Douluo: My martial spirit is the Sharingan

Chapter 63 Dugu Bo’s eyes are black

Half a year passed quickly. Tang Yin was immersed in cultivation every day, but occasionally he would drive Shenwei to see Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong during the holidays. Although he was reluctant to leave each other each time they were separated, he still felt After leaving the mark of divine power on the two of them, as long as he stepped into the divine space, he would be able to reach them immediately, which also greatly reduced the traveling time.

Although in the original timeline, the Tiandou Royal Team only missed out on the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition, with the addition of Pain, it must not be difficult to win the top three.

"Hey, Payne, what are you doing there? Hurry up and eat. The unknown teacher is going to have a big hemorrhage today and invites us to have a big meal at the most expensive restaurant in Tiandou City. It can be regarded as a reward for the past six months. effort."

Just when Tang Yin was thinking about things, Oslo ran over, grabbed Tang Yin's arm and walked towards the entrance of the college.

At the entrance of the academy was everyone from the Imperial Fighting Team, as well as an unknown teacher who led the team, and Dugu Bo was with him. According to him, my granddaughter hadn’t come to see him for half a year. Now that the special training is over, I’m not allowed to come in person. ?

Seeing Oslo bring Tang Yin over, he said with an unknown smile: "Now that everyone is here, shall I take a photo for you? It can also be regarded as leaving a good memory for you in the past six months."

Then, under the arrangement of the unknown teacher, the eight members of Huangdou lined up in a formation, took out a soul guide similar to a camera, and pressed the shutter.

After taking the photos, the unknown also took eight people to the most luxurious hotel in Tiandou City, Tiandou Hotel.

Walking on the road, Tang Yin walked to the back of the team and chatted quietly with Dugu Bo.

"Old poisonous creature, why are you here? I don't believe you are just here to see your granddaughter.

Listening to the noise of people around him, Dugu Bo couldn't help but frown and said, "I will tell you after you finish eating that this is not a suitable place for talking."

Tang Yin nodded and followed Dugu Yan, who also deliberately walked at the back.

As soon as he got closer, he heard Dugu Yan whisper: "What did my grandfather tell you? Did he mention anything about me?"

"For you?" Tang Yin was stunned by Dugu Yan's words, but when he thought of Dugu Bo's urine, he immediately reacted and said quickly: "Sister Yanyan, Grandpa Dugu didn't tell me anything. He just said he would like to see me for something later, and I think it must be about herbal medicine."

"Really?" Dugu Yan didn't believe it. She knew exactly what her grandfather was like. She didn't know how many times she and Tang Yin had been brought together in the past year. Although she didn't hate Tang Yin, it didn't mean that she liked Tang Yin. .

"Really, truer than gold, Grandpa Dugu never mentioned you." Tang Yin patted his chest and said with unspeakable sincerity in his eyes.

Dugu Yan looked at his sincere look, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Then sister will believe you, after all..." Halfway through the words, Dugu Yan paused, and then smiled and said: "Who wants grandpa to be messy all the time? Yuanyangpu, of course I have to be careful."

Tang Yin watched Dugu Yan keep up with his teammates in front, and couldn't help but turn his head to look at Dugu Bo, his eyes full of ridicule.

Dugu Bo's old face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "As expected, you are a female college student who doesn't even trust your own grandfather. How can your grandfather harm you?"

The unknown teacher walking at the front saw every move of Dugu Bo and Tang Yin, and thought to himself: "Sure enough, Payne can have such strong strength at this age, he must be a disciple of senior Dugu, and It seems that he is a direct disciple, no wonder..."

After everyone in Huangdou finished eating, they found that Payne was missing. Just when they were about to look for it, they were stopped by an unknown teacher who covered him up and said: "Payne told me that he I need to go home before the competition starts, so you don’t have to look for me anymore, go back and rest quickly.”

After listening to the unknown teacher's explanation, the seven members of the Huangdou team felt relieved. After half a year of getting along, the eight members of the Huangdou team had already formed a deep friendship and became teammates who could trust each other.

On the other side, the eyes of ice and fire.

Tang Yin looked at the messy medicine garden and felt something bad in his heart. He quickly looked at Dugu Bo, only to see that his face was terrifyingly dark, as if dark clouds were closing in and a downpour was about to break out.

Dugu Bo noticed Tang Yin's gaze and said to himself: "Half a year after you left, I have been practicing in the eyes of ice and fire every day, but suddenly one day, a man in black robe broke in through some unknown method. My poisonous barrier then drove me out.”

