Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 128 I’ll beat you to death first, then burn your body to ashes

"Sir, this is the outer city of the killing capital. Killing is not allowed." The girl in black gauze said tremblingly.

Tang Yin frowned slightly and waved his hand, "I didn't kill him. He saw that I was too handsome and was so handsome that he died. You can't blame me for this."

After saying that, Tang Yin passed the girl in black gauze and walked forward.

The girl in black gauze was speechless. She glanced at the skull-shaped man who was foaming at the mouth. She shook her head and quickly followed Tang Yin.

As they walked, the girl in black gauze explained to Tang Yin: "Sir, what you just did is not allowed in the outer city, but if you go to the inner city, there will be no problem."

"But if you want to enter the inner city life, you must participate in the Hell Killing Fields and survive before you are eligible to enter the inner city. Of course, you can get more enjoyment there than fighting outside, but you will also face death at any time. risk."

"When you say that, there's something I'm very curious about." Tang Yin turned his head and looked at the girl in black gauze with a smile.

"Sir, please tell me." The girl in black gauze said respectfully.

"You have lived in the Killing City for so long. The food you eat is not made of human blood, right? I remember that Bloody Mary is made of human blood. The food you eat is not ripped from corpses. Right?" Tang Yin said as he looked around, he was definitely right, that familiar yet unfamiliar back figure was definitely Tang San.

The face of the girl in black veil changed. "Sir, I don't know the source of the food. I'm sorry I can't answer you."

Tang Yin smiled calmly, "I think the food source of your killing city will not be transported to you by Wuhun Palace, right?"

Before coming in, Tang Yin had thought, since the Killing City is an isolated underground world, what is their food source? You can't drink human blood and eat human flesh, right? That's too abstract.

So Tang Yin guessed that Wuhun Palace might be secretly sending food to the Killing City. After all, most of the soul masters here were a group of criminals who committed heinous crimes. For Wuhun Palace, this natural prison is the perfect place to hold them.

By coming here, these evil people can enjoy themselves without having to spend money on food. The most important point is that if they commit a serious crime here, they don't have to worry about being hunted down by Wuhun Palace all over the continent. They can do whatever they want. It is simply a paradise for those who have committed crimes.

The girl in black gauze sneered, "According to the rules of the Wuhun Palace, they will not send food to our hell. If their people enter the killing city, they will never be able to go back."

"As for why the City of Killing is not destroyed, I think the Pope of Wuhun Palace still has some brains. After all, this is a natural prison. Keeping these evil people here is a good thing they can only dream of. If those degenerates and All the sinful human beings have come here, that is what Wuhun Palace wants to see the most."

Tang Yin nodded and said nothing more. The City of Killing is nothing more than a place where God Shura selects successors. Only those who pass through the Hell Road can obtain the God of Killing Domain, which means they get a ticket for a candidate for the divine position. As for whether the gods choose you or not, then It’s unknown.

Walking on the road, there were gradually more and more people on both sides, and almost everyone's face showed an unhealthy paleness. Just like the director... they were all skinny and skinny, and they didn't know what happened.

After a while, under the leadership of the girl in black gauze, the two slowly walked into the inner city. Along the way, the girl in black gauze deliberately swayed her hot figure in front of Tang Yin. Matching her tight black uniform, it was quite... Tang Yin felt a little uncomfortable.

As a person who slipped through the nine-year compulsory education, he considers himself not a good person, but he is definitely not a person who only thinks for himself. As for the sperm in the brain? Is it that the kitten at home is not easy to pet, or is it that the Dark-Golden Dreadclaw Bear is not fun to play with? After looking at it for a while, he turned his gaze elsewhere.

Just as Tang Yin was looking at the buildings in the inner city, he suddenly discovered that an old acquaintance not far ahead was holding a dagger with a cold light, slashing at the fallen soul masters lined up in a row. She took action very quickly, and could vaguely see several cold rays of light across the dagger, as well as the blood spurting out of the big man's throat, but without exception, each of them had a happy expression on their face, as if they had been killed and killed. Not a bad thing, but a good thing to dream about.

Noticing Tang Yin's gaze, the girl in black gauze smiled and explained: "My lord, please don't underestimate the women in the Killing City. This place is not as good as outside. You will lose your life if you judge a book by its appearance."

