Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 272: I am the **** of dreams

  Chapter 272 I am the God of Dreams

  After Pastoral restarted the dream world, Ning Fengzhi immediately tried to contact Ning Rongrong in the dream world, wondering if he could contact his daughter.

   "Dad, you know what?"

   "Godfather has become the **** of the sea!"

  However, as soon as Ning Rongrong contacted Ning Fengzhi, she showed off to Ning Fengzhi with great excitement.

   "What sea god?"

   "Rong Rong, what are you talking about?"

  Hearing Ning Rongrong's words suddenly, Ning Fengzhi, who was full of surprises because he had contacted his daughter, was a little confused and didn't react for a while.

   "Daddy's an idiot!"

   "Does dad know why godfather came to Sea God Island this time?"

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Ning Rongrong snorted angrily, and then began to talk to himself: "Godfather came back to Sea God Island this time to complete his Sea God Nine Trials, because Godfather was on Sea God Island Got the Sea God's inheritance assessment, today godfather has completed all the assessments, and has become the new Sea God!"


   "Idyll has he become the new sea god?"

   Only then did Ning Fengzhi understand what the sea **** his daughter was talking about, and he was immediately stunned.

  Sea God, becoming a **** at level 100, is this the pursuit of many soul masters?

  But after countless years, how many soul masters can do it?

   After so many years, only the legendary Angel God and Sea God are known to have become gods at the hundredth level.

  That's why Ning Fengzhi was so unbelievable after hearing Mu Ge become a god.

  He knew that Mu Ge's talent was terrifying, but he never thought that Mu Ge could break through level 100 and become a god.


   "This is too unbelievable..."

  When Ning Fengzhi contacted Ning Rongrong, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo must have been beside Ning Fengzhi, so they also heard Ning Rongrong's words, and both fell into a life of doubt.


   "I didn't expect that he would be able to take this step!"

  After finishing the communication with Ning Rongrong, Ning Fengzhi heaved a long sigh, his tone still full of shock.

   "Yeah, who would have thought!"

   Bone Douluo was also extremely emotional.

   "Haha, no matter what, he is Rongrong's godfather, which is a good thing for us!"

  Ning Fengzhi quickly laughed.

  Although it is shocking, it is definitely a happy thing for my daughter's godfather to become a god.


   "Mu Ge, have you completed all of your Sea God Nine Trials?"

  Compared to Ning Fengzhi and the others who didn't know that Muge was completing the Sea God inheritance assessment, Ah Yin and the others who knew the truth, even Bibi Dong, contacted Muge immediately after the dream world restarted.

  They all know the truth about the closure of the dream world, and now that it has been restarted, they naturally want to know whether all the Nine Trials of the Sea God of Pastoral have passed.

   "That's right, I have completed all the assessments of the Sea God's Nine Tests, and now I have become a new generation of Sea God!"

   Pastoral would not hide his women, and immediately replied to them in the family group.

   "It actually did it. It really is worthy of being the man that my mother likes. He is strong!"

  Liu Erlong responded immediately, pleasantly surprised and shocked at the same time.

   "Master, I have always believed that you can do it!"

   Ah Yin's tone was also very joyful.

"very nice!"

  Tang Yuehua smiled lightly.

   "Wow~ Dad is amazing!"

   "Yes, yes, Dad is finally the sea god!"

   "Yeah, Dad is the **** of the sea, really amazing!"

   Then there are the three daughters of Mu Ge, and they are all very happy.

   After Mu Ge replied to her own woman and daughter in the family group, she also replied to Bibi Dong.

  For the time being, Pastoral has not brought Bibidong into the family group, and Pastoral has not told Ah Yin and the others about the existence of Bibidong and Sissy!

   "Well, I'm waiting for you in the Hall of Spirits!"

  After receiving Muge's reply, Bibi Dong suppressed the shock in her heart, and then responded to Muge.

   "This **** has actually become a sea god!"

   "How long has it been..."

  After replying to the pastoral song, Bibi Dong stood there for a long time, her face constantly changing.

  Master became the sea **** so quickly, which shocked her very much.

  Even if she knew about Muge's perverted talent, she never thought that Muge could really become a **** in such a short period of time.

  Even though her heart was still full of revenge towards Muge, Bibi Dong couldn't help feeling a little admiration for Muge.

  This **** is abnormally talented, smart as a monster, and lucky.

  Yu Xiaogang and this **** cannot be compared at all.

  Thinking that she used to think that Yu Xiaogang could compare with Muge, and even thought that Yu Xiaogang was smarter than Muge, Bibidong felt how ridiculous she was back then.

   "This **** is really terrifyingly strong!"

