Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 178: Hold Bo Saixi tight and don't let go

  Chapter 178 Hug Bo Saixi tightly and never let go


   Just when Bo Saixi thought the idyll was over, the air, where the sea burial had disappeared, suddenly broke open, and a sword aura shot out from it.

   "It actually came out!"

  Bo Saixi was slightly surprised when he saw this scene, and killing intent bloomed from his eyes again.


   But before Bo Saixi launched an attack, the figure of the pastoral fell from the different space created by the sea burial, and jumped directly into the sea.

  After the fight just now, Mu Ge no longer dared to fight Bo Saixi head-on.

  Bo Saixi is really strong, and the pastoral can only choose to dodge and pull!

   "The cover of the vast sea and the universe!"

  After falling into the sea, Muge quickly cast the HNA Cosmos Cover, using the hidden ability of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover to hide.

   Pastoral remembers that in the anime, after Tang San hid in the bottom of the sea with the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, Bo Saixi couldn't find Tang San, and in the end they caught Xiao Wu and forced Tang San out.

   After entering the cover of the universe, the pastoral quickly dived into the bottom of the sea and hid itself.

  In the air, Bo Saixi frowned slightly as she watched Mu Ge dive into the sea, and her breath disappeared into her senses again.

   "It's a good choice to hide, but unfortunately, this place is in the sea!"

  Regarding Mu Ge not choosing to face up to himself, Bo Saixi smiled lightly, and immediately saw Bo Saixi wave the scepter in his hand again.

   "The eighth soul skill: Boundless Sea!"


  By waving Bo Saixi's scepter, the whole sea was tumbling.

  The idyll who was hiding in the bottom of the sea felt an endless wave of fluctuations sweeping around, shaking the vast sea and the universe trembling again and again.

"found it!"

  Bo Saixi's beautiful eyes flashed on the sea.

  Combined with her fifth soul ability Seagod's Will, no one can escape her perception in the sea.

  Boom boom boom—

Afterwards, Bo Saixi waved the scepter in his hand again, and the turbulent sea became more and more boiling, with countless dragon shadows tumbling, and finally all the dragon shadows jumped out of the sea, and then plunged into the sea, all heading towards the pastoral The position was attacked up.

   "I almost forgot that Bo Saixi didn't promise not to use the power of the sea!"

   Seeing this scene, Pastoral knew that his hiding was useless.

  In the anime, the main reason why Tang San can hide from being discovered is that Bo Saixi promised not to use the power of the sea, but Bo Saixi didn't promise him!

  Yah, there is no water at all!

   "Asura Domain·Ice Purgatory!"

   "The bright moon is leaving the sea, and the pond is full of ice!"

   Fortunately, Muge already has a countermeasure, ice purgatory, plus a self-created soul skill.


  A powerful breath of ice quickly spread across the seabed under the blessing of the ice purgatory.

   Centering on the idyll, the sea water was quickly frozen and solidified.

   This trick was originally used to freeze the enemy, but now Muge uses it to freeze himself.

  As long as I freeze myself, others will not be able to hit me!


  Within five kilometers from the pastoral center, all the sea water was quickly frozen.



  After Bo Saixi's attack hit the top, it was like hitting a wall, and the dragon shadows were knocked crooked and blocked one after another.


  However, the impact force of the dragon shadow was still very strong, and the frozen sea water was shattered.

  But after a while, it was quickly repaired by a breath of ice, and it was frozen again.

   Pastoral is now planning to hide in his own ice seal. No matter how powerful Bo Saixi's attack is, it is also a water attribute attack. It is still difficult to cause serious damage to the ultimate ice.

   And as much as the opponent destroys, the pastoral will recover as much, without losing soul power.

  Anyway, Mu Ge's current plan is to delay the time for a stick of incense, no matter how much soul power is consumed, it doesn't matter.

  Boom boom boom—

  Bo Saixi tried to attack a few times, but found that the idyll inside could not be hurt no matter what.

   Facing the procrastination of the idyll rascal, Bo Saixi was disgusted, and his face was extremely cold.

  The most important thing is that she found that if she continued to attack on the sea, she really had nothing to do with the idyll.

  Relying on the strength of the sea and her own strength, she is confident in destroying the endless ice blocks created by the pastoral, but she definitely can't do it within a stick of incense.


  After a cold snort, Bo Saixi's figure also fell into the sea.

  Bo Saixi intends to go inside directly.

  After entering the sea, Bo Saixi soon came to the frozen sea water.


  The fierce sea crescent slash failed to take shape in front of Bo Saixi, and slashed towards the frozen sea water one after another.

