Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 159 Aunt? Tang Yuehua!

"The gap is still so big..." After being helped up by the Shi brothers, Yu Tianheng smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "Under the cover of my teammates, I used the fifth soul skill and the self-created soul skill. In the end, I still lost to you."

"I'm willing to admit defeat, Tang Yin, you won." Yu Tianheng said seriously to Tang Yin with the support of the Shi brothers.

"We lost." Several other members of the Royal Dou Team also said they were willing to admit defeat.

Tang Yin smiled, his eyes fell on Dugu Bo in the audience, and said meaningfully: "Brother Tianheng, my master and I are planning to establish a high-level soul master academy. The problem with the royal family has been solved. In a few days, The school is about to open tomorrow, so my condition is that I hope you can join this academy."

"Of course, although it is a condition, the most important thing is that you want to come."

"I'll join." As soon as Tang Yin finished speaking, Dugu Yan, who had been staying in the audience, took the lead and said: "Since it is the soul master academy founded by grandpa, then I, the granddaughter, will definitely join."

As he said that, Dugu Yan looked in the direction of Yu Tianheng, as if wanting to know what he would choose.

"Then after we go to your academy, won't we be held accountable by Tiandou Royal Academy?" Yu Feng asked cautiously.

Tang Yin chuckled and said: "Of course not. I am very good friends with the prince Xue Qinghe of the royal family. He is also one of the founders of this college. It can be said that without him, this college would not have been built. And If you transfer from Tiandou Royal Academy, you won’t offend anyone from the royal family.”

Hearing Tang Yin's promise, Yu Feng's eyes also showed little stars, "Then I want to join. It's super cool to be able to follow the first person of my generation!"

"What about you?" Tang Yin asked with a smile as he glanced at everyone in Huangdou.

There was silence on the training ground until all the Shi brothers, who were not good at speaking, chose to join. Yu Tianheng, who had been hesitant, looked at Dugu Yan, and in the latter's expectant eyes, he chose to agree.

"Boss, if you have joined, then I will join too." Oslo said without hesitation when he saw Yu Tianheng agreeing.

"Although I didn't join the gambling game, it should be okay if I did, right?"

At this moment, a deep voice came from behind everyone in Huangdou.

Everyone in Huangdou looked back and saw an unknown teacher who had not appeared for a long time walking over with a smile on his face.

"Unknown teacher!" Seeing the person coming, Yu Feng said in surprise: "Teacher, do you also plan to join the academy founded by senior Tang Yin and Dugu?"

The unknown teacher patted Yu Feng on the shoulder and chuckled: "Yes, you students have left. As your teacher, I have to follow, right?"

When saying this, the unknown teacher raised his head and looked at Tang Yin, "Long time no see, Payne."

Tang Yin scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a wry smile: "I'm so sorry, unknown teacher."

The unknown teacher waved his hand and said with a smile: "Tang Yin, I have heard your name, and I also know something about you through Dugu Yan, so you don't need to apologize. I understand your difficulties."

"But if you are sorry, just let me join your academy as compensation for me." The unknown teacher crossed his arms and smiled.

"Okay, no problem." Tang Yin smiled and nodded, then turned to look at Dugu Bo, "Master, look at the fact that I have recruited so many people for you, shouldn't you treat the freshmen to a meal?"

Hearing Tang Yin's words, Dugu Bo's mouth twitched. He finally understood. No wonder this boy called him master. He was waiting for him here.

"But it feels good to be called master by this little monster."

So, Dugu Bo waved his hand and immediately announced that he would pay for today's consumption, and then everyone from the Royal Dou Team went to the Tiandou Hotel.


At the same time, Wuhun City and the Pope's Palace.

"His Majesty the Pope, we...failed." Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were half-kneeling on the ground. Their faces were pale and their breaths were unstable. They were obviously seriously injured by Tang Hao's sudden blow.

"If you fail, why are you coming back?" Bibi Dong's eyes flashed coldly, "Two elders, I have to say that your abilities make me feel ashamed. As an elder of Wuhun Palace, a titled Douluo, with twenty There are many cardinals, but in the end they couldn't even catch a hundred thousand year soul beast, you are very good!"

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo's expressions changed at the same time. From Bibi Dong's words, they heard a strong murderous intention.

"The Pope, I don't blame the two elders. The reason why I failed to capture the hundred thousand year soul beast is my fault. It was me who held the two elders back." Hu Liena lowered her head, wanting to blame herself for the failure. , because she knew very well that without her, this operation might fail, but she would never be so passive, let alone let the two elders be so seriously injured.

