Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 262: a lot of water

  Chapter 262 A lot of water


   After a full two hours, Ning Rongrong fully absorbed Qiluo Tulip. The moment he opened his eyes, a wave of soul power shook Ning Rongrong's body.

  Ning Rongrong's big watery eyes opened quickly, and a look of surprise clearly appeared in the eyes.

   "Dad, my soul power level is already level 20!"

  Ning Rongrong seemed very pleasantly surprised. Although she had just heard Muge talk about the effect of Qiluo tulips, she still felt very incredible when she found out that her level had suddenly increased to level 20.

   You must know that she was only at level 15, but now she has increased to level 5!

   "It's actually increased by 5 levels all of a sudden!"

   "What a powerful effect!"

  After hearing Ning Rongrong's soul power level, Ning Fengzhi was very surprised and delighted.

   Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo are also very pleasant surprises.

   "It should not only reach level 20, but how much it has really improved will only be known after absorbing the second spirit ring!"

   "However, the improvement of the soul power level is only incidental. The evolution of the Wuhun Hall is the most important thing. Little girl, let's summon your Wuhun and have a look!"

   Mu Ge just smiled lightly at this, then looked at Ning Rongrong and said.


   This time Ning Rongrong listened to Mu Ge's words very much. After hearing Mu Ge's words, she immediately began to summon her martial soul.

  Before, Muge was a big villain in her impression, but now that Muge gave her such a powerful treasure, of course she is not a big villain!

   "Seven Treasures turn out Liuli!"


  After Ning Rongrong finished chanting the incantation, the crystal-clear Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda emerged in Ning Rongrong's palm, with layers of nine-colored light rippling all over her body.

"one two three…"

  Seeing Ning Rongrong summoning the martial soul, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo immediately fixed their eyes on Ning Rongrong's martial soul.

  At the first glance, they could tell that the number of floors of Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda had changed, it had increased, and they could even tell the number of floors at a glance.

  But they still counted layer by layer.

   "Nine floors...haha, it's really nine floors..."

   "Great, great..."

   "Our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School finally has a person who breaks the limit of martial arts..."

  Ning Fengzhi saw clearly the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda in Ning Rongrong's hand... should be called the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda now. After seeing clearly the number of floors of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, Ning Fengzhi was so excited that he couldn't speak coherently.

  Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were also extremely excited, they both looked at Ning Rongrong's martial spirit from a close distance, admiring them excitedly, as if seeing a peerless beauty.

   "Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, Dad, my Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda has become the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda..."

  At this time, Ning Rongrong also discovered that her martial soul had evolved, and immediately cheered.

  Ning Rongrong is also aware of the flaws of her martial spirit, and even her goal in life is to rely on her innate talent of level nine soul power to see if she can break through this limitation and fulfill the long-cherished wish of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School for so many years.

   Now that it has suddenly come true, Ning Rongrong is of course very happy.

   Now, her soul power level will not be limited to the soul saint level like her father, and she will never be able to break through level 79 to become a Contra in her life.

   Not only that, but with the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, if she works hard, she might even become a Titled Douluo.

  As for the title Douluo of the auxiliary system, there is currently no title Douluo of the auxiliary system in the mainland.

   If she does it in the future, she is the only one!

  Of course, it's too early to think about this now, knowing that her martial soul has evolved into the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower, Ning Rongrong is already excited enough.

   "Good good good..."

   "Your Majesty Wanxiang, in the future, whenever you need it, you can come to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

   Ning Feng was excited, and promised to the pastoral again.

   At the same time, he also turned his head to stare at Ning Rongrong and said, "Rongrong, you have to remember this too!"

   "Yes, Dad, I remember!"

  Ning Rongrong said loudly.

"Your Majesty Wanxiang, if you need help from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School in the future, just come to us! If my father disagrees, I will let Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Gu take care of him!" Then Ning Rongrong also looked like a little adult, facing him. Pastoral said.

   "What did the little girl say..."

  Hearing Ning Rongrong's words, Ning Fengzhi's hair was blackened.

   "Haha, okay, Grandpa Jian promised you!"

   "Grandpa Bone too!"

  Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo laughed out loud.

   Pastoral was also laughing, and the hall was filled with laughter for a while.

  Ning Rongrong would not think that everyone was laughing at her, but instead had a complacent look on her face, she is very powerful.

   "Sect Master Ning, I like this daughter very much, how about I consider her my goddaughter?"

