Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 157 Encounter with Master Yu Xiaogang

After leaving the Tiandou Palace, the heavy rain that had been falling gradually became clearer. The air after the rain contained a hint of earthy fragrance, and the moisture in the air also made people feel refreshed.

Flying in the blue sky, the fire and ice dragon wings spread out from Tang Yin's back really startled Dugu Bo. As a titled Douluo, he could naturally feel the powerful power of those dragon wings.

However, due to flying, Dugu Bo didn't ask any questions. Instead, he and Tang Yin competed in speed to see who could reach Tiandou City first.

Seeing this, Tang Yin raised a smile on his lips, and the ice and fire dragon wings suddenly unfolded. Suddenly, the entire sky turned into bright ice crystals and burning golden flames.

"Old Poison, I'll go first." Tang Yin smiled, the ice and fire dragon wings on his back trembled slightly, and with a "swish", they turned into a bright light and disappeared from Dugu Bo's field of vision.

Dugu Bo's eyes widened and he rubbed his eyes in disbelief. After confirming that Tang Yin had really disappeared, he cursed in his heart and immediately turned into a poisonous mist and flew quickly to Tiandou City.

After flying for a few minutes, when Dugu Bo landed in Tiandou City from the air, Tang Yin, who had arrived first, had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Little monster, you are not simple with a soul bone attached to the outside." The moment he saw Tang Yin, Dugu Bo praised him with pride.

Obviously, Dugu Bo recognized at a glance that the dragon wings on Tang Yin's back were extremely precious external soul bones, and judging from the scale, it was not something that ordinary soul beasts could possess. After thinking about it, in his mind The word dragon appeared.

Dragon-shaped soul beasts are the rarest soul beast race in Douluo Continent. Except for the blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, which has a map of dragon-shaped soul beasts, it is not too difficult for other soul masters to find a dragon-shaped soul beast.

Tang Yin gave Dugu Bo a thumbs up and joked: "As expected of an old poisoner, his eyes are really good."

Dugu Bo crossed his arms across his chest and said proudly: "That's natural. Although my soul power, Dugu Bo, is not the strongest, I still have some eyesight after taking care of the flowers and plants for decades."

After chatting with Dugu Bo for a few words, the two of them walked around Tiandou City. During this period, Tang Yin also told Dugu Bo the reasons for forming a force. After hearing this, Dugu Bo was moved in his heart. No wonder this little monster The reason for being anxious about forming a force turned out to be to find a place for him to retire, and to save him from being lonely and unable to find others in the future.

While walking, Tang Yin noticed that an old acquaintance was arguing with a soul master at a small stall not far ahead.

Tang Yin's lips twitched and she said through the voice: "Old poisonous man, come with me, let's watch the fun."

Dugu Bo was stunned for a moment, he hadn't asked what the excitement was yet, but when he saw Tang Yin walking over, he couldn't help but follow him, intending to see what the excitement the little monster was talking about was.

"Boss, even a soul master knows your so-called theory of martial arts. Aren't you lying?" A young man whose age could not be identified was holding a book with the top ten martial arts in his hand. A book on core theoretical competitiveness, Tao.

"Don't talk nonsense. These theories are all from the hands of the master of the soul master world, Master Jade. How can you slander others like this?" The man called the boss blushed, but when he mentioned Master Jade, his back He straightened up immediately, looking like a master.

"Who is Master Jade? Why haven't I heard of it?" The young man curled his lips and threw the book on the stall. "Hurry up and return a gold soul coin to me. I thought the book was worth a gold soul coin. What’s the value? It turns out to be a pile of rubbish. Please refund your money immediately.”

Faced with the young man's aggressiveness, the boss slammed the table and stood up, shouting hysterically: "How dare you question Master Yu, a guy with no hair on his head? Don't you know he is a famous master in the soul master world?" ?”

The young man frowned slightly, and the wolf-shaped martial spirit immediately possessed him. In an instant, the thirty-level soul power aura was exposed, and the configuration of two yellow and one purple soul rings immediately shocked the ordinary people who were watching, including the one who had just shouted. boss.

"Hun...hunzun!" The boss broke out in a cold sweat, and his whole body was covered with sweat.

The young man kicked over the pavilion in front of him and threatened: "Return the money to me quickly, otherwise I will no longer want your pavilion."

"I'll give it, I'll give it." Seeing that he couldn't afford to offend him, the boss quickly took out a gold soul coin that he had just cheated from his pocket, and reluctantly put it back in the young man's palm.

The young man put away the gold soul coins, glared at the boss fiercely, looked at the martial arts theory book that fell on the ground, and said sarcastically: "Your so-called martial arts theory is just a piece of shit, and you even boasted that you had collected one A disciple with twin martial souls, he also won second place in the continent-wide elite competition. Are you lying? As a great soul master, what qualifications do you have to teach such a disciple?"

