Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 143 Don't know what's good or bad

Dusk fell, and night covered the land.

To comfort Ning Rongrong, Ye Qiu did not stay overnight at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

After bidding farewell to Ning Rongrong and Xiaolan, he went directly to the secret room of the Prince's Mansion with his divine power.

In the dark secret room, there was no one there.

Ye Qiu's figure appeared here while the space was distorted. The gentle radiance from the night pearl inlaid on the top reflected on him, and his blood-colored eyes scanned the surrounding circle.

Come to the stone table in the middle and sit down, quietly waiting for Qian Renxue's arrival, she comes in to practice almost every night.

tuk tuk

Looking at the entrance of the secret room, his fingers could not help tapping the table lightly, and Ye Qiu's expression gradually became silent.

After his questioning, he already knew that Ning Rongrong still planned to go in the direction of Suotuo City.

The development of things still seems to be the same as the original track.

That also means that Xiao Wu will also appear in Soto City at the same time, as well as Zhu Zhuqing, and Tang San and his son!

"Huh~" Ye Qiu breathed a long sigh of relief, and couldn't help frowning. Things seemed a little difficult!

Although the development track of the matter has not deviated from his own cognition, Ye Qiu is naturally a little happy, which means that there are still many places he can operate.

But following it, there are still some troubles.

Suoto City, I must go, but my appearance will definitely have a connection with Xiao Wu and others, and it will also attract Tang Hao's attention

Do you want to use life mimicry?

Da da

While Ye Qiu was still thinking, a series of footsteps came from the secret passage at the entrance of the secret room, not in a hurry.

Before seeing the figure, Qian Renxue's cold voice had already appeared in Ye Qiu's ears.

"Didn't you say that you have no time to practice with me today because you are going to hunt for souls? Why? Didn't it go well?"

Ye Qiu came back to his senses and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

With long golden hair and a beautiful face, even in a dark secret room, she still shines brightly.

A pair of slender and well-proportioned legs, carrying that proud body, was walking towards him step by step.

Long before stepping into the secret room, Qian Renxue had sensed Ye Qiu's arrival.

As soon as she stepped into the secret room, a golden halo emerged from her body, and she returned to her original appearance.

Only in this secret room can she shed this annoying disguise.

"Ask you something!"

Without Ye Qiu's response, Qian Renxue frowned slightly, and came to the stone table and sat opposite him.

"Very well, I have successfully broken through to the soul master!" Ye Qiu put away his thoughtful look and looked straight at her.

"Oh!" Qian Renxue nodded flatly, then picked up the teapot on the table, poured two cups of tea, and slowly pushed it in front of Ye Qiu.

"Since everything is going well, why do you look so preoccupied?"

"I'm wondering when will the conditions you promised me be fulfilled?"

Picking up the teacup, he took a sip, the sweet taste from the base of his tongue calmed his restlessness, but his eyes never left Qian Renxue.

"Why are you so anxious all of a sudden?"

Seeing Ye Qiu's serious expression at this time, Qian Renxue was a little puzzled.

As for the situation of Dugu Yan, one of the members of the Huangdou team, she can easily get in touch with it.

During this period of time, after observing the two people on the training ground, Dolphin and Snake Spear, she already knows the fact that Dugu Yan has the fourth ring of ten thousand years.

According to the time of Dugu Yan's breakthrough and the time of Ye Qiu's appearance, it is enough for Qian Renxue to speculate about many things.

But from the information she collected, none of his women seem to need to get a new soul ring now, right?

Driven by curiosity, Qian Renxue quickly put away the doubt in her eyes, smiled lightly and tasted the tea in her hand.

While looking at Ye Qiu with great interest, there was a hint of probing in his words.

"I really want to know what you are using this thing for? Could it be... for Dugu Yan?"

Hearing her words, Ye Qiu frowned. Dugu Yan's Wannian fourth ring was indeed impossible to hide, but in the Huangdou team, Qin Ming had already issued the password!

Knowing that the other party investigated him, Dugu Yan and the others, Ye Qiu's tone became a little hostile.

"Why do you care so much? Just give me the things."

Boom! The teacup in his hand was placed heavily on the table, splashing a little water.

