Chapter 334

   "Brother Xiaofeng, you're not wrong, the fifth ring is indeed one more than the fourth, look." Xiao Wu showed her spirit ring. "And I have two more rings than the fourth ring."

  Rogue Rabbit is very happy.

   She broke through to level sixty before Kitty.

   And he couldn't wait to condense a soul ring for himself without hunting down the soul beast.

   "I know you're amazing, let's do it." Yun Xiaofeng and Rogue Rabbit are not on the same channel at all. Reached out and scratched the rogue rabbit's nose.

   "Hee hee." Xiao Wu stupidly rested her head on Yun Xiaofeng's shoulder.

"Xiao Wu is really amazing. I've only reached the fifty-eighth level, and she is already a Soul Emperor. Such a young Soul Emperor should be the second youngest Soul Emperor on the mainland." Zhu Zhuqing said, and let him sit in the corner. of a person's urge to escape from this place.

   Qin Ming felt very bitter. The title of his youngest Soul Emperor has been refreshed for more than ten years.

   This is a bit too enchanting.

"Okay, tomorrow will be the individual competition of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Competition. Leng Leng, Rong Rong, Xiang Xiang, and the rest of you will not participate in the competition. Let the rogue rabbit and kitty play." Yun Xiaofeng I really wanted to know how many times Tang San could endure Xiao Wu's eight-dan smash.

   "That young master, my martial spirit was taken away by Tianshui Academy, and I haven't returned it yet." Yun Xiaomiao said timidly.

  Because of her special status, even Tang Yuehua's maid is also a member of the Yunlan Academy team.

   "Can your spirit be carried out to play with them?" Yun Xiaofeng was surprised, Yun Xiaomiao's out-of-body spirit was too powerful.

   "Well, yes, it can be as far away, but I can call it back at any time." Yun Xiaomiao was a little embarrassed.

   After all, Shui Yue'er took away her martial spirit, if she recalled it, she would probably make the girls over there unhappy.

   She knew very well that Shui Yueer should be a young lady of her own family.

   "If that's the case, then it's fine, let them play first, and call them back when you want to use them. Don't pay attention to them, they won't blame you." Yun Xiaofeng didn't mean to look down on Yun Xiaomiao. Even the maidservant he bought.

   "Oh, by the way, Xiao Miao, if your martial spirit is injured, will you be injured?" This is what Yun Xiaofeng cares about. Out-of-body spirits are too rare. He also wanted to study it.

  The only known disembodied spirits on the mainland are Shrek's trash master and Xiao Miao.

   He couldn't ask the master's pig spirit.

   Moreover, he and Xiao Wu had already tried it when they trapped Tang San's first spirit ring in the forest. Grandmaster's spirit and body were connected.

"Master back, my spirit is injured, I will be fine, but if the spirit is injured more than 90%, it will take the initiative to return to me, and then use my spirit to replenish. But this situation should not be Appearing, the defensive ability of my black-and-white cat Martial Spirit, even Sister Xiao Wu's eighth-dan fall can't do any damage." Yun Xiaomiao finished speaking. Xiao Wu nodded silently.

   "Black-and-white cat martial arts? This name is quite unusual, so let's call it Panda in the future. Is it just that its defense is so powerful?" Yun Xiaofeng asked in surprise. At the same time, he turned his eyes to Xiao Wu.

   "It was Xiao Miao's martial spirit who took the initiative to come to beat him, so you can't blame me." Xiao Wu was extremely aggrieved at this time. Like a child who made a mistake.

   "What the young lady Xiao Wu said is true. My spirit is very strange." As for what was strange, Yun Xiaomiao didn't say.

   "Well, let's do it, you have all reached level 50. Tomorrow will be the individual competition of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Tournament. Come on, everyone." Yun Xiaofeng finished.

   "I really don't know what you think, such a strong team actually has to participate in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Competition. Going to bully the children." Zhu Zhuyun said speechlessly.

   "You know shit, you've been thinking about making Brother Xiaofeng the emperor, and then you'll be the queen. Don't think I don't know your broken mind." Zhu Zhuqing said mercilessly to his sister.

   "Hey, stinky girl, don't talk nonsense, okay, your sister and my queen dream have long been over." Zhu Zhuyun faced Zhu Zhuqing, his aura was obviously weaker.

   Now Zhu Zhuyun is level sixty-three, but she can't beat her fifty-eighth-level sister.

