Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 287 Winning or losing is no longer important.

The movement from the door broke the somewhat anxious atmosphere in the room.

"Teacher Qin Ming, I'm sorry, we are late."

As soon as the door opened, Ye Qiu and several girls filed in.

He apologized to Qin Ming.

"It's okay, there's still a lot of time before the start." Qin Ming didn't care much and showed a friendly smile.

Yufeng and the others were actually still free, joking with Ye Qiu.

However, those who were intimidated by Dugu Yan were a little unfaithful.

Ye Lingling covered her face with black gauze and observed Ning Rongrong calmly.

The faces of Shrek and others were much brighter.

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu.

He didn't expect that she would leave Shrek so soon and might never see her again.

Thinking of this, the fists in his hands became hardened.

Flanders also looked ugly.

Once the three girls left, it seemed that Shrek, who had been holding on for so long, no longer had any need to hold on.

But Yu Xiaogang’s plan.

But he didn't let him give up on Tang San and the others.

He already knew Yu Xiaogang's plan and had to support it.

Shrek is already in trouble.

He can't stand it anymore!

"Ahem." Yu Xiaogang coughed twice and said to Qin Ming: "Since everyone is here, let's separate for now. See you on the stage then!"

"Well, master, you can stay here."

"No need! Let's just go to the waiting area to chat." Yu Xiaogang raised his hand to reject Qin Ming's kindness, got up and left with Tang San and others.

"Xiaoqiu, do you want to go together?"

Xiao Wu pulled Ye Qiu and asked.

"No need, you go ahead, I'll just watch you from the audience."

Ye Qiu shook his head. He also didn't want to see the looks in Dai Mubai's eyes and was afraid that he would kill them.

"Okay then!" Xiao Wu nodded slightly, quickly pressed a mark on Ye Qiu's cheek, and followed him.

Ning Rongrong pouted and glanced at Dugu Yan.

"Stinky guy, will you cheer for us later?"

"It will definitely happen. Whether it's you or Yanyan, I will cheer for you."

Ye Qiu was a little embarrassed and replied with a smile.

"Hmph! I knew it." Ning Rongrong bit Ye Qiu's hand bitterly and turned to leave.

"Sister Rongrong, come on!" Xiao Lan shouted towards Ning Rongrong.

"I know! I'll buy you something delicious if you win." The anger on Ning Rongrong's face subsided slightly and she rubbed Xiao Lan's cheek. Sure enough, raising her for so long was not in vain.

Zhu Zhuqing, on the other hand, was snickering at the side.

Sensing Ye Qiu's gaze, he immediately became serious.

"come on."

Dugu Yan was stunned for a moment, not expecting Zhu Zhuqing to say such things to him.

He smiled sweetly and nodded slightly: "Thank you, you guys too."

"Yes." Zhu Zhuqing nodded, smiled at Ye Qiu, then turned and left.

Wait for Zhu Zhuqing to leave.

Dugu Yan rolled her eyes at Ye Qiu. She felt that this must have something to do with her husband.

"Haha. Yanyan, come on! See you in the evening." Ye Qiu didn't stay long, and pulled Xiao Lan out.

Xiaolan, who was hanging behind her, didn't forget to turn around and shouted: "Sister Yanyan, and sister Lingling, you have to work hard!"

Dugu Yan's face appeared a little rosy.

With Ye Qiu's words, winning or losing in this soul fight became unimportant.

My husband is really cunning.

"Okay, it's time for Yanzi to come to his senses!" Ye Lingling walked up to Duguyan at some point.

She was in a good mood, and she didn't expect Xiaolan to still remember herself.

In her heart, winning or losing this soul battle was equally insignificant.

Ning Rongrong is her goal.

"Okay, let's talk about the positioning and tactics now." Qin Ming clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention.

"Teacher, what do you say about that white soul ring?" At this time, Oslo's voice suddenly sounded.

The Imperial Battle Team is arranging their troops.

Shrek is not idle here either.

It's just that Zhu Zhuqing dismissed Yu Xiaogang's so-called tactics.

They don't know yet about Zhu Zhuqing's fourth soul skill.

Ning Rongrong also talked a lot, with a little contempt and disdain for Yu Xiaogang.

"Brother, should we buy some food and watch while we eat?" Xiao Lan hugged Ye Qiu's arm and jumped up and down.

This was her chance to be alone with her brother, and of course she was very happy.

They were chattering all the way.

"Don't worry, I've already prepared it." Ye Qiu looked at her fondly, already knowing how to use his own advantages to seduce his Xiao Lan.


