"Stop! Fighting in all arenas must stop. This re-election meeting of the seven major sects will stop here!"

At the organizer's table, the cardinal of Wuhun Palace, possessed by Wuhun, announced loudly, bringing the competition of the seven major sects' re-election meeting to a close.

Looking at the winners on each stage and the number of wins of each sect occupying different stages, the cardinal showed a knowing smile.

Although the performance of the Black Tiger Sect, Holy Dragon Sect, Elephant Armor Sect and other sects has long been expected, and it is even said that there is nothing to look forward to, the sudden rise of the Akatsuki Organization has to be said to be extremely mysterious and relatively good in strength.

Just Dugu Yan, who showed the majesty of the Akatsuki organization on the secondary stage, can prove that there is at least a titled Douluo named Dugu Bo within the Akatsuki organization, and there may even be more, but Wuhun Palace doesn't know about it.

And just having a titled Douluo is enough to gain a place among the seven major sects, and the performance of the members of the Akatsuki organization in the arena has proven that they have the ability and qualifications to win the first place among the seven major sects. Number.

Although there has been discussion within Wuhun Palace on whether to assign the title of the first of the seven major sects to the Holy Dragon Sect, a branch of Wuhun Palace, so that such a branch can grow better, but they are no longer in charge. The Pope said that strength comes first in everything. If there is a sect that outperforms the Holy Dragon Sect, then why not give away the Holy Dragon Sect's quota?

Since others are willing to participate in the re-election meeting of the seven major sects held by Wuhun Palace, they are already giving face. While receiving the titles of these seven major sects, they also express their willingness to be on good terms with Wuhun Palace. There is not much Interests are involved, or it is hatred.

In this way, if the benefits are not distributed to the strong, should they be distributed to the weak because of relationships?

A gentleman does not worry about numbers but inequality. If he does this, Wuhun Palace will not be able to win over the forces of other small sects, and can only rely on its own number of titled Douluo, which exceeds half of the world, to suppress them. .

The reason why the Wuhun Palace has been able to develop so fast over the years is that the successive popes of the Wuhun Palace are all titled Douluo. The enshrinement hall, as well as the Elders’ Hall, which only appeared in recent years, have all the enshrinements and elders inside. It's a titled Douluo.

Even in the beginning, the Titled Douluo just had their names in Wuhun Palace, but after years of interests involved, even the Titled Douluo who were not trained by Wuhun Palace have become... A member of Wuhun Palace.

Coupled with the Spirit Hall's concern for lower-level soul masters and the various benefits wrested from empires, kingdoms, and principalities, most low-level civilian soul masters and soul masters without power will be found in a certain place. Join Wuhun Palace all the time, or have a good impression of Wuhun Palace. Many geniuses who awaken from the common people will choose Wuhun Palace if they are not forcibly taken away by people from other forces.

It is precisely based on the above reasons that Wuhun Palace was able to develop its power in just a dozen years to a level that is almost equivalent to that of the other two empires and far exceeds its strength.

After looking at the names and order of the seven major sects drawn up in his hand, the cardinal of Wuhun Palace paused, cleared his throat, and then announced loudly:

"The re-election of the seven major sects has now been completed. Let us announce first: The first sect - Xiao Organization. The second sect - Holy Dragon Sect. The third sect - Black Tiger Sect. The fourth sect - Elephant Armor. Zong…”

For Wuhun Palace, even if these sects work together, it is just a scabies disease. It can be dealt with if it is taken seriously, but it is not worth it.

After the results were read out, the two titled Douluo from the Spirit Hall who had been waiting for the results appeared from the darkness at this time, wearing white-gold glazed robes and bright silver crowns, and flew to the ring without hesitation. He took out the pre-prepared decree of the Pope of Wuhun Palace from the space soul guide, used his soul power on it, and wrote the names of the seven major sects on it.

Then, he took out a whistle and blew it hard, calling a carrier pigeon from the sky, or something else. Then, he pinned the envelope that the bishops had written to the carrier pigeon's feet. Flying towards the direction of the Wuhun Palace headquarters.


