Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 237: Ning Rongrong: "Bad guy!"

  Chapter 237 Ning Rongrong: "Bad guy!"

  Thinking of this, Bibi Dong's expression suddenly changed.

  The more she thought about it, the more likely it was.

   If not, how could Mu Ge, a bastard, practice so fast?

   Faster than her, a peerless genius with twin martial soul talents.

   "Why, why should this **** be favored by a god!"

  After thinking of this point, Bibi Dong was undoubtedly overwhelmed.

  Shouldn’t scumbags like Muge be directly destroyed humanely by the gods to eliminate harm for the people?

   Bibi Dong doesn't know about other things, but if Mu Ge is really inherited by a certain god, it will undoubtedly become more difficult for Bibi Dong to know that she wants to kill Mu Ge.


   "We must not allow him to complete the divine test comfortably, we must kill him in advance!"

   Bibi Dong clenched her fists tightly, her eyes full of hatred.

  At this moment, Bibi Dong's eyes flashed brightly, thinking quickly how to stop Mu Ge from completing the divine test.

  Even if Mu Ge didn't pass the divine test, Bibi Dong didn't want to wait any longer, she wanted to get rid of Mu Ge sooner.

  Before, it was because she could not find Muge, and because she thought she had obtained the inheritance of the Rakshasa God, she would have the opportunity to kill Muge in the future.

  But it is different now. If her guess is true, then even if she really obtained the inheritance of Rakshasa God, she may not be able to kill Muge.

   "Don't you want to whitewash yourself?"

   "Okay then, I will fulfill you!"

   Bibi Dong suddenly sneered.

  Before, she didn’t want Muge to live in the sun, she wanted Muge to always hide in the dark like mice and cockroaches, living aggrievedly.

   But in that case, it would be difficult for her to find the pastoral.

  So Bibi Dong quickly changed her mind at this time, and asked Muge to remove the name of the fallen person, so that Muge could appear in front of the world in the real world, and it also made it easier for her to grasp the traces of Muge.


   "Seventh Soul Skill Martial Soul Avatar!"

   "The fourth soul skill Bone Domain!"


   "Seventh Soul Skill Martial Soul Avatar!"

   "The fourth soul skill Bone Domain!"


   At this time on the void arena, Mu Ge and Bone Douluo had already started to fight.

  Mu Ge did not disappoint the audience, and once again displayed the same martial arts and soul skills as his opponent.

Bone Douluo tried his best, but found that the martial arts and soul skills simulated by Muge are no less unfamiliar to him in use, and the power is stronger than what he displayed under the blessing of the opponent's 100,000-year-old soul ring Some.

   What shocked him the most was Muge's soul power. He had already fought so many times in a row, but it seemed endless, and he didn't seem to be consuming a lot of it.

   In fact, this is pastoral cheating.

  Although his soul power is astonishing, it is not strong enough to challenge so many titled Douluo continuously.

  Especially the martial souls and soul skills that completely imitate them. The consumption is almost equal to that of the opponent, but the power is not necessarily stronger than the ones created by oneself. It is a waste of soul power.

   It's just that in the dream world, the pastoral will never lack soul power.

  With this advantage, Muge challenged so many Title Douluo continuously, and defeated them in a relatively soul-consuming way.

   "Ninth Soul Ability Bone Dragon!"


  Bone Douluo was finally forced by Mu Ge to use his strongest ninth soul skill, Bone Dragon.


   "Ninth Soul Ability Bone Dragon!"

   Pastoral naturally retaliated against this, and also displayed the Bone Dragon!



   Afterwards, two bone dragons more than 30 meters long fought on the void arena. Every time they collided, space ripples were produced, which was very frightening.

  At least those spectators thought that if they went up by themselves, even if they were shocked by the aftermath of the battle, they might be smashed to pieces immediately.

  Even Muge had to admit that Bone Douluo's move was very strong, and his defense was unparalleled.


   But in the end, Bone Douluo was still defeated by Muge.

  The Bone Dragon transformed by Pastoral swung its tail and landed on the ring.

"I surrender!"

   After falling on the ring, Bone Douluo's very embarrassed figure appeared, and after looking at Mu Ge with a complicated expression, he reluctantly chose to admit defeat.

   "Grandpa Bone actually lost!"

   "Is this person so strong?"

   "Grandpa Jian, can you defeat this bad guy?"

  The little loli Ning Rongrong next to Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo, after seeing her grandpa Gu defeated by Mu Ge, stretched out her hand and pulled the corner of Sword Douluo's clothes.

  Obviously, Mu Ge is a bad person in the eyes of little **** Ning Rongrong at this time, because he defeated his grandpa bone!

   "Haha, Grandpa Gu is fine, with Rongrong's words, it's okay if Grandpa Gu loses!"

  Bone Douluo just teleported back, after hearing Ning Rongrong's words, he immediately swept away the depression of being defeated just now, and laughed heartily.

   "Old man Jian, that kid is really strong, he will definitely challenge you later, it's up to you!"

   Then Bone Douluo turned his head and said to Sword Douluo.

   "It doesn't matter, the only thing is to fight!"

  Sword Douluo smiled lightly, with a little fighting intent in his eyes.

   "Now, let's watch the battle between this guy and Sect Master Yu first!"

   "I don't know what expression Sect Master Yu will have when he sees this idyll!"

   Sword Douluo continued, with a sarcasm in his tone.

   "Haha, that's right, I really want to see Sect Master Yu's expression at this time!"

  Bone Douluo was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately laughed, and hurriedly opened the live broadcast room, not wanting to miss Thunder Douluo Yu Yuanzhen's expression when facing the pastoral song.

   "Bone Douluo is also defeated!"

   "Wait, Vientiane Douluo should be challenging Thunder Douluo, right?"

   "It seems that Vientiane Douluo was expelled from the sect by Thunder Douluo?"

   "Yes, I almost forgot..."

   "I really want to see the expression Thunder Douluo, the suzerain of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Sect, will have when facing Vientiane Douluo..."

   "Hurry up, can't wait..."

   "Your Majesty Wanxiang, I support you in challenging Thunder Douluo!"


  Not only Ning Fengzhi and others, but also other audiences, at this time, they also realized that Mu Ge will challenge later, that is Yu Yuanzhen, the suzerain of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect who expelled him from the sect.

   Such a **** and dramatic collision, of course they are looking forward to it.

   "Next, I will challenge Thunder Douluo, the suzerain of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Sect. Please enlighten me!"

   Pastoral did not disappoint, and directly challenged Yu Yuanzhen.

   Regarding Yu Yuanzhen's expelling him from the sect, Mu Ge has long since ignored it, otherwise he would not have agreed with Liu Erlong to take the soul power cultivation technique back to the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.

   After all, it was the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect who raised him.

  If you just want him to return to the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, don't even think about it.


  ps: Women really only affect my coding speed, the contact information has been deleted, there will be another chapter later.

  (end of this chapter)

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