Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 202 Akatsuki Organization, Part 1

"Who is coming?"

"Akatsuki Organization, Tai Lung."

On the main stage, Tai Long slapped his powerful chest. After being possessed by the martial spirit, he was like a little giant standing on the stage, overlooking the surrounding soul masters.

Ever since he revealed that he belonged to an organization, or rather a sect, the bishops of Wuhun Palace looked up at the sky and felt as disgusted as being fed a bunch of bird shit.

However, direct interference is not allowed in the battle above the arena. Isn't it that Wuhun Palace is holding the re-election meeting of the seven major sects this time so that the soul masters of small forces can choose to bow to Wuhun Palace?

If they directly intervene violently now, wouldn't it mean that they have bad intentions and the purpose of selecting the seven sects is just to treat guests, behead them, and accept them as dogs. Even if their true plan is indeed like this, they cannot say it out loud or show it clearly, and they must maintain dignity in everything they do.

Without dignity, things will not look good enough, and that will not be a good thing for these bishops.

However, although it is difficult for people from Wuhun Palace to take action directly, there are forces that are affiliated with, or rather affiliated with, Wuhun Palace. The bishops are not worried that the Akatsuki organization will take away the quotas they originally assigned to those forces. With so many sects, even a wheel battle can consume Tailong's soul power.

However, the name Tai Lung is really a bit unpleasant.

The cardinal thought like this, and the image of the man in front of him was also combined with the young master of the Force Clan.

No wonder, no wonder.

The Haotian Sect gave up the four major single-attribute families first, so it’s no wonder that some people would choose to abandon the Haotian Sect. What's more, the Haotian Sect has been almost destroyed at this time.

"Find a guy to go up and give him a hand."

"Haha, don't think I can't see it. That boy's strength is definitely not simple."

"It doesn't matter, I've said hello, what else do you want?"

"Find a tough character, but don't go too far."

With just a few words, the bishops made a conclusion for Tailong's fate. In this arena, the opponent was from their Wuhun Hall, the referee was also from their Wuhun Hall, and even the organizer was from their Wuhun Hall. Man, you say, how can one Tai Lung fight against them?

However, things seem to be getting into trouble for the Akatsuki organization.

Following the hints from the bishops, an unknown soul master from the Black Tiger Sect stepped onto the stage and took action with all his strength, delaying Tailong's time so that Tailong's performance would be a little worse and he would not be able to obtain the title of the seven major sects. .

However, at this time and at that time, Tai Lung at that time was not considered a genius among the soul masters of the same age, but only had some talent. But now, after training within the Xiao organization, Tai Lung has already Transformational changes.

Not only is the life span of the soul ring obtained much longer than before, but even the induction of martial souls has become much better than before.

Just the pair of ape arms possessed by the martial spirit, when waved, are enough to make people despair. Coupled with the soul skills that strengthen the body and the skills of adding soul power to the body, it can be said that the first person facing an ordinary soul master As for the second and third offensive soul skills, as long as the opponent has not transformed each soul skill into a Titled Douluo that is most suitable for him, even a Soul Douluo, if he wants to rely on the first soul skill without being strengthened by other soul skills, It is already impossible for the second and third soul skills to harm Tailong.

A mere hundred years or a thousand or two thousand soul skills, no matter how high the soul power level is, the soul master himself has such a large output terminal, can he still be able to output it violently? Even Dai Mubai, who has a hundred and thousand years of soul skill combination inheritance, can use the third soul skill White Tiger Fierce Light Wave, and Tai Lung can directly smash it with his flesh palm, let alone the Black Tiger Sect, which does not even have a titled Douluo. What came out was a piece of trash.

After his opponent was possessed by the same spirit and the referee announced the start of the fighting, Tailong used the spirit technique to strengthen his body without hesitation, and then used weird steps that normal spirit masters could not do to move towards the Black Tiger Sect with his feet close to the ground. The soul master approached, like the most primitive soul beast in the Star Dou Forest. He completely displayed the nature of his martial soul. The primitive animal nature swirled in his heart, and his palms as big as palms were like iron. He waved it out like a palm.

