Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 96 Members of the ‘Protagonist’ Group

After walking out of the hut, Flanders' eyes never left Shen Jianxin. His eyes were like looking at some rare beast, which made Shen Jianxin feel uncomfortable all over.

Unable to bear it anymore, Shen Jianxin said helplessly: "Dean Flanders, if you have anything to ask, just ask. You are staring at me like this, I feel so uncomfortable."

Flanders smiled slyly: "Kenshin, is it okay if I call you that?"

Shen Jianxin nodded: "You are the dean and I am a student. You can call me whatever you want."

Flanders nodded and said: "Jianxin, can you tell me about your extraordinary soul ring configuration?"

Shen Jianxin thought for a while: "There is nothing that cannot be said. I am born with full soul power, and my martial soul is also a relatively special body of martial soul blood. The blood is all over my body, which is equivalent to my normal state of being possessed by a martial soul."

"So, my physical fitness is much stronger than that of other fighting soul masters, and the number of years of soul rings I can absorb is naturally higher."

"The first soul ring is more than six hundred years old, the second soul ring is more than a thousand years old, and so on. It will always be one step ahead of other soul masters in terms of their soul ring configuration."

Shen Jianxin's words are not without loopholes, but Shen Jianxin believes that Flanders cannot verify the truth or falsehood of his words.

Because the blood martial spirit is Shen Jianxin's nonsense, and the body martial spirit is originally a mutation of a normal martial spirit. If you want to mutate into blood, it must be a benign mutation, with full innate soul power, and all three conditions must be met before it can be verified. The truth and lies in Shen Jianxin's words.

It is extremely difficult to find each of these three conditions individually, not to mention that all three conditions have to appear at the same time, cohabiting in one person, and then being discovered by Flanders. This is simply impossible.

Flanders thought for a while and asked again: "How did you avoid the soul impact of the ten-thousand-year soul ring?"

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly, thought of Phantom's method, and explained casually: "This is easy to do. Find a ten-thousand-year-old head soul bone and strengthen your mental power to avoid it."

"But you must be cautious. Head soul bones that are over 50,000 years old may be successful. I haven't tried it with those under 50,000 years old, so I'm not sure."

Flanders grinned and thought to himself, is this what you said would be easy? Do you want a head soul bone that is over 50,000 years old? I don’t even have a soul bone now, why should I still have a 50,000-year-old head soul bone? hehe!

Sure enough, poor households should not expect unattainable standards.

Smiling awkwardly, Flanders changed the subject: "By the way, although you are all extremely talented, Senior Dugu entrusted you three to me, so you must abide by the school's regulations."

Shen Jianxin smiled: "No problem, as long as the rules are reasonable, I'm fine with it."

Ning Rongrong said as his wife, "It's okay for me to be careful, and it's okay for me."

Dugu Yan responded reluctantly: "I am Rongrong's personal guard. Rongrong has the final say."

No matter what, the three of them did not resist the arrangement, which was the best thing for Flanders.

"In that case, how about we take an entrance test first? Let me have a basic understanding of you, and then I will introduce you three to the other three students in our academy."

Hearing Flanders' words, Dugu Yan suddenly exclaimed: "Are there really other students here? The recruitment conditions are so outrageous, I thought you just wanted to collect some registration fees."

Flender's face darkened: "Our Shrek Academy has admitted a total of forty-two students in the past twenty years since its establishment. Although there are a few fewer people, as long as they can meet the graduation requirements, they will all be good after leaving the academy. A figure that attracts worldwide attention.”

"The most outstanding one among them is now the youngest elder in Wuhun Palace, and his authority is second only to the Pope."

"Pfft~" "Pfft~" "Pfft~ hahaha."

As soon as Flanders said this, Shen Jianxin and the other two people almost burst into laughter. The most outrageous one was Dugu Yan. Shen Jianxin and Ning Rongrong covered their mouths and snickered, but she covered her stomach and laughed.

That didn't save Flender any face.

Flanders was furious: "What? You don't believe it?"

"Haha." Shen Jianxin couldn't help it anymore, and stepped forward and patted Flanders on the shoulder: "Okay, okay, Dean Flanders, you can just fool others with your words. The three of us are from Qibao Glazed Sect.”

