Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 44 The master is here

The next morning, Grandmaster stood on the big playground early. He got up so early just to see Tang San's attached soul bone and whether the cultivation method followed the development path he had arranged.

Tang San was naturally extremely happy to see his teacher. No matter what the master asked, he answered truthfully. The two hadn't seen each other for a while, so they naturally started to talk more, but all this was broken the moment Tang Yin appeared.

The master looked at Tang Yin running on the playground, and squeezed out a smile on his stiff face, "Xiao San, does your brother Tang Yin get up so early every day to train?"

Tang San didn't know why, nodded and said: "Yes, teacher, he trains like this every morning, and the intensity is very high."

An imperceptible gloom flashed across the master's face, but when he thought that this might be an opportunity for Tang San to recognize him even more, he changed his appearance and said in a profound manner: "Xiao San, do you know why Tang Yin gets up early every day to train?"

Tang San thought for a while and replied: "Is it to exercise and increase physical strength?"

The master's stiff face showed a knowing smile. This disciple, Xiaosan, understood him very well. He could quickly understand everything he said and draw inferences from one instance to another.

Putting a hand on Tang San's head, he said shamelessly: "Xiao San, you are right, but these are not what I want to say. What I want to say is that the reason why Tang Yin insists on training every day is entirely based on my theory. .”

"Your theory?" Tang San was confused. He had read all the master's theories no less than ten times, keeping every one of them in mind, but none of them were about physical strength?

"Yes, this is a theory I discovered in my early years. As the soul master's physical strength increases, the age of the soul ring can also be increased, but no one can do this." The master sighed pretending to be sad. His eyes were filled with disappointment.

Tang San looked at the master with a distressed expression. He understood that the master's strength was low, but he was the most authoritative person in the continent in terms of theory, especially the opponent's ten core competitiveness of martial arts, which was a theory that transcended the times.

"Teacher, do you mean to say that Tang Yin saw your early theories and used training to improve his physical strength?" Tang San looked sincere, and the master looked a little confused.

Obviously he just wanted to trick his disciple, but seeing his disciple being so sincere, the master couldn't help but feel ashamed.

But when he thought that none of his talents and strength could be used, the master's shame disappeared instantly, and there was even more eagerness in his eyes when he looked at Tang San.

"That's right, mistress, Tang Yin has read my martial arts theory, so he gets up early every day to train, just to improve his strength over time. After the Shrek students gather, I will personally take you to class, and your training will be Let me take over everything, and I will definitely make you a more powerful soul master than Tang Yin! Even standing on the top of this continent is not impossible!" After saying that, the master grabbed Tang San's shoulders firmly with both hands, His eyes were full of expectations.

Tang San was also elated by the master's words, especially when he heard the master say that he could become the strongest soul master in the continent. Tang San couldn't help but feel in his heart, this is my teacher. Even if his strength is low, he can still make me better with his theory. Become the strongest person in the continent.

Under the brainwashing of the master, Tang San successfully believed that Tang Yin got the theory by accident when he got up early for training. This also made Tang San feel contempt for Tang Yin, a hypocrite. Not only did he steal his teacher's things, but he also didn't tell himself. It’s the right way to take death!

Tang San immediately knelt down and said to the master: "Teacher, please rest assured, this disciple will definitely become the strongest soul master in the mainland. Let those soul masters who look down on the teacher see that my teacher has taught one of the strongest soul masters in the mainland." The soul master, my Tang San's teacher, can never be wrong, the fault is all those soul masters with discrimination and prejudice."

The master was moved to tears when he heard his disciple's generous speech. He forced a smile out of his stiff face and looked at his disciple with satisfaction.

But Tang San didn't expect that since the master knew that training the body could break through the age limit of the soul ring, why didn't he try it? Tang Yin started training as early as Noting Academy, so what does it have to do with Yu Xiaogang? relation?

It can only be said that a bullshit theoretical master deceived a genius disciple, just like Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, one is willing to beat and the other is willing to suffer.

After Tang Yin completed his training, he also noticed the strange master and apprentice in the playground, shook his head and walked back to the dormitory.

After everyone in Shrek finished their breakfast, the bell rang on time, summoning all the students to the playground.

"Hey, Fatty, it's quite lively today. The principal and deputy principals, as well as these teachers who you don't see on weekdays are here." Oscar hooked Ma Hongjun's shoulder and said with a mean smile.

"How did I know? Didn't I say yesterday that a new teacher was coming? Look, it should be that guy." As he said that, Ma Hongjun pointed at the master with a stiff expression among the four teachers.

Flanders naturally heard what his apprentice was saying and snorted coldly, "Ma Hongjun, Oscar, if you two talk too much, you can run twenty laps for me in a minute."

As soon as the two live treasures heard this, they immediately stood upright in the team, not daring to say another word. Flanders still had weight in their hearts.

Ning Rongrong looked at the master's face, pulled Tang Yin's sleeve, and said, "Brother, what is this teacher's background?"

Tang Yin chuckled, "You'll know in a moment."

Ning Rongrong turned her head away, "If you don't tell me, don't tell me. It's mysterious."

"Okay, now that everyone is here, I have something to announce." Flanders said seriously, standing in front of eight people.

"First of all, let me introduce the teachers of the academy to the five new students." With that, Flender introduced everyone one by one.

"Teacher Li Yusong, martial soul dragon pattern stick, sixty-third level soul emperor."

"Teacher Lu Qibin, Wuhun Xingluoqi, Level 66 Soul Emperor."

"Teacher Shao Xin Shao, Wuhun Tangdou, level 71 soul saint. Food-type soul master, Teacher Shao Xin is definitely among the top five strongest food-type soul masters that I know."

