Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 247 Returning to the old place

The morning sun rises slowly, but a golden moon still hangs in Tiandou City.

Inside Yuexuan.

Ye Qiu's figure appeared directly on the top floor.

At this time, it will still be some time before those nobles come here.

After all, it is not easy for them to get up early. Most people come here to study just to get a layer of gold. Yuexuan's status in this imperial city is not low.

"Autumn is here so early."

As soon as Ye Qiu appeared in the hall on the top floor, Tang Yuehua walked out of the room.

She seemed to have just woken up. She had long gray-blue hair, casually tied with a hairpin on the back of her head. She was also wearing a beige nightgown, which only exposed some of her delicate collarbones and two slender collarbones. , jade-like arms, very decent.


Ye Qiu nodded gently, surprise flashed in his eyes.

He walked up to Tang Yuehua and lowered his head slightly. Tang Yuehua also hooked his neck in cooperation.

A gentle kiss.

"Good morning," Ye Qiu put his hands on his waist and pressed his forehead against each other, greeting softly.

"Well, come in and sit down first!" Tang Yuehua smiled sweetly, kissed him again, and held his arm as usual, leading Ye Qiu into the room.

Feeling the warmth on her body, Ye Qiu hugged her slender waist and sat down.

"Just got up?"

"No, I've been up for a long time. Just change my clothes later."

Tang Yuehua sat down and started making tea.

Every move he makes is elegant and beautiful, and he exudes a noble temperament.

"Isn't there any movement from Sister Qiu Erlong yet?" Tang Yuehua leaned on Ye Qiu's shoulder. She had already told Ye Qiu about the little Jiujiu in Liu Erlong's heart.

"Uh" Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment, with a wry smile on his lips, rubbing the soft fragrant hair on his side, and shook his head.

"Not yet. Although I'm very cooperative, it's mainly because she can't bear it. Haha."

Ye Qiuqian laughed twice.

It has to be said that the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline is really powerful in restoring the body. Even when Ye Qiu was fighting against a Soul Douluo-level female tyrannosaurus, the opponent did not dare to continue to attack her.

After fighting for a long time, she had to take a lot of rest every time. Although Ye Qiu could heal her, the fatigue was not just physical.

If you've been in high spirits for too long and your spirit can't bear it, you have to do everything in moderation.

Ye Qiu, who was immersed in it during this period, also discovered that the Sharingan's unorthodox ability could also be used to add some fun.

With just a glance, she was willing to teach Liu Erlong some knowledge that made Liu Erlong a little embarrassed.

"Like this." Tang Yuehua's face also turned red, as if he was thinking of something and felt a little palpitated.

Then he seemed to sense something.

He slowly sat up straight, picked up the steaming tea in front of Ye Qiu, and blew on it gently.

Then he handed it to Ye Qiu's mouth.

"Hurry up and finish your drink, Xue Ke is already here."

Hearing this, Ye Qiu's eyes flashed with surprise again.

The sound insulation effect of every room in Yuexuan was very strong. He couldn't confirm it through the sound, so he had to open his Sharingan and look outside.

Sure enough, Xue Ke was already sitting on the sofa in the hall on the top floor, staring blankly in the direction of the stairs and the door of Tang Yuehua's room.

"Yuehua, how far has your cultivation level reached?" Ye Qiu couldn't help but look at her in confusion.

"It's okay. It's a lot lower than Sister Erlong. But I don't have much fighting power." Tang Yuehua blinked and chuckled, still holding the warm tea in his hand.

Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Tang Yuehua was already a powerful person at the Soul Saint level.

After clearing up the doubts in his heart, he slowly sipped the rim of the tea cup, and drank all the tea in a short while under Tang Yuehua's service.

Tang Yuehua opened her red lips lightly and cleared away the remaining tea from Ye Qiu's mouth.

I tidied up his clothes again.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Yeah!" Ye Qiu nodded lightly and teased her politely.

Outside the room, Xue Ke had already arrived.

The smile on his face never stopped, sitting dignifiedly, his bright eyes looking forward to Ye Qiu's arrival.


As soon as the door opened, a touch of blue hair made her stand up quickly.

"Ye Qiu~"

Ye Qiu just closed the door and turned around to see Xue Ke's happy and excited Xue Yan.

She has short white ear-length hair, delicate and charming facial features lightly painted with pink and white, and a pure white dress that wraps around her body. Her hands are intertwined together, as if she is a little nervous.

"Xueke, good morning!" Ye Qiu greeted with a smile.

"Well, good morning!" Xueke's face was flushed, half ashamed and half excited.

"Ye Qiu, where are we going today?"

"Well let's go to the place where I stayed when I was a kid! How about it?"

Ye Qiu pondered for a moment and smiled lightly.

Although he marked many places, those places seemed to be too prosperous and had many eyes and ears, and he hadn't gone back to visit them for a long time.

"Okay, okay! I can go anywhere with you!" Xue Ke's smile became brighter and she was overjoyed.

How could she not be willing to go to the place where Ye Qiu lived when he was a child? !

"Well! Let's go then." Ye Qiu slowly stretched out his hand and spread it in front of Xue Ke.

Xue Ke was stunned for a moment, blinked his eyes, smiled foolishly, and gently covered his little hand.

Being held in Ye Qiu's hand, the coveted heat made her mind wander a little.

Feeling dizzy, he pulled Ye Qiu downstairs.

"Don't worry."

Ye Qiu's heart skipped a beat. It would be okay if someone saw him if he continued like this. He couldn't explain it with his own words.

He smiled and pulled her back.

"Ah?! We" Xue Ke suddenly raised his head and met Ye Qiu's gaze. His eyes were evasive and his eyelids turned red.

"I will use my soul skills to take you there!" Ye Qiu said softly, his eyes already lit up with a strange bloody light.


Xue Ke took one look, became a little fascinated by it, and nodded blankly.

As the eternal kaleidoscope rotates and the space distorts, the two figures have disappeared on the top floor of Yuexuan.

In Biyou Village, there are square fields outside the village. The sun is not harsh at this time, and the villagers get up early and start working.

On a lush grassland not far from the village entrance, the figures of Ye Qiu and Xue Ke appeared out of thin air.

"Ye Qiu, so magical."

Xue Ke held Ye Qiu's arm and looked left and right in surprise.

Her eyes were filled with wonder. She didn't expect that in such a short period of time, she would arrive close to the border of the empire.

"Okay, let's go." Ye Qiu looked at everything at the entrance of the village with some nostalgia.

He took Xue Ke's hand and walked towards the village.

Xue Ke also followed closely, observing the village where Ye Qiu came out. Everything was in order. But the clothes on her body looked very different from the common people she had seen.

Xue Ke was not the only one who was confused.

I wish you all a happy life!

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