"It is true that this academy has been established for twenty years, and it may be true that it has recruited forty-two people, but the most outstanding Qin Ming is only the Soul Emperor now. Where did your Spirit Hall elder come from?"

"You must know that one of the most basic requirements for being an elder of Wuhun Hall is the Title Douluo level. Even you, the dean, are just Soul Saints. Where did you get a Titled Douluo-level graduate?"

"Ah, this" Flanders blushed slightly: "Well, these are all enrollment strategies, all strategies, hahaha, let's go, I'd better take you to meet our other teachers and students."

After casually making a haha, Flanders took the lead and walked away without looking back.

Ning Rongrong smiled when she saw this, and looked up at Shen Jianxin beside her: "Be careful, brother, this uncle dean is so funny."

Shen Jianxin reached out and rubbed her little head: "As long as it's fun, I'm here to relax, wouldn't it be better to have more fun?"

"The wheels have started turning, and you won't be happy for much longer."

Ning Rongrong pulled down Shen Jianxin's palm and said loudly: "Forget it, my hands are not honest, they always say some strange things."

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly and put his hand on her head again: "Yes, yes, the little princess is right. Let's go quickly. Our fun dean has gone far."

While talking, Shen Jianxin and the others followed Flanders' footsteps and came to a small open space.

The open space was about 200 square meters, and a middle-aged man who was only over 1.6 meters tall, not tall but extremely strong, was standing in front of Flanders and saying something.

In a corner of the venue, there were five other people.

One of the young men in blue was particularly eye-catching, as if he had some halo around him, making Shen Jian couldn't help but look at him.

The young man was about 1.7 meters tall. He was dressed in simple clothes and had an ordinary appearance. However, he always had a faint smile on his lips. He looked very confident. I don't know where his confidence came from.

Beside him was a young girl.

The girl had amazing black hair. Even if it was styled into a neat scorpion braid, it still hung down past her calf.

She was half a point taller than the boy in blue. She was wearing a pink dress that tightly covered her already growing figure, revealing her slim waist that was the envy of countless women.

The slender legs have no trace of fat, and the white stockings are like the finishing touch, setting off the endless beauty.

Seeing this, Shen Jianxin suddenly understood where the young man in blue's confidence came from.

Turning his head to look at the little loli next to him, Shen Jianxin shook his head slightly, there was no comparison, and he had to keep raising her.


With a cold snort, Ning Rongrong seemed to have figured out what Shen Jianxin was thinking, and raised her foot to step hard on Shen Jianxin's instep.

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly and rubbed her little head again. She laughed to death. She had a strong body and was only an auxiliary soul sect, so it didn't hurt at all.

His eyes turned back to the open space. In the shadow of the corner, there was a fierce man leaning against the wall with his hands folded.

She was a girl with black hair and shawl, about the same height as Ning Rongrong, with skin as fair as cream, well-proportioned and slender limbs, and a curvy figure, showing a perfect S-shape.

However, this girl gives people a different feeling.

Contrary to her hot figure, the expression on the girl's face is very light. It is a kind of coldness from the heart, pure coldness. There is no trace of life in those black eyes, and the deathly coldness is different from her. That delicate face had an extremely serious conflict.

Following her dull gaze, Shen Jianxin saw a familiar person, Dai Mubai, who had a pig's head and a pig's head, his face was black and blue, and he was in a very miserable state.

At this time, he was sitting on the floor regardless of his image, wolfing down sausages. With each sausage he ate, some of the swelling and bruises on his face would dissipate.

Next to him stood a bearded man with two yellow soul rings that were constantly shining. He was still muttering something. Every time he muttered a sentence, a sausage would appear out of thin air in his hand, and then he would change hands without even looking at it. He handed it to Dai Mubai.

Obviously, this bearded man is a great soul master of the food system, and the food he produces also has a restorative effect.

[Zhao Wuji, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai, Oscar, it seems that except Ma Hongjun, they are all here. 】

Smiling slightly, Shen Jianxin took a few steps forward and shouted, "Hey, everyone is here. We are not too late."

Shen Jianxin's voice instantly stole Tang San's weird aura and attracted everyone's attention.

"Give me, die!"

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