"In my opinion, you are just someone who steals other people's theoretical achievements and then combines them to deceive others. Master Huanyu, I think you are just as good as jade and eating shit. If I see you deceiving others again, I will put you in trouble." Fuck it." After saying that, the boy spat at the boss again, and then left gracefully.

When the ordinary people onlookers saw this, they also cast contemptuous glances at the stall owner. In Tiandou City, there are actually people who pretend to be masters of martial arts theory to deceive people. I really don't know how to write the word "death". What if? If the law enforcement team of Wuhun Palace knew about it, he might have been thrown into jail long ago.

The crowd gradually dispersed. Dugu Bo patted Tang Yin on the shoulder and asked doubtfully: "Do you know this liar?"

Tang Yin shrugged and said quite relaxedly: "Not only do I know him, but you also know him."

"Do I know him too?" Dugu Bo pointed at himself. After thinking for a moment, he shook his head and said, "I don't remember. I don't have this person's name in my mind."

Tang Yin chuckled and said: "Didn't that young man just say that? He is the master of martial arts theory, Master Jade. Besides Yu Xiaogang, who calls himself a master every day, can there be a second Master Jade?"

"Yu Xiaogang?" Dugubo was stunned for a moment, and said with some disbelief: "Can't? I remember that Yu Xiaogang is not a boy with a crew cut, does he think he is noble? Can he pull down enough to set up a stall here?"

Tang Yin said leisurely: "You will know if you go and see it?"

While talking, Tang Yin and Dugubo had already walked to Yu Xiaogang's stall. It has to be said that if it weren't for Yu Xiaogang's unique aura of pride and self-esteem, Tang Yin would not have noticed him.

Since the last time we met, Yu Xiaogang's crew cut has disappeared, replaced by a big round bald head. The black scholar's uniform he is wearing has become tattered, and the boots he is wearing even reveal a The big toe looked extremely miserable.

"Boss, how do you sell this book of yours?" Tang Yin selected an introduction to the optimal configuration of soul rings from the newly arranged books and asked aloud.

"No bargaining, just one gold soul coin." Yu Xiaogang said without noticing who the man in front of him was.

"A gold soul coin?" Before Tang Yin could speak, Dugu Bo couldn't help it anymore. He wanted to know what kind of awesome introduction to martial soul theory was actually worth a gold soul coin.

You know, in the world of soul masters, the least valuable thing is the theory of martial souls. Experienced soul masters can clearly know the weaknesses of soul beasts.

Even for those students who are still studying in the Soul Master Academy, those teachers will explain relevant theoretical knowledge of martial arts in class. These are the exams that Soul Master students must take when they graduate. If they fail to pass, they will not be able to successfully study in the Soul Master Academy. graduated.

Therefore, knowledge of martial soul theory is very important, but in the soul master world where strength is respected, no one will use martial soul theory to talk about things. After all, this so-called theory has been learned in the soul master academy. And when they become high-level soul masters, martial soul theory is completely useless.

"Can't it be cheaper? I don't have that much money." Tang Yin frowned slightly, pretending to be embarrassed.

"No money?" Yu Xiaogang rolled his eyes, looked at Tang Yin with handsome features, and pretended to be profound: "Well, since you have no money, I will give you this book."

Tang Yin was a little surprised and said: "Really?"

A look of pride appeared on Yu Xiaogang's face, "That's natural. My disciple is the owner of twin martial spirits. Since he has my teachings, even the golden generation of the Spirit Hall is no match for him."

As he said that, Yu Xiaogang's eyes fell on Tang Yin, his eyes were fiery, and he continued: "I think you are destined to me, so why not become my teacher? I, Mr. Yu, will definitely put forward the martial arts theory that I have learned all my life." Teach you and make you the most powerful being in the soul master world. When the time comes, even the Wuhun Palace will surrender at your feet, what do you think?"

"Forget it, you should accept others as your disciples." Tang Yin closed the book, placed it on the stall, and said calmly: "I don't need a teacher, because I can become a strong person myself, and I don't need to Wuhundian stepped on them, they did nothing wrong, if it were me, I would do the same thing."

Hearing these words, Yu Xiaogang was stunned. His face gradually turned livid, his chest rose and fell rapidly, as if he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and he was panting like an ox.

"You actually said that Wuhun Palace did nothing wrong?" Yu Xiaogang pointed at Tang Yin, who looked calm, and roared: "Wuhun Palace is arbitrary, monopolizes the resources of soul masters, openly provokes the seven major sects, and threatens the two major sects. Empire, you actually said that Wuhun Palace did nothing wrong? What kind of peace of mind do you have?"

Tang Yin raised his eyebrows. He didn't care about Yu Xiaogang's roar. Instead, he laughed and said, "Why don't I use you as an example?"

"Why are you using me as an example?" Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's eyes were a little dodgey and his tone was a little lacking.