  In the bottom of Bibi Dong's heart, unconsciously, she has fully acknowledged the strength of Muge.

  But if possible, she hopes that Mu Ge will die directly in the Sea God's inheritance assessment.

   In this way, she will be avenged.

  But now, it seems that this expectation has also failed.

  Her desire for revenge is even more distant.

   "Forget it, I probably can't avenge this revenge, so let's make good use of him to help me realize my ambition of unifying the continent!"

   "And with his help, my Rakshasa Nine Tests can be completed faster!"

  Bibidong could only think of the good in the end, so as to make her feel better.


   "Master Muge, is what Miss Wu said true? You have already inherited the position of Sea God?"

  Da Ming also found Muge very quickly, and asked Muge excitedly.

  Although Daming already believed what Xiao Wu said, he still couldn't help but want to get confirmation from Mu Ge.

   After all, it is a matter of becoming a god!

   "That's right, I'm the God of the Sea now!"

   "I told Xiao Wu that I plan to resurrect you in the God Realm after ascending to the God Realm!"

   "If you want to be resurrected now, I can satisfy you too!"

   Pastoral naturally admitted it.

   "No, no, no... we listen to Mr. Mu Ge and Miss Xiao Wu, we just need to be resurrected when we get to God Realm!"

  Hearing Muge's words, Daming shook his head again and again. He was able to be resurrected in the God Realm, so of course he didn't want to be resurrected in the Lower Realm.

   Otherwise, it won't be long before it will face catastrophe.

   After confirming, Daming left quickly, not daring to disturb Pastoral.


  After Daming left, the figures of Xue Di and Bing Di appeared in front of Mu Ge very quickly.

  Although they also received news from Xiao Wu, even Daming had to confirm with Muge himself, let alone Snow Empress and Ice Empress.

   "Master Pastoral!"

   "Have you really become a god?"

  The more lively Bingdi immediately asked Muge directly.

   "That's right, I'm the Sea God now!"

  Muge reached out and touched Bingdi's lovely head, rubbing it and laughing.

  Bingdi originally wanted to dodge, but after hearing Mu Ge's confirmation, he was instantly stunned and forgot to dodge.

   "So fast..."

  Xuedi beside him heard Mu Ge's confirmation, and couldn't help but look at Mu Ge in shock.

  While shocked, I couldn't help but marvel at the fact that humans are more blessed by nature. Although their lifespan is relatively short, the speed of human cultivation is far from what they soul beasts can match.

  Mu Ge's age, even her fraction of a fraction can't reach her, but she has already become a **** at the hundredth level.

   "Then when will you resurrect me and Sister Xue?"

  Knowing that Muge has become the **** of the sea, Ice Empress didn't resist Muge rubbing her head anymore, but she still kept asking.

"anytime is fine…"

  Mu Ge smiled, and then said the same words as he had just said to Daming.

   "Sister Snow..."

  Hearing Muge's words, Bingdi looked at Xuedi quickly.

   For such a decisive choice, she always listens to Xue Di.

   "We will be resurrected in the God Realm!"

  The result is naturally positive. Snow Emperor chose to offer sacrifices to Mu Ge in order to gain the opportunity to enter the God Realm.

   Xue Di was also secretly thankful that she had made the right choice, otherwise, the next time the catastrophe came, she would really not have the slightest chance of successfully crossing the catastrophe.

  It’s all right now, following the pastoral song to enter the God Realm, she and Ice Empress no longer have to worry about the Heavenly Tribulation.


   After staying in Sea God Island for a month, Mu Ge left Sea God Island.

   "Godfather, are we going back?"

   Ning Rongrong, who was riding on Xiaobai with Muge, thought about going back, but was not very interested.

  Because after going back, she can no longer play with her godfather, so she will continue to stay in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  Although she is a little homesick, but going back is really boring!

   "No, godfather will take you to another continent!"

  Muge touched Ning Rongrong's head and said with a smile.

  That's right, Muge didn't plan to go back so soon this time, but planned to go to the Sun Moon Continent.

   In another month or so, the dream world he created will be able to cover the entire Douluo planet.

  Even now, the coverage of the dream world has already touched a corner of the Sun Moon Continent.

  Muge learned from touching the sea soul beast in the corner of the Sun Moon Continent. That piece of continent is huge, so Mu Ge judged that it was definitely the Sun Moon Continent.

   After waiting for himself to pass, Muge believes that the entire Sun Moon Continent will almost be within the radiation range of the dream world.

  After discovering this, Muge will naturally not let go of spreading the dream world to the Sun Moon Continent.

   Let more soul masters enter the dream world and continue to strengthen the dream world. At the same time, Muge also needs to collect more martial arts data.

