Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 239: Wu Qingying: Ben Gong lost another beloved concubine

   Chapter 239 Wu Qingying: Ben Gong lost another beloved concubine

   "Yun Yun, the sect master of Yunlan Sect, spirit power level, ninety-ninth level. Martial Soul Wind Spirit Sword, Power Attack System Limit Douluo, titled Sword Immortal.

  Rou Anran, spirit power level 99, martial arts dragon blood ginseng emperor, food type limit douluo, titled ginseng emperor.

   Yun Xiaodie, spirit power level 98, martial spirit Blue Silver Empress Spear, control system super Douluo. Title gun.

   Dugu Bo, spirit power level 96, Martial Spirit Jade Scale Snake Emperor, Super Douluo of Control System. Titled Poison.

  Liu Erlong, spirit power level 94, Martial Soul Fire Dragon, Titled Douluo of the Storm Attack Department, Titled Fire Dragon.

  Tang Yuehua, spirit power level 94, martial spirit Jinse Guqin, titled Douluo of the Control Department, titled Qin.

  Ye Xiaorou, spirit power level 93, martial spirit Nine Heart Begonia, Healing Department Title Douluo, Title Begonia.

  Ye Qi, spirit power level 92, martial spirit Qingfeng sword, titled Douluo of the storm system, titled Feng. "

   Every time Yun Xiaofeng said a name and soul power level, Salas was frightened. When Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, Salas almost died.

   You must know that the Heaven Dou Empire belongs to his jurisdiction.

  Unknowingly, the Heaven Dou Empire suddenly came out of a hidden world sect. If the Pope blamed him, then he would be very cold.

   The little deacon of the Spirit Hall, who recorded the name and spirit power level, recorded it seriously, for fear that if he remembered one word incorrectly, he would be punished.

   What he recorded was the title Douluo's name.

   He didn't dare to be careless.

  If he manages this matter, it will be enough for him to play in the Spirit Hall for a few years.

"Well, that's all for the title Douluo. The purpose of our Yunlanzong's birth is actually very simple. We want to participate in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Competition. At the same time, I hope you can help me secure a place in an academy. Our Yunlanzong's Teams will also participate normally from the Heaven Dou Empire.”

  Yun Xiaofeng picked up the tea that Salas had poured for him on the coffee table, and said slowly.

   "My lord, can I ask, is Dugu Bo the one who was once named a Blue Scale Douluo by the Spirit Hall?" Salas kept his posture quite low.

   "Well, yes, his granddaughter Duguyan is now the wife of this young master, understand?

   In addition, Ye Leng Leng from the Nine Heart Begonia family also belongs to this young master. So Ye Xiaorou and Ye Qi now also belong to the Yunlan Sect, and have nothing to do with the Jiuxin Haitang family, but I hope you don't mess with your ideas, otherwise. "

  's word of warning made Salas tremble with fear.

  Yun Xiaofeng has a very indifferent attitude.

   Even though the Nine Hearts Begonia Sect has now replaced a Soul Doulo with Begonia Flower Martial Spirit as the Sect Master, it is Ye Leng Leng's family after all, even if he treated her badly before and wanted to kill him.

   But a warning to Salas not to make the wrong idea is still needed.

"The villain knows, the villain knows." Salas already knew by looking at the five tokens. The young man in front of him was so stubborn, and suddenly he gave him so many Title Douluos. To frighten his rhythm.

"You take this Pope token back and give it to the Pope. She gave me this token herself. She won't embarrass you." Yun Xiaofeng didn't want to embarrass Salas too much, after all, this product is only a Soul Douluo, and it's just a matter of business, how he can't think of so many titled Douluo appearing in the Heaven Dou Empire, he can only blame Yun Yun and the others for being too low-key.

   "There are also Yang Wudi from the Broken Family, Baihe from the Minzhi Family, and Niu Eye from the Yuzhi Family. These three families also belong to the Yunlan Sect. I hope you don't embarrass them again in the future, and they won't embarrass you either."