   After breaking through the frozen sea water, Bo Saixi's figure flashed in and continued.

  Countless seawater, under Bo Saixi's control, turned into a large number of golden knife shadows, helping Bo Saixi to continuously cut through the frozen seawater and keep going deep.

   "Sea God Domain!"

  At the same time, Bo Saixi also launched the Poseidon domain, preventing the sea water broken by her from being frozen by the idyll.

   Chi Chi Chi Chi—

   Just like that, Bo Saixi kept breaking through the frozen sea, and killed towards the bottom of the pastoral.

   Soon, Bo Saixi came to the sky above the pastoral 100 meters.

   "Ninth soul skill Sea God's Twilight!"


  Bo Saixi then displayed his ninth soul ability, and the Seagod phantom appeared behind him again, and it was still the Seagod phantom holding the Seagod trident.

   After the phantom of the Sea God appeared, he held the Sea God Trident and waved the Sea God Trident domineeringly there.

   Chi Chi Chi Chi—

   A series of terrifying slashes erupted from Seagod Phantom, and countless slashes were slashed instantly.



  The huge ice field formed by the condensed pastoral, under the slashing attack of Sea God Phantom, with Sea God Phantom as the center, exploded with a bang.

  All the frozen sea water was cut open at this moment, shattered, and finally turned into sea water again.

  This is also Bo Saixi's response, if it is difficult to break from the outside, then smash it directly inside and break it from the inside.

   "Damn it, it's really strong!"

   Seeing this scene, Mu Ge cursed inwardly.

  In order to kill herself, Bo Saixi completely let go of her hands and feet!

   But looking at Bo Saixi who was already very close to him, Mu Ge was not too flustered.

  Although she misjudged Bo Saixi's strength, Mu Ge still has the confidence to deal with it!

   Pastoral is thinking about how to deal with it next.

  First of all, he can use the indestructible body of King Kong or nothingness to escape again, and go directly to the Sea God Temple.

   This is also Tang San's strategy in the anime. After entering the Sea God Temple on Sea God Mountain, Bo Saixi would not dare to use her soul skills so recklessly.

   This is a choice, maybe it will be more difficult to rush there, Bo Saixi will definitely not let him enter the Sea God Temple so easily.

   There is another option, which is to drill directly into the seabed, make holes in the seabed, and keep going deeper.

   Martial souls who are good at punching holes, and pastoral songs are not without.

  In the original novel, Tang San escaped into the depths of the ground by punching a hole, avoiding the pursuit of Qian Renxue who has become a god.

  Then it is not a problem for him to dig holes in the seabed to avoid Bo Saixi's pursuit.


   "Dugu Nine Swords: Hole Breaking Style!"

  However, Pastoral did not switch to the martial soul that is more powerful in drilling holes, but directly used the Frostmourne in his hand to drill holes.

  I saw Mu Ge holding the sword in both hands, facing down, and then spinning quickly, and finally used the sword energy in his hand to condense a tornado.


   Then I saw that Muge drilled directly into the seabed under the opening of the sword qi tornado, broke through a hole with a diameter of two or three meters, and got in.


   All of a sudden, the figure of the pastoral disappeared into the bottom of the sea, and entered the bottom of the sea.

   At the entrance of the hole, only continuous bubbles can be seen.

   "Damn it!"

  Bo Saixi, who was about to continue attacking Pastoral, saw this scene, and his expression changed again.

  At this time, she didn't know whether to praise the idyll for being smart or a rascal, but she could still think of this way of escape.

   "Don't try to escape!"

  But Bo Saixi obviously didn't want to let go of the opportunity to kill Mu Ge, and as soon as his figure flashed, he directly followed the hole in the seabed that Mu Ge broke.

   Pastoral's hole punching speed is fast, but Bo Saixi's speed is certainly not slow.

   Not long after, Bo Saixi saw the back of the pastoral.

  Bo Saixi didn't think too much, and continued to chase and kill.

  Just doing it, Bo Saixi began to feel something was wrong.

  Because she found that as she continued to deepen, she seemed unable to use the power of the sea!

   "Haha, high priest, is there no way to use the power of the sea?"

   At this moment, Mu Ge suddenly stopped, raised his head and smiled triumphantly at Bo Saixi.

It turns out that after Muge entered, he left a hand at the entrance of the cave. After Bo Saixi chased him down, the entrance of the cave was frozen, and the seawater behind could not be poured in, and kept away from the seawater on the earth's crust. Naturally, Bo Saixi could not Continue to use the power of the sea!

   "Even if I can't use the power of the sea, I can still kill you!"

