Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 174: The ashamed Poseidon

  Chapter 174 The Shameful Bo Saixi

"How can it be?"

   "Are you not poisoned?"

   After waiting for a while, after seeing that Mu Ge had no signs of poisoning at all, Sea Ghost Douluo finally couldn't help but exclaimed.

   "Sorry to disappoint you!"

   "You probably also know what my martial soul is. Now the martial soul I simulated happens to be the nemesis of all poisonous mist, Youxiangqiluo immortal martial soul!"

  Seeing Sea Ghost Douluo's surprised look, Mu Ge smiled slightly.

  While speaking, Muge spread his right hand, and the delicate fragrance and Qiluo fairy product emerged from his palm.

   Then you can find out more clearly that the black poisonous mist around Muge, after Muge summoned the martial soul, spread away from Muge's side as if they had encountered a nemesis.

  When Muge didn't summon the martial soul, the poisonous mist could still get close to Muge, but it couldn't touch Muge.

  Now Muge summons Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade, and within ten meters of Muge, the poisonous mist can't get close.

   "There is such a martial soul!"

  Seeing the Martial Soul among the pastoral singers, Sea Ghost Douluo's pupils shrank slightly.

   In this case, the power of his soul skills against Mu Ge will be greatly reduced.

  All of his soul skills are based on poison.

   "Damn it!"

   "Seventh Soul Skill Martial Soul Avatar!"

   "The Ninth Soul Skill: Pluto Biluosha!"

  But Sea Ghost Douluo obviously didn't want to admit defeat easily, and immediately summoned his martial soul avatar, and then, like the Sea Witch before, directly displayed his strongest ninth soul ability.

  I saw Sea Ghost Douluo grasping the void with both hands, and between the palms of his hands, a soul skill bred with terrifying soul power suddenly condensed.

  Countless soul power condensed into an energy sphere, the size of a basketball, blue-black.


  Finally, Sea Ghost Douluo raised the Pluto Biluosha with both hands, and slammed it down towards Muge.


  The original energy sphere suddenly turned into a blue-black energy beam, and fell towards the pastoral at a lightning-fast speed.

   "Senior Sea Ghost Douluo, don't waste your energy!"

   Seeing Sea Ghost Douluo's attack, Muge didn't even move, just stood there calmly, bearing the strongest blow from Sea Ghost Douluo.


  I saw Sea Ghost Douluo's Nether Star Bi Luosha, after falling on top of Muge's head, they disintegrated and dissipated in the air before they got close to Muge.

  Finally, all the attacks dissipated into nothingness.

   Pastoral looked at this scene, not surprised at all.

   No matter how strong Sea Ghost Douluo's ninth soul ability is, it is also a toxin-based soul ability, so it will be resisted and dissipated when it gets close to Muge's Youxiang Qiluo immortal martial soul.


   Seeing that his strongest soul skills were useless, Sea Ghost Douluo was a little hard to accept.

  If Muge was strong enough to defeat him, it wouldn't be so difficult to accept, but this way of defeat is really difficult for him to accept.

   There is a sense of depression that cannot be exerted.

   "That's great, brother Mu is amazing!"

   At this moment, Sea Witch, who was watching Muge's assessment from a distance, also cheered and jumped after seeing Muge dissolving Sea Ghost Douluo's strongest soul skill so easily.

   After Sea Ghost Douluo saw this scene, he felt even more uncomfortable!

   "Senior Sea Ghost Douluo, your soul skills are useless to me, seniors should admit defeat!"

  Looking at the unacceptable Sea Ghost Douluo, Muge reminded again.

   If you can pass the challenge without using your hands, of course Pastoral also hopes that you can do it without using your hands, so as to save wasted effort.

   "Damn it, don't just make me admit defeat!"

   It was just Muge's kindness, but Sea Ghost Douluo was unwilling to accept it.

  If there is no sea witch on the side, he can still accept it, but the idyll in front of him is the person who pried away his favorite sea witch, so he can't.


   Immediately, Sea Ghost Douluo's figure flashed, and he charged directly towards Muge.

  Since his soul skills can't have an effect on the pastoral, then it's better not to use the soul skills.

  As a Titled Douluo, even if he doesn't use soul skills, but only uses body skills to attack, he is still very strong.


   After approaching Muge, Sea Ghost Douluo twisted his right hand into a claw, and fiercely grabbed Muge.