Qian Renxue's face turned cold, seeing Ye Qiu's attitude, anger arose in her heart for some reason.

Except for that crazy woman, no one has ever dared to talk to her like this!

"Hmph! Do you think I want to take care of it?"

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth, the little blush on her face contained seven points of anger and three points of shyness, and she looked at Ye Qiu with hatred.

"If you hadn't been useful to me, I'd have cut you to pieces for offending me many times!"

Although the postures of the two of them had changed for a long time when they practiced, but before that, when the two embraced each other face to face, accidents happened from time to time.

Apart from those bumps and bumps, there were several times when Qian Renxue was fascinated by Ye Qiu's eyes and made some outrageous actions such as throwing herself into her arms.

"Those were just accidents and I warned you in advance!"

Facing her questioning gaze, Ye Qiu turned his head and avoided it.

"Accident!? Hehe. Then do I have to thank you for staying calm? Thank you for your apology every time you enjoy it?"

Qian Renxue sneered, for Ye Qiu who hangs around with several girls every day, she is very clear, and she exudes two different smells from time to time.

Every time she thought of the scene when she pressed Ye Qiu under her body with messy clothes, and felt a little hot in her body, she would gnash her teeth endlessly.

"Besides, your martial soul... I don't think I need to say more, you should know what it is, right?"

She looked at Ye Qiu jokingly, how could she, who was ice and snow smart since she was a child, not be able to discover the reason for her abnormality.

It was because of Ye Qiu's unscrupulous eyes!

"Well! These are indeed my fault! Hug."

Ye Qiu also put down the teacup in his hand, nodded his head indifferently, and when he habitually wanted to apologize, thinking of what she said just now, he frowned and swallowed the words back.

Then he looked straight at her.

"Now I don't want to argue with you anymore, I just want to know when the things will be given to me?"

The two looked at each other, and Ye Qiu's eyes were relatively calm, without much disturbance.

Speaking of which, in the practice of more than a month.

Apart from a little physical contact, he and Qian Renxue didn't communicate too much.

On the contrary, after several times of practice, they almost got into a fight, which led to the repair of this secret room several times, and even expanded it a little.

A cold light flashed in Qian Renxue's golden eyes, and the jade hand placed under the table was already clenched into a fist.

'Asshole! This time I didn't even bother to say an apology! '

Gritting his teeth, he resisted the urge to reward him with an angelic assault.

She definitely couldn't give the things to Ye Qiu right now, otherwise, how could she make up for the panic she said?

"Hmph! Since you're in a hurry, I'll help you hurry up and try to deliver it in a few days."

"Well! That's it. Then I will trouble you!"

Hearing her reply, Ye Qiu's mood eased a lot, and just to be on the safe side, he looked at her and added another sentence.

"I hope what you say is true."

He didn't know it at all, the color of his soul ring had already been exposed.

Even Qian Renxue has guessed the secret of his ability to help others obtain soul rings beyond the age limit.

"Hehe. Don't worry, I'll definitely be there in a few days!" Qian Renxue smiled unhappily, and picked up the teapot at hand.

"Hey, have a cup of tea and calm down, let's start practicing!"


Qian Renxue filled Ye Qiu's tea again, and the two of them sat quietly beside the stone table and went to bed after drinking the tea in their cups.

On the bed in the secret room, the lonely man and the widow face each other with their backs.

Feeling the warmth coming from her back, Qian Renxue turned her head slightly, glanced back, and could only see part of his face.

Then he calmed down and gradually entered the state of cultivation.

Outside the Prince's Mansion, the night was getting darker.

The handsome man and the beautiful woman who are close together on the bed, from a distance, seem to be wrapped in a golden-red silk cocoon, with strands of soul power flowing in and out of their bodies.

Above their heads, there was a golden angel phantom floating, with six wings on its back, red and purple eyes, and the whole secret room was filled with a faint golden red.

As time passed, dawn broke in the sky.

The radiance that filled the secret room also gradually faded away, re-hiding into the bodies of the two of them.


The two opened their eyes almost at the same time, exhaling a breath of foul air.

"Ye Qiu."

"Qian Renxue, I still have some things to do, so I'm leaving first!"