When Tang Yin heard Shao Xin's name, he couldn't help but nod. He knew the importance of a food soul master, especially when he was a soul saint.

Although Oscar has potential, without the fairy grass to cleanse his body, he will only reach the cultivation level of a soul saint in his lifetime. Regardless of whether he is born with full soul power or not, his slow cultivation in the food system cannot be changed. Only chance and the coexistence of miracles are possible. Reach the existence of Titled Douluo.

Therefore, Tang Yin has respect for every titled Douluo on the mainland, because they did not rely on Tang San's cheating training to reach their current level of cultivation, but they got to where they are today step by step. The most important thing is He is too weak now. If he had Madara's strength, he would dance for me when I met him!

After introducing the three teachers, Flanders walked up to the master, put his arm around the master's shoulders, and said: "The last one, I want to introduce to you in detail. He is the one who figured out the competitiveness of the top ten martial arts through his own research, and is known as Mr. Yu Xiaogang is the strongest person in martial arts theory, the wisest soul master, and Tang San’s teacher. Of course, he is also my good brother, you can just call him master."

The master's face was like a zombie, very serious but a little weird, "There are only eight of you students in the academy. In my opinion, you are a whole. I have already read your resumes, and then I will develop a targeted set of In addition to cooperation, I don’t want to hear any different voices. No matter who they are, I will treat them equally.”

"Next is your ranking, number one Dai Mubai, number two Oscar, number three Tang San, number four Ma Hongjun, number five Xiao Wu, number six Ning Rongrong, number seven Zhu Zhuqing, as for Tang Yin, you will Let’s call it No. 8.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Rongrong was unhappy. Why did he put Tang Yin at No. 8? His strength was stronger than anyone present, whether it was soul power or talent.

"Master, we have no objection to your arrangement, but I want to know why you put Tang Yin at No. 8, and it's tentative." Ning Rongrong didn't care what nonsense the master had, she felt that the master was deliberately targeting Tang Yin.

"You..." Flanders was about to speak, but was stopped by a hand. The master looked at Ning Rongrong and said: "I know you are from the Qibao Glazed Sect, but this is Shrek, and you are not here to act wild. If you feel dissatisfied, you can leave Shrek, Shrek doesn't need disobedient students like you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the master with weird looks. After passing through the Star Dou Forest, everyone had changed their views on Ning Rongrong a lot, and they even supported Tang Yin. After all, if he hadn't worked hard for a few people, If we create a chance, Shrek and the others may all stay in the Star Dou Forest.

Even Dai Mubai, who was not dealing with Tang Yin, became unhappy. Although he liked Zhu Zhuqing, he was not someone who could not afford to lose. If the other party could really take away Zhu Zhuqing's heart, he would be willing to admit defeat.

But Yu Xiaogang's words made him a little angry. Although he was arrogant, he was not unreasonable. Tang Yin had saved him, so he naturally wanted to say some fair words for the other party.

"Master, although you are the dean's friend, Ning Rongrong is our Shrek student, and Tang Yin is the one who has saved the lives of all the students except Tang San and Xiao Wu. If you make such hasty arrangements, even if you are Tang Yin I think it’s inappropriate for the third teacher.”

"Especially what you said to Ning Rongrong, I hope you can take it back. After all, if she hadn't assisted me and Teacher Zhao in the Star Dou Forest, we would have died long ago." Dai Mubai's voice was a little cold. Remembering the increase that Ning Rongrong gave him and Zhao Wuji, if it hadn't been for her, both of them would have died long ago.

"" Flanders opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but Dai Mubai was right. Without Ning Rongrong's boost, his brother Zhao Wuji might really have died.

"Flanders, Mubai is right. If it weren't for Rongrong, I might have died at the hands of the Titan Ape." At this time, Zhao Wuji also spoke.

There was a bit of coldness in his eyes as he looked at the master. The little monster he was interviewing with was Tang Yin. His terrifying thunder and lightning soul skills could lead to his demise even if he was careless.

"Wuji, please stop saying a few words." Flanders covered his forehead and patted Zhao Wuji's shoulder.

Zhao Wuji was ungrateful and said coldly to the master: "You are Flender's friend, but not mine. I brought this little monster Tang Yin into the academy. If you isolate him, don't blame me, Prince Ming." You’re welcome!”

After saying that, the seventy-sixth level Soul Saint aura burst out, and the shadow of the powerful Vajra Bear appeared behind him. A powerful pressure hit him, and the aura was locked on the master.

The master's face changed. He didn't expect that just a few words of Ning Rongrong would lead to Dai Mubai and Zhao Wuji threatening him at the same time, especially Zhao Wuji. The other party was a seventy-sixth level soul saint, and he was only a second-level soul saint. How could a nineteen-year-old great soul master resist this? Immediately his knees bent and he fell to the ground.

"That's enough! Wuji, you've passed!" Flanders shouted, and the seventy-eight-level soul power aura burst out, instantly overpowering Zhao Wuji's pressure, and a layer of soul power barrier protected Yu Xiaogang Prevent him from kneeling down and making a fool of himself.

"Hmph." Zhao Wuji snorted coldly, turned around and returned to the team. He just looked down on Yu Xiaogang and didn't want to fight with Flender.

"Xiao Gang..." Flanders looked at the livid master beside him, not knowing what to say.

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Dear readers, the author's mentality is a little bit crazy, because it is the first time to write a novel, and I don't understand some rules very well, so the data is not very good. Of course, my writing is indeed not good. I admit this, but I still want to After I finish writing it, I don’t want to be the only readers who support me to be sad. Maybe the author is a bit stupid, haha. I still want to ask all readers to read more of my books.

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