When Tang Yin heard the words "man in black", he immediately thought of Tang Hao. Apart from Tang Hao who wore that kind of black robe, there seemed to be no other person in the entire Douluo Continent.

"Then what?" Tang Yin asked.

Dugu Bo looked at the ruined medicine garden, with murderous intent in his heart, and said angrily: "After driving me out, that shameless guy actually brought a boy, and the boy actually gave me all the fairy herbs." After picking them away, even those fairy grass seeds that you and I planted, that boy used some kind of technique to destroy them, which really pissed me off!"

The moment the words fell, the ninety-two level soul power exploded instantly. The figure of the Jade Phosphorus Snake King behind him gradually solidified, and his dark green eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"I can't beat you, but if I find your son, I will poison him into a puddle of pus!"

Dugu Bo's voice was full of murderous intent. Ever since he discovered the Ice and Fire Eyes, he has been taking care of this medicine garden. Even though he didn't know the functions of these immortal herbs, he never slacked off. On the contrary, Take care more seriously.

But now, these fairy grasses have been poached, and even the seeds of the fairy grass that were just planted have been destroyed. How can this not make Dugu Bo angry?

Tang Yin sighed helplessly. He also expressed sympathy for Dugu Bo's experience, but Tang Hao was a ninety-five-level super Douluo. If Dugu Bo was asked to find Tang Hao, he would probably be on the mainland within two days. News of Poison Douluo's death must spread.

"Little monster, why are you sighing? Do you know who this man in black robe is?" Dugu Bo noticed Tang Yin's movements and asked quickly.

Tang Yin shook his head and said, "I know, but don't you want to tell me too? You can't beat that man in black robe. Even if I tell you, there's nothing you can do."

Dugu Bo's face stiffened and he said unconvinced: "Even if I can't beat him, then I can always kill his son, right? I won't believe he can find me if I hide far away by then."

Listening to Dugu Bo's harsh words, Tang Yin held his forehead and said helplessly: "Since you said so, let me tell you, that man in black robe is most likely Haotian Douluo, and as for his son you mentioned, there is a In front of you, the other person will destroy your fairy grass."

"Haotian Douluo...'s is in front of me..." After a few seconds of silence, Dugu Bo looked at Tang Yin in shock and said in disbelief: "Little monster, you said your father is Haotian Douluo." ?You have a younger brother?”

Dugu Bo was dumbfounded. His only friend turned out to be the son of Haotian Douluo who injured him. This immediately made him unacceptable. This, this was simply too unacceptable.

Looking at Dugu Bo who was stunned on the spot, Tang Yin continued: "Of course, there is another news I didn't tell you. The person who wanted to kill me a year ago was Haotian Douluo."

As soon as these words came out, Dugu Bo became even more confused and looked at Tang Yin with puzzled eyes, "Little monster, let's put aside the matter of fairy grass for now. You tell me, your father, Haotian Douluo Why should I kill you?"

"I don't know either." Tang Yin shook his head. He didn't know why Tang Hao had convulsions and came to kill him in the middle of the night. If it weren't for the Ultimate Eye Technique, he might have died.

"If I remember correctly, your martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass and eyes, right?" Dugu Bo suddenly said at this time.

Tang was stunned for a moment and said, "Yes, what's the problem?"

Dugu Bo's eyes lit up and he seemed to have thought of something interesting. He smiled strangely and said, "Little monster, if you say that, I know why Haotian Douluo wants to kill you."

"What do you mean?" Tang Yin trembled and immediately guessed what Dugu Bo was going to say.

"I (you) are not Tang Hao's son." The two said in unison.

Dugu Bo was also stunned. How did this little monster know what he was going to say? Could it be that he had a telepathic connection?

"Isn't that right? According to what you said, Tang Hao is not my father, but I was born to the same mother as Tang San?" Tang Yin suddenly thought of this matter, and instantly felt like his brain was going to explode.

"This..." Dugu Bo was speechless. He wanted to say that maybe your mother gave Tang Hao a hat, but he couldn't say it. After all, if Tang Yin knew about this kind of thing now, it would inevitably affect his cultivation.

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo quickly changed the subject and said: "Little monster, don't think about it. Haotian Douluo is not your father anyway. Let's first think about whether we can restore the fairy grass in the medicine garden, otherwise it will be a waste. ?"

After hearing what Dugu Bo said, Tang Yin also reacted and began to look for immortal grass seeds that could still grow with Dugu Bo.