   This gave her a huge headache.

   And this stinky girl is always against her.

   "Haha." Zhu Zhuqing sneered twice. Expressed great disdain.

   "Okay, big and small cats, don't quarrel, we are all a family that loves each other." Yun Xiaofeng was really speechless to the two cats, and the two of them fighting each other had become Yuexuan's daily routine.

   Just don't go to the point where you can use a knife and a gun.

   Let them make trouble, Yuexuan has Tang Yuehua and the others, and the two of them can't demolish their home.

   "Silly Goose, what's the matter with you, I always feel that you are a little gloomy." Yun Xiaofeng looked at Xueke. He has also discovered it in Yuexuan these days. Not only he found out, as long as everyone in Yuexuan found out, the little princess of the Heaven Dou Empire seemed to have something on her mind.

   "Xiaoxueke, tell me if someone is bullying you, tell everyone, we beat him. The kind who can't take care of themselves." Duguyan, Ye Leng Leng and others said.

   "Well, Yanzi and Leng Leng are right. If someone bullies you, tell us, we can guarantee that he will regret coming out of his mother's womb." Ning Rongrong's words were very suitable for her style.

   "Well, no, that is, brother Xiaofeng. If my brother prince did something wrong to you, can you not be angry?" Xue Ke said cautiously.

   After all, with Yun Xiaofeng's character, she is not sure what she will do after knowing this.

   "What did your brother, the prince, do to make me sorry." Yun Xiaofeng was curious, what could Qian Renxue do to make him feel sorry.

  Xueke was particularly hesitant, whether to say it or not.

   Isn't His Royal Highness Prince Xiaofeng on good terms with brother Xiaofeng? How could I do something that I'm sorry brother Xiaofeng.

   All the women were very puzzled,

  Yun Xiaofeng was also a little confused.

  What the **** did Xue Qinghe do that made Xue Ke look worried these days.

  Xueke saw that everyone's eyes were focused on her, she lowered her head in discomfort, not knowing whether to say it or not.

   She was about to cry in a hurry.

  Xueke also knew in her heart that Xue Qinghe and her brother Xiaofeng had always had a good relationship, but what her brother prince did this time might break the relationship between the two of them.

  If brother Xiaofeng does not support her prince brother to be emperor by then, then the position of emperor of the Tiandou Empire will fall on Xue Beng's head.

   Xue Ke is also very clear about the character of Prince Xue Beng. If Xue Beng becomes the emperor, I don't know how many girls will be harmed.

   "Brother Xiaofeng, you promise me first, you won't get angry, okay?" Xueke has now been riding a tiger, and it's impossible to say it.

   "Okay, look at you nervous, what can Lao Xue do to be sorry for me. Come on, I promise not to be angry." Yun Xiaofeng put Xueke in his arms with one hand and sat on his lap.

   Under the expectations of everyone, Xue Ke told the truth.

   Chapter 328

   "Pfft." "Xueke, what are you talking about, my God, Lao Xue is itchy after only a few days of being beaten, right?" When Yun Xiaofeng heard the truth, he was stunned by Xue Qinghe's actions.

   Qian Renxue really knows how to play.

  Xueke said the truth, all the beautiful girls in the Yunlan Academy team took a deep breath.

   "Is she willing?" Yun Xiaofeng asked.

   All the other girls looked at Yun Xiaofeng curiously. If Xueke said that the other party was willing, what would Yun Xiaofeng do.

   "She told me that she was quite willing." Xue Ke wondered why her little brother's maid, Huo Wu, went to the prince's mansion for a day or two, and then got involved with her prince's brother.

  The important thing is that her prince brother also wants to marry her as a concubine.

   This is outrageous.

   "Hey, then let her go. It's just that it's cheaper for your brother, the prince." Yun Xiaofeng held back his smile and said.

   "Brother Xiaofeng, shouldn't you be angry, shouldn't you be angry?" Xue Ke said she couldn't understand.

   He Zhixueke doesn't understand, and everyone else doesn't understand.

  According to Yun Xiaofeng's temper, shouldn't he chop down the Xue Qinghe? Why did it die down.

"Hey, you still don't know me, Huo Wu is my maid, yes, but people are willing to marry the prince as a concubine. What can I do, I can't beat the mandarin ducks. Maybe I'm not handsome enough. "Yun Xiaofeng's words were serious before, but later on, the girls rolled their eyes.

