Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 197: Xiao Wu Transformation

  Chapter 197 Xiao Wu Transformation

  Puff Chi—

  A huge death spider was pierced fiercely in the head by the spider spear behind Bibi Dong.


  Seeing the death spider emperor in front of her being killed by herself, Bibi Dong suppressed the killing intent in her eyes in satisfaction.

  Facing this death spider king just now, Bibi Dong completely regarded it as an idyll, so he made a crazy move, and both Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo became assistants.

   Originally, it was supposed to be the two of them working together to take down the Death Spider Emperor, and she should make up the knife in the end.

  It's just that Bibi Dong has suffered too much humiliation during this time, and she is feeling aggrieved in her heart, so she vented it out by hunting the Death Spider Emperor.

   "That **** hasn't lied to me!"

  Seeing that the Death Spider Emperor was killed by herself, Bibi Dong hummed slightly in her heart, and her hatred for Mu Ge weakened a little bit.

  Before she thought that the pastoral song was just talking, but she didn't expect that there really was a hundred thousand year dead spider king here!

  If the person who provided her with the information was not that **** Mu Ge, she would definitely repay him heavily.

  Because this 100,000-year-old dead spider king is really suitable for her, it is almost tailor-made for her!

   It's just that the person who provided the information is Muge, Bibi Dong won't feel the slightest gratitude in her heart, at most, she will reduce the slightest bit of hatred.

  No way, Mu Ge has been bullying her for more than two years in the killing capital, and this time it took so many days.

   And this time it continued uninterrupted, making her think she was going to break down.

  Thinking of the various humiliations that happened to her these days, the hatred in Bibi Dong's heart that had weakened a little was immediately filled by a stronger hatred.

   "Muge, just wait, I will definitely kill you!"

   Bibi Dong swore viciously in her heart.

  Afterwards, Bibi Dong suppressed the hatred for the pastoral in her heart, and began to wait for the death spider emperor's hundred thousand year soul ring to burst out.


   There was a scene that surprised Bibi Dong, the corpse of the Death Spider Emperor in front of her suddenly shattered, turning into soul power and dissipating in the air.

"what happened?"

   "Where's the soul ring?"

  Seeing such a scene, Bibi Dong was dumbfounded. Could it be that the Death Spider King in front of her was tampered with by Muge?

   It's no wonder that Bibi Dong immediately suspected that Mu Ge had tampered with it. It was because Mu Ge gave her such a bad impression.


   Fortunately, with a sharp cry, the figure of the Death Spider King reappeared, and Bibi Dong dispelled the doubts in his heart.


   And the dead spider emperor, after being revived, spit out a mouthful of spider silk towards Bibi Dong and the others, formed a spider web to envelop Bibi Dong and the others, and ran away without looking back.

  Knowing that he can't beat Bibi Dong and the others, the Death Spider Emperor will of course choose to run away!

   "Old Ghost!"

  Ju Douluo glanced at Ghost Douluo.


  Ghost Douluo looked at Ju Douluo and nodded, knowing what Ju Douluo was going to do.

  Afterwards, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo quickly bypassed the spider web of the Death Spider Emperor, and then gathered together in the air.

   "Martial Soul Fusion Technique!"

   "Polar static field!"


  Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo teamed up to display their strongest soul skills, which belonged to their martial soul fusion level, bipolar static domain.

   This martial soul fusion technique can be called a divine skill, very powerful!

   This is also the reason why Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were valued by the previous Pope and brought with him.

  The two of them are not strong alone, they are just ordinary Title Douluo's strength, but after the two of them use the fusion level of martial arts, they have very strong auxiliary abilities.

  The two of them are also the only titled Douluo pair that is known to be able to perform martial soul fusion skills.


  Under the static domain of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo's martial soul fusion skills, the Death Spider Emperor who was running away was instantly frozen there, unable to move.


  But even though he couldn't move, the Death Spider Emperor's consciousness was still clear, and he immediately let out a terrified scream.

   "His Holiness the Pope!"

   "Just now it should be its soul ability that allowed it to be reborn. If the Pope kills it again, it should not be resurrected!"

  Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo spoke to Bibi Dong while maintaining the two-pole static domain.

  While they are using the martial soul fusion level, they are also unable to move.

   This can be regarded as the only shortcoming of their martial soul fusion level!

"I see!"

  Bibi Dong hummed, then waved towards the imprisoned Death Spider Emperor.

   "Sixth Soul Skill Vampire Spider Sting!"

   Swish Swish Swish—

  Under Bibi Dong's call, countless purple spider thorns condensed behind Bibi Dong, tens of thousands of spider thorns condensed on Bibi Dong's back one by one.