Tang Yin sneered and said, "You pride yourself on being noble. The disciples you recruit must be twin martial souls, and they must be innately full of soul power. Ask yourself, what role can you, a twenty-ninth level great soul master, play?"

"You said that the Wuhun Hall has a monopoly on soul master resources, which is true, but don't forget that soul masters who have not reached level 40 can receive gold soul coin subsidies from the Wuhun branch. I think, an ordinary soul master If a master's family has not reached level 40, they can live on this subsidy, right?"

"And your so-called martial arts theory book has been sold for one gold soul coin, so what are you worried about?"

"I...I..." Yu Xiaogang was speechless for a long time, but looking at Tang Yin's sarcastic look, he gritted his teeth and said: "I am the elder of Wuhun Hall, and I am recognized by Wuhun Hall. Master of Martial Soul Theory, what’s wrong if I sell a gold soul coin?”

"You are so bold. You dare to slander Wuhun Palace. Come here and arrest this guy who stole the theories of our ancestors and pretended to be an elder."

At this moment, Wuhundian's law enforcement team suddenly poured into the street. They quickly surrounded the master to prevent this guy who had brought discredit to Wuhundian from escaping.

However, they overestimated Yu Xiaogang's strength. How could a twenty-nine-level great soul master break away from a law enforcement team composed of forty-level soul masters?

"Brother, this is the guy who smeared Wuhun Palace and sold the theoretical knowledge stolen from Wuhun Palace." The young man who left earlier was now standing next to the captain of the law enforcement team. Judging from the appearance of the two of them, they were obviously a pair of brothers. .

The captain of the law enforcement team, who was called Big Brother, glanced at Yu Xiaogang and said loudly: "Come here, arrest this guy who pretends to be an elder of Wuhun Palace. How dare you pretend to be an elder. I think you don't want to live anymore!" Then, we will order someone to escort the master back.

"Wait a minute, I know your Pope, I want to see Bibi Dong, I want to see her!" Yu Xiaogang suddenly shouted.

"You dare to call the Pope by his name, I think you are seeking death!" The captain of the law enforcement team's eyes turned cold, he stepped forward and kicked Yu Xiaogang down, and said angrily: "Send this guy to prison, I want to see See if it’s his mouth that’s tough or his ass that’s tough.”

As soon as he heard that he was going to be imprisoned, Yu Xiaogang immediately peed, and the soul master who was holding him immediately vomited out in disgust.

"Damn, little monster, don't tell me, this excitement is really exciting!" Dugu Bo, who was watching the excitement, poked Tang Yin's arm, looking excited.

Tang Yin looked at Yu Xiaogang who was frightened to the point of incontinence, and couldn't help but think of something terrible in the prison, but as soon as he thought of what the captain of the law enforcement team said, he immediately understood something.

"Good boy, no wonder Yu Xiaogang was so scared. It turns out there is Brother Scar in the prison." Tang Yin touched his chin and said with some sympathy.

"Brother Scar? Who is Brother Scar?" Dugu Bo looked at Tang Yin and asked doubtfully.

"Brother Scar is a big shot, and all the prisoners who are imprisoned in the prison will be favored by him." Tang Yin smiled and explained to Dugu Bo.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, when you said that, I understood immediately." Dugu Bo clicked his tongue and said with a smile.

Until Yu Xiaogang was dragged away by the law enforcement team of Wuhun Palace, he could still vaguely hear his cries and begging for mercy, but the most common words were, "I don't want to see Brother Scar, I don't want to see Brother Scar." !”

This little episode passed quickly. Tang Yin and Dugu Bo also strolled to Tiandou Royal Academy, but this time, there was no teacher to stop him.

As soon as he entered the academy, Dugu Bo saw his granddaughter running towards him quickly and then threw herself into his arms.

"Grandpa, you've been gone for so long and you didn't even know you were coming back to see me." Dugu Yan pouted and said with an aggrieved look.

Dugu Bo laughed twice and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Yanyan. Grandpa promises there will never be a next time."

Dugu Yan said softly: "That's pretty much it."

While the grandfather and grandson were talking, everyone from the Huangdou Team also came over. Over the past few years, their strength has become stronger, especially Yu Tianheng, who is now the fifty-level soul king.

Seeing Tang Yin next to Dugu Bo, Yu Tianheng also smiled and said hello: "Tang Yin, should I call you this name, or should I call you Payne?"

Tang Yin touched his nose and said awkwardly: "Just call me Tang Yin."

Yu Tianheng laughed and said: "Tang Yin, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you have become stronger. It just so happens that our Imperial Fighting Team hasn't fought for a long time. Why don't we have a spar for a while?"

Hearing this, everyone in the Imperial Fighting Team also cheered: "Tang Yin, no, I call you Brother Yin. Brother Yin, how about a spar? After you left, we haven't fought for a long time."

"Okay, but you have to think about it, my actions are not serious." A faint smile appeared at the corner of Tang Yin's mouth.

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