Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 172: Current status of Bibi Dong

  Chapter 172 Bibi Dong's Current Situation

   "Yes, even though that **** didn't find the way to become a **** in the Slaughter City, he passed the Sea God's inheritance assessment on Sea God Island!"

  Hearing Yu Xiaogang's surprise, Liu Erlong said angrily.

  Although Mu Ge was very happy to get the Sea God's inheritance assessment, she still couldn't help being angry.


   Facing Liu Erlong's indignation, Yu Xiaogang was very speechless.

   Become a god!

  He couldn't even continue his cultivation, but Mu Ge got the Sea God's inheritance assessment. As long as he passed the assessment, he could become a new generation of Sea God.

   This is the pursuit of many soul masters who have reached the title Douluo level!

  Comparing himself, Yu Xiaogang felt very hurt.

   There is really no way to compare people with each other!

   "Second Dragon, since Li Bai has obtained the inheritance of the Sea God, I think it's better for you to accept the reality!"

   "If he can become a new generation of sea **** in the future, he will be a god!"

  After thinking about it, Yu Xiaogang felt that it was necessary to persuade Liu Erlong.

  Although Mu Ge's behavior made him feel worthless for Liu Erlong, but if Mu Ge's identity is the future sea god, it would be different!

  For a powerful man, having more women is nothing!

   "Yes, Xiao Gang is right!"

   "Second Dragon, if Li Bai really becomes a new generation of Poseidon in the future, it's better not to worry about so much!"

  After hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Flender came back to his senses, and realized that if Mu Ge completes the Sea God inheritance assessment, he will become a new generation of Sea God!

   That's a new generation of Sea God, so of course he can't be easily offended!

   Such a powerful person should hug his thigh tightly!


  Hearing Yu Xiaogang and Flender's persuasion, Liu Erlong was a little shaken, shouldn't he really care so much?

  For a while, Liu Erlong was also a little dazed.

  After all, I am a junior and a junior, if I care about so much, am I forcing Mu Ge to give up on her?

  If Mu Ge abandons other women and chooses her, she seems unable to accept Mu Ge who can coldly abandon other women.

  After all, they have already given birth to daughters for Mu Ge!

  But although she was a little shaken, she couldn't just accept the reality like this.


  Wuhun Hall, Saintess Hall.


  Bibi Dong woke up from her cultivation, a trace of excitement flashed in her beautiful eyes.

   "Level 88, soon, give me another year, and I will be able to hit the Title Douluo!"

   "When I reach Title Douluo, my second martial soul will be able to attach a soul ring, and the greatest advantage of twin martial souls will be brought into play!"

  Feeling that her soul power level has risen to 88, Bibi Dong was very excited.

  In her dreams, she always wanted to increase her strength as soon as possible.

  After level 80, he can still increase two levels every year. Although it is due to his own talent, it is also inseparable from Bibi Dong's efforts.

  Anyway, Bibi Dong is very satisfied with her improvement speed.

   Bibi Dong just didn't know her original upgrade speed, otherwise she would definitely hate the idyll that ruined everything.

  Because according to the normal timeline, Bibi Dong has long been a Title Douluo at this time, and because of the inheritance of the Rakshasa God, after reaching the Title Douluo, the speed of upgrading is still very fast.

   Now, it can barely reach level 88, a little slower than Pastoral.

  If Bibi Dong knew this, she would definitely not be happy.

   It will even be a big blow. When Muge was still the soul king, she was already close to Contra, and now only a few years later, Muge surpassed her.

   "Where did that **** Muge go?"

   "Is he going to hide for the rest of his life?"

  Although she didn't know the situation of Muge, Bibi Dong didn't forget Muge at all.

  It is impossible for her to forget the humiliation that Idyll imposed on her!

  In these years, she has not given up looking for pastoral songs, but on the Douluo Continent, there is no trace of pastoral songs at all.

   This also made Bibi Dong very upset. If Pastoral didn't show up, wouldn't she be unable to take revenge?

   "I don't believe you can hide for a lifetime!"

   "After I kill that beast Chihiro Ji, even if I search the whole world, I will find you!"

  Thinking of the humiliation Mu Ge once imposed on her, Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes glowed scarlet, and the aura of the Death God Domain leaked out uncontrollably.

   "Xiao Gang!"

  Finally, Bibidong thought of Yu Xiaogang.

  Bibidong didn't realize it. Ever since she thought Yu Xiaogang was in a daze, although she felt sad and worried for Yu Xiaogang, she didn't think of Yu Xiaogang often.