"Oh? I asked the two of them to protect you. If you die, what is the significance of this mission?" Bibi Dong walked to Hu Liena with elegant steps, stretched out her hand and lifted her He lowered his chin and said coldly: "You have to remember that you are the saint I chose, and the goal of this operation is to get your sixth soul ring. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Your Majesty the Pope." Hu Liena's voice was trembling. She bit her lip and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty the Pope, the reason why this operation failed was because of the intervention of Tang Hao and Tang San."

"Tang Hao and Tang San?" Bibi Dong paused, then slowly withdrew her right hand, her eyes suddenly flashing, "No wonder, no wonder that even though so many strong men were mobilized, they still failed to capture the hundred thousand year spirit beast."

"Elder Ju, Elder Gui, why didn't you tell me?" Under Bibi Dong's gaze, the two elders Ju and Gui were already sweating profusely, and they were sweating profusely.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please calm down." Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo bowed at the same time and said.

"That's all, with the strength of the two of you, you really can't defeat Tang Hao." Bibi Dong waved her hands indifferently, sat back on the Pope's chair, and said calmly: "Tang Hao won't be rampant for long, the soul hunting operation is imminent. You hurry up and recuperate."

"As you command, His Majesty the Pope." Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo breathed a sigh of relief and quickly thanked Bibi Dong for his forgiveness. Then, the two elders winked at Hu Liena and quickly left the meeting hall.

"Nana." Looking at their leaving figures, Bibi Dong's eyes fell on Hu Liena, "I don't blame you for the failure of this operation. Xie Yue and Yan have already reported to me. It was Tang Hao who suddenly Attacked you, which led to the failure of the mission."

Hu Liena was startled for a moment. She was about to speak but was interrupted by Bibi Dong with a wave of her hand, "Nana, the most important thing for you now is to seize the time to practice. The teacher will take care of other things for you."

"I understand, teacher." Hu Liena said no more, bowed and left the Pope's Palace.

"Tang Hao, Tang San, okay, since you ruined my good deeds, when I hit your Haotian Sect, I will let you know what life is worse than death!"


The moon is like a silver plate, full of frost.

Tiandou City, Tiandou Hotel.

"Drink more, drink more! I, Yu Tianheng, am not drunk yet!" Yu Tianheng was helped out of the hotel by the Shi brothers. At this moment, his face was as red as a monkey's butt, and he still had a bottle in his hand that he had not finished drinking. of fruit wine, obviously drunk.

Yu Feng and Osluo supported each other and walked, while Dugu Bo held the sleeping Dugu Yan with a look of helplessness on his face.

Ye Lingling didn't drink. She followed Dugu Bo silently. She couldn't help but laugh when she saw her best friend sleeping.

Tang Yin and the unknown teacher walked side by side. Although the two drank a lot, they were not as drunk as others, but just a little tipsy.

"Tang Yin, what are your plans next?" Facing the evening breeze, the unknown teacher looked at Tang Yin aside and said softly.

Tang Yin touched his chin, thought for a moment, and shook his head, "Let's settle the affairs of the academy first. For other matters, let's take it step by step."

The unknown teacher nodded, "You are right, do the things in front of you first, and then do other things."

In this way, the group of people walked and unknowingly arrived at the most prosperous commercial street in Tiandou City. Here, Tang Yin also noticed the luxurious and huge building not far away.

Through the vision of the reincarnation eye, Tang Yin also clearly saw the two words on the plaque, Yuexuan.

"Have you been here?" Seeing Tang Yin stop, the unknown teacher chuckled and said, "This is the place where all the nobles of the Tiandou Empire learn etiquette. I heard that the little princess Xue Ke of the royal family is also here. Even The prince Xue Qinghe who you sponsored also graduated from here."

"Really? I really didn't pay much attention to this." Tang Yin shrugged and was about to leave. Suddenly, a shout attracted his attention.

"Salas, didn't you go back to Wuhun City? Why are you here?"

"Tang Yuehua, don't forget what you promised me. I haven't reported it to His Majesty the Pope yet. Otherwise, your brother and nephew will be killed."

"You are shameless!" Tang Yuehua looked at Salas with a lustful look on his face and was shaking with anger. She never thought that when she was just out for a walk, she would be targeted by this guy who escaped from Tiandou City and returned secretly. .

Salas licked his lips, swept Tang Yuehua's flawless face fiercely, and threatened: "I am shameless or not, you will know soon, but before that, you have to let me have a good time. !" With that said, he pounced on the defenseless Tang Yuehua.

At this moment, Salas's mind could already hear the sound of Tang Yuehua being pressed down and his wanton shouting.

After hearing Salas' words, Tang Yuehua didn't dare to move anymore. She could already imagine her next fate in her heart. The strong man saved her before, but now, she has no choice.

