Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 199: tits fierce **** fierce

  Chapter 199 Tits are fierce and **** are fierce

   "I'm going to turn her into my martial soul!"

   Pastoral said slowly.


   "You want to turn Miss Wu into your martial soul, how can this be possible?"

   "And even if it's done, what's the difference from killing Xiao Wu?"

   "Human, I will never let you succeed!"

  Hearing Mu Ge's answer, Daming was very shocked and very angry at the same time.

   This is called not killing Xiao Wu? Liar!

  It is a soul beast but not stupid!

   "Ho Ho—"

  Er Ming next to him saw Da Ming angry, and roared beside him.

   "No, no, no, after I turn her into my martial soul, as long as she keeps her soul, then she will not die, but become my second martial soul!"

   "Being able to be spotted by me is also a chance for you little dancers!"

"Because I am the inheritor of the Sea God, I also have the confidence to obtain the inheritance of the Sea God. At that time, your little sister Wu will be able to ascend to the God Realm with me in the form of my martial soul. After arriving in the God Realm, I don't need a second martial arts." If she loses her soul, she can regain her freedom!"

   Facing the angry Da Ming Er Ming, Mu Ge explained calmly.

   The big deal is to do it, but Mu Ge is sure that for Xiao Wu's safety, Da Ming and Er Ming would not dare to do it.

  If they refused to let go, Mu Ge would dare to try to absorb Xiao Wu directly on the spot.

  Of course, it is absorbed after using the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover to protect itself.


  Hearing Mu Ge's explanation, the burning anger in Daming's eyes weakened a bit, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

   Could it be true what the human being in front of me said?

  Looking at Muge's calm and confident look, it doesn't feel like Muge is lying.

   "What you said is true? Why have I never heard that soul beasts can become human martial souls?"

  Da Ming asked Pastoral.

   It must be asked clearly. If Muge can really do it, it will indeed be a chance for Miss Wu.

   Of course, everything must be based on the fact that what the idyll says is true.

   "Of course it is true. A hundred thousand year soul beast can be transformed into an acquired martial soul by a soul master when it is in an embryonic state during its transformation!"

   "Of course, there must be danger in this, because after the soul beast is absorbed, and after the soul revives and the memory wakes up, it will definitely resist, and the soul master will be backlashed to death if he fails!"

   "However, I am confident that you can make your little dance sister give up resistance. Just tell her what I just said, and she will make a wise choice!"

   Madrigal explained.

   "In short, for some reasons, I must have a second martial soul, so I can't give it up!"

   "If you are worried about her, then I will transform the martial soul on the spot. If you find that your little sister Wu is dead, it is not too late to do it!"

   Immediately afterwards, the idyll is a domineering announcement.

   Anyway, it meant the same thing, it was impossible to give up Xiao Wu in his hand.


   Before Da Ming could make a sound, Er Ming was already roaring furiously.

  It can't understand what Muge is saying, anyway, Muge is absolutely impossible to let go of Xiao Wu's attitude, it understands, if it wasn't for Daming who hasn't spoken yet, it would have been unable to resist.

   "Gorilla, if you don't want your little Miss Wu to have an accident, you'd better not move!"

   "Otherwise, after destroying her, I would still have the confidence to run away with my hands free, but your little Miss Wu will be dead!"

  Looking at the angry Er Ming, Mu Ge slightly shook the red embryo with his left hand, instantly calming Er Ming down.

   It's just Er Ming's expression that his eyes are tearing apart, which shows that Er Ming's quiet surface is full of crazier anger.

   "Er Ming..."

  Seeing that Mu Ge threatened their little Wu sister, Da Ming was also very angry, but he still called Er Ming to calm him down.

   "Human, if you just want to use this method to transform the martial soul, you release Miss Wu, I can take the initiative to transform, let me be your martial soul!"

   Then Daming looked at Muge and said in a deep voice.

  It doesn't know whether what the pastoral song said is true, but it can be sure that if it is given to Xiao Wu to choose, Xiao Wu will definitely not want to transform into someone else's martial soul.

  For Xiao Wu, Daming is willing to sacrifice himself.

   "It's not impossible, but if it's you, then I will erase your soul, because I'm not used to having an extra male soul on my body!"

  Muge glanced at Daming unexpectedly, never expecting that Daming would make such a decision.

  It seems that the hint in the original book that Da Ming and Er Ming also like Xiao Wu is true.


  Hearing Muge's words, Daming stared, and it made him extremely angry.

  If it is to erase his own soul, then Daming is not willing.

  If Miss Xiao Wu would die after being transformed into a martial spirit, then it must be willing to use its own life to save Miss Wu.

  But if Miss Xiao Wu was only transformed into a martial spirit, and her soul was still there instead of dying, then she would not be willing to exchange her life.

  Da Ming glared at Mu Ge, his huge nostrils constantly exhaled rough air.

   "We will watch you, if something happens to Miss Xiao Wu, we will definitely not let you go!"

  Finally, Daming could only make a decision.

