Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 195 Anxious Mother and Daughter

"Anything you need to pay attention to on Poseidon Island?" Tang Xiao pondered for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Xiaosan, after you go to Poseidon Island, there is only one thing you need to pay attention to, and that is not to kill anyone."

If you follow the rules of Poseidon Island, nothing big should happen. "

"Can't you kill people?" Hearing Tang Xiao's words, Tang San's eyes flashed with light and he said, "I understand, uncle."

The master sighed softly and reminded: "By the way, Xiaosan, regarding the re-election meeting of the seven major sects, you should not participate. Just concentrate on your cultivation."

Hearing this, Tang San asked in confusion: "Teacher, why is this?"

The master said calmly: "Xiaosan, now that the Haotian Sect has become the divine protector sect of the Tiandou Empire, do these seven sect re-election conferences have any significance to the Haotian Sect? Besides, even if you don't go to participate, you will With my uncle here, how can the Haotian Sect's reputation as number one in the world change? But if you want to participate, you will be the only one who wastes time in the end."

"The Spirit Hall launched a soul hunting operation and destroyed our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. It was actually a bit too hasty. In terms of soul masters, the Spirit Hall certainly has an absolute advantage, but what it controls The overall strength of those kingdoms and principalities cannot compare with the two empires. As long as the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire help each other, the Wuhun Palace will never dare to act rashly. Otherwise, if the war starts, the population of the entire continent will probably be reduced by tens of thousands. times. Once caught in a war, Wuhun Palace will not only not be able to gain much benefit, but will be hated by the people."

"Therefore, I infer that Wuhun Palace wants to further establish its supreme position in the soul master world through the re-election meeting of the seven major sects this time. However, since the Haotian Sect has returned to the soul master world, and we have forced them back Xue Qinghe, judging from his relationship with Wuhun Palace, your presence will definitely attract the great attention of Wuhun Palace, so leaving at this time is not the best choice."

"Actually, the most important thing is that Xue Beng's accession to the throne was too short, and Xue Qinghe will make a comeback at some point. Judging from Wuhun Palace's style, they should be happy to support a puppet prince, and Xue Qinghe is naturally the best candidate. .”

"Now that the news of Emperor Xueye's death has spread, I believe that Wuhun Palace will speed up its support of those kingdoms and principalities, thereby increasing their own strength, and then gradually cannibalizing the two empires. However, the two empires have long been on the mainland. It’s deeply rooted, and it’s not something that can be accomplished overnight.”

"Under such a huge pressure environment, the two empires will work hard to conquer in a short period of time. Although Wuhun Palace has an overall advantage, it will be a long process to conquer the two empires. And this short period of time Time is the best time for you to improve your own strength."

Listening to the master's analysis, Tang San couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "As expected of his teacher, in the entire Douluo Continent, I'm afraid there is no one who can see the situation more clearly than my teacher. In this way, I also have time to go to Poseidon Island. Experienced.”

The master sighed and said: "Xiaosan, do you know? What I am most worried about is whether you can come back from Poseidon Island. Before you really face it, you will not understand how terrifying the soul masters there are. Most of the martial souls of living creatures are of water attribute, and strange abilities emerge in endlessly."

"Master, don't worry about this. My grandfather Tang Chen has an old relationship with the island owner of Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi. If Xiaosan goes there, just show the Clear Sky Hammer and show your identity. I believe that the island owner I won't embarrass Xiao San." Tang Xiao reached out and patted Tang San on the shoulder, saying in a solemn voice.

Hearing Tang Xiao's words, Tang San took a deep breath and said to the master: "Teacher, let me go. If I can't complete the test of this training, then Tang San is not worthy of being called your disciple."

With tears in his eyes, the master said in a trembling voice: "Okay! You are worthy of being my disciple, Yu Xiaogang. Since you are so confident, then go ahead boldly!"


At the same time, the Wuhun Palace and the Pope Palace.

The entire meeting hall of the Pope's Palace seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. There were only three people in the hall. Pope Bibi Dong, who was sitting on the throne, the Holy Maiden Hu Liena of the Wuhun Palace who was standing behind her in silence, and the blond-haired Back in women's clothing, the heroic Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue stood ten meters away opposite Bibi Dong. The dead silence in the meeting hall had lasted for a long time. Bibi Dong's sharp eyes were always focused on Qian Renxue's face, but Qian Renxue's face was as cold as frost. It's generally scary cold.