The soul masters of the Black Tiger Sect did not expect that there would be soul masters who rushed towards their opponents without releasing any long-range soul skills to test them, even when fighting the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest. , he has never experienced such a battle.

But just like this, regardless of reason and fear, the roaring Tailong obviously did not use any direct offensive soul skills, but the roaring roar made the opponent dizzy for a while, and he could only hurriedly move behind him. Retreat, maybe only in this way can you save your life.

But how could Tai Lung make his opponent get what he wanted? He ran away, he chased, he couldn't fly. He was just a black tiger, not even a top martial spirit. He had already experienced hatred, knew what pain was, and fought for the ideals of the Akatsuki organization. In front of Tai Lung, it is not worth mentioning.

The violent iron fist smashed holes one after another on the ring, dealing another heavy blow to the hastily repaired ring. At the same time, Tailong intentionally or unintentionally approached his opponent from the side, approaching the opponent, forcing the opponent to do what he wanted. Fleeing and running in the direction.

It is not that there is no harassment from long-range soul skills, but the higher the level of the soul skill, the more time it takes to perform it. Tai Lung, who has been running and chasing his opponent, how can he leave his opponent to use the fifth soul skill or above? Well, even if it is the true form of the martial spirit, Tailong does not intend to give his opponent a chance to use it.

Because once the martial soul avatar is used, he must spend some effort to avoid even low-level soul skills. And such an operation is obviously not in the interest of the Akatsuki organization. For the sake of the Akatsuki organization, Tailong will not do anything. His heart is merciful.

"Hmph, I want to escape! The Taishan meteorite is falling!"

While running to chase his opponent, he was using his soul skills openly and openly. At this time, Tailong was displaying the distraction control method that originally belonged to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. This is also one of the benefits of their Akatsuki organization. As long as they become a formal member, they can learn the secrets of the original sects.

However, even Tai Long, who was not only a formal member but also a close confidant of Tang Yin, did not learn too many secrets. On the one hand, it’s because the secret transmission is more than one can chew, so specializing in one is the best choice. On the other hand, Tai Lung himself is not considered smart. It is easier to memorize many things with the body than with the brain. Memories come better.

It's just that the distraction control method of Qibao Glazed Sect requires one to understand it with one's heart and to slowly hone it over time. In this aspect, they themselves are weak, so he no longer insists on it. Instead of reaching a high state, we should focus on dual-purpose and find our own path.

Now, being able to chase the soul masters of the Black Tiger Sect and maintain the flow of soul power in his body, while also being able to use soul skills to strengthen himself and use offensive soul skills, for him, he has also found his own path, and There is the possibility of going further and further.

Huge rocks condensed on top of Tai Lung's head. Even if he was running, these huge rocks did not affect Tai Lung's balance. He even did not slow down much. He could catch up with just a little effort from the original. It has become something that the opponent cannot get rid of.

"Damn it, what kind of monster are you? You can actually move and release soul skills at the same time!"

The soul master of the Black Tiger Sect was extremely puzzled. It was true that he had never done anything like moving to perform soul skills, but that was just moving. He did not wrap himself with soul power, and he would not directly attack the opponent's soul skills without using them. How much shaking.

Although he himself knew that low-level soul skills were not very powerful and could only contain and harass, in front of Tailong, those low-level soul skills could not even harass or slow down the opponent. They could only be beaten to pieces by Tai Lung one by one under his desperate gaze.

Yes, smash it.

Facing the black tiger sect soul master with his palm as big as a cattail leaf, he sprayed black light balls or black rays one after another. He didn't even think about dodging. He either slapped them away and smashed them, or used his palms to block his eyes. , not affected at all.

The huge stone was condensed on top of Tai Lung's head. Tai Lung laughed ferociously, and countless spikes sprouted from the stone. Then he stepped hard on the ground with both feet, and the heavy foot force even knocked down the ring. One piece, leaping in the air, threw the huge stone suspended in his hand.