"As for the woman you saw, she has the potential to become the ninth God of Killing. She has been here for more than a year. Within a year, she has won 18 out of 18 battles in the Hell Killing Fields. Her opponents are incomparable. She tortured and killed all of them with an exception, and in the city of killing, her results can already be ranked among the top 100."

Tang Yin knew who the girl in black gauze was talking about. It was Hu Liena who had recommended herself to the Killing City, perhaps because she had won the championship in the Continental Elite Competition. That piece of spiritual soul bone perfectly fused with her, making her much stronger than in the original timeline.

Perhaps because the aura on Tang Yin's body was very different from the killing city full of killing aura, Hu Liena set her sights on Tang Yin after killing these fallen soul masters who were spying on her body.

When their eyes met, Hu Liena was stunned for a moment, and then when she saw the nine-magatama reincarnation eyes glowing with purple light, she instantly remembered her appearance when she was defeated by Payne on the field a few years ago. The same eyes, but better At that time, there were a few more magatama.

Tang Yin was also stunned for a moment. When he noticed that something was wrong with Hu Liena's expression, a cold air suddenly shot out from the side of him and pointed directly at his throat.

And Hu Liena in front of him also moved, holding a short sword, and rushed towards him quickly.

Tang Yin didn't panic, the kaleidoscope power automatically turned on, and a serrated dagger penetrated through his throat. At the same time, the palm of his hand moved slightly, and a powerful invisible repulsive force burst out from his body, blasting out to the periphery without any blind spots in his body.

With a crisp bang, Hu Liena's dagger was bounced away by the repulsive force of Shinra Tianzheng, and another sound was the sound of bones breaking and falling to the ground.

Tang Yin turned to look to one side and saw a tall, one-eyed man in black, kneeling on the ground and covering his broken right arm, wailing in pain, and the blood-soaked appearance was quite disturbing. Can't bear it.

Hu Liena stared at Tang Yin blankly. The saw-tooth dagger just passed through the other party's body in front of her eyes, and the invisible barrier seemed to be a ravine, completely cutting off the possibility of anyone wanting to harm him.

"Letting you die like this will be a bit advantageous to you." Tang Yin put a hand on the man's head, and then used his newly mastered Lei Dun to give him a loving electric treatment.

As the power of Thunder Release increased, the man's wailing voice became louder and louder. When the surrounding fallen people heard the scream, they also gathered around excitedly, but one of the men wearing a mask was not He left this place calmly.

After a while, Tang Yin let go of his palm, and the man who was burned to char fell to the ground, with black smoke still rising from his body.

"Hiss... Is this guy really new here? Why does he feel more cruel than us?"

"Shh... didn't you see that he can use soul skills? Is he really a fallen person?"

"Isn't it possible? This is the city of killing. How can someone use soul skills? Isn't that challenging the majesty of the King of Slaughter?"


Tang Yin glanced at the dead man, and with pity in his heart, he released the fire escape and plain burning technique, completely burning the man's body to ashes. (Unlike the fire release that needs to be released from the mouth, the Suyaki no Jutsu burns directly on the target. It is simply the first choice Ninjutsu for destroying corpses and eradicating traces.)

"Hey, I'm so kind. I even cremated his body and sent away his ashes." Tang Yin sighed, then looked around with kind eyes, and said with a smile: "Are you like him? I promise to let you Are you excited to see what the paradise world looks like and how it feels?"

Hearing what Tang Yin said, the fallen soul masters who were watching around suddenly felt chilled in their hearts. They all turned around and fled the place, for fear of being targeted by this murderous man.

When it comes to killing, everyone in the Killing City has killed everyone, but after killing the enemy, he also burned the corpse of others and claimed to be compassionate. Is that a normal person?

In response, even Hu Liena, who was about to confirm whether the man in front of her was Payne, unconsciously took a half step back and looked at Tang Yin with a wary expression.

Seeing this, Tang Yin touched the tip of his nose and said, "Why are you looking at me like this? I don't know how to eat people."

Hearing this, Hu Liena's eyes moved slightly and she said coldly: "Penn, how come you are here? This is not the place you should be."

"Tsk..." Tang Yin took a step forward, approached Hu Liena's mature and charming face, and said coldly: "If you don't want to die, don't talk too much. You don't want your teacher to lose his favorite apprentice, right? ?”

Hu Liena's pupils shrank, and a chill came from the depths of her soul. Looking at Tang Yin's strange eyes, she actually had the urge to sink into them.