Ye Qiu, who just opened his eyes, glanced at the hourglass in the secret room, and before Qian Renxue could say anything, he quickly said hello, and disappeared on the bed with awe-inspiring power.

When the time came, it was time for him to go back and send Dugu Yan to the academy.


Qian Renxue, who was leaning quietly on Ye Qiu's back, lay down on the bed made of stone without the slightest precaution. There was a muffled sound from the back of her head, and a cry of pain.


In the empty secret room, there was the roar of Qian Renxue gnashing her teeth.

"What the hell do you think of my place! Ah~ you bastard who doesn't know what's good or bad!"


With a loud noise, when the two snake spears from outside rushed in, they saw the stone bed that had just been replaced not long ago, and was cut in half by the holy sword in the hands of their young lady.

"You two!"

"Miss?" The dolphin and the snake spear bowed their bodies, with some doubts in their eyes.

"Go and pour out the soup prepared by the back kitchen, all of it! I'm so mad!"

Originally, I planned to ask him if he wanted to stay for breakfast, but I didn't expect him to leave more simply than before!

It's like this every time, just leave when you're done!

She lost her appetite and was so full of gas!

Looking bitterly at the "Secret Art of Concealment" in his hand, he whispered to himself.

"You still want something? Hmph. See if I don't make you wait a few more days!"


Seven days later, in the woods outside the Huangdou team's training ground.

In the sky, the sinking sunset rendered a golden skyline, and the golden afterglow fell here, covering a girl with a graceful figure in a purple training suit.

The long purple-green hair fluttered slightly with the evening wind, and the green eyes were a little gentle, quietly looking at the space not far in front of him.

Even though Ye Qiu was late for a long time, Dugu Yan didn't feel impatient at all, he only had anticipation in his heart.

Ye Qiu finished sending her off today, but there was no sign of anyone for a whole day!


The space in sight surged, and two blue figures appeared in the open space.

"Ye Qiu! Huh? And Xiaolan!"

Surprise flashed in Dugu Yan's eyes, and he was about to bump into Ye Qiu's arms with a gift while running.

Seeing Xiaolan holding his hand, her footsteps stopped, seeing her, Duguyan already knew why Ye Qiu was late today.

"Sister Yanyan! Do you want one?" Xiaolan greeted her happily.

There were still several bunches of candied haws in his hand, it was Ning Rongrong who was moved to see her crying all the time, so he spent a little money in Tiandou City.

There are also a lot of things piled up in the soul tool in her hand.

"Haha. No need, you can eat by yourself!" Dugu Yan smiled lightly and shook his head towards her.

Habitually hugged Ye Qiu's arm, leaned on his shoulder, and asked softly.

"Has she left already?"

"Hmm! I sent Rongrong away from Heaven Dou City just now."

Ye Qiu nodded slightly, and there was still a little worry on his forced smile.

Although he has already given her a lot of things, and even gave her a few Zhuge Liannu

"Ye Qiu~ You...would you blame me?" Dugu Yan moved closer to Ye Qiu's ear, and exhaled hot air, making the cool evening wind a little more gentle.

"How could I blame you? What's more, even Sect Master Ning supports Rongrong to go out more."

Gently rubbed her forehead against her, pulled out his hand, wrapped her delicate water snake waist, and hugged her in his arms.

"That's good, let's go home! Boo~" Dugu Yan smiled, and lightly pecked Ye Qiu's face.

"Brother ~ Xiaolan also."

"Go away!" Ye Qiu avoided Xiaolan's red lips covered in rock sugar in disgust.

"Ah! My brother is biased."

Amidst a burst of noise, Ye Qiu showed his supernatural power and carried the two girls back to the Sunset Forest.


When Ning Rongrong stepped out of Heaven Dou City, he was far away from the border of Heaven Dou Empire, near the edge of Suotuo City's Star Dou Great Forest.

A girl with a hot figure, wearing a leather jacket, wearing cat ear hair accessories on her head, and a cat tail hanging from the back of her clothes is constantly wandering in the jungle.

Suddenly, a figure flickered behind him, and a sharp arrow pierced the air. The tip of the arrow shone with a dark luster, as if it had been smeared with poison!


