Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 166: Can Bibi Dong still kill Chihiro Ji?

  Chapter 166 Can Bibi Dong still kill Chihiro Ji?

  【Sea God's Nine Trials Third Trial: Tide training, you need to persevere on the silver pillar for twelve hours a day. Reward: Poseidon Affinity 15%! 】

  The content of the third test of the Sea God's Nine Tests is quite simple.

   In fact, the content of the third test can be easily completed by anyone as long as they have enough perseverance.

  Because this level only requires you to persist, not to accomplish anything.

  If the first test of the Sea God's Nine Tests is for the testers to practice their soul power, the third test is to help the testers exercise their physique.



  The pastoral song followed Bo Saixi to the impasse of the raging waves, and the roar of the crashing waves kept ringing out.

   This is a bay canyon. The waves outside the island are constantly impacting here due to geographical factors, and the impact is extremely powerful.

   Even sea soul beasts cannot survive in this sea area.

  That's why this place is also called the desperate situation of angry waves!


  At this moment, Bo Saixi summoned her martial soul and soul ring.

  A phantom of the sea **** appeared behind Bo Saixi, and then nine soul rings, eight black and one red, also appeared on Bo Saixi's body.

  Bo Saixi's long silver-white hair is windless, and her skirt flutters.

  At this moment, Bo Saixi has a holy and goddess-like temperament on her body, which is even more eye-catching.

   "Angrily praise one!"

  Looking at Bo Saixi at this time, Mu Ge gave a secret praise in his heart.

  In terms of appearance and temperament, Bo Saixi at this time is slightly better than his favorite Bibi Dong.

  In this, the main reason is that the Bibi Dong I met before Muge is not the future Pope of Wuhun Temple, and he lacks the condescending and superior temperament of the Pope, so he is slightly inferior.

  If it was Bibi Dong who became Pope of the Spirit Hall, she would be worthy of Bo Saixi.

   "Unfortunately, Chihiro Ji is still not dead because of me!"

   "I don't know if Bibi Dong still has a chance to become the Pope of the Wuhun Palace!"

  Thinking of this, Mu Ge couldn't help feeling a little pity, he hoped that Bibi Dong could become the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

  And if Bibi Dong hadn't killed Chihiro Ji, she wouldn't be able to enter the Rakshasa Secret Realm, and wouldn't be able to obtain the Rakshasa God inheritance.

   "This is a good thing for me, it's easier to handle Bibi Dong!"

  So Mu Ge doesn't know whether he wants Bibi Dong to kill Qian Xun Ji, or doesn't want her to kill Qian Xun Ji.

   Muge hopes that Bibi Dong will become the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, but he doesn't very much hope that Bibi Dong will receive the inheritance of the Rakshasa God like the original book.


  At this time, the movement in the Immortal Waves interrupted Idyll's thoughts, and in the center of the Immortal Waves, under the action of Bo Saixi, a huge silver-white pillar broke through the sea surface and slowly rose from the sea.

  The top of the silver pillar is a platform with thick iron chains on it.

   "Your third test will be conducted on the silver pillar!"

  After successfully summoning the silver pillar from the bottom of the sea, Bo Saixi landed in front of Muge and said to Muge.

   "In this level, you can no longer use any soul skills, including your self-created soul skills. You need to resist with your body!"

   "At this level, I will personally accompany you to ensure that you can save you when your life is in danger."

  Afterwards, Bo Saixi introduced the situation of the third test to Mu Ge, and at the same time said that he would personally accompany Mu Ge to take his third test.

  In Bo Saixi's view, although the third test is an exercise for the testers, it is also very dangerous.

  She is here just to be able to save Pastoral at any time.

   After all, the content of the third exam can be withdrawn halfway, as long as enough time is reached within one day.

  Whether Muge couldn't bear the danger, or Muge withdrew voluntarily, she needed to watch from the side.

   "Well, I see, please trouble the High Priest!"

   Pastoral nodded.

  Afterwards, Muge jumped onto the silver pillar in the center of the raging waves.



  After the pastoral fell on the silver pillar, the chains on the silver pillar suddenly came to life like spirit snakes, and then locked all the limbs of the pastoral, and locked the pastoral firmly on the top of the silver pillar.

   Bang Lang ~

   Pastoral struggled a bit, and found that it was locked firmly.

  At the same time, Muge also found that soon, after his hands and feet were locked, he couldn't use his soul power.

  The soul power is still in his body, but it cannot be released by any means.

  In this case, even if it is a self-created soul skill, it cannot be used.


   Then, the test of pastoral began.

  The waves around the silver pillar began to beat towards the idyll.



  Every time you slap, the strength is very terrifying, as if you want to slap the idyll to pieces.

  Facing this assessment, Mu Ge had no choice but to be beaten passively and washed by the waves.

   "Hey, it's too uncomfortable!"

   "It's so uncomfortable with my physical strength!"

   "I remember that you can complete the test in advance. It seems that you only need to cultivate your spiritual consciousness, but how do you cultivate your spiritual consciousness?"

   Muge, who was constantly beaten by the waves, felt for the first time that the divine test was not easy, so he thought about how to end this test early.

   It's just how to cultivate the spiritual consciousness, I don't understand Muge at all.

  In the original book, there is no explanation at all on how Tang San cultivated his spiritual consciousness, it only said that he suddenly broke through, and the head spirit bone was also forcibly evolved.

   In desperation, Muge could only suffer. After 12 hours, see if he can simulate and develop how the consciousness is cultivated.

  He forgot about this before, otherwise he must have prepared in advance!

  So, Mu Ge started his third test of the Sea God's Nine Tests.

  Every night, in addition to playing three-player poker with Sea Witch and Xiaobai, Mu Ge did not forget to simulate the development of spiritual consciousness.

   It's just that success is success, but it is not ideal.

   What can be simulated and developed by Pastoral is only a practice method, and it cannot directly bring out the results.

  In the life simulation, Muge has successfully cultivated his consciousness, but it took more than a year to cultivate it.

   This means that he has mastered the method of cultivating divine consciousness, but it still takes more than a year to practice before he can truly cultivate spiritual consciousness.

   For more than a year, day lilies are cold.

   At that time, the time for the third test had already passed!

   "In the final analysis, cultivating spiritual consciousness still requires a huge amount of spiritual strength. After accumulating enough spiritual strength, one can cultivate spiritual consciousness through transformation!"

   "With my current situation, I can only endure slowly!"

  Finally, Mu Ge reluctantly gave up. Anyway, he already knew how to transform into a spiritual consciousness, and he only needed to wait for his spiritual strength to reach that level.

   "Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes should also take into account the cultivation of spiritual power, otherwise mine can't be slower than him!"

   "Forget it, let's endure it honestly!"

   "In the short time left every day, let's spend time with my daughters in the dream world!"


  ps: The second update. It's gone today, I'm going home to prepare for the holidays tomorrow, save some manuscripts!

  (end of this chapter)

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