Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 248: Bibi Dong: "Hurry up!"

  Chapter 248 Bibi Dong: "Hurry up!"

   "Damn it, I really can't escape!"

   "I can only find Sister Xue!"

   After Bingdi continued to try a few more times, and found that there was really no way to escape the pursuit of Muge, she decided to go to the place where her sister Xue was practicing in seclusion.

  It is a huge canyon, and there is snow in the canyon all the year round, and there are very few times when it does not snow.

   "Sister Xue, help me!"

   After the Ice Empress entered this canyon, she immediately opened her mouth and shouted.

  In a beautiful ice cave in the canyon, a figure of a woman slowly opened her eyes after hearing the cry of the Ice Emperor.

   This is a cold goddess!

  A head of long white hair hangs from the back of his head to his feet, and his sky blue eyes are ethereal, as if he can see through everything in the world.

  The slender and delicate body is flawless, and although she is wearing a white dress without any decorations, it makes her look so noble and stunning. Meticulous, like wax snow and winter plum, outstanding, proud of snow and bullying frost.

   "Is Binger here?"

  Xuedi was a little puzzled, she had practiced in seclusion for too long, so she wondered if she had hallucinations just now.

   "Sister Xue, help me!"

   It wasn't until Ice Empress' voice came again that Snow Empress' expression completely changed.

   It is really the Ice Emperor who is here, and he is still calling for help.


  The figure of Xuedi Peerless Qingcheng disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had already come outside the canyon.

  After Xuedi came out, he saw Bingdi running towards her quickly.

  Then Snow Empress also saw Idyll flying slowly behind Ice Empress in the air.

  The opponent seems to be flying slowly, but the speed is not slow at all.

   "Sister Snow..."

   After seeing Xue Di, Ice Emperor's eyes lit up, and he quickly ran to Xue Di's side, and then circled behind him.

   "Sister Xue, save me, this hateful human wants to kill me!"

  Then Ice Empress glared at the pastoral song in the air and complained to Snow Empress.

   "Looking for death!"

  After hearing Bingdi's words, Snow Emperor's beautiful eyes were filled with ice-cold eyes. Looking at Mu Ge who was still following her, she directly waved her hand and sent out an attack.

   "Emperor Sword · Bingji Wushuang!"

  I saw Xuedi waving his hand, a sharp giant sword made of ice condensed instantly condensed above her head, and then quickly shot at Muge.


   The speed of the ice sword was extremely fast, and it arrived in front of Muge in an instant.

  At the same time, an icy aura full of coldness also locked on the pastoral early on, making it impossible for the pastoral to dodge easily.

  Anyway, it was too late to dodge Xuedi's Emperor Sword attack.

   "As expected of a soul beast with a cultivation base of 600,000 years, it is really strong!"

   Muge's eyes lit up slightly when he saw this.


   Immediately afterwards, Mu Ge directly cast nothingness to avoid the attack of Xue Di's move of Emperor Sword, allowing the opponent's attack to penetrate directly from him.


  The huge Emperor Sword's attack failed, and finally hit the rock wall of the canyon, blowing up countless snowflakes, and that side of the canyon seemed to be pierced directly.

   "Actually dodged!"

   Seeing that Muge avoided her attack so easily, Xuedi's originally cold expression also carried a little caution.

   No wonder being able to hunt down and kill the Ice Emperor, so that the Ice Emperor can only escape here to seek help, is no ordinary human being.

   "Sister Xue, be careful, this hateful human is very strong, he is the successor of the Sea God, and he still has the Sea God's artifact!"

   "And this guy has two spirits. The first spirit doesn't know what spirit ring configuration, but the second spirit has four 100,000-year spirit rings attached!"

   At this time, Bingdi also reminded Xuedi behind Xuedi's back in time, letting sister Xue know the specialness of pastoral songs.

  Hearing Bingdi's introduction, Xuedi's beautiful eyes shrank slightly, and the eyes that looked at Muge became more serious.

   And Muge is also looking at Xuedi at this time.

   This is an iceberg goddess, and there is a cold temperament in every part of her body.

  If he didn't know that the other party was a soul beast, Mu Ge would definitely not believe that the other party would be a purebred soul beast, a soul beast that hadn't yet transformed!

   As expected of the Snow Maiden clan, a natural humanoid soul beast!

   Moreover, she was born from the power of the ultimate ice and snow between heaven and earth, and was born without parents.

  The real proud daughter of heaven is born from this world.

   "Human, I don't care who you are, get out of here!"

   Xuedi looked at Muge coldly, opened her red lips lightly, and said to Muge coldly.

  Xuedi's voice is as cold and aloof as hers.