Meow! Wuhun completed possession in an instant, dodging all the arrows with a single roll.

bang bang! More than a dozen figures quickly rushed out and surrounded her.

"Miss Zhuqing, you should go back with us! Missy will definitely not hurt you!"

Zhu Zhuqing turned around and glanced back, his eyes were extremely cold, and his words seemed to be chilled.

"Is Davis always so secretive?"

The person in front of her was a level 46 Soul Sect with four yellow, yellow, purple and purple soul rings jumping under his feet.

"The subordinates don't understand what you are talking about, we are only following the order of the eldest lady!"

Looking at the three soul rings at Zhu Zhuqing's feet, one yellow and the other purple, his eyes were also somewhat amazed.

It's a pity that if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it!

Zhu Zhuqing frowned and didn't speak, the Shadow Spider Lance behind him was about to move.

Looking around with her eyes, her expression was a bit dignified. If it was only one soul sect, she would be somewhat sure. But there are as many as three soul sects in the team!

"It seems that Ms. Zhuqing is toasting and not eating the fine wine!"

The leading man in black had a hoarse voice, and slowly raised his hands, and the people around him also slowly activated their martial spirits, which were colorful and magnificent.

"Everyone do it immediately! Live or die!"

The raised hands were quickly put down, and the other dozen people immediately approached Zhu Zhuqing!

puff! Just as the spider spear behind Zhu Zhuqing unfolded, another rough voice came from outside the circle.

"Kill! Not one left!"

Outside the encirclement, another group of men in black appeared, and without saying a word, they moved towards those who surrounded her.

"Who!? Not good! It's the soul king!"


"Forgive me! We belong to the First Prince. Ah!"


The collision of soul skills, mixed with the screams before death, resounded through the forest.

After a while, these voices all subsided.

There were bloodstains and dead bodies all over the ground, as if they were telling the intensity of the battle just now.

"Miss Zhuqing, don't be nervous. The eldest lady asked me to tell you that this is her sincerity, and I hope you can bring back what she needs!"

They stood in front of Zhu Zhuqing, lined up in a row, and the tall man at the head saw that she was still vigilant, so he explained.

"Hehe. The four soul kings, did my sister take out most of her family fortune? This sincerity is really touching."

Zhu Zhuqing saw the battle just now, and had a general understanding of the strength of these people.

Putting away the spider spear behind him, Zhu Zhu responded calmly.

"You tell her, I will do my best!"

"The subordinate wishes you immediate success! Retreat!"

Swish Swish Swish!

They came and went quickly, and under the order of the man, they disappeared quickly.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at their backs and the mess of the place, she also left here quickly.

The sun was about to set, and she had to hurry up and leave the Star Dou Forest.

Moving on in the direction of Soto City, looking at the sunset in the sky, a black-haired blindfolded boy couldn't help but appear in his mind.

"Ye Qiu! Can I see you?"


Notting College, seven houses.

Outside the bed surrounded by the screen, stood a young man in black with black hair and looked a little thin.

He was Tang San who was about to graduate from Notting College.

At this time, he was standing outside a screen, lowering his eyebrows, bowing his body, and calling out in a gentle voice.

"Xiao Wu, have you packed up? It's time for us to go!"

Although he tried his best to restrain himself, it was still difficult to hide the joy in his voice.

Because Xiao Wu actually agreed to him and went to Soto City with him, which made him very excited!

Xiao Wu really couldn't bear to part with herself! Your efforts are not in vain...

Tang San was still outside imagining the beautiful life in the soul master academy in the future.

Inside the screen, Xiao Wu had already packed her things, leaving nothing on the bed except the board.

She has grown up and is slim, sitting on the edge of the bed, gently turning the bamboo dragonfly in her hand that has been carefully maintained by her.

Tears were shining in Xiao Wu's eyes, she didn't want to leave, she wanted to wait here for Xiao Qiu to come back.

But Tang Hao's prying eyes in the dark forced her to leave with Tang San!

"Xiao Qiu~ You will find me, right!"

After tidying up her emotions, with a movement of her little hand, she put the bamboo dragonfly into the soul tool that Ye Qiu gave him.

got up and walked out slowly

Two in one, 5,000-character chapter.

I wish you all a happy life!

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