Arriving at the auditorium, Xiaolan was also unceremonious and sat astride Ye Qiu's lap.

Ye Qiu took out some food from the Divine Power Space and put it in Xiaolan's arms.

But his eyes were looking in Shrek's direction.

There was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

I don’t know if Yu Xiaogang was slapped in the face by Ning Rongrong because of the Jiuxin Haitang incident.

Master of theory? Ha~ He actually doesn’t even know about the famous Jiuxin Haitang martial spirit. He is really low-level.

The two teams will compete on the central soul fighting stage.

after all.

The Imperial Fighting Team had just defeated the popular Mad Fighting Team, and the tickets for the Soul Fighting Arena were easily sold out.


"Brother, it's time to start!" Xiaolan's vague voice sounded.

"I saw it." Ye Qiu nodded slightly and tapped Xiaolan, who was sitting on his lap and still moving randomly.

She doesn't know if Ning Rongrong taught her this. It's really annoying.

I saw the already very bright golden light of the main soul fighting arena in the center increasing in brightness again, and all the beams of light were focused on the soul fighting platform.

In the middle of the Soul Fighting Platform, a circular pillar with a diameter of two meters suddenly protruded from the ground. At this time, a girl was standing on it.

The girl looks to be only eighteen or nineteen years old. She is wearing a dignified and beautiful white dress and has long wavy brown hair. Her plump breasts and her breathtaking slender waist all reflect amazing beauty.

He held a cone-shaped loudspeaker soul guide in his hand, with a professional smile on his pretty face.

"Good evening, distinguished guests. It is Doudou's honor to be able to host the team battle spirit competition in the main spirit fighting arena for you all again."

"Is this Doudou?" Ye Qiu murmured. He had been here many times before, but he had never seen her.

"Brother, please don't look around. Be careful and I will tell Sister Rongrong."

Several black lines appeared on Ye Qiu's forehead.

He grabbed Xiaolan's hands that were constantly waving in front of his eyes and said angrily:

"Don't disturb me watching the game"

On the field.

Doudou has completed this opening paragraph.

"In tonight's Soul Fighting, Doudou will explain the entire process for all the distinguished guests. Next, I will introduce the situation of both sides to the distinguished guests."

"Emperor Fighting Team, Captain: Dugu Yan, the Martial Spirit Green Scale Snake King."

"Shrek Team, Captain: Dai Mubai, Martial Spirit White Tiger"

Doudou skillfully introduced the situation of both sides, simply mobilizing the atmosphere of the audience and creating a sufficient sense of anticipation.

"Okay, I won't say anything if there are too many Doudou. Now, let's invite the players from both sides to come on stage."

As she spoke, white light suddenly spurted out from Doudou, and a pair of white wings quietly stretched out from behind. Three yellow soul rings appeared on her body at the same time. The third soul ring shone brightly, and the wings flapped gently, holding her The loudspeaker soul guide soared into the sky.

Her spirit is a cute and gentle animal that symbolizes peace, the white dove.

As Doudou soared into the sky.

On both sides of the Soul Fighting Platform, two doors opened silently at the same time.

Players from both teams enter the venue at the same time.

On the left, the leader is Dugu Yan with long purple-green hair, followed by Yu Tianheng, followed by the Shi family brothers, Black Panther Oslo and Wind Chime Bird Yufeng.

The last one was Jiuxin Begonia Ye Lingling who was separated from the world by the black veil and whose eyes were locked on Ning Rongrong.

On the other side, Shrek and others also came out.

Dai Mubai and Tang San took the lead, followed by Ma Hongjun and Oscar.

The three Zhu Zhuqing girls were hanging behind them.

He looked at each other from a distance with everyone in the Imperial Fighting Team.

"Soul masters on both sides participating in the group battle, please note that you have one minute to summon your own soul from now on. When I announce the start, you can only attack. Until one party admits defeat, collapses, or falls off the soul fighting platform."

Doudou, who was floating in the air, flapped her snow-white dove wings and spoke to the players on both sides with her soft and moving voice.

That soft voice was a pleasure to the ears of the VIP audience watching the battle, but to the ears of the Shrek Seven Devils and the members of the Imperial Fighting Team, it meant that the battle was about to begin.

Qin Ming, Yu Xiaogang and others have returned to the VIP room.

He was looking closely at his student on the soul fighting stage.

On the central soul fighting stage, almost at the same time, a total of fourteen people from both sides released their soul power.

The light on the stage kept blooming, the martial soul's and the soul ring's

Various colors. (End of chapter)

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