Neither of them spoke, but the oppressive atmosphere made Hu Liena behind Bibi Dong feel like she couldn't breathe.

"Lena, please go out first." Bibi Dong waved her hand, and there seemed to be something more in her eyes.

Hu Liena secretly breathed a sigh of relief, responded respectfully, and quickly left the meeting hall. It was not until she walked out of the hall that she discovered that this blond woman she had never seen before actually had a bit of Bibi Dong on her face.

And her blond hair reminded Hu Liena of the great worshiper Qiandaoliu she saw some time ago.

With the combination of Qian Daoliu's blond hair and Bibi Dong's shadow, Hu Liena immediately thought of the deceased former Pope Qian Xunji, and concluded that the woman with blond hair was probably the biological daughter of her teacher Hu Liena!

Just when Hu Liena was guessing about the relationship between Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue in the meeting hall spoke up.

Bibi Dong slowly stood up and looked at this daughter who looked a bit like herself. Her heart was filled with resentment and pity.

An extremely complicated light flashed from Bibi Dong's eyes. Suddenly, all her momentum seemed to disappear at this moment. She sighed: "If you fail, you will fail. It's just a Tiandou Empire. From a general perspective, We are still in an absolute advantage.”

Qian Renxue shook her head and said calmly: "I don't think this is a shameful thing. It just so happens that it was precisely because of this failure that I discovered my own shortcomings. If I hadn't been lurking in the Tiandou Empire for dozens of Years ago, with my talent, I'm afraid I'm already a Nine-ring Titled Douluo now."

"What do you mean by this?" Doubt flashed through Bibi Dong's eyes, "Do you mean to blame me for letting you lurk in the Tiandou Empire?"

Qian Renxue snorted coldly, "No, I don't blame you. On the contrary, the failure of Tiandou Palace this time has made me more determined to eradicate dissidents. Now grandpa has planned to let me accept the inheritance of the angel god, and You are preparing to attack the Haotian Sect again, and I came here this time to tell you that I will not participate in this battle, and you can call on all the elders in the Enshrinement Hall and the Elders Hall."

"What did you say?" Bibi Dong's eyes became even more confused. She didn't understand why Qian Renxue, who obviously hated her to death, said such words after the Tiandou Palace transformation failed. This simply made her unable to understand.

Qian Renxue said calmly: "Don't get me wrong, these words are not what I want to say, but what grandpa said to you, because he will not participate in this battle. If he does not speak, you, the worshipers of the worship hall, have no right. Blending.”

"Moreover, it is time for the forces on Douluo Continent to be reshuffled. Those sects claim to be righteous people. In this case, they no longer need to exist."

"If there is only one force on the Douluo Continent, it would be the Wuhun Palace!"

Qian Renxue's voice was cold and indifferent, and even Bibi Dong felt frightened by her current cold appearance. It was a kind of coldness that radiated from the inside out, as if a real angel god had descended.

It does not contain any emotions or distracting thoughts, as if it is a god who executes judgment. Gods do not need human nature, what they have... is divinity.

Qian Renxue left, and the door of the meeting hall was gently closed, but the door closed without any sound, but it made Bibi Dong feel a tremor.

Looking at the closed door, Bibi Dong suddenly slumped down on the chair, her eyes filled with confusion about Qian Renxue's change of attitude and deep guilt.

Worship Hall.

This is the largest building in the Pope's Palace, and it also represents the most powerful power of the entire Wuhun Palace. Inside the tall domed building, you will see a wide hall as soon as you enter the door.

At this time, the worship hall was quiet, not even a servant was waiting. When Qian Renxue came to a huge seraph statue made of pure gold and was ten meters high, she saw her grandfather. A large offering to Qian Daoliu.

"Grandpa." Standing less than five meters away from the statue, Qian Renxue fell to her knees with a plop, and her originally cold face slowly regained its softness.

Qian Daoliu took a step forward gently, and the next moment he was in front of Qian Renxue, pulling the latter up.

"Grandpa, I already told you what you asked me to take you there. Her reaction was huge and she didn't seem to believe it." Qian Renxue raised her head and said in a harsh voice.

Qian Daoliu sighed softly, "Your mother feels very painful. After all, it was not her who was wrong in the first place. Her feelings for you are not what you thought."