   That is, Muge's identity and strength made her a little afraid, otherwise she would not have discussed with Muge, but would have done it directly.

   She dared to hunt and kill soul beasts in front of her, and it was her sister Bing'er who hunted and killed them!

   "The little scorpion just told you who I am, but let me introduce myself!"

   "I am Pastoral, the inheritor of the Sea God, a Level 95 Super Douluo!"

   "But this is nothing to me, I will definitely be able to inherit the Seagod position in the future!"

   "That little scorpion made a mistake. I'm here to cooperate with you, not to hunt you!"

  Mu Ge looked at Xue Di, and his figure landed down, and he spoke only after landing in front of Xue Di.

   "Sister Xue is lying, he tricked me into offering sacrifices to him, isn't he just trying to kill me?"

  Ice Empress heard Mu Ge's words behind Snow Empress, and immediately jumped out to retort.

   "Sacrificing actively, is that what you mean by cooperation?"

  When Xuedi heard Bingdi's words, he looked at Muge coldly.

   Obviously, she didn't believe in this kind of cooperation either.

   "That's why the little scorpion didn't make it clear!"

   "Then let me say it again, this is also for you, because I am coming to the extreme north this time, and you are also my cooperation target!"

   "Otherwise, that little scorpion would have been caught by me a long time ago, and it wouldn't be able to escape here at all!"

   Pastoral smiled slightly.

   "Damn human being, so you still have Sister Xue's idea!"

   "Sister Xue, I'm sorry, I didn't know he came here for you, otherwise I wouldn't have come to Sister Xue!"

  After hearing Muge's words, Bingdi was the most surprised and unacceptable. She didn't expect that she could escape here, and it turned out that Muge did it on purpose.

  The other party actually knew that she and Xue Di knew each other, and came after her specifically.

  After knowing this, Bingdi immediately looked at Xuedi with eyes full of guilt, and his tone was full of remorse.

   If sister Xue had an accident because of her, she would never be able to forgive herself.

  Xuedi also looked at Muge in surprise, obviously he didn't expect that he was also Muge's target.

   Seeing Muge's calm and composed look, she is very confident, that is, she is sure to deal with both her and Bingdi at the same time, so she dares to be so arrogant.

   "Say it!"

   Xue Di answered coldly, but wanted to hear what Mu Ge said about the cooperation.

   Let the soul beasts take the initiative to sacrifice, can you still be so brazen as to say that it is cooperation?

"it's actually really easy…"

   Mu Ge saw that Xue Di was willing to listen to him, and smiled immediately, and then began to talk about the cooperation plan that he had mentioned to Bing Di before.

  Being able to convince the other party directly, Mu Ge still doesn't want to do it.

  Although he has the confidence to defeat Snow Empress and Ice Empress, he is not confident that he can prevent them from committing suicide.

  If they choose to commit suicide when they are invincible, he will get nothing, no matter it is a soul ring or a soul bone.

  After a 100,000-year soul beast is forced to commit suicide, the soul ring and soul bone will disappear together.

   It's almost like self-destruct!

  After hearing Muge's so-called cooperation, Xue Di's eyes were still cold, but he had listened to Muge's words, and there was some thought in his expression.

   "This cooperation is not cost-effective for us, because the cooperation you mentioned is based on the fact that you can complete the Sea God's Nine Trials and successfully inherit the Sea God position!"

   "And even if you succeed, whether our souls can be resurrected in the God Realm is completely up to you, we have no initiative at all!"

  Afterwards, Xue Di looked at Mu Ge coldly and spoke out.

  Xue Di was obviously very smart, and he saw the key point clearly at once.

   "That's right, as expected of Snow Empress, much smarter than that little scorpion!"

   "You are right to worry, but this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you, isn't it?"

   "If you can ascend to the God Realm, you no longer need to worry about the catastrophe!"

   "The reason why I seek your cooperation is because with your help, I can complete the Nine Trials of the Sea God more easily. This is why I am willing to give you a chance!"

   "I want to improve my confidence in completing the Nine Trials of the Sea God, to ensure that I can pass the exam 100% and obtain the inheritance of the Sea God!"

   "How about it? Would you like to cooperate?"

  Mu Ge praised Xue Di, and then continued to speak.

  When Pastoral said this, his tone was also sincere, and he really intended to do so.

   "What if we refuse to cooperate?"

  Xue Di's expression was still cold, he looked up at Mu Ge and asked a question.

   "Then I'm sorry, I need your soul rings to increase their soul power level as much as possible!"

   "If you refuse to cooperate, then I can only choose to do it myself!"

   Pastoral said, his expression suddenly became fierce.