  After all, on the Sun Moon Continent, there must be many martial souls that are not found on the Douluo Continent.

  Even if Muge has become a **** now, Muge will not give up collecting more martial arts data.

   Maybe you discovered some special abilities?

  Also, the soul masters on the Sun Moon Continent are probably similar to those on the Douluo Continent.

  There are so many soul masters, which means that there are more powers of faith to collect.

   If Muge wanted to create his own god, he would naturally not miss the Sun Moon Continent.

   "Another continent, what is that?"

  Ning Rongrong naturally didn't understand, but when she heard that she wasn't going back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect immediately, she became happy: "I listen to the godfather, and go wherever the godfather says!

   "Muge, are we going to the Sun Moon Continent?"

  Ning Rongrong didn't know what the other continent represented, but Xiaobai heard the words of Muge, but directly said the name of the Sun Moon Continent.

  Although the Sun Moon Continent is not within the scope of the Demon Soul Great White Shark's activities, the Demon Soul Great White Shark family doesn't know about the Sun Moon Continent, neither does everyone on Sea God Island, and the people on Douluo Continent don't even know about it.

  But Xiaobai knew it.

  Because Xiaobai used to be the mount of the old sea god, and he conquered the whole sea with the old sea god.

  So Xiaobai must know the existence of the Sun Moon Continent.

   "Yes, we are going to the Sun Moon Continent!"

  Hearing that Xiaobai knew about the existence of the Sun Moon Continent, Mu Ge was naturally not surprised, and admitted.

   "Master Muge, how do you know about Sun Moon Continent?"

   "Have you ever been there? It's far away from Douluo Continent and Sea God Island..."

  Hearing Mu Ge's words, Xiao Bai was suddenly surprised.

   "Nonsense, I am the sea **** now, can I not know what is on the other side of the sea?"

   Pastoral explained with a smile.


  Xiao Bai felt very reasonable when he heard the words.

   Just like that, Muge took Ning Rongrong and rode Xiaobai to the Sun Moon Continent.

  Because Muge is the **** of the sea, he can control the sea, breathe in the sea, and let Ning Rongrong also breathe in the sea.

  So Muge and Ning Rongrong rode Xiaobai under the seabed, and the speed was much faster than parading on the sea surface.

  And sailing on the bottom of the sea is more interesting, and you can see all kinds of marine life on the bottom of the sea.

   Pastoral is also an eye-opener, seeing all kinds of marine life in the seabed.

   Not to mention Ning Rongrong, she was extremely excited along the way, and thought it was too much fun.

   "Godfather, otherwise I will follow you all the time, I don't want to go back to my father's place!"

   Ning Rongrong, who was having fun, even said this to Mu Ge.

   "Haha, okay, as long as your father agrees!"

   Muge laughed when he heard the words.

  He knew that Ning Fengzhi would definitely not agree.

   Half a month later, Mu Ge finally arrived at the Sun Moon Continent riding Xiaobai.

   Then Muge took Xiaobai and Ning Rongrong to play on the Sun Moon Continent.

  With the pastoral, the problem that Xiaobai could not leave the sea for a long time was naturally easily solved by the pastoral.

  After playing for a week, the expansion of the dream world covered the entire Sun Moon Continent.

  【The soul master on the Sun Moon Continent, I am the God of Dreams. From now on, I will open the dream world on the Sun Moon Continent. This is the way to enter the dream world...】

   Pastoral directly used the mighty power of God to publicize the existence of the dream world and how to enter it on the Sun Moon Continent.

  Then explained the benefits of entering the dream world.

   Just like that, Muge's dream world has completely opened up on the Sun Moon Continent, and there is no need to attract soul masters step by step like it did on the Douluo Continent.

  No way, who made Muge not have the mighty power of God before?

  In the dream world of the Sun Moon Continent, Mu Ge erected a statue of himself above all the cities to collect the power of faith.

  After opening the situation, Muge took Ning Rongrong and Xiaobai to leave the Sun Moon Continent.

  For the Sun Moon Continent, apart from collecting power of faith and martial soul data, other idylls are not of much interest.

   It's time to go back and help Bibi Dong build an empire!


  ps: It seems that the whole family is positive, and I am the only one left. Maybe I am also positive but have no symptoms.

   Six years after Yun Qi crossed the Douluo Continent, Gold Finger, who was late for many years, finally arrived when he awakened his martial soul.

   Goldfinger is a simple game board.

   You can issue tasks to yourself.

   Then from Jiehu Xiaowu

   Let Yu Xiaogang vomit blood and ruin Yu Xiaogang's reputation




  (end of this chapter)

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