  Finally, under Bibi Dong's wave, they all greeted the Death Spider Emperor, and it fell on the Death Spider Emperor like raindrops.

  The spider thorns that fell on the death spider emperor were purple at first, and soon turned purple one after another.

  Because all the spider thorns are sucking the blood from the death spider emperor.

   Under the ingestion of countless blood-sucking spider thorns, the immobile death spider emperor was quickly sucked dry of the blood on his body.


  After death and rebirth, the Death Spider King was not in a good state, but now he was completely in a state of failure. After making a miserable scream, he lost his vitality.


   Immediately afterwards, a red 100,000-year soul ring emerged from the death spider emperor's head.

   "Finally dead!"

   Seeing this, Bibi Dong cheered up, finally killed the Death Spider King for real, and revealed her dreamed 100,000-year soul ring.

   And it is also the 100,000-year soul ring of the Death Spider Emperor.

   "Elder Ju, Elder Ghost, please protect me!"

After giving orders to Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo who had already released their martial soul fusion skills, Bibi Dong came to the dead spider emperor's corpse, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to absorb the hundred thousand year soul burst out by the other party. ring.

  The red one hundred thousand year soul ring that burst out from the Death Spider Emperor was quickly absorbed by Bibi Dong into his body, and then Bibi Dong began to refine it.

   "One hundred thousand year soul ring!"

   "I didn't expect to find this death spider emperor for His Majesty the Pope!"

  Seeing Bibi Dong refining a hundred thousand year soul ring, Ju Douluo felt somewhat envious.

   "This is also the most suitable for the Pope, it's a pity we couldn't find a hundred thousand year soul ring!"

  Ghost Douluo also nodded slightly.

   "The old ghost looked at the corpse of the Death Spider Emperor..."

  Ju Douluo suddenly noticed something, and quickly called Ghost Douluo.

  Ghost Douluo looked at the corpse of the Death Spider Emperor, and then his eyes widened: "How is this possible..."

  On the dead spider emperor's body, two soul bones slowly emerged.

   "One hundred thousand years of soul ring must lose one soul bone, but this death spider emperor actually has two soul bones!"

   "The Pope's luck is too good!"

  Ju Douluo looked at the two soul bones and said enviously, almost drooling.

  The soul bone itself is a rare treasure, let alone a soul bone with a quality of 100,000 years, but now two pieces fell out in front of them.

  Ju Douluo even had the urge to go forward and pick them up.

  But Chrysanthemum Douluo quickly held back, it belonged to Pope Bibi Dong, and the one that exploded from the Death Spider Emperor was undoubtedly the most suitable for Pope Bibi Dong.

  If it belonged to someone else, he would still grab it. If it belonged to Pope Bibi Dong, of course he didn't dare to think about it.

  Afterwards, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo drooled over the two hundred thousand year spirit bones while guarding Bibi Dong to absorb the spirit ring.


  After Bibi Dong finished absorbing the hundred thousand year soul ring, one after another soul rings emerged from Bibi Dong's body, and the last ninth soul ring was the red hundred thousand year soul ring.

   Bibi Dong has also officially become a genuine Title Douluo.

   "It's no wonder that the Death Spider King didn't die before. It turns out that the Death Spider King still has such magical skills!"

   Bibi Dong stood up, feeling the changes in her body, and she was also very happy in her heart.

  The most important thing is the ninth soul ability immortality given to her by the ninth soul ring, which made Bibi Dong very satisfied.

   With this move of immortality, her life-saving ability can be greatly enhanced.

"This is…"

   "It's actually two soul bones..."

   Then when Bibi Dong saw the two 100,000-year-old spirit bones emerging from the corpse of the Death Spider Emperor, Bibi Dong was also slightly stunned.

  It is extremely rare for two soul bones to explode from the same soul beast.

   It is even more unheard of for two soul bones to explode from the body of a hundred thousand year soul beast.

   "Haha, good!"

  Under surprise, Bibi Dong couldn't help laughing out loud.

   "Damn pastoral, you must have never imagined that this soul beast will burst out two soul bones, right?"

  While she was happy, Bibi Dong also wanted to know if Mu Ge knew about this scene, would she regret telling her the location of the death spider king.

   "No... that **** shouldn't regret it..."

  But after being happy for less than a second, Bibi Dong depressedly denied it.

  Muge was willing to tell her that the Death Spider King was so suitable for her 100,000-year-old soul beast, so she definitely wouldn't care about bursting out such an extra soul bone.

  Mu Ge's indifference made her feel even more afraid.