  Perhaps it was because Yu Xiaogang had always existed in Bibi Dong's heart after being completely crushed by Mu Ge in terms of martial arts knowledge, and the halo of wisdom on Yu Xiaogang's body was also shattered.

  The shattering of the halo of wisdom also made Bibidong less blind when looking at Yu Xiaogang again.

  So although Bibidong still has Yu Xiaogang in her heart, she is not as good as before.

   "It's all that **** Mu Ge, don't worry Xiao Gang, I will definitely avenge you!"

  After blaming Mu Ge for her fault again, Bibi Dong continued to practice.

  She should reach Title Douluo sooner, and use the greatest advantage of twin martial souls earlier.

  Only when she becomes stronger, can she have the strength to avenge blood hatred.

  Whether it's Chihiro Ji or Pastoral, she doesn't want to let go of any of them.


   Sea God Island.

  After completing the fourth test of the Sea God's Nine Tests, Mu Ge was not in a hurry to take the fifth test.

  In the anime, Tang San and the others completed the subsequent assessments one after another after completing the third examination non-stop in order to return to the mainland in a hurry.

   Pastoral doesn't need to rush back to the mainland, of course, the more properly prepared the better.

  Before he might still be a little anxious to go back and see his daughters.

  But ever since he was able to accompany them in the dream, Mu Ge was not so eager to go back.

  So after the fourth test was completed, Pastoral started the previous practice mode again.

  While practicing, he found Xiaobai and Sea Witch to play three-person poker, combining work and rest without slack.

  It's a pity that Mu Ge found that he could no longer use the suppression of Seagod's Light to practice.

  Because he owns a lot of Seagod's Light, the Seagod's Light at Seagod Mountain can no longer exert any pressure on the pastoral.

  Can't bring pressure, so Mu Ge naturally can't use Seagod's Light to accelerate cultivation.

   Then you can only practice honestly.

   Lost the acceleration effect of Seagod's Light, and the higher the level, the slower the cultivation.

  So it wasn't until ten months later that Mu Ge's soul power level could barely reach level 89 and a half, and he was still half a level away from breaking through to level 90 Title Douluo.

  However, with this half-level soul power, Mu Ge felt that even if he gave himself another two months, he might not be able to break through successfully.

   "And even if you just break through, there is not enough time to absorb the **** bestowed spirit ring!"

   "I have to try again if the grass jelly can help me break through this half level of soul power!"

  Considering that it will take some time to absorb the god-given spirit ring later, Muge decided to take the fairy grass again.

  If one plant doesn't work, then two plants, Muge doesn't believe it, and if he absorbs two more plants of fairy grass, it won't be able to help him break through the last half level.

   It is worth wasting two celestial grasses for a 100,000-year god-bestowed spirit ring.


   Immediately, Muge no longer hesitated, and took out a celestial grass from the treasure bag.

  Fragrant Qiluo Xianpin.

   It is the fairy grass that can restrain the poisonous mist, the one that Yang Wudi dreamed of.

   Without any hesitation, Muge immediately opened his mouth and took it.

  After realizing that the soul power of Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin began to erupt in his body, Mu Ge quickly refined and absorbed it.

   Half a day later.


   To Muge's surprise, with only one plant of fairy grass, Muge broke through to level 90 and became a Titled Douluo.

   "Simulator, simulate the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade Martial Soul!"

  While being pleasantly surprised, Mu Ge did not forget to simulate this fairy grass as his martial soul.

  This Martial Soul is still very useful.

  Especially in the next assessment, the Sea Ghost Douluo who fought against him was good at using poison, and Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin was perfect against him.

  In the anime, Tang San just used the petals of Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade to easily defeat Sea Ghost Douluo.

  This Martial Soul is still very useful at critical moments.

  In less than a while, Mu Ge successfully simulated Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin as his own martial soul.

   "High priest, I've already reached level 90, can I still get the god-bestowed spirit ring bestowed by Lord Seagod?"

   Immediately afterwards, Mu Ge took the initiative to find Bo Saixi.

   "What? Have you broken through to level 90?"

  Bo Saixi was surprised when he heard Mu Ge's words.

  She always pays attention to the pastoral, so it is very clear that it is impossible for the pastoral to break through level 90 so quickly.

  According to her previous guess, it will take at least another two months.

  Although it was already very fast, it was still two months away!

   "Well, I really broke through to level 90!"

  Muge nodded, and then the soul power on his body shook, completely releasing the coercion of his soul power.

