Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 80 The Battle of Victory (1)

"Bang bang bang!"

Three days later, a familiar knock knocked on Shen Jianxin's door again.

Shen Jianxin, who was sitting cross-legged in the room, suddenly opened his eyes, and a bloody red light flashed in his eyes.

In order to cope with this final sniper kill, it took Shen Jianxin three days to adjust all his energy and spirit to the peak state.

"Come in."

After receiving Shen Jianxin's call, Phantom pushed the door open and entered.

"Lord, for some reason, within these three days, rumors have spread throughout the Killing City that you are going to challenge Bai Sheng in the Hell Killing Fields today."

"Does the entire Killing City know about it?"

"Yes, Lord, we all know." Phantom nodded and confirmed: "Nearly 30% of the people in the entire inner city gathered in the Hell Killing Fields today. My subordinates are worried that this will be another conspiracy of the King of Slaughter."

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly: "This shouldn't be a conspiracy. With that person here, even if there is a conspiracy, the King of Slaughter will not be so blatant."

"I guess the King of Slaughter called these people over for two purposes."

"First, if I die in the killing fields of hell, he can use this to establish his authority and erase the negative effects of his previous failure to encircle and suppress me."

"Two, if I win a hundred games by luck, these people will be used as blood sacrifices."

"Sacrifice?" Phantom was quite confused.

"To the sacrifice." Shen Jianxin nodded: "The sacrifice to open the road to hell."

"You should have heard the saying, 'When the god of death comes, there will be disaster in hell'."

"Actually, the real explanation of this sentence should be the arrival of the God of Death and the disaster of the killing fields of hell."

"Every time a strong Yum appears, the Hell Killing Fields require a large number of blood sacrifices to open the entrance to the Hell Road."

"And the King of Killing pushed this matter to the point where he lost control when the God of Killing left for his own right to rule the City of Killing."

"In fact, every time he opens the road to hell, he personally performs a blood sacrifice ceremony."

Phantom frowned slightly: "Among the people who performed the blood sacrifice, there must also be a subordinate of the King of Slaughter. How could he do such a thing of cutting off his own arm?"

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "If he had a choice, of course he wouldn't be like this."

"Think about the origin of this Slaughter City, and then think about the taboos in the Slaughter City that even the Slaughter King dare not violate. In fact, he is just a poor guy who is being played with at will."

Phantom exclaimed: "You mean a hundred-level god?"

Shen Jianxin reached out and touched her forehead: "You have a very flexible mind."

"I'm just an ordinary soul master. How could the marks I placed casually allow you and me to sense each other's life and death?"

"You, you actually"

"Shh!" Shen Jianxin moved his fingers down and blocked the Phantom's lips: "As long as you understand, don't say it out loud."

Feeling the warmth in front of her lips, Phantom's pretty face turned red, and she said coquettishly: "It's Master, Phantom understands."

Shen Jianxin couldn't help but shuddered and immediately withdrew his finger: "Well, don't go to the killing fields of hell today. It's best to stay away from the inner city and go to the outer city."

"After I go out, if you have nothing to do, just pay attention to some valuable people who can be cultivated. Maybe they will be useful in the future."

"It's the master. The phantom resigned. I wish the master good luck in martial arts." He tilted his head, expressed his feelings, and blinked.

Shen Jianxin waved her hand helplessly: "Go, go."

After the phantom left, Shen Jianxin felt the majestic blood energy in his body and gently clenched his fist: "King of Slaughter? Ha!"

The cold and oppressive atmosphere was suffocating. The auditorium of the Hell Killing Fields was almost full. Tens of thousands of people were in the same place, but not a single sound was made. The entire Hell Killing Fields was eerily quiet.

Ten people slowly walked out of the corridor leading to the Hell Killing Fields, and Shen Jianxin was the fifth among the ten.

The perceptions of the other nine people lingered around him intentionally or unintentionally, locking onto him.

Stepping into the hell killing field, the nine people in front and behind Shen Jianxin immediately dispersed, surrounding Shen Jianxin in the center.

Almost at the same time, nine soul pressures of different intensities mixed with shocking murderous intent pressed on Shen Jianxin at the same time.

Shen Jianxin's steps were slow, his teeth bit lightly, his blood-red eyes flashed with red light, and a burst of blood-red light suddenly erupted from his body, instantly pushing back the pressure exerted by the nine people, and even covering the nine people in one fell swoop.

Straightening up, Shen Jianxin looked around, his eyes fixed on an old man with white beard and hair.

"Four Soul Saints, four Soul Douluo, and even one Titled Douluo."

"You guys really think highly of me."

"Field?" The old man's face changed slightly: "I have been as bold as possible and overestimated you, but I didn't expect that I was not bold enough."

"It would be great if such an outstanding and unparalleled talent could appear in our Spirit Hall."

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly: "Martial Spirit Hall? Are you sent by the Spirit Hall?"

"Bah! Damn the Martial Spirit Hall. If this old bastard hadn't been chasing us and killing us, would I have come to such a ghost place?"

"I will crush you little baby to death in a while, and I will send this old bastard down to be buried with you."

As soon as the irritable strong man finished speaking, a Soul Douluo and a Soul Saint moved slightly, seeming to approach him.

The remaining two Contras communicated with each other with their eyes, and connected with each other with bloody auras. They jointly resisted Shen Jianxin's domain oppression, and also excluded several others.

The three soul saints had slightly trembling legs and feet. They must have known Shen Jianxin and were forced to make up the numbers.

Finally, there was the titled old man, who was shrouded in Shen Jianxin's domain. Although his eyes were a little solemn, the confidence of a strong man still exuded unintentionally, and the soul power in his body was also surging crazily, as if he was adapting to the oppression of Shen Jianxin's domain.

The nine people split into four groups in just a few moments. While jointly resisting Shen Jianxin's domain, they were also wary of sneak attacks by others.

Their lack of unity caused Shen Jianxin's pressure to suddenly decrease.

Smiling slightly, Shen Jianxin pointed at the titled Douluo and said, "I don't understand something. Why does Wuhun Palace target me so much, but is so generous as to allow you, a titled Douluo, to come and be buried with me."

The old man shook his head slightly: "I don't know, I am a mortal. The Pope is willing to absolve me of my crimes and promises to treat my descendants well, so I came naturally."

After a pause, the old man continued: "But when I set off, I vaguely heard the Pope's roar, saying something about being tough and being angry."

"What Gang? What revenge?" Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, and then blurted out: "Xiao Gang, I want to avenge you."

"It seems so." The old man shook his head: "As people get older, they can't hear very clearly, so I don't know what the Pope said."

[Is Bibi Dong sick? I've been staying in this killing city for three years. Does your Yu Xiaogang's accident have something to do with me? 】

Shen Jianxin was quite speechless and bowed her hands to the old man: "Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts. Can you tell me your name so that I can repay you when I get out?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, shook his head slightly, and remained silent.

Seeing this, Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment and laughed at himself: "It's the boy Meng Lang."

"Since we are hostile to each other, then life and death will depend on us, and wealth and honor will be in the sky!"

"Boy, stop looking down on me. You actually chatted with that old bastard from Wuhun Palace for so long without even looking at me."

"Remember, the person who kills you is named Ba Tian!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a black sledgehammer fell from the sky, followed closely by Ba Tian holding the handle of the hammer, and hit Shen Jianxin on the head.

At the same time, two other almost identical sledgehammers also swung from the side, attacking Shen Jianxin from three directions, forming a double-team.

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