   "King Kong's indestructible body!"

   Facing Sea Ghost Douluo's attack, Mu Ge just hummed lightly, a golden light suddenly glowed on his body, and his body instantly entered the state of an indestructible vajra.



   Immediately after the nine pieces of Sea Ghost Douluo attacked Muge, it was himself who let out a scream.

  Physical arts is not what he is good at, and this attack on the indestructible body of Vajra like King Kong hurt himself instead.


   Facing the attack, Muge had no reason not to fight back, and directly hit back with a black tiger.


  Sea Ghost Douluo is really not good at physical arts, he is too short of pastoral, and was sent flying by pastoral with just one move.

  The person flew upside down in the air, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


  Finally, Sea Ghost Douluo's figure smashed **** the Sea Ghost Sacred Pillar.

   "Do you want to continue?"

  Mu Ge looked at the embarrassed Sea Ghost Douluo coldly, if the other party didn't know how to admit defeat, then he would be rude.

   "I...I surrender..."

   Facing the mighty Muge, Sea Ghost Douluo admitted defeat despite his reluctance.

  【Sea God's Nine Examinations Fifth Exam Second Pass! 】

  After Sea Ghost Douluo conceded defeat, Muge also quickly received the reminder.


   Seeing that Sea Ghost Douluo had already conceded defeat, Mu Ge politely cupped his fists.

   "You are very strong, I really am not your opponent!"

   "I hope you will treat Sea Witch better in the future!"

   Sea Ghost Douluo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Mu Ge with a complicated expression and said.

   "Don't worry, I will!"

   After hearing the words, I realized that this guy's hostility towards him was because of the sea witch.

   "You have to be careful, among the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars, there are quite a few who like sea witches!"

   Sea Ghost Douluo looked at Muge, and finally opened his mouth to remind Muge.

   "That proves that everyone has a good eye and can see Luo Luo's excellence!"

   "Thank you for the reminder, I will continue to complete the challenge!"

  Muge laughed when he heard the words, and then returned to the sea witch, and after summoning the flying sword, he took the sea witch and flew away with the sword again.

   "Brother Mu, you are too powerful, you don't even need to make a move, Sea Ghost Douluo won't be able to touch you!"

  The sea witch with her slender waist embraced by Muge, while hugging Muge tightly, was still excitedly telling about Muge's performance just now.

  She knew that Muge would definitely defeat Sea Ghost Douluo, but she never expected that Muge could win so easily.

   "Of course, I don't even look at who you are!" Muge laughed, and then asked: "Lolo, who are we going to challenge next?"

   "Next, Seahorse Douluo is the closest to here, so let's challenge Seahorse Douluo first!"

  The sea witch immediately gave the answer when she heard the words of the pastoral.

   "Okay, then Seahorse Douluo!"

   Pastoral turned around, and then flew directly to the direction where the Seahorse Sacred Pillar was.


   "High Priest, did Master Muge defeat Master Sea Ghost Douluo like this?"

  In the Sea God Temple, Bo Saixi and her secretary watched Muge's battle together, and after discovering that Muge had defeated Sea Ghost Douluo so easily, Secretary Vesna who was behind Bo Saixi couldn't help doubting life.

   This was the first time she had seen Sea Ghost Douluo being defeated so easily.

   "Well, there is no way to do this, Sea Ghost Douluo's martial spirit is completely restrained by him!"

   "I don't know, where did he simulate so many top-level martial arts!"

  Bo Saixi spoke lightly, looking at Muge's figure, Bo Saixi was actually quite surprised, and she found that Muge brought her more and more surprises.

   Whenever she thinks she has overestimated the pastoral, the pastoral can always surprise her.

  Although Muge's martial soul is enough to amaze her, she is still very surprised that Muge can simulate so many top-quality martial arts through her own martial soul.

   Possessing a simulated martial soul is a talent, a natural birth.

   But being able to simulate so many top-quality martial arts is Mu Ge's personal ability!

   "No wonder Lord Seagod chose him as his successor!"

  I don't know how many times Bo Saixi has expressed such emotion!

   "Next, what kind of surprise will you bring me?"

  Bo Saixi looked at the idyll in the picture, and murmured with anticipation.


   "Senior Seahorse Douluo, please enlighten me!"

   "I'm here to complete the fifth test!"

   Soon, Mu Ge came in front of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, and spoke following Seahorse Douluo who was sitting cross-legged under the Seahorse Sacred Pillar.