"Brother Xiaofeng, you are already handsome, don't be discouraged, Huo Wu is blind and ignorant, we will not leave you." Xue Ke took the initiative to kiss Yun Xiaofeng's face. .

  Xueke made everyone present come forward and kiss Yun Xiaofeng's face.

"No way, no matter what, Lao Xue has dug my corner. I have to find him some favors. Since he wants to marry Huo Wu, if he doesn't pay a price, doesn't it seem that Yun Xiaofeng's corner is everyone's own? Can you dig?" Well, Yun Xiaofeng thought so.

   Then Xue Ke and others were all messed up.

   was dug into the corner, but Huo Wu, it seems that they are just your maidservants.

   "He's back, the former little devil Yuexuan is back." Xue Ke saw the bad smile on Yun Xiaofeng's face.

   In her heart, she began to feel for her prince brother that he would have to pay a lot for his private property. Otherwise, it is estimated that her brother Xiaofeng might have to take care of her brother prince,

   "It seems that after returning to the palace, I have to remind brother prince. Although their relationship is very good, Huo Wu is brother Xiaofeng's maid after all. Brother prince is a bit unkind to do so."

   Then he lowered the plant and said shyly.

   "Master, I'm also a maid, you won't marry me in the future for benefits." There was shyness, worry, and expectation in my heart, and I looked at Yun Xiaofeng with mixed feelings, looking forward to his answer.

"That's not possible, you are all mine, all of you are mine, haha. Don't worry, I can't let you go, none of you can escape. Quack." With Yun Xiaofeng's laughter, everyone Everyone knows that Yun Xiaofeng really doesn't care about Huo Wu's marriage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

   "That's great," Jiang Zhu was happy. She didn't know that her teacher Liu Erlong had long been conquered by Yun Xiaofeng's dragon claw hand.

  Yun Xiaomiao breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the answer from her young master. There was also a slight smile on his face.

   She was also worried that Yun Xiaofeng would give her to others in exchange for favors.

   What kind of person is Yun Xiaofeng after being together for so long? The most important thing is to protect them. Since she was auctioned to Yun Xiaofeng by the auction house, it has already belonged to Yun Xiaofeng's private property. She knew this very well.

   But in Yuexuan for so long, Tang Yuehua never used her as a maid.

   Yun Xiaofeng also did not.

   Young masters and grandmothers like this, but you can't find them with a lantern.

   If Yun Xiaomiao knew Xue Qinghe's true identity, she would not know how she would feel.

   If someone dares to dig Yun Xiaofeng's corner, Yun Xiaofeng will definitely hack that turtle grandson to death mercilessly.

   After listening to Yun Xiaofeng's words, Zhu Zhuyun fell into her thoughts. It was obvious that she had a lot of doubts about Xue Qinghe taking Huo Wu as his concubine.

   She was originally the Crown Princess of Davies of the Star Luo Empire.

   But because that idiot Davis molested Tang Yuehua, she was robbed by Yun Xiaofeng.

   And he was clearly grabbing it, and he didn't even give the Star Luo Empire any face.

   Even Yunyun personally went to help her break off the marriage.

   In addition, he pressed the Netherworld White Tiger, which was a fusion of martial arts between the Great Emperor Xing Luo and the Empress, and rubbed them on the ground for a while.

  Although her heart is now on Yun Xiaofeng, it does not prevent her from thinking more clearly.

   "Well, there must be something wrong with this." Zhu Zhuyun thought so.

   But she didn't show it.

   She is a wise woman who will not embarrass her man.

   "By the way, when did your prince brother marry Huo Wu?" Yun Xiaofeng asked Daoxueke, the little spy.

   "Brother Prince said, marrying Huo Wu after the individual competition in the Tiandou Division of the Continental Senior Spirit Master Elite Competition, and then accompany her to Wuhun City is considered a honeymoon." Xue Ke was very longing for her honeymoon. She also wanted to go on a honeymoon with Yun Xiaofeng.

   But she was also very clear in her heart that Yuexuan had too many wolves.

   She would not make such a request.

   "Oh, I'll go, this old snow really knows how to play. I even thought about going on a honeymoon." Yun Xiaofeng said with a bit of depression in his heart.

   Qian Renxue did this. If he didn't take his babies on a honeymoon or something, he probably wouldn't make sense.

  However, the number of his wives is a bit large.