"No! He's lying to me!" Hu Liena raised her right leg and kicked Tang Yin in front of her with a look in her eyes.

The moment she kicked Tang Yin, the man in front of her disappeared before her eyes, leaving only the empty street and a group of fallen soul masters peeking at her.

"I knew it! He didn't hurt me during the game, how could he threaten me here!" Hu Liena gritted her teeth, picked up the dagger that fell to the ground, turned and walked towards the darkness at the other end of the street.


"Sir, we are here. This is the killing field of hell." The girl in black gauze pointed to a circular building not far ahead. To be more precise, it is an irregular cone shape, with the largest area at the bottom and narrowing as it goes upwards.

Tang Yin nodded. The area of ​​​​this hell killing field is not small. Compared with the Soul Fighting City in Tiandou City, it is only a few points smaller.

"Sir...why didn't you kill the Hell Messenger just now? Without her, your chances of winning the Hell Killing Fields Championship will be much greater." The girl in black gauze warned.

Tang Yin shook his head, turned to look at the girl in black gauze, and said calmly: "Killing her was just a thought. As for you, don't ask if you shouldn't."

"Tell me, what are the rules of the Hell Killing Fields."

Hearing this, the girl in black veil suppressed the disappointment in her heart and said: "It's very simple. After you enter the hell killing field, sign up with your own identity card. Then wait for the game to start. During the waiting period, killing is not allowed. There are ten people in each group entering the killing field. No matter what method you use, as long as you can come out alive in the end. Only one person in each group can come out alive."

"As for winning the championship, as long as you can participate in hundreds of games and survive to the end, you will be the champion. But now the person ranked first in the Hell Killing Fields has only participated in sixty-seven games, and every time he participated in one Competition, you can live here for one more year and enjoy yourself as much as you want in the inner city.”

"Of course, the prerequisite for enjoyment is that you must still be alive."

After hearing what the black gauze girl said, Tang Yin was about to walk into the Hell Killing Fields. The black gauze girl following her reminded her loudly: "Sir, the qualification to enter the Hell Killing Fields is to contribute a glass of Bloody Mary. It can be It can be your own, or it can be someone else’s. As long as you don’t feel involved, you can keep watching after entering.”

Tang Yin paused. At this time, several fallen soul masters holding Bloody Marys came towards them. Judging from their appearance, they seemed to be planning to enter the Hell Killing Fields to watch the battle.

Tang Yin's eyes were sharp, and one of the fallen soul masters immediately looked over. After seeing that he was a newcomer, he said hello to his partner, and then swaggered towards Tang Yin with a machete.

"You tender-skinned boy, don't you know where this place is? You still dare to look at me. Do you want to experience the feeling of opening the back door?" The big man licked his lips, with a devilish smile and his charming smile. The disgusting face is really hard to compliment.

Tang Yin said nothing, and a black stick popped out from his palm. In the confused gaze of the big man, a sharp black rod shot directly through his head and was inserted into the wall behind him.

"Sir, you..." Looking at this scene in stunned silence, the girl in black gauze swallowed her saliva and stopped talking nonsense.

Tang Yin glanced at the Bloody Mary that fell on the ground, moved her palm slightly, and then directly came to his hand, and handed it to the girl in black gauze, "Can I go in now?"

The girl in black gauze took a deep breath and said, "Sir, you can go in."

Tang Yin nodded and strode towards the inside of the Hell Killing Fields. The inside of the Hell Killing Fields was even simpler than it looked from the outside. There were circles of stands extending upward on the outside, and below was a huge void with a diameter of hundreds of meters. On the field, a new round of competition has begun.

Tang Yin looked around, found a place to sit down, and then set his sights on the venue.

I saw one of the contestants, wearing a black mask on his face, holding a black Haotian Hammer, looking at the other nine people with a stern look.

"I didn't expect that guy Payne to come here, but the champion of the Hell Killing Fields will definitely be me, Tang San!"

What followed was a one-sided massacre. The remaining nine people in the scene were either hit in the head by the Clear Sky Hammer, or shot between their eyebrows with hidden weapons. Every move Tang San made was without the slightest hesitation. It was obvious that he had already Completely integrated into the killing city.

"Tang San, how would you feel when you see my dead brother again?"

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There have been a lot of things going on recently, so I will be writing a little later. I’m really sorry to all my readers.

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