  That **** bastard, what level of soul power has he reached?

  Even a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can be easily discarded.

   In other words, her 100,000-year-old soul beast is actually not wanted by Pastoral.

  After thinking about this point, Bibi Dong was naturally not so happy.

   "The two elders, please continue to protect me. I will absorb these two soul bones now!"

   After calming down, Bibi Dong gave Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo another order, and then began to absorb the two soul bones in front of her.

   are the left arm soul bone and right arm soul bone of the Death Spider Emperor.

  After Bibi Dong absorbed them all, adding the hundred thousand year soul ring, Bibi Dong's soul power level was directly raised to level 92.


   "Sure enough, two soul bones exploded, no one is lucky!"

  What Bibi Dong didn't know was that when Muge noticed through the Blue Silver Grass that the Death Spider King had exploded with two soul bones as in the original book, she was somewhat envious and heartbroken.

  But thinking of the happiness he got from Bibi Dong these days, Mu Ge felt relieved, so let's treat it as a prostitute for Bibi Dong!

   Moreover, Mu Ge is not at all panicky about collecting the soul bones on his body.

  His goal is also to gather a complete set of 100,000-year spirit bones.

   Later on, he wants to replace the 20,000-year-old left leg bone and soul bone on his body!

  Finding a hundred thousand year soul beast is difficult for others, even for the Wuhun Temple which controls a large number of soul masters.

   But for Muge, finding the hundred thousand year soul beasts is not difficult at all, since all the hundred thousand year soul beasts are found in the wild.

  The wilderness is dominated by blue silver grass. As long as Muge is given time, Muge can find all hundred thousand year soul beasts in the world.

  Therefore, Mu Ge is never in a hurry to get all the soul bones on his body!

   "Lao Lan, I asked you to pay attention to the matter of the 100,000-year-old soft bone rabbit?"

  Afterwards, Mu Ge no longer paid attention to Bibi Dong, but summoned the oldest Blue Silver King in the Star Dou Great Forest, and asked it about Xiao Wu's situation.

  Since we have come to the Star Dou Great Forest, let's first get the 100,000-year-old spirit bone that Xiaowu's mother sacrificed.

   "My emperor, the 100,000-year-old soft bone rabbit put it in the Jinghu cabin, which is the former residence of the soft bone rabbit's mother!"

   Blue Silver King, who was summoned by Muge, quickly answered Muge's question.

   "Put it on the edge of Mirror Lake!"

   "OK, I got it!"

   Pastoral nodded, and then asked the other party to retreat first.

  After the Blue Silver King plant left, Muge glanced at the center of the Star Dou Great Forest, and then set off to rush up.

  Now that he knows where the soul bone is, Mu Ge only needs to go and get it.

   "I hope Daming won't be alarmed!"

   Pastoral thought secretly.

  He came this time, and he was not prepared to attack Da Ming and Er Ming for the time being.

  Being temporarily unable to use his martial soul, he is not sure that he can kill Da Ming and Er Ming. Mu Ge is confident that he can defeat them, but Mu Ge cannot guarantee that he can prevent Da Ming and Er Ming from escaping or committing suicide.

  Many 100,000-year-old soul beasts often choose to commit suicide at the last moment.

  Hundred-thousand-year soul beasts are very staunch, even if they commit suicide, they don't want their soul rings to be obtained by others.

  This is the reason why a hundred thousand year spirit ring is so precious.

  Because even if you find a hundred thousand year soul beast, you may not be able to hunt it successfully.

  The Star Dou Great Forest is very big, even though Mu Ge is already in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, it still took a day to reach the Jinghu Lake where Xiao Wu, Da Ming and Er Ming are.

   "The cover of the vast sea and the universe!"

  After arriving outside the mirror lake, Muge immediately cast the mask of the vast sea and universe to hide himself.

  Afterwards, the idyll slowly entered inside.

  Knowing that Daming is in the mirror lake, Muge chooses to approach slowly.

   Soon, Pastoral saw Mirror Lake.

   And immediately discovered that a huge figure appeared beside Jinghu Lake, with the head of a bull and the body of a snake, it was the Azure Bull Python Daming.

  On the shore, there is also a huge titan great ape.

  It's just that compared with the size of the Azure Bull Python, the huge size of the Titan Giant Ape also seems a bit small.

   And at the foot of the Titan Giant Ape, there is a smaller 100,000-year-old soul beast.

   From far away, Muge could feel that the atmosphere between the three hundred thousand year soul beasts was a bit heavy.

   "Xiao Wu is going to change form?"

   Pastoral's heart moved when he saw this.


  (end of this chapter)

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