Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 105 Dog’s Loyalty (Part 1)

On the streets of Xingluo, Dai Yan's eyes were filled with coldness. He looked at Zhu Renyi and Mr. Zhu who were walking in front of him. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "When the death penalty of your Zhu family is announced in front of His Majesty, I want to see it." Do you still have the confidence to challenge me?"

Zhu Renyi noticed the cold light behind him, his lips twitched, and he sent a message to Mr. Zhu: "Dai Yan has great ambitions. Maybe it was his idea to summon him this time."

Mr. Zhu shook his head and replied: "Master, I'm afraid that's not necessarily the case. Dai Yan's mind is not that smart. The main reason why he is in his current position is because of Emperor Xingluo."

Zhu Renyi's heart trembled, "Mr. Zhu, do you mean that Emperor Xingluo might attack our Zhu family?"

Mr. Zhu nodded slightly, "This is just my guess. After all, Miss Zhu Zhuyun is now a wanted criminal, and Miss Zhu Zhuqing has just returned from the Tiandou Empire. Doesn't it seem too deliberate to summon you at this time?"

Hearing this, Zhu Renyi regretted a little. If he had known this, he would not have brought Mr. Zhu to the palace. If it was like what he guessed, this time entering the palace might not be as bad as the other.

As the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, Emperor Xingluo's own strength is naturally extraordinary. Although he and Zhu Renyi are both at the 89th level peak soul Douluo, his white tiger of the martial soul can basically crush the Nether Civet.

The powerful attack power and good defensive power of the White Tiger Spirit itself cannot be compared with that of the Nether Civet Cat, which is famous for its speed. Although the latter's speed is powerful, it is still inferior to the White Tiger who is both offensive and defensive. .

Not to mention that the relationship between the Nether Civet Cat and the White Tiger is more like a superior-subordinate relationship. The White Tiger is the superior and the Nether Civet Cat is the subordinate. As a martial spirit that is about to become an accessory, how can it be possible to win against the White Tiger Martial Arts who dominates the martial spirit fusion skills? soul.

Seeing that they were about to arrive at the Xingluo Empire Palace, Dai Yan, who was walking behind Zhu Renyi and Zhu Lao, couldn't help but feel a little excited. Once he entered the palace, with Emperor Xingluo's iron-blooded skills, I'm afraid it wouldn't be long before the Zhu family would completely become Dai Yan. As a vassal of the Zhu family, the daughter of the Zhu family will only become a slave of the men of the Dai family in the future.

Dai Yan felt jealous every time he thought about the two good-for-nothing princes Davis and Dai Mubai, who were engaged to sisters from the Zhu family.

Although his wife is also from the Zhu family, compared with the two sisters Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing, she is undoubtedly much inferior. What's more, he has no feelings for his wife long ago. As the saying goes, domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers. .

A smile appeared on Dai Yan's lips, and he thought to himself: "Humph, when His Majesty pronounces the death sentence on the Zhu family, Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing will both become my women. As for the two brothers Davis and Dai Mubai, they will disappear at worst." In this world.”

Entering the palace, the three of them were not hindered by Dai Yan's presence. As the general of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Yan was second only to the great nobles Zhu Family and the Star Luo Emperor in terms of power.

Dai Yan looked back at his subordinates who were following him, and said calmly: "You will guard me outside the palace. If anything happens, you will not be allowed to move even half a step away from where you are. Otherwise, those who disobey military orders will be killed without mercy!" "

Seeing this, Zhu Renyi laughed and said, "I have long heard that General Dai is very good at managing his subordinates. When I saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation."

Hearing this, Dai Yan sneered, "Zhu Renyi, don't be so arrogant with me here. It will be easier for you when I see His Majesty later."

After saying that, Dai Yan quickly passed Zhu Renyi and Zhu Lao and walked towards the main hall.

Zhu Renyi and Mr. Zhu looked at each other and followed him in big strides.


At the same time, outside Xingluo Palace.

Tang Yin stood outside the palace, looked at the surrounded entrance to the palace, and said to Zhu Zhuqing: "Zhuqing, Dai Yan's men have sealed the entrance to the palace. Is there any other way for us to get in?"

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, "No, there is only one entrance to the Xingluo Palace. If you want to enter the interior, you can only go in from here."

A smile appeared on Tang Yin's face. Instead of saying anything else, he took a step forward and put a hand on Zhu Zhuqing's shoulder. "In this case, we can only use some unconventional means. Zhuqing, I will send you away." Enter the divine space, so I can definitely enter the palace if I act alone."

When she heard that Tang Yin wanted to act alone, Zhu Zhuqing immediately refused. Although she was not strong, she would never let Tang Yin act alone.

This is not the Tiandou Empire with weak military strength, but the Star Luo Empire that can compete with the Wuhun Palace. Still at the foot of the imperial palace in the capital, Star Luo City, a single person action is simply looking for death.

"Tang Yin, I don't agree with you acting alone. It's too dangerous." Zhu Zhuqing reached out and took Tang Yin's arm, his eyes full of rejection.

It was obvious that Tang Yin's proposal was unacceptable to her. As someone who had grown up in the Star Luo Empire, she naturally knew how dangerous it was to break into the Star Luo Palace.

Tang Yin sighed, pulled Zhu Zhuqing into his arms, and lowered his voice: "Zhuqing, I know you are worried about me, but you have to believe that your man's strength is more than what he shows. So, be obedient." He said, rubbing Zhu Zhuqing's head.

At this moment, the vortex of Shenwei space appeared, and before Zhu Zhuqing could speak, he was sucked into the Shenwei space.

After sending Zhu Zhuqing into the divine power space, Tang Yin's eyes flashed, and his figure instantly arrived at the side of Xingluo Palace, and then his body passed through the copper wall.

After entering the palace, Tang Yin's mental power instantly covered the entire palace, and he easily found the location of Emperor Xingluo. Then he flashed and walked towards the direction of the main hall.


Zhu Renyi walked into the hall and immediately saw Emperor Xingluo sitting on the imperial chair, and immediately said respectfully: "Your Majesty."

Emperor Xingluo stood up, walked to Zhu Renyi, patted his shoulder, and said, "Renyi, I want to ask you something. I wonder if you can help me clear up my doubts."

Zhu Renyi smiled indifferently and said, "Then please tell me, Your Majesty, what exactly is troubling you."

Emperor Xingluo laughed loudly, "Since you asked, I will tell you. Maybe you can tell me the answer to the question."

"I have a dog. I feed it good food and drink every day. It is very happy and loyal to me."

"But suddenly one day, I cut off its food rations and no longer provided it with delicious food and drink as before. I wanted to test whether it was loyal. But in the end, it bit me and seemed to be It's like venting dissatisfaction. But everything it enjoys was given to it by me. I just took back these rights, but it wants to fight me desperately."

"At the end of the story, I beat it to death with stick after stick, and even its children were not spared. Since it is no longer loyal to me, its children will never be loyal to me. What do you think? What? Zhu-Ren-Yi."

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