   "Well, in that case, I'll take you all on a honeymoon too." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, everyone looked at him with surprise.

   "Where to go?" In fact, it really doesn't matter where they go to play, as long as they can be with Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Go to Wuhun City to participate in the Continental Senior Spirit Master Elite Competition and win the championship." Yun Xiaofeng didn't even think that after he finished speaking, he was "called" by all the girls.

   "What this young master said is true, I will definitely bring everyone with you." Yun Xiaofeng wondered, what happened to them, as if they were not very interested in Wuhun City.

"Young Mistress Yunyun, Young Mistress Yuehua has already negotiated that the championship of the Continental Spirit Master Elite Competition, Yuexuan will listen to the class, take a vacation, and go to Wuhun City to watch the game together," Yun Xiaomiao said sweetly to her young master. laughed.

   "Do you all know each one?"

   "Well, Sister Yunyun and the others will discuss with us. All will go." Ning Rongrong said with a smile on his face.

   The little witch was still very happy when she saw the little devil king Yuexuan eating Karma.

   Chapter 329

   "Continental Senior Spirit Master Elite Tournament, the qualifying places for the team tournament have been decided.

   Tiandou Royal Academy Affiliated Shrek Team Champion,

   Yunlan Academy team, runner-up.

   Tianshui College team, the third runner-up.

   Blazing Academy Team, fourth place.

   Kamikaze Academy team, fifth place.

The victory of the    team competition represents the qualifying teams of the Heaven Dou Empire. These five teams have already obtained the qualifications to go to Wuhun City to participate in the competition.

   Then the individual competition is equivalent to the qualifying competition of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Competition. Of course, the better the qualifying record, the closer it is to the champion of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Competition.

   The qualifying rules are as follows.

   The first place in the individual competition will compete with the last place in Wuhun City or the Star Luo Empire.

   The last place in the same individual competition will face Wuhun City, the platinum team of Wuhun Palace in the first round. Or the Star Luo Empire Star Luo Royal Academy team. "Doudou announced with the microphone of the Soul Guidance Device.

   Facing the team that was about to participate in the competition below, he fluttered his wings gently above the fighting spirit platform. announcing the rules of the game,

  This is not the Heaven Dou City Great Battle Ground, but the Royal Hunting Ground of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   In order to qualify, the Heaven Dou Empire specially built the fighting spirit platform for this purpose.

  Because there are no extra spectators for the Soul Fighting competition here. Some are just some high-ranking people and teams that are about to compete in the Soul Fight.

   On the high stand, Xue Beng looked gloomily at the backs of Xue Qinghe and Ma Xiaotao who were sitting in front of him.

   His ambitions have gradually been exposed.

   At this moment, he knew in his heart that if Xue Qinghe became the emperor, he would definitely not let him go.

   After all, both of his older brothers were killed by Xue Qinghe.

  Although he has no substantial evidence to prove it, all doubts point to Xueqinghe.

   There was a resolute and decisive light in his eyes, and the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire must get it.

   Now he already knew that Shrek team was completely impossible. So he had a terrible idea in his heart.


   "Yo, is the vice-captain of the Flame Institute recovered?" The captain of the Botany Institute sneered at Huo Wu of the Blazing Academy.

   "Hehe, the surname is Mu, don't be complacent, if you meet your auntie in the arena, I promise to beat you without knowing you." Huo Wu has now reached the realm of Soul King.

  The flame is the ultimate fire.

  The Blazing Academy has a natural restraint on the Botany Academy itself.

   "You, if it wasn't for Feng Xiaotian's face, I would have beaten you long ago." Captain Mu of the Botany Institute was not polite to Huo Wu.

   "Then I have to thank you. My surname is Mu, but don't worry, I'm already a member of the Crown Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire. So come on." Huo Wu looked disdainful and curled her red lips. She knew that if she were to fight against the Botany College now, she probably wouldn't have any resistance at all.

   Even if the martial spirit in front of him has a slightly stronger fire resistance, Captain Mu of the Botanical Academy. It's still not enough to see the current fire dance.

   "Huo Wu, are you going to marry the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire?" The captain of the Botany Academy couldn't believe it. She even thought she had heard it wrong, so she confirmed it again.

"That's right, so you don't have to worry that this girl will be laughing with you. Besides, I have always regarded him as a brother. Although he is usually a bit of an idiot, he is still a good person. The surname is Mu, come on." After Huo Wu finished speaking, he made a cheering gesture to the captain of the Botany Institute.