Just when Salas was about to pounce on Tang Yuehua, more than a dozen slender but resilient bluesilver grass suddenly surged up from under his feet without any warning and spiraled up.

Before Salas could touch Tang Yuehua, his legs were tied up by the blue silver grass that suddenly appeared, and he fell face down to the ground. Before he could react, a shadow slowly walked away in the darkness. When he came out, lightning flashed in his hands, and the chirping of thousands of birds reached his ears.

"Wha... who is this person!" Salas was tied up. He wanted to use his martial soul to break free from the blue silver grass, but he was shocked to find that the blue silver grass was different from what he had seen before, especially the silver color. The roots made him unable to move.

"Blue Silver Grass?" Tang Yuehua was stunned for a moment, then turned around in surprise, only to find that the man behind her was not Tang San, but a man she had never seen before, and the lightning flashing on his palm was also the chirping of a thousand birds. The origin of.

Tang Yin glanced at Saras, who was trembling with fear, and then at Tang Yuehua, who looked shocked. The next second, the thunder light changed in his hand, and suddenly turned into a thunder gun, which instantly struck Saras, who was unable to move. Sri Lanka.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

As Salas howled in pain, the Chidori in Tang Yin's hand also increased its power output. As Salas was electrocuted and emitted black smoke, a flame suddenly rose under his body, and in an instant In the meantime, he and his family were burned to ashes and disappeared between heaven and earth.

After doing all this, Tang Yin looked at Tang Yuehua who was stunned with fright, and turned around to leave without any hesitation. Although he didn't know why he came over, Salas had been notorious for a long time, and killing him would be considered a service to the people. Harm removed.

"Wait!" Seeing that Tang Yin was about to leave, Tang Yuehua quickly reached out and grabbed the former's arm, but before she could touch Tang Yin, thin and tough blue silver grass broke out of the ground and entangled her in an instant. He held out her outstretched arm and kept moving forward.

Seeing that the man was about to disappear, Tang Yuehua suddenly shouted: "You are Tang Yin, right? Your father is Tang Hao, and your mother is A Yin!"

Hearing his mother A Yin's name, Tang Yin's feet stopped, and all the blue silver grass wrapped around Tang Yuehua's body dissipated, loosening its restraints.

"Sure enough, my guess was right. Apart from Tang San, the only other person with a martial spirit like the Blue Silver Emperor is Tang Yin." Tang Yuehua breathed a sigh of relief and walked to Tang Yin's side with elegant steps.

Before Tang Yuehua could speak, Tang Yin said coldly: "You said something wrong. My father is not Tang Hao, and I don't have a father. All I have is my mother, that's all."

"Xiaoyin, don't lie to aunt, this joke is not funny." Tang Yuehua subconsciously thought that Tang Yin was joking, but when she saw those extremely cold eyes, she instantly understood that the other party was not joking.

Tang Yin's cold gaze was like a sharp sword, piercing into Tang Yuehua's heart. This extremely cold gaze made her breathless, as if a wild beast was staring at her, helpless breathe.

After a long silence, Tang Yuehua didn't know what he thought, but he started to sob faintly, as if he was bullied by Tang Yin, and started crying with a little woman.

Tang Yin was stunned for a moment, looking at Tang Yuehua who was crying and out of breath. For a moment, even he didn't know what to do.

"Don't cry. If people see it, they'll think I did something to you." Tang Yin's face darkened, and he pressed Tang Yuehua's shoulders with both hands and shook them.

"Then you call me aunt." Tang Yuehua stopped sobbing and said expectantly.

"Then stop crying, I really can't bear it." Tang Yin turned his head helplessly, curled his lips and said, "Auntie, can you stop crying?"

"Pfft..." Tang Yuehua laughed out loud, stretched out her lush jade fingers to touch Tang Yin, who was a head taller than her, and chuckled: "I thought you were really cold, but it turns out you were lying to me."

"Would you like to sit with Auntie?" Tang Yuehua reached out and held Tang Yin's palm, asking gently.

Feeling the warmth from his palms, Tang Yin shook his head, "No, I just happened to pass by. Maybe next time."

Tang Yuehua nodded lightly, "Okay then, remember to come to Auntie when you have time. Although I don't know what happened between you and your father, Auntie will always be your aunt."

Tang Yin sighed, nodded heavily, and then disappeared into the dim alley in a flash of light.

Looking at Tang Yin's leaving figure, Tang Yuehua murmured: "Brother Hao, what happened between you and Xiao Yin? He looks more and more like his mother, but why can't I see anything in him?" How about you?"

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