Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 169: Bo Saixi: "The Clear Sky Hammer... Angel Spirit...

  Chapter 169 Bo Saixi: "The Clear Sky Hammer...Angel Spirit..."

  Under the leadership of the Evil Orca King, the remaining Evil Orcas rushed up to the sea one by one.

   There were originally more than 300 evil killer whales, but when they came to the surface of the sea, there were only more than 100 left, and the rest were all trapped in the frozen seawater under the sea.

  Puff puff ~~~

  When the evil killer whales rushed out of the sea, the sea water under them was also completely frozen.

   Bang bang bang bang! !

  Evil killer whales could only land on the frozen sea surface, flapping the ice surface, making bang bang noises.

   Only the evil killer whale king turned into a red-haired middle-aged man and landed on the ice with a huge ax in hand.

   It is a hundred thousand year sea soul beast, so after leaving the sea and going ashore, it can also take human form.

  As for its groups, because it is not the reason of the hundred thousand year soul beasts, they cannot be transformed and can only be stranded on the ice.

   "Damn it, who is it?"

  The evil killer whale king looked at the frozen sea water, and his face was even more ugly.

  It didn't expect that after leaving the seabed, its group still couldn't get out of the predicament.

   "Find that damned enemy, only by killing it can the soul ability be released!"

  The evil killer whale king looked fiercely, and quickly searched for it, trying to find out the enemy in the dark.

   "It's the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan..."

   Soon, the Evil Orca King saw the Demon Soul Great White Sharks more than a dozen sea miles away, and immediately knew that their family's surprise attack this time had something to do with the Demon Soul Great White Sharks.

   "Damn it, when did the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan invite such a strong helper!"

  However, after knowing that the sneak attack was carried out by the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan, the Evil Orca King's face became even uglier.

  Because at this moment, its group has already been trapped. Facing the Demon Soul Great White Shark family, the current Evil Killer Whale family can be said to have little ability to resist.

   "Evil Demon Ax Slash!"

  The evil killer whale king knows that the most important thing now is to release its group, and then it can only destroy the entire frozen sea.

  Then, the evil killer whale king started a frenzied attack, slashing the giant ax in his hand repeatedly, cutting out huge red ax blades, and blasting them in one direction.

  Not to mention the ethnic group trapped in the sea, the ethnic group stranded on the sea, it must first open up a channel to get them out of the ice.




Under the continuous attack of the evil killer whale king, a crack more than ten meters wide was cut open by it, and the shattered ice surface also turned into a mixture of seawater and ice slag. Although it did not completely melt into seawater, it could already Passed.

   "Get out of here!"

  The Evil Orca King roared at the more than one hundred Evil Orcas on the ice, telling them to leave along the passage he opened up.



The more than one hundred evil killer whales stranded on the ice, after hearing the words of the evil killer whale king, slapped and twisted their huge bodies, jumped into the passage opened by the evil devil killer whale king, and then quickly went out get out.

   "Want to go? Have I agreed?"

   At this time, the pastoral finally appeared, appearing on the sea, directly blocking the direction they left.

   "Thousands of miles frozen!"


   I saw Mu Ge stamped his foot, and the passage opened by the evil killer whale king was frozen again by Mu Ge.



  Seeing this, the evil killer whales cried out in fright.

   Anger again, fear again.

  They have never been so afraid of a human soul master. This kind of freezing ability is really too powerful, and they are too restrained.

   "Damn it!"

   "It's actually a human, go to hell!"

  The evil killer whale king saw Muge appearing, and even re-frozen the passage opened by it. He roared angrily to reappear Muge, and slashed towards Muge fiercely with the giant ax in his hand.

   "Well done!"

   "Chaotic Wind Hammer Technique!"

  Seeing the evil orca king attacking, Muge laughed, and the Clear Sky Hammer instantly appeared in his hand, and then attacked the evil orca king.


  The attacks of Muge and the evil killer whale king collided instantly, and the attack of the evil killer whale king was stronger, and the figure of Muge was repelled.


  Seeing that Muge was repelled by himself, the evil killer whale king continued to kill Muge with a roar, it seemed that he wanted to kill Muge very urgently.

  Because it knows that only by killing the pastoral quickly can the frozen sea be unsealed and its group have hope.

   Otherwise, when the Demon Soul Great White Sharks attack, its group will be in danger.

   There are only a hundred or so demon killer whales on the ice, and they are definitely not the opponents of the demon spirit great white sharks.