"No wonder Feng Xiaotian has been in retreat these days. I don't know what he's doing." Captain Mu of the Botany Institute originally thought that Feng Xiaotian was really in retreat, but now after listening to Huo Wu's words, he feels that Feng Xiaotian should be Hide and lick your wounds alone.

   The person he has liked and pursued for so many years is actually going to marry Xue Qinghe, the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   "Hey." Although the Captain Mu of the Botany Institute was a little happy when he heard that Huo Wu was going to marry Xue Qinghe.

   But when I think of Feng Xiaotian's Tie Hanhan, I have a headache.

   "I don't know how Feng Xiaotian is doing now." Captain Mu of the Botany Institute was a little worried.

"The surname is Mu. Today, my aunt will let you know what the Blazing Academy team is that specializes in plant-type soul masters." I don't know if Huo Wu's team's luck is good or not, but the first team they draw is Shrek team.

   After hearing the host of Doudou read out the list of academies for the battle, Huo Wu was also excited.

   "Finally, I can avenge the serious injury. Tang San, I hope I can beat him up a bit." Huo Wu clenched her pink fists tightly, her fingernails digging into her flesh.

   During Shrek's team competition, Tang San's ruthless attack on Huo Wu made Huo Wu always remember it.

   If it wasn't for the **** from Shrek's team, how could her Blazing Academy lose.

  She won't be seriously injured either.

   That way, she wouldn't be brought to Binghuo Liangyi Eye by Yun Xiaofeng to heal her injuries.

   will not be seen naked.

   The fourth ring will not become ten thousand years, nor will it become the soul king.

   "But it seems that I have gained a lot of benefits." Huo Wu did the math, and the only thing she suffered was that she was seen by the old snake skin of Yun Xiaofeng.


"The Shrek team dispatched the Vigorous Gorilla Soul Master, Tai Long, and the Five Rings Soul King. Then we will invite the captain of the Blazing Academy, Huo Wushuang to appear." The host of Doudou waved her one in the mid-air of the Dou Soul Platform. As an experienced old host, Doudou's explanation skills are still very strong.

   When Huo Wushuang boarded the Dou Soul Stage, Tai Long was obviously a little disdainful. Not long ago, the Shrek Seven Devils almost beat the Blazing Academy and the Life Department was able to take care of itself,

   But when Huo Wushuang released the spirit rings under his feet, Tailong saw the number of spirit rings under Huo Wushuang's feet. His brain was buzzing.

   "This is so unreasonable. How could he break through to the Soul King in such a short period of time. And he also obtained the fifth Soul Ring." Tailong's heart was filled with waves. But he saw two yellows, two purples, and one black rhythmically under Huo Wushuang's feet. After five soul rings, especially the black fifth ring, he was even more unhappy.

   In his heart, Tang Ritian helped him choose a thousand-year-old soul beast as the fifth ring, which made him no longer have the potential to become a Title Douluo.

   So he hated Tang San and Tang Ritian.

   It was only because of Tang Ritian's forceful suppression that he dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

   "What's so strange about this, aren't you also the Soul King?" When Huo Wushuang said this, Tai Long clearly saw a trace of contempt in Huo Wushuang's eyes. It's like looking at garbage.

  Huo Wushuang: "It's not like, you're trash."

   "The first qualifying match of the Continental Advanced Elite Spirit Master Competition starts now." The hostess just finished speaking.

"Martial spirit possessed." Huo Wushuang's one-horned fire tyrannosaurus beast's martial spirit, the flames rising from the whole body vaguely took the shape of a dragon behind it, the whole body swelled up, and a layer of fiery dark red scales was attached to the surface of the skin. , a short horn about three inches long protrudes from the top of the head.

   Chapter 330

   "The Blazing Academy won." Seeing the situation on the field, the host, without the slightest hesitation, directly announced that the winner of the battle of the souls was Huo Wushuang from Blazing College.

   After a short fight, Tai Long was kicked out of the Great Soul Stage by Huo Wushuang.

   The rest of the Shrek team clenched their fists.

  Talon is their teammate,

   It's just that the Shrek team couldn't imagine that Huo Wushuang could break through to the Soul King in such a short period of time, and also had the best ratio of soul rings.

  Talon, who fell from the Big Dou Soul Stage to the bottom of the stage, has already passed out in a coma.