The huge stone drew a graceful arc in the air, as if it had eyes, locking tightly on the soul master of the Black Tiger Sect, even if the other party avoided the stone from the side by rolling like a donkey. The stone also heavily smashed a big crater on the ground, and then rolled towards him, forming a two-sided situation with Tai Lung.

Just when he desperately wanted to activate the martial spirit avatar, but found that he had no time and could only watch the stone ball and Tai Long collide towards him, the stone ball stopped.

Or in other words, Tyrone let him go.

The heavy stone ball did not directly smash him to death, and the palm that could smash the soul skill did not beat him into a pulp. Instead, after a heavy muffled sound, the stone ball stopped, and Tai Lung also stopped.

"Get out of here and don't let me take action, do you understand?"

The palm that could easily crush the head was pressed on the head of the Black Tiger Sect soul master, as if he could kill him at any time, but in order to prevent the scene from being too bloody and to maintain the image of the Akatsuki organization, Tai Long still held back. The murderous intention in his heart did not kill him.

After all, in this arena, under the eyes of everyone, you can't fool others by losing control of your soul skills and failing to control them in time. Even a fool can understand that Tai Lung's multi-purpose hand, chasing and performing soul skills and controlling them at the same time requires exquisite control. Tai Lung can do this, but can't control the soul skills. This kind of joke I guess no one would take it seriously.

"Ha, ha, okay, I'll get out of here."

Walking between life and death, the extremely frightened Black Tiger Sect soul master held onto the ground with some sweat on his back, trying to stand up from the ground, but it was clear that his soul power had not been exhausted yet, and he still had a lot of physical strength left, but However, he seemed to have run out of soul power and not much physical strength. His hands and feet were so weak that he couldn't even stand up.

"No, get out, do you understand?"

Seeing that the Black Tiger Sect soul master whose head was being squeezed by him couldn't even stand up, Tailong sighed and said seriously. Immediately, he used his fingers to lift the opponent up and towards the edge of the ring. Those parts of the ground that had not been touched by him were thrown out.

So, with Tai Lung's help, the Black Tiger Sect soul master, who had no strength to even move, successfully "rolled" off the ring, saving his life and his future practice.

In the ring, killing is not allowed, but crippling an opponent is not a serious matter, and is even something that is tacitly approved by Wuhun Palace.

Only when the people under your command are weak can they be easily controlled. Otherwise, when they are used as cannon fodder, they are not so easy to control.


"Oh, this Black Tiger Sect is not powerful enough."

"Shit, if you are on your side, it's probably a virtue. Don't think that everyone is a fool. Now that I don't give the Akatsuki a place, it's a bit unreasonable."

"Don't worry, since the Akatsuki organization is willing to come to the re-election meeting of the seven major sects, it naturally wants something from our Spirit Hall, and since it wants something from us, there is nothing to worry about."

"What it means is that if a sheep is being driven, isn't it the same as being driven by a group of sheep? Since it is a group of sheep, the color has no meaning because the color of each sheep is different."

"That's what I said, but..."

"Look, you're in a hurry. What does this have to do with us? If a fight breaks out, it won't be those high-ranking officials who lead the fight. We are responsible for this, not this one."

"That's right. Look, Tailong defeated another soul master from the Holy Dragon Sect."

"In this case, it is better to remove the Quefeng Sect's quota. Anyway, when the time comes to launch a general attack, we will not need their weak strength and detective intelligence."

"Okay, it's settled."


"You bastard! You betrayed the Haotian Sect and yet you still have the nerve to come out!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Tang Hao's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, as if he was shocked by Tai Long's appearance. Even if the Haotian Sect was at fault first, couldn't you, the force clan, wait a little longer? Wait a few more years, and his son Tang San will have the chance to become a god and dominate the world's sects...

"Calm down, second brother, this is not their fault, nor is it our fault, it belongs to Wuhun Palace."

Tang Xiao, who also had blue veins popping out on his hands, said in a deep voice. For him, although the Force Clan's forced betrayal had humiliated the Haotian Sect, it was excusable. However, it was the Spirit Hall that was the real blood feud. .

"Huh, in short, there will definitely be an account to be settled in the future!"

"Shut up! That will happen in the future. Now, calm down."

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