"In order to keep your mother, your father used dirty methods against her. Although grandpa had the intention to stop it, your father... hey."

"Grandpa..." Qian Renxue looked at the troubled Qian Daoliu, tears streaming down her cheeks, "It was my father who harmed my mother, right?"

"Yes..." Qian Daoliu opened his mouth, but in front of his granddaughter, he seemed to have been deprived of his voice and was speechless for a long time.

Qian Renxue said in a trembling voice: "Grandpa, why did you tell me now?"

Qian Daoliu sighed, his eyes filled with helplessness and pain. Why didn't he want to tell Qian Renxue? But he couldn't, Qian Xunji was his son, Qian Daoliu knew very well why he died, but he didn't want his granddaughter to know that cruel fact.

Over the past ten years, Qian Daoliu has watched Qian Renxue grow up day by day, and his heart has become increasingly uncomfortable. He is the servant of the angel god and the worshiper of the god who brings peace to the mainland, but his own However, his son blasphemed against the angels, gods, and thousands of families. This was his pain and his shame.

However, after Qian Renxue's Tiandou Palace Transformation failed, he told Qian Renxue the entire secret and asked her to bear this cruel fact. He knew that this was a kind of harm to Qian Renxue, but he was more I hope to understand the truth, step out of the shadows, and become a truly strong person.

The inheritance of the Angel God is not that simple. If she always hates Bibi Dong in her heart, how can she accept the inheritance of the Angel God perfectly? As the sacrificer who started the Ninth Trial of Angels, he hoped to see the day when mother and daughter reconciled, even though he might have died by then.

But he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was Qian Renxue and Wuhun Palace. If Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong can unite, then Wuhun Palace will reach a new level that cannot be measured. The existence of these two gods is enough to scare any force, even Poseidon Island.

"Xiaoxue... Grandpa is sorry for you." Qian Daoliu's voice trembled, his whole body tensed up, and the aura on his body was even more messy. The peerless Douluo who used to be known as the invincible in the sky was now in front of his granddaughter. For the first time, I felt powerless.

Qian Renxue stayed there and didn't speak for a long time. Qian Daoliu said nothing more, just pursed his lips and looked at her quietly, giving her space to think.

At this time, Qian Renxue's face had lost all color, and the light in her eyes was flickering. Suddenly, she suddenly raised her head and said to Qian Daoliu: "Grandpa, I don't blame you. You must have been there if you didn't tell me." But let’s resolve the matter between Bibi Dong and me ourselves.”

Qian Daoliu said in astonishment: "Xiaoxue, do you really not blame grandpa? Moreover, your mother has accepted the inheritance of the gods. Do you really want to be an enemy of her?"

Qian Renxue nodded, a cold light flashed in her eyes, "Grandpa, it was you who kept me alive. If it weren't for you, I would have died in her hands. As for the inheritance of the gods you mentioned, Xiaoxue will definitely understand Give it your all and never let you down.”

"Okay, okay!" Qian Daoliu's eyes flickered and he nodded: "Xiaoxue, grandpa believes in you. The future of Wuhun Palace and this continent is entrusted to you."

Qian Renxue's eyes suddenly solidified and she said in a deep voice: "Grandpa, please get started. The inheritance of the gods cannot be delayed. I will never let the Wuhun Palace be destroyed in Bibi Dong's hands, even if she is my mother."

"At least...she was still my mother before she completely destroyed Wuhun Palace."

Hearing Qian Renxue's words, Qian Daoliu sighed heavily, "Xiaoxue, grandpa understands."

"Get ready, the inheritance of the Angel God will begin today."


Destruction Peak.

The biting cold wind was blowing everywhere on the steps like a sharp blade. Tang Yin used his body to protect Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong from the cold. A week had passed, and the three of them were currently on the 200th step. .

Tang Yin stood in front of Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, looking at the 800 steps, and thought to himself: "After a week of adaptation training, I can now go up to 100 steps. Zhuqing and Rongrong Climbing to the 200th level is already their limit, and if they want to continue moving forward, it will probably take a long time to continue."

Climbing the Destruction Peak was not as easy as imagined, but fortunately, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were determined to become stronger, and they climbed to the 200th step while encouraging each other. No, the two of them have already started practicing while sitting cross-legged on the ground. (End of chapter)

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