   This is also its helpless move.

   Mu Ge clearly stated that she would not give up on Xiao Wu, if they continued to stop her, Mu Ge would destroy Xiao Wu first.

  Da Ming had no choice but to compromise.

   Da Ming made this decision because the other party was the inheritor of Sea God.

  In addition, Da Ming also thought about Xiao Wu's preparation for revenge after taking shape. If Muge can really transform Xiao Wu into a martial soul and continue to exist, then he can regain his freedom after ascending to the God Realm.

  The result undoubtedly prevented Xiao Wu from taking revenge.

   From its point of view, it might be a good thing.

  Because Xiao Wu's act of going to the human world for revenge, in its view, is no different from seeking death.


  Hearing Da Ming's words, Er Ming couldn't help but growl at Da Ming in confusion, not understanding why Da Ming would compromise.


  Da Ming immediately explained it to Er Ming simply by means of voice transmission.

  After hearing Daming's explanation, Er Ming finally understood.

   "In this case, you protect me!"

   "Don't worry, I just want to transform your little sister Wu into a martial soul, and I won't let her die!"

   Seeing that Da Ming compromised, Mu Ge also had a big heart. After Da Ming and Er Ming chuckled, he thrust the Sea God Trident into the ground, and then sat cross-legged on the ground, preparing to absorb and transform Xiao Wu's transformed embryo.

  The vast sea universe cover of the pastoral, after being broken, part of it merged with the skull of the pastoral, and more of it was almost inlaid on the Seagod Trident.

  The part that activates the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover is also on the Seagod Trident, and Muge inserted it on the ground just in case.

  If Da Ming and Er Ming really made a move, as long as his consciousness moved, he would be able to instantly cast the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield to protect himself.



  Seeing such an arrogant scene of Mu Ge, Da Ming and Er Ming were speechless.

   Are you really not worried that we will attack you?

  Where does the confidence come from?

  But it is also the arrogant side of Mu Ge that makes Da Ming and Er Ming believe in what Mu Ge said, and the other party has the confidence to do it.

  Da Ming glanced at Er Ming, and signaled Er Ming not to act rashly, just watch.


  At this time, the pastoral has also begun to absorb and transform Xiao Wu's transformed embryo.

   There is no skill here, it is to forcibly absorb and transform.

   It's just that while the pastoral absorbed and transformed, it also used the power of the Seagod's Light!

   Pastoral believes that with the blessing of Seagod's Light, the success rate will definitely increase a lot!

  Finally, the rich Seagod's Light wrapped the transformed embryos of Mu Ge and Xiao Wu in a cocoon condensed by the Seagod's Light.

   This transformation process obviously won't be completed in a short while.

   "This power is so strong..."

  Feeling the power of the Seagod's Light, Er Ming made a shocking sound.

   "Well, it seems that he is not lying, he is really the inheritor of the Sea God, this power should belong to the Sea God..."

  Da Ming was also shocked.

   "Da Ming, do you think Miss Wu can really transform into his martial soul? Will Miss Wu really be fine?"

  After being shocked, Er Ming couldn't help but worry about Xiao Wu.


   "We can only choose to believe him!"

  Da Ming said helplessly.

  If it could, of course it didn't want to watch the scene in front of it happen, but it couldn't stop it. Who told them not to protect Xiao Wu, and let their little Wu fall into the pastoral singer.

   "Hmph, if something happens to Xiao Wu, I will definitely not let this human go!"

   "Even if he is the inheritor of the Sea God, I will kill him!"

  Er Ming snorted angrily, and became very aggrieved.

"of course!"

   Daming affirmed.

   Afterwards, Da Ming and Er Ming didn't say anything more, they just stared closely at the cocoon condensed by the Seagod's Light.

  As for Mu Ge's absorption of Xiao Wu's transformational embryo, even with the help of Seagod's Light, it took Mu Ge seven to forty-nine days.

  This means that even if there is a possibility that a 100,000-year-old soul beast embryo can be absorbed into a martial soul, it is very difficult.


  In the end, Xiao Wu's transformed embryo was completely absorbed by Muge, and then a soft-bone rabbit martial soul took shape in Muge's dantian.


   Seeing this scene, Muge was overjoyed, knowing that he had succeeded.

  If it is unsuccessful, Xiao Wu's transformed embryo will be absorbed by Muge as pure energy, and cannot be formed in Muge's dantian in the form of a martial spirit.

   "The reason why I was able to succeed, apart from the assistance of Seagod's Light, may also be because I put the simulator in the dream world. The dantian is empty, which just gives Xiaowu the space to form her martial soul!"

   Pastoral guessed in his heart.

  However, after Xiao Wu's martial soul took shape in Mu Ge's dantian, the changes did not end.

   Soon, Xiao Wu's body, the soft bone rabbit, gradually stretched out, and finally turned into a little girl.

   "It has already become my martial soul, and it continues to transform!"

  Seeing Xiao Wu's changes, Mu Ge complained.

