Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 111: The water of the great river comes up to the sky

  Chapter 111 The water of the great river comes from the sky

  After leaving the village, Muge switched to a martial spirit, and the color of her hair became silvery white.

   Immediately afterwards, Mu Ge once again put on the mask that can only cover half of the face.

  Although even with the current appearance, no one can recognize the pastoral.

  Because the appearance of the idyll has completely changed.

  But Muge still covered up a little, not intending to expose her current appearance.

  In this way, even if something happened to him again, he only needs to take off the mask and change the color of his hair, and he can walk outside in a fair manner again.

   Still didn’t even take off the mask, just changed the hair color.

   He can do this many times.

   Anyway, no one would have thought that someone could change the color of their hair.

  As long as Muge doesn't switch martial souls in front of outsiders, others won't know this.

   "This time, what kind of vest should I use?"

   "It's not called a song anymore!"

   Muge thought about it, and summoned the current Martial Soul. It is still a sharp sword, but it is different from Frostmourne, without any attributes attached, just pure sharpness.

   This is also created by Muge. Although the quality is not as good as the previous Frostmourne, it is still top quality. It was created by Muge using meteorite simulation.

  Comparatively speaking, the attribute increase is missing, but as far as the sword is concerned, the pastoral thinks that it is sharp enough, and there is no need for other bells and whistles.

   Compared with other messy weapons, Idyll still likes swords.

   "The martial spirit I use now is still a sword, and my hair is white, so let's call it Li Bai!"

   "The water of the great river comes up from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning!"

  Muge tossed a few sword flowers casually, then confirmed with a smile.

   Reading these two lines of poems, a wild and unrestrained temperament emerges from Muge.

  Leaving the village, on the way to Sunset Forest, the figure of Muge also attracted the attention of passers-by.

   There is no way, even if you put on a mask, you can't stop the handsome and heroic figure of Muge.

  Before he was very outstanding, after being transformed by the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor, he can be said to be invincible in the world.

   A week later, the pastoral came to Sunset Forest.

   "Blue Silver Domain!"

   After entering the Sunset Forest, after finding a hidden place, Muge switched the Wuhun to the Blue Silver Emperor, opened the Blue Silver Domain, and began to explore.

  The Sunset Forest, although not as huge as the Star Dou Great Forest, is not small either.

   It will take a certain amount of time to complete the exploration of Pastoral.

   "Blue Silver King of Sunset Forest, come to see me!"

   This time, Muge didn't intend to search slowly by himself. Muge directly used the summoning of the bloodline to notify the nearby Blue Silver King to come to see him.

  The call of the bloodline has a larger and wider range, and the call of the bloodline of the pastoral song enveloped the entire sunset forest in an instant.

   Soon, translucent human figures came to Mu Ge and worshiped Mu Ge.

  In the entire Sunset Forest, there are a total of seven Blue Silver Kings.

  Although the blue silver grass is the most useless soul beast, the ordinary blue silver grass doesn't even have soul power, and it doesn't even count as a soul beast, it can only be regarded as a weed.

  But the base of blue silver grass is huge, and there are still many blue silver grass with a certain level of cultivation, so it is not surprising that there are seven blue silver kings in the setting sun forest.

  In the anime, when Ah Yin was resurrected, countless Blue Silver Kings came to help and witness the resurrection of their Blue Silver King.

  However, only when the cultivation base of the Blue Silver King is reached, can a translucent figure be condensed, and this figure can only be seen by the Blue Silver Grass Clan.

   "My emperor, do you have any orders?"

  Feeling the seven Blue Silver Kings summoned by the pastoral song, one of them respectfully delivered a voice.

   "Help me find a place..."

   Muge is not polite either. A Yin never or rarely troubles her people, so Muge is not ashamed.

   It is your honor to help your emperor, and it is to give you a chance to perform.

  Mu Ge quickly told the general information about the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye to the seven Blue Silver Kings present, and then asked them to help find it.

   "Be careful, don't make any noise!"

  At the end, Pastoral also reminded that the blue silver grass can be seen everywhere, basically there is no fluctuation of soul power, be careful, basically it will not be noticed.

   "Yes, my emperor!"

  The seven blue and silver kings were a little excited after hearing Muge's order, and excited that they could help their emperor.

  Afterwards, the seven Blue Silver Kings returned to their respective positions, and then helped Mu Ge to explore.

   "It's a pity, although the Blue Silver Kings all have ten thousand years of soul power cultivation, but their strength is not enough, basically they have no fighting power, otherwise this would be a huge force!"

   "But as eyes and ears, it is enough!"

   "Although the blue silver grass cannot enter towns, it can spread all over the wild. It is a very powerful field intelligence system!"

  After the seven Blue Silver Kings left, Mu Ge rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

  In the anime, neither Ah Yin nor Tang San basically paid much attention to their people.

  Only when fighting, will they use their strength and absorb their energy.

  Usually, as if they didn't exist.

   Pastoral thinks it's a pity, so make use of them, isn't it good?

  Look, the people who have just been summoned by him are so happy!

  As long as they have reached the cultivation level of the Blue Silver King, they can all use the Blue Silver Domain.

   Tang San's bloodline awakened because one of the old Blue Silver Kings used the Blue Silver Domain to gather countless Blue Silver Grass to help Tang San awaken the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline.

  After giving the order, Muge himself began to explore slowly from his position.


  In the eyes of ice and fire.

  A figure sat cross-legged in meditation, practicing beside the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.

  Poison Douluo didn't notice that the inconspicuous blue silver grass quietly bloomed not far from him.


   "Finally suppressed the toxins in the body again!"

   I don't know how long it took, but Poison Douluo let out a long breath, and then opened his eyes from his training.

  Poison Douluo has troubles that other titled Douluo do not have.

   That is, he will be persecuted by the poison of his own martial soul. Before he became a Titled Douluo, he was almost poisoned to death by the poison of his own martial soul.

   It was a chance that he came to this treasure land.

   Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that this treasure land actually had the effect of helping him suppress toxins in his body.

  Since then, Poison Douluo has taken this treasure land for himself.

   Also found a lot of precious herbs here, but unfortunately he basically didn't know them. After picking them a few times and almost poisoning himself, Poison Douluo didn't dare to act rashly.

   Except for a plant that was the same as the old chrysanthemum Wuhun, he didn't know what it was used for, and he didn't move it.

   "Let's go, go back and see my precious granddaughter!"

  After suppressing the toxins in his body to a controllable range, Poison Douluo patted his **** and stood up, eager to leave.

   If it wasn't for suppressing the toxins in his body, he wouldn't want to stay in this kind of place forever!

   Isn't it delicious to go back and hug your granddaughter?


  ps: The second update. It seems that the group number has not been posted, and the single chapter has been deleted for me. Let me post it here: 634458672

  (end of this chapter)

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