Chapter 144 Shark Girl

  A dozen nautical miles away from Sea God Island, a blue crystal-colored ship approached slowly.

  Because he wanted to avoid the magic whale waters, Mu Ge arrived at Sea God Island after sailing for more than a month.

   Once Muge's golden eyes are opened, even if it is more than ten nautical miles away, he can clearly see the magnificent Sea God Island.

   "As expected of the place where Sea God left his heritage, it's like a fairyland!"

  Muge looked at Sea God Island from a distance, and praised.

  Sea God Island, although it is a world above the sea, it can also be said to be a world under the sea.

  Because in the sky above Sea God Island, a large number of marine life and sea spirit beasts live on it, swimming in the air, like the bottom of the sea.

   And such a scene can only be seen on Sea God Island.

"finally reached!"

   With a sigh of emotion, Mu Ge closed his golden eyes, and then drove the dark blue ship, quickly heading towards Sea God Island.


  When Muge came to the seaside of Sea God Island, only less than a thousand meters away from Sea God Island, a demonic great white shark suddenly jumped out of the sea in front of Muge, and then directly attacked Muge.

  A wave of water spurted out from the opponent's mouth, and quickly attacked the pastoral standing on the bow.

   "Demon Soul Great White Shark!"

   Seeing this, Muge snorted coldly, waved his hand, and a icy breath rushed forward.

  Kacha Kacha~

   The attack of the Demon Soul Great White Shark was frozen before it reached Muge.

   Ice type has super restraint effect against water type attack.

   Not to mention that Pastoral uses the ultimate ice.


  The devil soul great white shark saw that the attack was easily broken by Mu Ge, and immediately raised its head and let out a growl.

   Immediately afterwards, more demonic great white sharks came, and a large number of dorsal fins emerged.

   There are also several tens of thousands of years of devil soul great white sharks.

   "What a hassle!"

   Pastoral muttered, and jumped up from the dark blue ship.

   Immediately afterwards, the dark blue ship was restored into a portable model by Pastoral and put away. There was only a little distance left, so just go directly there.

   "Thousands of miles frozen!"

  When Muge's figure landed on the sea surface, an endless icy aura spread from the foot of Muge's body, directly towards Sea God Island.


  Under the endless icy atmosphere, a 100-meter-wide frozen avenue gradually spread, but all the devil spirit great white sharks that blocked it were also frozen one by one.

   Then, Muge walked aggressively on the frozen avenue, walking towards Sea God Island step by step.



  The Demon Soul Great White Sharks on both sides of the Frozen Avenue saw so many companions being frozen by the pastoral, screaming and angrily, and jumped onto the frozen avenue, trying to attack the pastoral and rescue their companions.

  It's a pity that Muge's soul skills restrain them too much. These demonic great white sharks are not strong enough. After jumping on the ice, they are all frozen there without moving.

  At this moment, the Demon Soul Great White Shark behind did not dare to jump on it again.

  Can only look angrily at Muge walking on the frozen avenue, stepping on their companions who are frozen under the sea one by one.

   When the pastoral was halfway through, a stronger Demon Soul Great White Shark finally came, with golden dorsal fins.

  The devil spirit great white shark that came here was also very big, with abundant soul power, and could speak human words.

   "Damn it, let me go!"

  The other party jumped up from the side of the frozen avenue, flew up to a height of more than ten meters, and finally turned into a girl and landed in front of Mu Ge, glaring at Mu Ge.

   "The Demon Soul King of the Great White Shark!"

  Looking at the girl in front of him, Mu Ge knew that the other party was the king of the great white shark, a hundred thousand year-old soul beast.

  And the other party's transformation form is different from Ah Yin's, and it is not really transformed into a human form.

  The transformation of the Demon Soul Great White Shark King is short-lived and can change back into a soul beast at any time.

   Unlike Ah Yin's transformation, it is impossible to transform back into a soul beast.

  Hmm... Ah Yin's doesn't seem to count. After Ah Yin dies, he can leave seeds, and if he grows up again, he can still turn back into a Blue Silver Emperor.

  In short, the girl in front of Muge is a pure hundred thousand year soul beast.

   "Fire eyes!"

  Mu Ge's eyes were filled with golden light, because he wanted to see what kind of shape the King of the Demon Soul Great White Shark was under.

   "It's still in human form, but it also has the shadow of the Demon Soul Great White Shark King!"

   "Tsk tsk... This figure is really top..."

   As a result, Mu Ge discovered that the Demon Soul Great White Shark King he saw with his sharp eyes was still in human form. Under the influence of his nature, Mu Ge took advantage of his eyes to appreciate it.

  Yes, the pastoral's golden eyes also have the ability to see through, and can only see through clothes under his control.

   "Didn't you hear?"

   "Bastard, let them go!"

  The Demon Soul Great White Shark King, who was watched by Mu Ge with his golden eyes, only felt that Mu Ge's gaze made her very uncomfortable, but she didn't care too much, and just yelled at Mu Ge again.

   "It's fine to let them go. When I get to Sea God Island, I will naturally unblock this frozen avenue!"

  Hearing the anger of the Demon Soul Great White Shark King, Mu Ge put away his sharp eyes. If he couldn't get started, it would be a kind of torture for him to keep watching, so Mu Ge just admired it and didn't continue.

   "No, outsiders cannot enter Sea God Island!"

  Hearing Mu Ge's words, the King of Demon Soul Jaws refused to agree.

   They belong to the Demonic Great White Shark Clan, that is, Sea God Island is a guardian spirit beast. Under normal circumstances, they guard around Sea God Island and do not allow outsiders to land on Sea God Island.

   "If you say that, then I won't show mercy!"

  Hearing the words of the Demon Soul Great White Shark King, Muge's expression turned slightly cold, and he threatened lightly.

  While speaking, Pastoral stretched out his right hand, as if grabbing something, and gave it a slight squeeze.


  I saw that, following the movements of the idyll, the frozen avenue under the feet instantly resounded with the sound of countless ice shattering.



   Immediately afterwards, I remembered the screams of more than a dozen demon soul great white sharks.

  The frozen ones seem to shatter as the ice around them shatters!

Don't look at the devil soul great white shark king who is a soft girl after transforming into a girl, but that is also a hundred thousand year soul beast. Even if Muge controls the Wuhun octagonal Xuanbing Ye who controls the ultimate ice, it is difficult to be the devil soul great white shark king. King's opponent.

  So Muge doesn't want to fight her, so he can only threaten her!

   Threatening the lives of her kind.


   Seeing Mu Ge's actions, the Demon Soul Great White Shark King's pretty face flushed, he was angry.


  The King of Demon Soul Great White Shark glared at Mu Ge, never thinking that one day he would be threatened by a human soul master.

   "Thank you for the compliment, can you step aside now?"

   Facing the scolding of the Demon Soul Great White Shark King, Mu Ge smiled calmly, not ashamed but proud.


  ps: The first update, I'd better change it back, and update a chapter after writing a chapter.

  Provincial ones are said to have less renewal and water. If you have a big chapter, it will naturally be more watery.

  (end of this chapter)

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