"Damn it, Wuhun Palace, you actually have to report this kind of thing to the headquarters!"

Seeing the homing pigeons gradually disappearing in the horizon, Tang Hao couldn't help but curse inwardly. In this way, even if they kill the titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace and some other soul masters here, there is no way to draw these people into the camp against Wuhun Palace.

After all, it wasn't them who killed the person, it was Tang Hao and Tang Xiao who did it. These soul masters just didn't have much strength and couldn't beat Tang Hao and the two. With the letter sent by the titled Douluo, even the martial soul The palace headquarters could not find any problem with these soul masters.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with them to begin with. Without the intervention of Tang Hao and his two brothers, these soul masters would inevitably join the Wuhun Palace camp and challenge the secular kingship. All the nobles who have no strength but have always relied on their power to dominate the soul masters will be defeated. Kill.

No, no, not to kill them all, but to take back the rights belonging to the soul masters from the hands of the nobles.

In this world, the strong have the final say, and the weak can only obey the strong. This is the most irrefutable truth in this world.

However, everything is not irreversible yet. Although Wuhun Palace is the most powerful in the world at this time, it has the most titled Douluo in the world, the most powerful titled Douluo in the world, and a large number of others. There are no lower-level soul masters, but successors to gods, in the Spirit Hall.

Tang Hao's son, Tang San, had already arrived at Poseidon Island at this time. He met with the high priest of Poseidon Island who had an old relationship with his grandfather, and also received the Vast Sea Universe Cover from the Tiandou royal family. Perhaps at this time, Already obtained the inheritance of God.

Then, as long as he is patient and waits until Tang San returns, there will still be a chance for everything to be reversed.

However, Tang Hao couldn't bear the blood feud of the Haotian Sect. Because of him, Wuhun Palace forced the Haotian Sect twice, which eventually led to the Haotian Sect having to seal the mountain gate and vow not to leave the mountain. A brief respite. And recently, because of the original grudge, Wuhun Palace took advantage of the fact that the two brothers were not in the Haotian Sect and there was no titled Douluo in the sect to sneak attack on the Haotian Sect, destroying the entire Haotian Sect in one fell swoop, leaving no one in the whole sect. A living mouth...

"Don't be impulsive. They still have some of their attention on us. If they attack now, we might not be able to keep any of them."

A broad palm pressed on Tang Hao's shoulder, causing Tang Hao to calm down temporarily. Although my brother's words were unpleasant, they were extremely pertinent. Battles between titled Douluo would often end in a short period of time, but that was just a matter of victory or defeat. If you want to decide life and death, it will inevitably take a lot of time. Under normal circumstances, even if a titled Douluo is defeated, he can still find an opportunity to leave, unless he is unable to leave to protect a certain person or a certain area. Otherwise, killing a titled Douluo is definitely not a simple matter.


With a cold snort, Tang Hao silently gathered momentum, waiting for the opportunity to kill him with one blow.

After all, his current physical condition is not very good. Years of lack of cultivation have left his body somewhat riddled with holes. Coupled with the damage Haotian's secret skill "Exploding Ring" caused to the soul ring and body, even a titled Douluo like him would inevitably have to train for a long time before he could use "Exploding Ring" again.

Using "ring blast" multiple times in a short period of time will not only cause serious damage to the body, but also risk breaking the soul ring.

After all, "ring explosion" originally relies on the energy of the soul ring, not the soul power possessed by the soul master. Even if the soul ring can absorb the soul power between heaven and earth and slowly recover, this recovery power itself is also limited. Extreme. Because the soul ring owned by a soul master is only a part of the soul beast, not a complete soul beast, even if it inherits the soul beast's ability to absorb the soul power between heaven and earth for recovery, it is only incomplete.

"If we can't succeed in one attack, let's leave. Don't be held back!"

Looking at Tang Hao's appearance, Tang Xiao couldn't help but sigh. Why didn't he want to take revenge?

However, in order to ensure the continuation of the Haotian Sect, to avenge the Wuhun Palace, and to live up to the blood debt of hundreds of members of the Haotian Sect, they cannot die yet and must preserve their own vitality until Tang Hao's son Tang San returns from The moment Poseidon Island returned, they had the possibility of defeating Wuhun Palace.