"bring it on!"

   "I will use all my strength, defeat me, and you will pass my level!"

  Seeing Muge coming, Seahorse Douluo also stood up directly, and then said to Muge.


  He also knew the strength of Muge, so he summoned his own martial soul directly.

   "Seventh Soul Skill Martial Soul Avatar!"

   "Fifth soul skill - Furious Sea Fist!"


  After unleashing the Spirit Avatar, Seahorse Douluo punched out, and in front of his fist, a monstrous wave condensed and swept towards Muge.

   "Killing God Domain·Ice Purgatory!"

   Facing Seahorse Douluo's tentative attack, Mu Ge's eyes glowed red, and the Ice Purgatory was released.


  Under Muge's icy purgatory, before Seahorse Douluo's attack could hit Muge, he was gradually frozen in the air.


  By the time it came to Muge, its power had been greatly reduced, and Muge just waved away Seahorse Douluo's fifth soul ability.

"How can it be…"

   "This suppressive force actually suppressed my strength by 50%..."

  Seeing his attack being easily annihilated by Muge, and feeling the suppression of the ice purgatory, Seahorse Douluo was shocked.

  It was the first time he encountered a field that gave him such a powerful suppression effect.

   Only then did Seahorse Douluo know how strong Muge is.

  Not to mention other things, once the field of pastoral songs comes out, it will be difficult for him to be the opponent of pastoral songs.

   "The Ninth Soul Skill: Sky-Rumbling Tornado Nirvana Fist!"

  But Sea Horse Douluo obviously wouldn't just admit defeat so easily, and soon made the same choice as Sea Ghost Douluo, decisively displaying his strongest ninth soul ability.

   "Haotian Jiujue · Zhenzi Jue!"

  Facing Seahorse Douluo's strongest ninth soul ability, Muge chose to be tough, and the domineering Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand, and then he used Haotian Jiujue's Zhenzi Jue to blast it up.

   Haotian School's Great Sumeru Hammer Profound Art of Exploding the Ring has been successfully simulated by Muge, and of course Haotian Jiujue Muge has not let it go.

   In terms of showing domineering, using the Clear Sky Hammer would be more appropriate.


  The Clear Sky Hammer swung by Mu Ge viciously hit Seahorse Douluo's ninth soul ability, and the two sides collided into a fierce confrontation.


   Only in the end, Muge's attack was stronger, and with a bang, Seahorse Douluo's ninth soul ability, the Thunderbolt Nirvana Fist, was crushed to pieces.


  After Muge shattered Seahorse Douluo's ninth soul ability, he smashed the Clear Sky Hammer to the ground, looked up at Seahorse Douluo, and said slowly, "Senior Seahorse Douluo, do you want to continue?"


   Facing Muge's domineering question, the corners of Seahorse Douluo's mouth twitched slightly.

   "I never thought you could even simulate the Clear Sky Hammer!"

  Seeing Muge's young face, Seahorse Douluo couldn't help sighing in his heart, the Muge in front of him was really strong, and Seahorse Douluo was also straightforward, giving up and continuing to fight: "I admit defeat!"

  He had already shot with all his strength, but found that his strength was far inferior to Pastoral, so he felt that there was no point in continuing.

   If you lose, you lose. It’s better to take the initiative to admit defeat. You don’t need to wait until you are beaten until you are beaten.

  【Sea God's Nine Tests, Fifth Test, Third Test Passed! 】

  As a result, the majestic voice prompt immediately sounded in my mind.


  In the end, he smiled apologetically at Seahorse Douluo, and then put away his spirit and domain.

   "It was your strength that won it, I am indeed not your opponent!"

Seahorse Douluo frankly admitted that he was not Muge's opponent, then Seahorse Douluo glanced at the Sea Witch outside, turned around and said to Muge: "Be nicer to that girl from now on, none of us are willing to take action. Thinking of being preempted by you!"

   While Seahorse Douluo was speaking, he looked at Mu Ge with a somewhat strange expression.

  The sea witch's mental age is still so young, how can she do it?

   "Of course, Luo Luo is my woman now, if I don't treat her well, I will treat anyone else!"

   Muge discovered that Seahorse Douluo was also the guardian of the sacred pillar who was interested in Sea Witch, and immediately laughed.

   Pastoral didn't feel that there was anything, but felt that he had made a lot of money.