  Feeling the coercion of the soul power from Mu Ge, Bo Saixi knew that what Mu Ge said was true, and that the other party had really broken through to level 90.

   For a moment, Bo Saixi looked at Muge, unable to hide his surprise.

  She felt that she had overestimated the pastoral every time, but she never expected to underestimate the potential of the pastoral.

   "God bestowed spirit ring!"

  It was only after Bo Saixi realized what Muge said just now that she wanted the spirit ring bestowed by God.

   "I remember you didn't ingest the spirit ring of the evil killer whale king?"

  Bo Saixi looked at Mu Ge and asked.

   There must be a god-given spirit ring, but if she can save one for Lord Seagod, she still wants to save one.

   After all, what Pastoral absorbs is of a hundred thousand years quality, which must be a very large consumption for Lord Seagod.

   "I plan to save that for others!"

   "I think the god-bestowed spirit ring is the best, the one that best matches the soul master himself, so if there are still god-bestowed spirit rings, I still want Lord Seagod's god-bestowed spirit ring!"

  I knew that Bo Saixi would ask, but the pastoral song is also very straightforward, expressing her meaning directly.

  I prefer god-given spirit rings.

  If possible, I still want to choose the **** bestowed spirit ring.


   Facing Lord Muge's behavior of Poseidon, Bo Saixi was a little speechless.

  But finally nodded and said: "Of course, if you want a god-given spirit ring, I'll give it to you!"

   There is no way for her not to give the rewards within the rules, unless the pastoral doesn't need it.

  Besides, Muge is the inheritor chosen by Lord Sea God, so she has no reason to reject Muge.

  So in the end, Bo Saixi still gave Muge the god-given soul ring that should be given to Muge.

  The pastoral song was absorbed and refined directly.

   There is no accident, what Mu Ge obtained is the highest recognition of the spirit ring bestowed by the gods, and the quality of the soul ring reaches 100,000 years.

   Muge's strength is far stronger than before, so this time, Muge only took one month to complete the absorption and refinement of the 100,000-year god-given spirit ring.


  When Muge stood up, nine soul rings in yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, red, and red appeared domineeringly around Muge's body.

  Other titled Douluo's dream of a hundred thousand year soul ring, Mu Ge has three.

After completing all the assessments, Muge remembers that he will reward all his soul rings with a 50,000-year lifespan. At that time, Muge's sixth soul ring can also evolve into a 100,000-year soul ring, that is, four hundred-thousand-year soul rings .

  Compared with Tang San in the original book, it is definitely not as good.

   Pastoral did not think of any way to surpass Tang San in the original book for the time being.

  But Muge doesn't care, as long as Tang San doesn't appear.

  Even if Tang San was reincarnated and came to Douluo Continent, if he wasn't given Sea God inheritance and Shura God inheritance, he wouldn't be able to make such a perverted spirit ring configuration again.

  So as long as no one is more awesome than him, then he is the most awesome one!

   "Congratulations, Idyll!"

   "Counting this one hundred thousand year soul ring, you have obtained three hundred thousand year soul rings. This kind of soul ring configuration is definitely the top soul ring configuration on the mainland!"

  At this moment, Bo Saixi appeared in front of Muge, congratulating Muge again.

  Looking at the configuration of the soul ring on Muge, Bo Saixi had to admit that she was a little jealous.

   "Everything is bestowed by Lord Seagod!"

   Pastoral laughed and returned all the credit to Sea God.

  Say a few nice words to make both Poseidon and Bo Saixi happy, so why not do it?

   "That's right, all this is bestowed by Lord Seagod!"

   Sure enough, after hearing Mu Ge's words, Bo Saixi was very satisfied.

   "I think, this time you will take the fifth test of the Sea God's Nine Tests soon, right?"

   Then, Bo Saixi asked about the preparations for the pastoral assessment.

  Although there is still a month to go, she feels that the preparations for the pastoral songs are sufficient, and there is no need to make any more preparations.

  When Muge was Contra, she thought that Muge had the strength to pass the test. Although it was a bit difficult, there was still hope.

   Now that Muge has broken through to Title Douluo, and has absorbed a 100,000-year-old god-given spirit ring, she feels that the content of the fifth test is a bit simple for Muge!

   "Yes, High Priest!"

   "I'm going to start completing the fifth test of the Sea God's Nine Tests tomorrow!"

   Pastoral nodded and smiled.

   In tone, full of confidence!


  (end of this chapter)

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