   After all, these three families followed Yun Xiaofeng, and Yun Xiaofeng would naturally protect them. He was not like the Clear Sky Sect, who ruthlessly abandoned them.

   "The villain knows, the villain will not have any thoughts, the adults can rest assured." Salas said.

   He was already doubting in his heart at this moment that Yun Xiaofeng could not be the real son of His Excellency the Pope.

   If it was what he thought, it would be very interesting. He could see that Izumo Xiaofeng said in his mouth that the Cloud Lanzong's status was not low.

"Well, since my purpose is to get a place in an academy, the news of Yun Lanzong's birth should not be reported to the whole continent. But you can report the Pope of Wuhun Temple to let her know. If you don't believe it, you can Go to the Yuexuan of the Heaven Dou Empire to check, where is the current Yunlanzong station." Yun Xiaofeng thought for a while, but he should keep a low profile for a while, if it really doesn't work, we will announce it after the Continental Senior Spirit Master Elite Competition is over. In one fell swoop, Qian Renxue was sent to the throne of God. It can completely shatter the emperor's dream of Xue Beng.

   "Okay, good lord, the villain knows." At this moment, Salas is completely a slave, and he only promises.

"Well, that's fine, remember to let your people from Wuhun Hall go to Yuexuan to experience it when you have time, but don't send someone who is too arrogant, otherwise don't blame me if you're beaten to death." Yun Xiao The purpose that Feng told Salas at the moment was that he really didn't want the Spirit Hall to lose a Title Douluo.

   Because of the existence of Spirit Hall, it is much better for the entire Douluo Continent.

   In the eyes of the poor, the existence of the Spirit Hall symbolizes the opportunity for the poor to turn over.

   Awakened their martial spirits for free, and also gave out subsidies for spirit masters.

   Things like this are really good. Even if Wuhundian asks the two empires to pay, and Wuhundian distributes it on its behalf, it is still for the sake of the poor, isn't it?

  In the original work, Shrek's group of **** led the Golden Soul Coins of the Spirit Hall, but they destroyed the Spirit Hall, which led to thousands of years later, for a few Golden Spirit Coins, they actually succumbed to the situation of selling themselves.

   This is a good thing that dog Tang San did,

   Yun Xiaofeng didn't dare to think about how many stupid things Tang San did.

  【Dog man, Jiang Nannan is almost fourteen now. 】

   "Wu Qingying, can we be serious? Are you going too far?"

  【As long as Tang San is not dead, everything in ten thousand years will reappear. 】

   "Fuck, I will confiscate his plug-ins, Xiao Wu is already in my bowl, can he still turn the world upside down?"

  【The one standing behind him is God, so you understand. 】

   "It seems, yes, otherwise, I can be sure of Tang Doudou's character, and it's not a good thing to see his gods."

  【It's good to know, by the way, do you need me to help you catch Jiang Nannan? 】

   "Forget it, there are two rabbits at home then, it's not good. Anyway, Tang San will die sooner or later. Ten thousand years from now, I believe the Spirit Hall will still exist."

  【Whatever you want, hey, this palace has lost another beloved concubine. 】

   "Wu Qingying, you are enough. Is there someone like you?"

  【Jiang Nannan has appeared in Yuexuan. Her memory has been tampered with by this palace. 】

   "I really convinced you, don't do anything for me."

   [Hehe, dog man, it seems that you have forgotten the taste of mad thunder and Tianwei. Let's face the wind, no, let's face the mad thunder and Tianwei. Crazy Thunder Tianwei will arrive on time in half an hour, so don't be polite to me. 】

   "I'm polite to you, big head. We are so familiar with you, and you still use madness against me."

【hehe. 】Wu Qingying contemptuously gave Yun Xiaofeng a haha.

   (end of this chapter)

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