   The woman that so many of you like, didn’t I get it in the end?

   Just ask if you are angry?

  As for the strange look in Seahorse Douluo's eyes, Mu Ge directly ignored it.

  What's wrong with being young? It doesn't prevent the Sea Witch from already matured!

  Anyway, Muge thinks he has the most say in this point!

  After bidding farewell to Seahorse Douluo, Mu Ge continued to set off with Sea Witch.

   This time, Sea Witch chose Sea Vanity Douluo!

   "Brother Mu, Hai Van Douluo's martial spirit is an illusory snake, not a sea soul beast. Brother Mu's Ice Purgatory can't double suppress him!"

"Besides, Hailu also has a domain, and his psychedelic domain is also very powerful. The most special thing is that he can pull people into the environment he created. If he is hurt in his environment, he will also be hurt in reality. hurt!"

  While holding Muge's arm, the sea witch introduced Haiwan Douluo's martial soul and abilities to Muge.

   He completely sold out Hai Van Douluo.

   "He is good at using illusions, so he will be unlucky to meet me!"

   After listening to the sea witch's words, Pastoral smiled lightly.

   This is another guardian of the sacred pillar who has been defeated by him.

  His golden eyes can see through all illusions, and the illusions of Sea Delusion Douluo are ineffective for him.

  In the anime, Haiwang Douluo's illusion is also ineffective for Tang San.

   It's just that Tang San himself couldn't accept that Haiwang Douluo reappeared the scene he feared most in the illusion, so he went berserk, almost killing Haiwang Douluo.

   It can only be said that Tang San's psychological quality is too poor, knowing that it is illusory, he fell into a rage.

   This weakness of Tang San can be said to run through the entire plot, every time Xiao Wu is injured, Tang San will explode and become Shura.

   To put it nicely, he attaches great importance to Xiao Wu, and doesn't want Xiao Wu to suffer even the slightest harm.

   To put it bluntly, she completely treats Xiao Wu as her own property, and then overprotects her, as if she is not allowed to grow up. Does Xiao Wu need to grow up? How to grow without fighting, isn't it normal to get injured in battle?

  Over-protection every time, making Xiao Wu unable to grow normally.

  And if you really value Xiao Wu so much, after discovering Xiao Wu's true identity, you shouldn't continue to take Xiao Wu to the Spirit Hall to participate in the final competition.

  So Yu Xiaogang and Tang San are destined to become mentors and apprentices, because they are equally selfish.

  In order to rectify his name, Yu Xiaogang knew that Tang San's identity had been exposed, and it was dangerous to go to the Wuhun Hall to participate in the competition, so he chose to participate.

  Tang San, after knowing that Xiao Wu's real identity is a soul beast, he still asked Xiao Wu to go to the Hall of Spirits to participate in the final competition.

   Is it okay to have the body protection of fairy grass to cover up the breath? He himself was only a Soul Sect back then, how could he be sure that those Title Douluo really couldn't see through Xiao Wu's identity?

   Pulling away...

  Anyway, after knowing the abilities of Haiwan Douluo, Muge should be very relaxed.

   "That's right, brother Mu's piercing eyes can see through all falsehoods, and he happens to be the nemesis of that guy Haiwang!"

  After hearing Muge's words, the Sea Witch also remembered Muge's piercing eyes, and said happily.

   "That is, my sharp eyes, but they can see through everything and see through everything!"

   Pastoral laughed proudly.

   "Yeah, Brother Mu is the best!"

  The sea witch nodded in agreement.

But soon, the Sea Witch seemed to remember something, her beautiful eyes flashed slightly, and then she couldn't help but glared at Mu Ge coquettishly: "You can see through everything, then Brother Mu, when we met for the first time, did you just use The piercing eyes see through me?"

   "No wonder I felt uncomfortable at that time, so in Brother Mu's eyes, I was really as if I had no clothes on at that time!"

   "Brother Mu, you are too bad!"

  The sea witch remembered the situation after meeting Muge for the first time, and couldn't help but hit Muge's chest with her small fist.

   "Ahem... I didn't care..."

  Muge grabbed Sea Witch's pink fist and smiled mischievously.


   "The bastard!"

  In the Sea God Temple, Bo Saixi was full of shame and anger at this time.


  ps: First come a chapter with 5,000 words, and then come to another chapter at night to complete the day.

  (end of this chapter)

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