Now they are said to have an army of one million people with the support of the Tiandou royal family, but those soldiers are just ordinary people. If there is a battle with the soul master army of Wuhun Palace, even an army of 10,000 people, It may not be possible to defeat an army of hundreds of soul masters. If there are soul masters who are particularly good at group attacks or destroying venues, then these ordinary armies will completely collapse in less than three minutes after the battle begins.

You must know that in Tiandou City now, apart from the soul master power originally owned by the royal family, the remaining soul masters are only the three educational committee members of the Royal Academy, as well as the remaining disciples of the Haotian Sect stationed in Tiandou City. To fight the opponent with such a weak force, no matter how superb the tactics are, there is no way to defeat the opponent.

After all, there are not so many Titled Douluo, even if they are all the Titled Douluo from the seven original sects, they are at most half of the number in the Spirit Hall. When the titled Douluo who stand at the top of the soul masters appear in the center of the battlefield, it will also be the moment when the Tiandou royal army collapses.


"It seems that a few rats have sneaked into the seven major sects' re-election conference."

Dugu Bo slowly pushed the chess piece forward again, crossed the ravine that restricted the movement of the chess piece, and entered Ning Fengzhi's chessboard.

"No, they were also harmed by Wuhun Palace and had no place to stay. Don't you think they should take revenge?"

Ning Fengzhi moved the chess piece out of position, firmly restricting the direction of Dugu Bo's piece, making it possible for it to be captured by him without any damage if it took a further step.

Regarding the two moving "rats", he also had a lot of guesses in his mind. For him, the only ones who have the courage to appear here in such a grand manner are probably those from the Haotian Sect. Two titled Douluo.

"Of course they should take revenge, but shouldn't they hide now?"

"Hide, where can you hide? Most of the soul masters in this world have already belonged to Wuhun Palace. If they don't find a way to weaken the power of Wuhun Palace, the only thing waiting for them is slow death."

Speaking of chronic death, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but take another look at Dugu Bo. Before this, Dugu Bo was also one of the people who died of chronic death. If Tang Yin hadn't helped him remove toxins from his body, maybe he would have also been suffering from chronic death. One of those who died.

"Don't look at me like that, it's very rude."

Noticing Ning Fengzhi's eyes, Dugu Bo said angrily that although he did have some problems at the time, it did not affect his combat effectiveness, it would only affect his future generations and his own lifespan.

"Okay, you are the boss here, you have the final say, but guess when they will take action?"

"Take action...it won't be too late. If they leave here, it won't be a big deal for them to catch up."

Dugu Bo said formally, his eyes becoming sharp in an instant. Even for him now, it is not an easy task to defeat Haotian Douluo head-on.

No, it cannot be said to be a simple matter.

That Haotian Douluo, according to Tang Yin, has a domain. If he takes action, even if he spits out poison pills, he may not be able to win. At most, it will delay Tang Hao's body until Tang Hao can no longer support it.

"Sure enough, the reason they came here this time is to see if they can ambush the titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace, right?"

Ning Fengzhi said seriously, and stopped what he was doing, looking sideways at the guy who wrapped himself in the black robe, with great interest.

The battles between Titled Douluo are not seen every day. If the weaknesses of the two Titled Douluo of Haotian Sect can be found here, it will also be a good thing for their Xiao organization. At least, you can target their weaknesses, find loopholes, and kill them with one blow.

As for the fate of the two titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace, neither Ning Fengzhi nor Dugu Bo said much, because the two ninety-one and second-level titled Douluo wanted to survive a sneak attack. , it is almost impossible to survive under the two Clear Sky Hammer Titled Douluo whose soul power level is higher than theirs and whose martial soul is the best martial soul in the world.

Unless their Akatsuki organization takes action or is on guard, there is absolutely no way they can come down. At this time, the Titled Douluo on the field are not only the Xiao organization, but also the Titled Douluo of the Holy Dragon Sect. However, will he really stand up?

Ning Fengzhi doesn't think so. (End of chapter)

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