   But he doesn't care, he just needs a second martial soul, it doesn't matter what form the martial soul is in.

  The appearance of the little girl is not bad.

  Xiao Wu's transformed form is still very cute!

  After Xiao Wu transformed into form, even the dress on her body was transformed, which is the appearance of Xiao Wu when she appeared in the anime.

  After the transformation was completed, Xiao Wu who had become a pastoral martial soul also slowly opened her eyes.

   At this time, Xiao Wu's soul has obviously awakened, and her memory has also been revived.

   "Where is this place??"

   "Where's Da Ming and Er Ming?"

  After opening her eyes, Xiao Wu realized that something was wrong with her surroundings.

  Why doesn't it seem to be in the Star Dou Forest?

   "This is my martial soul space, congratulations, little girl, congratulations on becoming my martial soul!"

  Muge's spiritual consciousness appeared in the Wuhun space, condensed in front of Xiao Wu's eyes, and then drove Xiao Wu to laugh.

"Who are you?"

   "Where is this place?"

   "What martial spirit?"

  Seeing the strange man who suddenly appeared, Xiao Wu was startled immediately, and retreated after a while.

   "Feel it carefully, and you will know!"

   Pastoral said.

  After the words were over, Mu Ge folded his hands with great interest, ready to appreciate Xiao Wu's expression when he found out the truth.

"Feel it?"

  Hearing Mu Ge's words, Xiao Wu held a skeptical attitude and felt it silently.

  After feeling carefully, Xiao Wu also quickly understood the changes that happened to her, and the memory of the whole process of Mu Ge's absorption and transformation of her also appeared in the memory.


   "Damn it, you hateful human being, you actually transformed me into your martial spirit!"

"I am going to kill you!"

  After learning all the truth, Xiao Wu was immediately furious, jumped up and attacked Mu Ge.

  Xiao Wu never imagined that she had been doing a good job of transforming into a recultivation, but there was an accident. She was cut off in the middle of transforming, and was refined into a martial spirit by others.

  Although she had never heard of such a thing, she couldn't even believe that such a thing existed.

  But the facts have already happened to her, and she can't believe it.

  She also knew what Mu Ge said when threatening Da Ming Er Ming, but Xiao Wu couldn't accept that she was forced to accept her fate of being transformed into a martial spirit.

   "Blast-killing eight-dan fall!"

   After Xiao Wu charged towards Pastoral, she immediately cast her ultimate move.

   bang bang bang—

  Mu Ge blocked with both hands left and right, and easily blocked Xiao Wu's attacks.

   "Kill me? Killing me won't change the fact that you have become my martial soul. If you kill me, you will die together!"

   "You seem to want to avenge your mother? How can you avenge after death?"

  Mu Ge lightly blocked Xiao Wu's attack, and said to Xiao Wu with a smile.

  Hearing Muge's words, Xiao Wu's attack on Muge stopped immediately.

  Yeah, if you kill Pastoral, she will disappear together.

  Xiao Wu glared at Mu Ge, her big eyes were red, full of killing intent, but she didn't do it, and she didn't do it.

  Puff Chi—

  Seeing Xiao Wu's fierce **** at this time, Mu Ge couldn't help but sneered.

  Xiao Wu's current appearance is really too cute.

   "Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, I will avenge you!"

   "You also know that I am the inheritor of the Sea God. With my strength, it is very easy to avenge you!"

  Looking at Xiao Wu amusedly, Mu Ge immediately spoke to comfort her.

  At this time, Mu Ge didn't even realize that the tone of his speech seemed to be facing Xiao Ai and the others.

  But this is unavoidable. At this time, Xiao Wu, who is about 6 years old, is similar to Xiao Ai and the others. Mu Ge inevitably treats Xiao Wu as her own daughter.

   "What you said is true?"

  Xiao Wu still glared at Muge fiercely with red eyes.

   "Of course, who are your enemies?"

   Pastoral affirmed.

   "One is called Tang Hao, who possesses the Haotian Hammer Wuhun, and is now a Titled Douluo, and the other is the Pope of Wuhun Palace!"

   "Can you promise to kill them?"

  Hearing Muge's words, Xiao Wu tentatively reported her enemy to Muge.

  She wanted to see if Muge dared to help her avenge her.

   "It turned out to be Tang Hao. It seems that we are quite destined. I happen to know him, and he is also my enemy. Even if this person is not for you, I will kill him!"

   Pastoral first talked about Tang Hao.

  Xiao Wu couldn't help looking at Muge unexpectedly when she heard the words, is it true?

   So Tang Hao is also his enemy?

   "What about the Pope of Wuhundian? Do you dare to kill him?"

  Knowing that Tang Hao is also Muge's enemy, Xiao Wu's gaze at Muge softened a bit, but she continued to ask questions.

   "The Pope of the Wuhun Temple you are talking about should be Chihiro Ji who has the seraphim Wuhun?"

   "If so, I'm sorry, I may not be able to avenge you!"


  ps: Ask for a monthly pass! Some cast it.

  (end of this chapter)

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