immediately and began to warmly greet everyone into the room.

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