Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 128: In front of Yu Xiaogang

  Chapter 128 In front of Yu Xiaogang

  In the original book, Wuhundian has such an enemy as Tang San, and it is also bad luck.

  Tang San had two gods shamelessly helping him behind him, and it was impossible for the Spirit Hall to defeat him.

   "However, the God of Sea and the God of Shura are shameless. If we make them our own people, it doesn't matter!"

   "So if you have the opportunity, you can try to obtain their inheritance!"

   "After a while, let's see if we can make a deal with Emperor Xue Ye through Tang Yuehua's connections!"

  The deal Mu Ge wanted to make with Emperor Xue Ye was to see if he could take a stalk of fairy grass in exchange for their royal family's Vast Sea Cosmos Cover from Emperor Xue Ye.

  That is the token of the Sea God, the Heart of the Sea God.

   To obtain the inheritance of the Sea God, the heart of the Sea God is the key.

  So even if he may not be able to obtain the inheritance of the Sea God, Muge must get the Sea God's Heart and not let others get it.

   If you can exchange for a celestial herb, it is not a loss at all.

  Mu Ge felt that if Emperor Xue Ye knew the power of the fairy grass, and Tang Yuehua was an example to prove it, it was very possible to exchange the Seagod's Heart from Emperor Xue Ye.

  After all, the Seagod's Heart has been collected by the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire for so many years. They only know that it is a very powerful soul tool, but no one has ever been able to obtain its approval, and no one has been able to use it.

   To them, the Seagod's Heart is only valuable for collection, and it is almost like waste if it cannot be used.


   "Yu Xiaogang?"

   When Mu Ge returned to Lanba Academy, he immediately saw an unexpected visitor.

  It is a little different from the Yu Xiaogang in the pastoral impression, with a faint evil spirit on his body.


   At this time Liu Erlong also found Muge, and immediately called out Muge happily.


  For the title Xiaobai, Muge still can't fully adapt to it.

  Muge also expressed resistance, but Liu Erlong is sometimes very domineering, and he promised well, but he still barked.

   Follow her pastoral!

   "Brother Li Bai!"

  Flender also greeted Pastoral.

   "Xiao Gang, this is Li Bai, Erlong's current boyfriend!"

  Flender greeted him, then turned his head and introduced Yu Xiaogang gently.

  After Yu Xiaogang came, he had already told Yu Xiaogang about Muge, including that Muge helped them before, that the sixth spirit ring absorbed a 50,000-year spirit ring, and so on.


  Yu Xiaogang was also staring at the visitor closely at this time.

  Ever since Flender and Liu Erlong learned of the existence of Pastoral, he was very shocked.

  He didn't expect that someone could absorb a 50,000-year soul ring at the time of the sixth soul ring.

  What a strong physical fitness is required!

  But what Yu Xiaogang cares most about is the identity of Liu Erlong's boyfriend.

  He didn't expect that Liu Erlong not only erased him from his heart, but also found other men so quickly.

  To be honest, although this was the result he wanted to see, when he saw it in front of his eyes, he still felt sad.

In the past, although he knew that it was impossible to be with Liu Erlong, Liu Erlong was always looking for him. While he was avoiding Liu Erlong, he actually felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. There was still a woman who had always been infatuated with her his.

   Now, gone.

   "Xiaobai, this is the Yu Xiaogang I told you about!"

  Liu Erlong then took Muge's hand and came to Yu Xiaogang to introduce Muge.

   "Xiao Gang, he is Li Bai!"

  At the same time, he also introduced the pastoral songs to Yu Xiaogang.

   "Yu Xiaogang, I know you!"

   "Although your theoretical knowledge is not rigorous enough, there are only a handful of people in this world who can compete with you in martial arts knowledge!"

  Mu Ge looked at Yu Xiaogang and smiled.

   Pastoral is not belittling and mocking Yu Xiaogang, but really praising him.

  If Yu Xiaogang's other behaviors are not discussed, Yu Xiaogang's research on Wuhun is indeed one of the best.

  Muge would not belittle Yu Xiaogang in front of Liu Erlong, that would make it look like she had no vision before.

  Hearing Muge's words, Yu Xiaogang was a little embarrassed, but also moved. He could tell that Muge was indeed praising him.

"I'm ashamed, I was too young back then!" Yu Xiaogang made excuses for his lack of rigor, then looked at Liu Erlong and Muge's holding hands, and said in a complicated tone: "Treat Erlong well, I hope you guys Can be happy!"

   "Of course, I will definitely make Sister Long happy!"

  Muge grabbed Liu Erlong's slender hand, kissed the back of Liu Erlong's hand lightly in front of Yu Xiaogang, and then confidently promised.

  He can't guarantee happiness or not, but **** is certain!

  Liu Erlong didn't expect that Mu Ge would do such a trick, showing his affection directly in front of Yu Xiaogang and Flender, his pretty face blushed immediately.

   "...Thank you cousin for your blessing!"

  However, Liu Erlong was very happy about Yu Xiaogang's blessing and Mu Ge's guarantee in front of Yu Xiaogang and Flender.

   "...This is what I should do as my cousin!"

  Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly, suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and said to Liu Erlong grandly.

   "Okay, okay, you two don't show your affection in front of us!"

   At this moment, Flender couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted their conversation.

   "We, the golden iron triangle, haven't been together for many years, let's have a good drink at night!"

   Then Flender made a suggestion.

   Seeing Mu Ge and Liu Erlong sweetly together, Yu Xiaogang doesn't know if he feels uncomfortable, anyway, he just looks very unhappy, so he wants to get drunk.

"no problem!"

  Yu Xiaogang immediately responded with a smile when he heard what Flender said.

   "Okay, Xiaobai, you come too!"

  The bold and forthright Liu Erlong didn't have to be afraid, he also opened his mouth to answer, and called the pastoral song by the way.


   Pastoral would naturally not refuse.

   Immediately, Pastoral and the others left Lanba Academy and came to a nearby tavern.

   After asking for a private room, Flender and the others chatted before the food and drinks were served.

   "Brother Li Bai, you don't know that our golden iron triangle..."

  Flender spoke first, talking about the glorious history of their golden iron triangle.

  With Flender's opening scene, Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong were also caught in the memory, and then they all talked about their past.

  They haven't seen each other for many years, and it's normal to miss the past.

   Idyll listened to what they were talking about, and it was like listening to a story, and I didn't feel bored.

   Unable to get in the conversation, he simply put his right hand under the table secretly, and touched Liu Erlong beside him.

  You talk about the past anecdotes of your golden iron triangle, and I'm busy with mine.


  ps: The second change, it’s gone today, and I’m a bit out of shape.

  (end of this chapter)

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