   There were only two words in Tai Long's mind before he was unconscious: "Fuck, so strong."

   "Bastard." Dai Mubai and the others cursed in the Shrek team lounge.

   "Let me play! I must not know the **** Huo Wushuang." Yu Tianheng is also a primary soul king at the moment, and the same is the best soul ring match. Two yellow, two purple and one black!

   Ma Hongjun, who is also a fire-type spirit master like Huo Wushuang on the Battle Soul Stage, sat in the corner without speaking! He was influenced by his own evil fire chicken martial arts, and the evil fire in his body had nowhere to release.

   After he obtained the fifth spirit ring, he felt like he was about to explode.

   So it's impossible for him to go to the individual competition.

   "Why did this Huo Wushuang suddenly become the Soul King. Wasn't he a Soul Sect some time ago?" The old man Xue Ye sat on the main seat with a confused expression on his face.

  Ning Fengzhi looked at Dugu Bo who was sitting on the seat belonging to the Cloud Lan Sect!

   "Look at the old man, what are you doing. Huo Wushuang has never been to the old man's place. Because anyone who has been to the old man's pharmacy without the approval of the old man has green hair."

   Dugu Bo said this, and he confirmed that Yun Yun had said before that the Shrek Seven Devils had entered Dugu Bo's medicine garden. Got a small chance.

   "Senior Dugu, junior doesn't mean that, junior is just curious." Ning Fengzhi didn't dare to be arrogant in front of Dugu Bo. Everyone knows that Dugu Bo does things according to his mood.

   "Don't be curious, we will still be relatives in the future!" Dugu Bo said.

  Ning Fengzhi smiled. "Yeah! The granddaughters of Rongrong and Dugu Bo are so special that they belong to the little devil of Yuexuan. But I still seem to be a generation shorter than Dugu Bo!"

   In fact, it’s fortunate that there were no spectators in today’s qualifying match, otherwise the group of black fans from Shrek’s team would probably have ridiculed them to the point of suicide.

   In the team match, whenever Shrek's team defeated the opponent, the black fans in the audience were all in vain. All kinds of scolding, how come it is unpleasant.

   "Teacher, let me play! Now that my second martial soul, the Clear Sky Hammer, has been exposed, then using my strength to beat Huo Wushuang will definitely defeat him like Baba beat his son."

   Tang San was a little angry at the provocation of Huo Wushuang's throat-cutting action on the Dadou Soul Stage.

   So he took the initiative to ask Yu Xiaogang for the battle path.

   "Well, let's go," Yu Xiaogang, as Tang San's master, wanted to train Tang San into a top genius. to prove his theory. So that those who look down on him regret it.

   "But Xiao San, you have to pay attention to your safety! If you lose, just take the initiative to admit defeat!" Yu Xiaogang was still worried about Tang San.

   After all, Huo Wushuang at the Soul King level, and Tang San at the advanced Soul Sect level.

   Of course, if Tang San wins this battle of spirits, then this battle of battle spirits will be his Yu Xiaogang's disciples fighting by leaps and bounds, but if he loses, he will be honored even if he loses!

How could the pride in Tang San's heart make him voluntarily admit defeat.

   "The Shrek team's next player is Tang San, who has the twin spirits of the Clear Sky Hammer. He walked towards the Dou Soul Stage from the passage with an indomitable aura.

   As for the leader of the Blazing Academy team, Huo Wushuang, and the soul master with the twin martial souls, the Clear Sky Hammer, who is more powerful, let us wait and see! "

   waved the pair of pure white wings behind her and announced with the microphone of the Soul Guidance Device in her hand!

   "Host, I abstain from this match!"

   As soon as Tang San walked to the stage, Huo Wushuang voluntarily abstained. He didn't want to fight Tang San.

   "Can you tell me why?" He asked the question that everyone was curious about.

   "His character is too bad. He slapped my hand with him." Huo Wushuang's words made the two of them clench their fists.

   Tang San heard Huo Wushuang abstain as soon as he stepped onto the Dou Soul Stage. I felt relieved for a while.

   He thought that Huo Wushuang abstained because he was afraid of him! He knew how much Huo Wushuang's ridicule hurt Tang San's heart!

   Since the rules allow it, Huo Wushuang walked into the exit passage under Tang San's cannibalistic gaze.

   "Brother, what you just said was great." Huo Wu passed by Huo Wushuang before preparing to go on stage.