   Only by unblocking all the groups can it be free from fear of the Demon Soul Great White Sharks behind.

  So the Evil Orca King has no time to shock whether Muge is twin martial souls at this moment, and why he can still summon the Clear Sky Hammer after using the ice-attributed soul skills. He only knows to kill Muge quickly.


  So soon, the attack of the evil killer whale king fell on Mu Ge again.


  Although Mu Ge has been repelled all the time, he is not afraid of the evil killer whale king at all, and keeps fighting forward with the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

   "Xiaobai, those evil killer whales trapped on the surface of the sea and under the sea will be handed over to you!"

  While fighting against the evil killer whale king, Mu Ge did not forget to give instructions to Xiao Bai in the distance.

   "Let's go!"

  Xiao Bai, who had been waiting in the distance for a long time, did not hesitate after hearing Muge's order, and immediately led her group to attack the evil killer whale.

   One by one, the great white sharks leaped onto the ice, and then attacked the evil killer whales.

  Although after reaching the ice surface, their strength is greatly reduced and it is inconvenient to move.

   But on the ice, there are more of them than the evil killer whales. On average, four or five devil soul great white sharks can easily take down one evil killer whale.

   What's more, they also have their Demon Soul Great White Shark King Xiaobai.

  Xiao Bai is on the ice, but he can fight in human form.

  Although the strength is only 70% of the original after transforming into a human form, but the movement is not restricted, and those evil killer whales are inconvenient to move, and the fighting power that Xiaobai can display is stronger than usual.



  So the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan, under the leadership of Xiao Bai, excitedly launched an attack on the Demon Killer Whale Clan.

   "Damn it!"

   "Despicable human beings, if you have the ability, you can break the ice seal, what kind of ability is sneak attack!"

  Seeing such a scene, the evil killer whale king's eyes turned red immediately, while attacking Muge angrily, he cursed at Muge at the same time.

   "If you want to unblock your group, just defeat me!"

   "If you can't even defeat me, then you can only watch your group be wiped out!"

   Facing the roar of the evil orca king, Idyll, who was still suppressed by the evil orca king, smiled lightly, as if it was not he but the evil orca king who was suppressed in the battle scene.

   "Damn human, go to hell!"

  The evil killer whale king suddenly became furious when he heard the words, and the huge ax in his hand slashed towards Mu Ge crazily, eager to kill Mu Ge.

   "The fifty-sixth hammer!"

   "The fifty-seventh hammer!"


  However, as Muge continued to attack, the evil killer whale king found that Muge, who had been suppressed by him, had become stronger and stronger in attack power, gradually blocking its offensive.

   "Ninety-nine return to one, eighty-first hammer!"

  Finally, Pastoral blasted out the strongest blow of the Chaotic Cloak Wind Hammer.


   This time, it was the evil killer whale king who was repelled.


   After being repelled, the evil killer whale king screamed, stood still, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and looked at the pastoral with a shocked expression!


But whether it is a hundred thousand year soul beast or the evil killer whale king whose strength is second only to the deep sea demon whale king, his overall strength is extremely powerful, even if he bears the strongest blow from Muge, it is not fatal. Wipe the blood in his hands After that, he attacked the pastoral again.

  It can also see that just now is the strongest blow of the pastoral, so it will be its turn later!

  If Mu Ge only has this kind of strength, then wait for death!


  The evil killer whale king roared, and continued to kill Muge.

   "The strength is really good. If you don't explode the ring, it's really difficult to defeat this evil killer whale king with the Clear Sky Hammer!"

   Muge looked at the evil killer whale king who had just been severely injured, and sighed in his heart.

   "King Kong's indestructible body!"

   Immediately afterwards, Mu Ge displayed the indestructible body of King Kong.

   It's just dealing with a hundred thousand year soul beast, even if he's not a titled Douluo yet, he doesn't need to use it to the extent of ring blasting.

   Until the last moment, Pastoral will not easily use the ability to explode the ring!

   "Holy Angel Sword!"

  After displaying the Vajra Indestructible Body, Mu Ge switched the Clear Sky Hammer to the Seraph Martial Soul, and then condensed a holy angelic sword in his hand.

  The hammer is no longer useful, so just change the sword for the pastoral!

   And relatively speaking, Mu Ge still finds it easier to use a sword!

   "Dugu Nine Swords!"