  Bo Saixi's complexion changed, but he didn't give up. He swung the scepter in his hand, and with a terrifying golden knife shadow, he directly slashed at the pastoral.

   "Just in time!"

   "King Kong's indestructible body!"

  Master's eyes flashed brightly, and his condition was not very good at this time, because the ninth soul ring was blown up by him, and it cannot be recovered in a short time.

  But at this time, Bo Saixi can no longer rely on the power of the sea, so Pastoral is not afraid of anything.

  After directly displaying the state of the Indestructible Body of Vajra, he faced Bo Saixi's attack.


   Facing Bo Saixi's attack, Muge just slashed out a sword casually, after slightly weakening Bo Saixi's attack, he directly withstood Bo Saixi's attack with his indestructible body.


  Under Bo Saixi's astonished eyes, instead of continuing to escape further, Muge took her attack hard and bumped into her.


  But Bo Saixi is not afraid at all, pointing forward with a slender finger, pointing directly at the pastoral one who bumped into him.

   Do you think her melee ability is weak? That would be a big mistake!


  The soul power condensed on Bo Saixi's fingertips was trembling horribly, showing how terrifying the strength of Bo Saixi's finger was.


  Seeing that Bo Saixi's frightening finger was about to touch Muge's forehead, at the critical moment, Muge directly displayed nothingness, and his body entered a virtual state.

  As soon as he pointed at Kong, Bo Saixi's expression changed slightly, and he wanted to pull away the figure.

   "High Priest, I've caught you!"

   It's just that Mu Ge quickly retreated from the state of nothingness at this time, and after the whole figure got close to Bo Saixi, he immediately stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly.

   "Frozen Capsules!"

  After hugging Bo Saixi tightly, before he had time to feel how soft Bo Saixi's graceful figure was, Mu Ge quickly cast a freezing soul skill.


  The soul skill instantly froze the figures of Mu Ge and Bo Saixi together.

   "Let go!"

  Bo Saixi's angry voice immediately exploded in the sea of ​​pastoral consciousness.

  Although her figure is frozen, her consciousness can speak.

  At this time, Bo Saixi was really ashamed and angry. She never expected that Mu Ge would use such a method to make her feel ashamed and angry.

   actually hugged her tightly and froze together with himself.

  And on Muge's body, there was a steady flow of ice breath, which continuously strengthened the ice around them, making it impossible for her to break through the soul power no matter how much she urged her body.

   "Impossible, I will let go when the time is up!"

  The pastoral song is also completely frozen at this time, so it is responding to Bo Saixi with spiritual consciousness.

  Mu Ge felt the soul power of his body, it should be enough time for a stick of incense.

  In order to prevent Bo Saixi from breaking free, Muge's body is constantly bursting with icy aura, consuming an astonishing amount of soul power.

   And this method is only useful if you hug Bo Saixi tightly, and Bo Saixi can break free if you stay a little farther away.

  So it's not that Pastoral wants to take advantage of Bo Saixi, it's a last resort.


   Facing Pastoral's answer, Bo Saixi's consciousness turned red and his eyes were full of killing intent.

   It's just that under the current situation, she really can't break free, and can only wait for the soul power of the pastoral to be exhausted.

   But at that time, the assessment was over.

   "The bastard!"

  Bo Saixi cursed in her heart, she already knew Mu Ge's plan, and also knew that she was tricked by Mu Ge, she shouldn't have chased her down.

   It's just that if she doesn't chase down, she can't kill Pastoral.

   It can only be said that the moment she was escaped into the bottom of the sea by the idyll, she had already failed.

   "I admit defeat, you passed the assessment!"

  After figuring this out, Bo Saixi's spiritual sense opened his mouth, and directly surrendered.

  She really didn't want her body to be hugged by Muge any longer.

  Even if she is frozen, she can still feel the strangeness of being hugged tightly!

  【Sea God passed the sixth test of the Nine Tests, won with wisdom, exceeded the limit, and rewarded 20% Sea God Affinity! 】

  【Sea God's total affinity reached 70%! 】

  After Bo Saixi's consciousness opened his mouth to admit defeat, Muge received the prompt of that majestic voice immediately.

   "Don't let me go soon?"

  Bo Saixi's annoyed voice sounded again.

   "Accepted, High Priest!"

  Mu Ge quickly responded, and then slowly removed the frozen capsules around her body.

  After the frozen capsule was removed, Muge could clearly feel the feeling of holding Bo Saixi in his arms, plump and soft.


  Just the next moment, the figure of Muge was blown away by Bo Saixi.


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  (end of this chapter)

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