  Mu Ge also really liked such a black-bellied Ning Rongrong, his heart moved, so he opened his mouth and said to Ning Fengzhi.


  Ning Fengzhi didn't expect Mu Ge to say that suddenly, if it's true, it's really a good thing.

  For Ning Rongrong, she has another powerful backer.

   "That's right, what's Ning Zong's idea?"

   Pastoral confirmed.

   "Haha, good, this is my honor!"

  Ning Fengzhi immediately laughed when he heard Mu Ge's definite answer.

   "Rongrong, come and meet your godfather!" Afterwards, Ning Fengzhi turned to Ning Rongrong and ordered.

  Ning Rongrong was also very surprised at this time, he didn't expect Muge to recognize her as his daughter.

   You must know that when she came out just now, she said that the other party was a big villain.

  Ning Rongrong's beautiful eyes turned slightly, after absorbing the Qiluo tulip that Muge gave her, she no longer regarded Muge as a big villain.

   And she also knows that Pastoral is very powerful and very powerful.

   And he is as handsome as Grandpa Jianjian, Grandpa Gu, no, he is more handsome than Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Gu.

   She is very willing to recognize such a godfather.

  In the future, she will have another backer, and she can cause trouble as much as she wants.

  Although Ning Rongrong is young, he is very clever and knows the benefits of accepting Muge as a godfather.

   "... godfather!"

  That's why Ning Rongrong turned her beautiful eyes and yelled to the pastoral song crisply.

   "Good boy, if someone bullies you in the future, just tell your godfather, and godfather will help you teach him a lesson!"

  Muge laughed in satisfaction when he heard Ning Rongrong's words.


  After Ning Fengzhi on the side heard Mu Ge's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, always feeling a bad premonition.

  Ning Rongrong was originally a little witch, relying on the support of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo to rule the law, she was mischievous in the sect and often played tricks on others.

  It’s all right now, with the backing of Pastoral, it’s probably going to be even more lawless.

   "Yeah, I listen to godfather!"

  When Ning Rongrong heard Muge's words, she felt that this father recognized her beautifully. From now on, this lady can walk sideways.

   "Godfather didn't bring any suitable gifts for you, so I'll give you a few sets of cultivation secrets!"

   Mu Ge smiled, this goddaughter is indeed very smart, Mu Ge just wants her to keep this smart and dark belly, as long as she doesn't become a bad person like a fallen person.

  However, judging from the performance in Ning Rongrong's original works, Ning Rongrong's heart is still relatively kind, so if she keeps her black-bellied nature, it will be more pleasing.

   As Muge said, he stretched out his hand to touch Ning Rongrong's forehead, and taught Ning Rongrong several sets of cultivation secret techniques of the latest version.

   "These sets of cultivation secrets are improved based on the three cultivation secrets I obtained from the dream world, and the effect is twice as good as the original!"

  The pastoral song also tells the preciousness of the gift.

   "Yeah, thank godfather!"

  After Ning Rongrong learned of the effect, she became even more excited.

  She also knows the existence of the three kinds of cultivation secret techniques in the dream world, and she has wanted it for a long time, but she has no way to get a ranking on the leaderboard, so she hasn't.

  Her Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone said that they should teach her the rules of the dream world, but her father stopped them.

   Now not only has it, but it is even better than the rewards in the dream world, Ning Rongrong is naturally overjoyed.


   "Is what His Majesty Wanxiang said true?"

  Ning Fengzhi was also surprised by Muge's gift to Ning Rongrong, with a look of shock on his face, he didn't expect that Muge could actually improve the three cultivation secret techniques rewarded in the dream world.

   Isn’t this amazing?

  The three kinds of cultivation secret techniques rewarded in the dream world have already amazed him, and it feels like the original cultivation techniques of the entire continent have been crushed.

   Now that he heard that Muge can actually improve such a cultivation secret technique, and the effect is doubled, how could he not be surprised?

   "Is this impossible?"

   Bone Douluo also had an unbelievable expression on his face.

   Sword Douluo was similar, but he didn't question it out loud.

   "Girl Rongrong, practice and show them!"

  Muge didn't say anything, just asked Ning Rongrong to practice on the spot.

   "Yeah, I see, godfather!"

  After hearing Muge's words, and also wanting to try cultivation, Ning Rongrong immediately agreed.

