Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 346 Many people want to wear your human skin

Qian Renxue's face was red and her ears were red, and she was lying on the stone bed disheveled.

Squint your beautiful eyes.

at this time

Ye Qiu's scent still lingered on the tip of her nose.

She pursed her red lips, and it still tasted like him.

Thinking of Ye Qiu's power, his gradually golden eyes became a little blurry.

After learning some of Ye Qiu's secrets.

She suddenly felt that there was no way she could defeat him without inheriting the throne.

Alternative twin. No! Three lives martial spirit

Every time a soul ring is attached, there are three soul skills, which can still be used at the same time!

Thinking of the agreement between himself and Ye Qiu.

Qian Renxue couldn't help but feel confused again.

He does seem to love his women very much. Even a hundred thousand year soul ring is not tempted by them.

And according to him, he also knew other hundred thousand year soul beasts, and even ambushed Tang Hao together.

Cut off his arm and beat him until he was dying.

These are the times to get in touch.

Qian Renxue was already sure that she couldn't kill him.

Holding his aching heart.

He couldn't help but grit his teeth.

That guy is so unpitying to his other women!

He couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Hmph! Ye Qiu. I won't give up easily! The worst I can do is wait until I win you. I'll give you a long holiday every year."

But this is also her worst plan. As long as she gets the Vast Sea Universe Cover, Ye Qiu will become a god.

The two of them ascended to the divine realm and flew together.


Xue Beng Mansion, underground secret room.

Hunfeng organized the collected information: "Your Majesty, some things about Tang San have been found out."

"Oh? How is his relationship with Tang Hao?"

The Evil Blood Douluo drank the blood in the cup and looked at Tang Hao, who was wearing a black robe and looking pale.

"According to what the villagers in that village said, Tang Hao basically didn't care about Tang San."

"After Tang San went to Notting Academy, Tang Hao disappeared even more. I'm afraid Tang San doesn't know that his father is dead now."

Hunfeng was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect Tang Hao to be so indifferent to his son.

"Haha. Born but not raised? That's just right. It will help us arrange a meeting between father and son and deceive his trust."

The Evil Blood Douluo was sinister and pitiful.

If the son of Haotian Douluo can be cultivated, let him recognize his ancestors and return to the sect, and even gain the power of Haotian Sect!

Haotian Sect. That is a force that cannot be ignored!

"Xue Beng, go and make arrangements immediately to meet Tang San!"

Hear what Evil Blood Douluo said.

Xue Beng looked a little embarrassed.

He couldn't have imagined it.

Among the Shrek and others who were expelled from Tiandou Royal Academy by him, there were actually the sons of Haotian Douluo among them.

He said humbly: "Your Majesty, I... I seem to have offended him before."

"what happened?"

Xie Xue's expression became stern, and his sinister gaze made Xue Beng's legs tremble.

Kneel down quickly.

Recently, he has often seen Xixue wearing hair and drinking blood.

When he spoke, he was trembling.

"Mian, Mianxia, ​​Xue Beng was an unintentional act..."

Xue Beng didn't dare to hide anything, and told the truth about everything that happened that day.

"Humph! These are stupid things, I just want to see the results!"

"If that doesn't work."

"I think there are many people who would like to wear your human skin."

Xie Xue's voice was calm, but Xue Beng was sweating profusely.

He knew that Evil Blood Douluo was serious.

"Yes, yes, your majesty, don't worry, I will definitely make arrangements. I will invite Tang San here at noon!"

"Hmph! Get out of here, everyone."

Xie Blood Douluo shook his sleeves and drove Hunfeng and others out.

He wanted to put makeup on Tang Hao's corpse.

Otherwise, this lifeless look would be really scary.

Not long after.

Xue Beng and Soul Wind returned to the ground.

He immediately asked Hunfeng for advice: "Teacher, what should I do?"


Looking at the stupid Xue Beng, Hun Feng suddenly felt a headache.

"Why are you panicking?"

"Since you have offended him, why don't you just invite them all to come out and apologize? If that doesn't work, then just hint to him that we know the whereabouts of his father!"

Xue Beng suddenly understood after listening to Hun Feng's words.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of that!"

"Oh, you were scared out of your wits just now. It's weird to think of it!" Mo Wuchang glanced at Xue Beng with disdain.

Hear the words.

Xue Beng couldn't help but blush.

Afterwards, I realized that the clothes on my body were all wet.

You can't blame him.

Who told these people to be so murderous that they would drink blood if they disagreed?

Hunfeng also came here this way, and I can understand it.

He waved his hand.

"Okay, hurry up and send the invitation. Let's make an appointment at the restaurant outside."

"Yes, teacher, the avalanche will be taken care of now."

Xue Beng hurriedly ran outside.

Today at noon, Xie Xue Mian will also appear, and he doesn't dare to slack off.

He had to carefully identify and arrange things like wine and drinks.

After everything is arranged.

In order to show sincerity, the invitations were prepared to the highest standards. After being embroidered with gold thread, they were sent immediately.

He also asked the person who sent the post to get a definite reply before coming back.

If the other party refuses

He could leave at any time to invite him in person.

He doesn't want his human skin to be wrapped on someone else's body.

Avalanche such a big move.

Qian Renxue, who had been staring at him, naturally received the information.

at the same time.

When the messenger came to Lanba Academy, he hosted a banquet for the original Shrek and his party in the name of the prince.

Naturally, he could not escape the eyes of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Lanba Academy.

In Yu Xiaogang's room.

After being enlightened by Tang San, Flanders, and Yu Tianheng, Yu Xiaogang's complexion gradually improved.

Flanders looked at the golden and heavy invitation in his hand.

There is something wonderful about the expression on the face.

That night, his Shrek suffered a lot of humiliation. Unexpectedly, the other party actually sent an invitation to apologize to himself and others?

"Xiao Gang, what do you think? The other party is still waiting outside the house."

Yu Xiaogang also read the invitation, so he naturally knew how this happened.

Take the post and put it in Tang San's hand.

"Mistress, you decide."

"You are the one they most want to apologize to."

Tang San looked at the writing on it.

I didn't expect that I would be treated so differently just because I revealed my identity as Haotian Douluo's son.

He was even more curious about his father.

At the end of the invitation, the words 'discuss Haotian together' made Tang San make a decision in his heart.

He didn't need to say more.

Yu Xiaogang said to Flender:

"Flanders, go tell the people outside and we will go."


Liu Erlong's residence.

Ye Qiu just returned to the small courtyard after training with the girls.

Dugu Yan quickly posted: "Husband, Lingling said she is going home for dinner today, please send her back."

"Oh, I see."

Ye Qiu nodded happily.

Beside, Ye Lingling, who was not wearing a veil, blushed as she watched Dugu Yan kiss Ye Qiu.

The voice is soft.

"sorry to bother you."

"It's out of the way."

Ye Qiu waved his hand and stretched out his hand towards Ye Lingling.

I wish you all a happy life!

Q skirt: 831821005

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