While the two were rummaging through the medicine garden, the Fire Dragon King in the Sea of ​​Spirits also saw the miserable state of the Ice and Fire Eyes through Tang Yin's perspective, and immediately said angrily: "Who destroyed our burial ground? The immortal grasses such as Ice and Fire Eyes are treasures of heaven and earth that are rare to find in a century."

The Ice Dragon King on the side said coldly: "To obtain treasures from heaven and earth, do not cut off their roots, otherwise they will no longer be usable in the future." After the Ice Dragon King finished speaking, his spirit connected to Tang Yin's mind.

Tang Yin was still looking for the living fairy grass, and suddenly he heard the voice of the Ice Dragon King in his mind, "Tang Yin, if you look for it this way, all these fairy grass will be useless."

"Then what should I do?" Tang Yin knew that since the Ice Dragon King had spoken, he must have a solution.

The Ice Dragon King looked at the ancient tree of life occupying one side of the sea of ​​spirit, and immediately said: "You have the divine power of the goddess of life in your body. With your current strength, you should be able to barely use a little bit, but this little bit is completely enough for the two arts of ice and fire. The fairy grass of the eyes is reborn."

"What should I do?" Tang Yin asked doubtfully.

Although he did not destroy the fairy grass in the medicine garden, it was Lao Poison's lifelong effort. Since he had the opportunity to restore it, it was not in vain.

"Do as I say." The Ice Dragon King said coldly.

A moment later, under the command of the Ice Dragon King, Tang Yin successfully extracted a little bit of life power from the sea of ​​spirit, and then pressed his right hand filled with life power to the ground.

In an instant, the divine power of life filled the entire Ice and Fire Eye, and the huge life energy quickly regenerated the destroyed fairy grass.

Dugu Bo, who was still looking for the remaining roots of the fairy grass, felt his feet tremble. The moment he looked down, the remaining roots of the fairy grass instantly grew out of the soil and quickly returned to their previous appearance at an extremely fast speed.

Dugu Bo looked at the celestial grass that had grown back and cried out excitedly, "Little monster, this is simply a miracle, a miracle!"

At this moment, Tang Yin patted his shoulder and said, "Old Poison, I know you are excited, but please don't get excited yet."

Dugu Bo turned around, hugged Tang Yin, and murmured: "Little monster, I don't know what method you used to regenerate these fairy grasses, but I, Dugu Bo, owe you a big favor."

"From now on, as long as it's your business, it's my Dugu Bo's business. No matter what grudges Haotian Douluo has with you, I will never let him hurt you even if I die."

Tang Yin didn't know what to say for a moment. He believed that the other party would be able to do what Dugu Bo said. He could only say that he was worthy of being a Douluo angel investor.

Thinking of this, Tang Yin showed a smile and said: "Okay, old poison, you still treat me like this? But since you have spoken, I just need a titled Douluo to take charge."

"Tiled Douluo is in charge? Little monster, you don't want to form a force, do you?" Dugu Bo asked doubtfully.

Nowadays, the situation on the mainland is in danger. As a titled Douluo, he knows more than ordinary soul masters. The actions of Wuhun Palace have caused dissatisfaction between the two empires, and the Tiandou Empire mainly relies on the three Zong Lai confronts the Wuhun Palace. At this time, creating a force does not seem to be a good choice.

But now that Tang Yin has spoken, Dugu Bo has always kept his word, even if he ends up being shattered to pieces, he still admits it.

"Well, I want to create a force, but I don't need a lot of people. What I need is at least Contra-level experts." Tang Yin said.

"Contra! Little monster, are you crazy? Although Contra is not as rare as Titled Douluo, it is not so easy to recruit." Dugu Bo looked shocked and didn't understand what Tang Yin needed so many strong men. .

Tang Yin smiled lightly and said: "Since I want to create a force, it must be the strongest in the mainland. However, now that the power of Wuhun Palace is at its peak, we still have to keep a low profile."

"Okay, then have you thought of a name for the force?" Dugu Bo said.

"I've thought about it, I'll call her Xiao..."

"Xiao? What kind of bullshit name did you come up with?" Dugu Bo picked his nose and said in disgust.

Tang Yin twitched the corner of his mouth, looking at Dugu Bo's expression of needing a beating, he couldn't help but think in his heart, "If I hadn't been able to beat you, I would have beaten you up and down."

PS: Please subscribe! ! Please give me a reward! !

I'm sorry, as a new author, I can't modify it. I can only say that what I just did was stupid, and I'm sorry for the readers who read it. Feel sorry

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