   Seeing that Ning Rongrong listened to Mu Ge's words like this, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo and even Ning Fengzhi suddenly started to enjoy it.

  However, they are more concerned about the improved cultivation secret technique of the pastoral song.

  Ning Rongrong quickly sat cross-legged in meditation, and began to practice the soul power cultivation technique.


  When Ning Rongrong began to cultivate, a suction force was generated on her body, continuously absorbing the soul power from the world.

   "This fast..."

  Ning Fengzhi and the others watched Ning Rongrong's cultivation, and soon discovered that when Ning Rongrong was cultivating, the speed of absorbing soul power was astonishingly fast.

  Compared with Ning Rongrong's original practice of using traditional meditation methods, the speed of absorbing soul power is several times faster, four or five times faster than before.

   This effect is really amazing.

   "Your Majesty, this gift is too precious!"

   "Your Majesty Wanxiang, don't worry, except for my little girl, I guarantee that this secret technique will not be spread to the outside world. I will tell my little girl not to tell anyone, and wrap us inside!"

   Afterwards, Ning Fengzhi thanked Muge.

   At the same time, I told Mu Ge that I will keep it secret.

  The pastoral didn't say it, but he had to express it.


   "I believe in Sect Master Ning!"

   Pastoral smiled slightly.


   "This cultivation technique is too powerful!"

   "Godfather, you are really amazing!"

  Ning Rongrong also stood up after a quick experience, full of excitement.

  The speed of practice has increased by four or five times, can she not be happy?

   There will be more time to play in the future!

  After the goal of coming to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School was achieved, and Ning Rongrong was accepted as his daughter, Mu Ge left the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

  After returning to the imperial capital of the Tiandou Empire, Muge naturally dragged Ayin Liu Erlong and the others to stay up all night playing mahjong.

  Although we haven't seen each other for so long, Muge is not unfamiliar with them, because we can see them every day in the dream world.

  Afterwards, Mu Ge planted protection restrictions developed by using space attributes on his woman and daughter.

  In the future, as long as they are in danger and the protection restriction is triggered, they will be directly sent to the pastoral side.

  Although Ah Yin and the others are not in any danger at present, they should not be in any danger in the future. Just in case, Pastoral still planted protection restrictions for them.

  The existence of this protection prohibition is just in case.

  After staying with Ah Yin and the others for a while, Mu Ge left again.

   It is also time to complete the eighth test of the Sea God's Nine Tests.

   Moreover, the area covered by his dream world has also radiated Sea God Island and many overseas islands into the range.

   Pastoral is also planning to spread the method of landing in the dream world, so that countless sea soul masters can also enter the dream world, and continue to contribute to the strength of his dream world.


   "Wow~ So this is the sea, it's so big!"

   "A lot of water!"

  On the coastline of Hanhai City, Ning Rongrong looked at the vast and infinite sea, couldn't help but exclaimed again and again, and seemed very excited.

  That’s right, this time Mu Ge went to the sea to hunt down the deep sea demon whale king, and Ning Rongrong also followed.

  Because Ning Fengzhi brought Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, Ning Rongrong clamored to come after knowing about it.

  At first Ning Fengzhi of course disagreed, but after Mu Ge agreed, Ning Rongrong was able to come along.

  Let Ning Rongrong come along, that's because Muge knows that Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo can protect Ning Rongrong, and there is absolutely no need to worry about safety.

  Because Mu Ge never thought of letting Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo attack together.

  Even Ning Fengzhi, Pastoral is only used as an option.

  Only when he found that he was really powerless to stand alone and kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale King would he let Ning Fengzhi come out to help him.

   "Isn't it fun?"

   "There are still many fun things in the sea, and Sea God Island is even more fun!"

   "When the time comes, godfather will take you to Sea God Island to play!"

  Looking at the excited Ning Rongrong, Muge rubbed Ning Rongrong's head and said with a smile.

   "Yeah, godfather is the best!"

  Ning Rongrong said excitedly.


  Seeing Ning Rongrong clinging to the pastoral, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo once again expressed their taste for food.

   I just thought that Muge couldn't always compete with them for Ning Rongrong, so I didn't care about Muge.

   "Let's go! Godfather will take you to sail the sea!"

  Muge smiled, and then took out the soul guide ship Deep Blue that he had stored for several years, and put it on the sea.


  ps: This one is worthy of the name, right? (Dog head begging for mercy!)

  (end of this chapter)

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