Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 78 Phantom, Goodbye Shura God

【Girl from underworld? The commentator from three years ago? Why is she here? 】

Frowning slightly, Shen Jianxin felt a little baffled because they had not seen each other once in the past three years since that separation.

With a wave of his hand, a stream of air surged out and opened the door latch: "Please come in."

Not knowing the purpose of this underworld girl's coming here, Shen Jianxin suppressed the murderous intention in his heart, but his vigilance did not drop at all.

Now the entire Slaughter City is targeting him everywhere with the Slaughter King's acquiescence, not to mention that this underworld girl is originally under the Slaughter King.

If he had given up his guard just because this person had a relationship with him, Shen Jianxin would have died countless times.

The door opened, and a woman with a curvy figure wearing black clothes and a veil came in, holding two "big papayas" with her hands folded across her chest.

The girl from Huangquan was stunned for a moment when she entered the door. She glanced at Shen Jianxin who was sitting cross-legged on the ground. She laughed playfully and said jokingly: "Who would have thought that this would make everyone in the killing city frightened. The famous Black Swordsman would actually destroy Home custom?"

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly: "Why are you here?"

"Could it be that your King of Slaughter is planning to reveal his identity to me?"

The underworld girl shook her head slightly, reached out and took off the black gauze covering her face, revealing an extremely pale and pretty face: "It has nothing to do with the King of Slaughter, I am here to represent only myself."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Phantom, the name I gave myself."

"Phantom?" Shen Jianxin murmured, then smiled slightly and said: "Everyone in the entire Killing City only has a string of numerical codes, but no names."

"You, who was born in the city of killing and still work for the king of killing, are the guide to the underworld, and you can actually give yourself a name."

"It seems that you are also a person with a story."

"My name is Shen Jianxin, tell me, what do you want from me?"

Hearing Shen Jianxin announce his name, a hint of joy flashed in Phantom's eyes: "I'm here to save your life."

"Save my life?" Shen Jianxin was quite confused: "Why did you say that?"

Phantom said bluntly: "The King of Slaughter has been recruiting good players in the past year and plans to get rid of you when you kill your 100th time."

"As far as I know, there are at least four powerful Soul Douluo and four powerful Soul Saints. The possibility of a titled Douluo cannot be ruled out."

"Title Douluo?" Shen Jianxin frowned slightly: "Hundreds of people surrounded me last time and almost killed me. Why didn't he send all these people out together that time?"

"Why go to all the trouble of leaving the matter to be settled on the killing fields of hell?"

Phantom shook his head and said, "Then I don't know. As for why, you should know best."

"After all, the bloody explosion you created a month ago made the King of Slaughter furious for a while, and even the subsequent siege against you was stopped."

[Could it be that the King of Slaughter's off-board moves exceeded the normal level of tempering, so God Shura intervened? Or did God Shura directly include him in the divine test and then impose restrictions? 】

[Boy, there’s no need to guess any more, it’s the second one. I have included the King of Slaughter in the subsequent divine test. You can concentrate on practicing and you don’t need to worry about extra moves that exceed your limits in the future. 】

God Shura's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, making Shen Jianxin stunned for a moment while he was thinking, and then secretly said in his heart: [Master, are you so boring? Actually peeking into my heart? 】

【snort! Will my majestic Shura God spy on you, a little guy? 】

[If you hadn’t just completed the divine test and attracted my attention, and called me in your heart, would I have nothing to do with you? 】

[What's more, the power of God Shura is only killing, judgment and law. Looking into people's hearts is the power of the God of Desire. What does it have to do with my upright God Shura? 】

[If you insist on telling me without shouting my divine name, who knows what you are thinking? 】

[Forget it, even if I tell you about the power of gods, you don’t understand. You will understand it yourself when you become a god. Now I’d better give you a reward. 】

[Second Test of Shura’s Nine Tests: Evidence of murderous intent.

Within three years, he will fully understand the realm of the God of Killing in the Killing City and improve his own realm.

The assessment has been completed.

Reward: The soul power increases by one level, and the affinity to the Shura God's position increases by 10%. 】

As Shura God's words fell in his mind, the bloody sword mark that had long been hidden between Shen Jianxin's eyebrows suddenly appeared, a streak of blood flashed, and then disappeared again.

Shen Jianxin only felt a burst of energy appearing out of thin air in his body, and the soul power in his body fluctuated violently. Then he broke through the level 50 bottleneck so easily. As long as he obtained one more soul ring, he would be a true soul king.

[Okay, the rewards have been distributed, I'm leaving. Complete the assessment as soon as possible, your time is running out. 】

[Senior, wait a minute, if I want to contact you in the future, can I just call you when I finish the divine test? 】

[Well, you can, but don’t ask for it, otherwise it will be difficult for me to do it. 】

[But other gods will increase the life of their soul rings when they complete the divine examination, why don't you? 】

[Hmph, the divine power of the god will be lost if it is transmitted to the lower world. I can arrange it for you if you want. When the time comes to come to the God Realm to enforce the law, it will be hindered, let alone the Shura god. 】

[Well, I don’t want it anymore, you can do it yourself. 】

[When the time comes, I will go to Poseidon Island. Poseidon has occupied the sea there and stored up the power of faith for thousands of years. I don’t need to use it in vain.】

"Pfft~" Shen Jianxin almost laughed out loud when he heard the last words from God Shura in his mind.

If you don't have enough food left at home, you'll go and gather the wool of your colleagues.

In fact, this is quite normal. After all, there are only a few people in the Killing City, and among them there is a Rakshasa God. The power of faith that has been stored for so long is enough to increase his soul power.

There are too many creatures in the sea, and the power of faith accumulated for thousands of years can be regarded as a casual squandering.

In the original work, it seems that only the Angel God and the Poseidon have the extra power of faith to increase the life of the soul rings of the candidates.

It seems that the thrones inherited by the Rakshasa God and the Shrek Seven Monsters do not increase the life of the soul rings for their successors.

Thinking of this, Shen Jianxin felt relieved about Shura God's words to fight against the wealthy. After all, it was more cost-effective for him to make a deal with Poseidon in the God Realm than to suffer a lot of losses in the energy passed down from the God Realm.

"Did you have a breakthrough? Are you so happy?"

Phantom, who didn't know the existence of Shen Kao, saw Shen Jianxin suddenly laughing out loud, and then thought of the violent fluctuations in the soul power in Shen Jianxin's body, and only thought of the possibility of a breakthrough.

"Well, the soul power has increased by one level, and there is a small breakthrough." Shen Jianxin nodded, "Thank you for informing me of the plot of the King of Slaughter. What do you want to exchange?"

"Please have mercy."

Phantom suddenly knelt down on one knee, buried his head very low, made a surrender gesture, and said a word without beginning or end.

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