  After switching the martial soul, Muge spread the seraph wings behind her back, held the holy angel sword, and unleashed the Dugu Nine Swords to meet the evil killer whale king.

   bang bang bang—

  In the state of King Kong's indestructible body, using the angel martial soul, and also displaying the Dugu Nine Swords, the combat power erupted by Mu Ge is stronger than that of the random cloak wind hammer method just now.

  For a moment, the evil killer whale king was attacked by the pastoral and retreated again and again.

  The main reason is that in the state of King Kong's indestructible body, Muge didn't think about defense at all. With the Dugu Nine Swords, which only attack but not defend, let alone how strong it is.

   Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish—

   Puff puff puff puff—

  On the ice surface, there are golden sword shadows slashed by Muge everywhere. Facing Muge's attack, the evil killer whale king can only parry, and bloodstains are continuously drawn on his body by Muge.



"How can it be…"

  The evil killer whale king, who was attacked by Muge repeatedly, was extremely shocked.

  It never expected that Mu Ge not only converted another martial spirit, but also displayed a much stronger combat power than before.




   At this time, behind it, its groups also began to be attacked by the Demon Soul Great White Sharks, and they all screamed.

  Xiaobai's attack was even more vicious.

   Evil killer whales were killed by Xiao Bai before they could last a few times in her hands.


  Xiaobai never expected that with the help of Muge, it would be so easy to deal with the evil orcas, and the more they killed, the more excited they became.

  Her clan was the same, and they took cruel actions one after another, completely venting out the grievances and grievances with the evil killer whale clan for so many years.

   Following the tragic death of each of the evil killer whales, the frozen sea was soon stained red by the blood of the evil killer whales!

   "Damn it!"

   Turning around and seeing this scene, the evil killer whale king's eyes suddenly burst into tears.

   Just facing the strong attack of the pastoral, it has no way to turn around to help its own group, so it can only be powerless and furious there.


   "The Clear Sky Hammer..."

   "Angel Martial Soul..."

  In the Sea God Temple, relying on soul skills, looking at Bo Saixi who was fighting on the sea at this time, his eyes were extremely shocked.

  The fighting power shown by Pastoral really surprised even her.

   Not only combat power, but also so many martial souls that Muge has mastered, especially the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul and angel martial soul, she is also very familiar with these two martial souls.

  Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu, who possessed these two kinds of spirits back then, were both strong on the same level as her.

  Now, Muge is alone, and he has mastered the martial souls of the two of them.

   "High Priest, Master Mu Ge, this is too strong!"

  Secretary Vesna behind Bo Saixi also looked at the battle in the picture with disbelief.

   "Yeah, it's terrifyingly strong. Before the soul power level breaks through the Title Douluo, the combat power is stronger than most Title Douluo!"

  Hearing Secretary Vesna's words, Bo Saixi had to admit that the strength shown by Pastoral was too perverted.

   "Yeah, Master Muge's Martial Soul is too, it's too strong!"

   "I didn't expect there to be such a martial soul in Douluo Dalu, it's just..."

  Vesna looked at Muge in battle reverently, not only shocked by Muge's strength, but also extremely envious of Muge's martial spirit.

  She couldn't imagine that there would be such a perverted martial soul in this world.

  Before she learned that the high priest's martial soul was Sea God, she was extremely shocked, but now she suddenly felt that the pastoral-looking martial soul seemed a little more perverted.

  Too comprehensive!

  It can simulate any martial soul, and it is completely possible to simulate a martial soul that restrains the enemy to fight according to the needs.

  The evil orca family was restrained to death by the Wuhun of Ultimate Ice simulated by Muge.

  Bo Saixi can understand the secretary's shock, because even she occasionally feels envious of Mu Ge's martial soul.

   "It seems that this fourth test, even for Muge, won't be a problem for him!"

   "The fifth test..."

   "Perhaps only Hai Long can win!"

   Looking at the battle on the field, Bo Saixi could already foresee that Pastoral could pass the fourth test of the Sea God's Nine Tests.

  She has already thought about the fifth exam.

   As far as Muge's current strength is concerned, she thinks that only Sea Dragon Douluo can defeat Muge, and none of the other guardians of the holy pillar is a match for Muge.

   "However, the fifth test requires him to defeat all the guardians of the holy pillar within thirty-six hours, and it's not that simple!"


  ps: Two in one, there should be no time to code at night! I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy Teacher's Day!

  (end of this chapter)

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