Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 138: Tang Yuehua is also pregnant

  Chapter 138 Tang Yuehua is also pregnant

  After Wannian Ginseng entered the mouth, it melted in the mouth, and instantly turned into a stream of liquid and poured into Qian Renxue's belly.


   Immediately afterwards, Qian Renxue felt a huge burst of soul power in her body.

  Qian Renxue was startled, she didn't expect the power of Wannian Shenwang to be so strong, she quickly held her breath and concentrated on practicing on the spot.

   Soon, Qian Renxue felt that she could no longer pretend to be her soul power level, and she felt a little anxious.

  Xue Qinghe herself is only a level 21 soul master, but she is already a level 33 soul master.

  Usually she relied on the spirit bone given by her grandfather Qian Daoliu to disguise herself, but now she found that she couldn't pretend anymore.

  However, Qian Renxue has no choice but to continue to absorb the energy of refining the Wannian Ginseng King.

   Fortunately, it's just that her soul power level can't be disguised, and her physical appearance can continue to be disguised.

  Qian Renxue could only hope that Emperor Xue Ye couldn't see the sudden surge in soul power.


   "Such a strong soul power, worthy of being the legendary King of Ten Thousand Years Ginseng!"

  Emperor Xue Ye, who was guarding Qian Renxue, felt the pressure of the sudden surge of soul power on Qian Renxue, and didn't think much about it at all, only thinking that it was the change brought about by Wannian Shenwang.

   "Still growing..."

  As time passed, Emperor Xue Ye felt that the pressure of the soul power on Qian Renxue's body was still growing, and he became more and more shocked.

   Several hours later, Qian Renxue completed the absorption of Wannian Ginseng King.

  Qian Renxue who opened her eyes could not hide the shock in her eyes.

   "Qinghe, how is it? Has your current martial soul changed? How much has your soul power level increased?"

   Seeing that Qian Renxue had completed the absorption, Emperor Xue Ye couldn't wait to question Qian Renxue.

   "Father, I am now level 30!"

  After Wannian Shenwang absorbed, Qian Renxue used the ability of the spirit bone to disguise again in time, but she didn't dare to hide too many levels.

   After all, Emperor Xue Ye had felt the coercion of her soul power.

  However, thinking of Emperor Xue Ye's introduction to Wannian Shenwang, Qian Renxue thinks that it should be no problem to upgrade to level 9.

   "Level 30? It's actually increased by 9 levels!"

   "Haha, good good!"

  Emperor Xue Ye burst out laughing in surprise upon hearing this.

  Although he knew that Tang Yuehua had absorbed the Queen of Ten Thousand Years Ginseng and had improved many levels, he was still very surprised to see it with his own eyes.

   "What about our White Swan Martial Soul? Has it transformed?"

  After being pleasantly surprised, Emperor Xue Ye quickly asked about the change of Qian Renxue's martial soul.

   "Yes, Father!"

   "I can feel that the quality of my martial soul has been greatly improved, and its strength has even reached the quality of a top martial soul!"

   Knowing what Emperor Xue Ye expected of her, Qian Renxue replied with a smile.

   This is also very easy for her to do, she only needs to disguise the white swan martial soul a little stronger.

  However, in her heart, she expressed doubts about the statement that King Wannian Can can transform and evolve the martial soul, because her angelic martial soul has not changed at all.

  Of course, even if she doesn't have it, she can let it have it.

  Because that's what Emperor Xue Ye wanted to see.

   "Haha, good good..."

   "Hurry up, call it out and show the emperor..."

  Emperor Xue Ye laughed again when he heard this.

   "Yes, Father!"

  Qian Renxue is not worried now, it seems that the sudden release of her soul power level disguise did not let Emperor Xue Ye notice anything.

  Thus, Qian Renxue re-disguised a more powerful White Swan Martial Soul following Emperor Xue Ye's wish.

  In all aspects of data, it does not lose the quality of top martial arts.

   "Haha, good!"

   "Our Xue family is finally a family of top martial arts!"

   "Qinghe, your performance is good. Starting tomorrow, the emperor will confer you as the crown prince of our Heaven Dou Empire..."



  In Tang Yuehua's boudoir, Mu Ge is trying to refine the Vast Sea Cosmic Mask.


  However, in the end, Pastoral failed, and suffered backlash, protruding a mouthful of blood.

   "Li Bai, are you alright?"

   Tang Yuehua, who had been guarding by the side, exclaimed when she saw this.

   "I'm fine, but it seems that the current me can't get its approval!"

   Pastoral wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and smiled a little disappointed.

  Although I have a premonition that the current self may not be able to gain the approval of the Vast Sea Cosmic Mask, I am still very disappointed.

  If he is approved by the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield, he can inherit the Sea God's position.

  However, through this attempt, Mu Ge already knew that in order to gain the approval of the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield, he needs to have strong spiritual strength, and he is still far behind.

   In this regard, Pastoral has hope.

  Because if he only needs spiritual strength, he can cultivate slowly, and one day he will be able to meet the requirements approved by the Vast Sea Cosmos.

   If you can't achieve it, then put it in your soul guide and eat ashes!

   "That's good, I didn't expect that even you can't get its approval!"

  Tang Yuehua heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then looked at the vast sea and universe mask in the pastoral singer in shock.

  She really didn't expect that with the talent of pastoral songs, she would fail.

   Then maybe only my second brother Tang Hao can get its approval, right?

  Although she was thinking this way in her heart, Tang Yuehua didn't dare to ask Mu Ge for Tang Hao's money.

   "Li Bai, I will return to the Zongmen tomorrow!"

  Thinking of his second brother Tang Hao, Tang Yuehua couldn't wait to go back to the sect, so he spoke to Muge.

  In addition to bringing back the news that his martial soul defect has been repaired, he also wants to know if there is any news about the second brother Tang Hao in the sect, where is the second brother Tang Hao now, and what is going on!

   "Okay, now is not the time, if there is a chance in the future, I would also like you Haotianzong to take a look!"

   Pastoral smiled.

   Wait until you are strong enough to go.

   Let Tang Hao see that his sister has become his woman.

   I just don't know if Tang Hao will go back to Haotianzong, anyway, Muge thinks it is impossible for Tang Hao to live in seclusion like in the anime.

   "Okay, I'll take you there then!"

  Hearing Muge's words, Tang Yuehua smiled happily.

   "Since you're going back tomorrow, I'll stay with you tonight!"

  Muge looked at Tang Yuehua, and pulled her into his arms.

  No matter what happens today, it is a happy thing to get the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover.

   This is also thanks to Tang Yuehua, so Mu Ge plans to reward Tang Yuehua.

  But when Mu Ge pressed Tang Yuehua under her body, put her hands on Tang Yuehua's lower abdomen, and was about to tear off her clothes and do whatever she wanted, Mu Ge's movements stopped.

"What's wrong?"

   Sensing the strangeness of the pastoral, Tang Yuehua couldn't help but make a sound.


  ps: The fourth change.

  (end of this chapter)

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