   At the same time, Muge summoned the Seagod Trident again, and gave a meal on the snow, while releasing the powerful divine power on the Seagod Trident.


  The power of the Seagod Trident vibrated, the entire Ice and Snow Canyon was shaken, and the snow in the air seemed to be frightened to a halt for a moment.

   "Damn humans, after all, they don't want our soul rings!"

   "Sister Xue, let's not believe his nonsense, human beings simply can't believe it!"

  Before Xuedi made a sound, Bingdi, who had been behind Xuedi, couldn't help but groaned angrily.

   "Sister Xue, it's all my fault that he ushered in, wait for me to drag this hateful human being, sister Xue, run away!"

   After finishing speaking, Ice Empress said to Snow Empress again.

   As Bingdi spoke, she was about to stand in front of Xuedi and no longer hide behind her.

   "How could I watch Binger send you to death!"

  However, Xuedi stopped Bingdi and didn't let her stand up.

   "It's fine if I agree to your cooperation, but first you have to prove your strength!"

   "Beat us, if you can defeat us, then we promise to cooperate with you!"

   Then Xue Di looked at Mu Ge coldly, and said her decision.

  She also didn't say what if Muge couldn't defeat them, because in that case, the initiative would be in their hands, and they could choose whether to kill Muge.

   It’s just that she thinks this is unlikely. Since Muge dared to let the Bingdi lead the way to the door, she must be very confident in her own strength.

  So after hearing that Mu Ge was so determined to get their soul rings, Xue Di knew that they actually had no choice.

  Promise the cooperation of Pastoral, and they will have a chance to be resurrected.

   If they don’t agree, Muge will do it directly. If Muge’s strength is really as strong as he said, their final result will not be much better.

   But in that case, they would really die.

  That's why Xue Di agreed to cooperate, the premise is to defeat them.

  She can also choose to do it directly, and agree to cooperate after failure, but that is forced to agree to cooperate.

  It is completely different to agree to cooperate after making an agreement, and agreeing to cooperate after failing to do so.

   "That's right, if you want us to cooperate, you can defeat us first!"

  Bingdi, who was behind Xuedi, his eyes lit up when he heard Xuedi's words, and he immediately echoed.

  Although she is not as smart as Xue Di, she is not a fool, and she immediately understood Sister Xue's plan.

  Anyway, as long as sister Xue decides, she will support it.

  Even if she really wants to cooperate with the other party in the end, if Sister Xue decides, then she will agree.

   "It seems that we still have to do something!"

   "Okay, I promise you!"

   "It's right for you to have more confidence in me!"

  After hearing Xue Di's words, Mu Ge smiled helplessly, but he didn't expect to do it in the end.

   But it doesn't matter, as long as Xuedi agrees to cooperate.

   What Muge is afraid of is that the other party will not agree, and will not obey. He couldn't guarantee that he could really kill them to get the spirit ring without them blowing themselves up.


  After the words were finished, Mu Ge pulled out the Sea God Trident inserted into the ground, and pointed at Snow Empress and Ice Empress domineeringly in an instant.

   "Come on, I just happen to see how powerful your Ice and Snow Emperors are!"


   After finishing speaking, Pastoral also released the Killing God Domain, and the terrifying aura swept across the entire ice and snow canyon in an instant.

  The divine power of the Trident of the Sea God, plus the God-killing Domain of the Pastoral, superimposed, can be as terrifying as it is.

   "Binger, let's go!"

   Xuedi's expression remained unchanged, and he said to the ice emperor behind him.

   "Hee hee, good sister Xue!"

   "Let us defeat this hateful human!"

  When Ice Emperor heard Xuedi's words, he immediately grinned.

  No matter what the result is, she feels very excited to be able to face this hateful human being Muge together with Sister Xue.

   "Frozen Realm!"

  After the words fell, Ice Empress directly displayed her talent field.

   "Emperor Hantian·Xuewu Yaoyang!"

  Xuedi looked at Muge coldly, and also displayed her talent field together with Bingdi.


   Behind Xuedi, it seemed like a bright sun rising, the white light was dazzling.

  However, the white light emitted by this Yaoyang brought extreme coldness.


   Immediately after the fields of the two of them, they merged instantly.

   "Fusion Field·Snow Dance Ice Field!"



  At this moment, Bibi Dong, who had just brought Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo into the Extreme North, suddenly felt a strong vibration.

  Bibi Dong looked up, and found that the movement was coming from far, far away, her expression suddenly changed.

   "Such a distance, such a big movement, only a hundred thousand year soul beast can create it!"

   "Hurry up, let's go over and have a look!"

  Bibi Dong took Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo immediately, and didn't search separately, and rushed directly to the direction where the vibration came from.


  (end of this chapter)

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