   Her words at the moment were full of an urge to beat his brother.

   "Could it be that you stole your hand when you hit Tang San, then I won't stole my hand by hitting Tang San, you are really my good brother!" Huo Wu groaned inwardly.

   "The next thing the Blazing Academy team sent was Huo Wu, the vice-captain of their academy team."

   Huo Wu walked slowly to the Dou Soul Stage, she is here to take revenge today.

   During the team competition, Tang San, the turtle grandson, seriously injured her and even made up for her.

   If it wasn't for her luck, Yun Xiaofeng took a fancy to her and saved her, she probably hasn't woken up yet!

   "Hehe, my subordinates are defeated." Tang San knows how to attack the heart!

  Otherwise, in the original work, he would not have ridiculed Huo Wushuang, Feng Xiaotian and Yu Tianheng at the Continental Senior Spirit Master Elite Competition!

   "Haha. When the old lady knocks your **** out, you'll know who is the loser." Facing Tang San's disdain, Huo Wu also counterattacked mercilessly.

   "The two sides are ready, the match between Blazing Academy's Huo Wu and Shrek's Tang San begins." Doudou explained as always.

   "Martial spirit possessed." Huo Wu shouted fiercely.

   Hokage, the main body Martial Soul, the shadow with Huo Wu himself as the main body, is extremely special, and can maximize the fire element. After the martial spirit possessed her body, a faint dark red shadow that was exactly the same as her body gradually appeared behind her, and the blurred Hokage was full of illusory feeling.

   Before her Martial Soul was only orange-red, but now that she has evolved into the Ultimate Fire Soul Master, her Martial Soul has also turned dark red.

   At the same time, two yellow, one purple and one black spirit rings rose from her feet.

   When Tang Doudou saw that Huo Wu's fourth ring had been upgraded to ten thousand years black, he was a little restless.

   The last time we fought, how did Huo Wu do it in just a few days.

   At the same time, the rest of the Shrek team, including Master Yu Xiaogang, were buzzing.

   He didn't understand even more. Why can't I study it myself to increase the age of the spirit ring to the fourth ring of ten thousand years, if it can be done. Then the Shrek Seven Devils will be even more powerful.

   But the spirit ring that continued to rise at the foot of the fire dance. In the same way, Grandmaster and Tang San on the Battle Soul Stage were very confused.

   "Soul King. How did you do it?" Tang San just asked subconsciously!

   "It's none of your business." Such an answer is very suitable for Fire Dance's style.

   "So you came prepared, do you think you can be arrogant in front of me Tang San if you become the Soul King?" Tang San took out his second martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer. The hammer head pointed at Fire Dance.

   "Haha." Although Huo Wu expressed disdain for Tang San, she had to admit that Tang San was indeed very strong!

   is so strong that now he won't have the slightest power to fight back in front of Huo Wu.

  In the lounge of the Tianshui Academy team,

  Shui Bing'er and the others looked at Tang San's imminent death, yet so arrogantly provocative Huo Wu.

   "The Ghost Shadow, the Clear Sky Hammer, and the Random Cloak." Tang San knew the strategy of attacking first, taking his miraculous steps, wielding the Clear Sky Hammer, and rushing towards Huo Wu.

   looked at Tang San who charged towards him carrying the Clear Sky Hammer.

   The corner of Huo Wu's mouth set off a sinister arc!

   "It's getting closer, it's getting closer." The Huo Wu in Tang San's line of sight was getting closer and closer to him.

  When the distance reaches a certain level. Tang San swung the huge Clear Sky Hammer into the air five meters high.

   This is because he is well aware of Huo Wu's third spirit ability, and resisting the ring of fire has a relatively perfect restraint on him.

  Huo Wu did not disappoint him either.

   "The third soul skill. Resist the ring of fire!"

  Dark red dazzling ring-shaped flames exploded instantly, spreading to where you needed them.

The    skill does not have any attack power, but can eject all enemies within the range of the resisting fire ring to a certain range.

   The pop-up distance and how to distinguish between enemies and friends depends on the soul master's own control.

The soul skill covers a diameter of 150 meters and a height of 10 meters. As long as the opponent's attack skill does not exceed the tenth level of Huo Wu's own soul power, he can ignore any skills and defenses, and all skills within the fire ring's range will be temporarily suspended. expelled.

   When Huo Wu released this soul skill.

  Shrek's master Yu Xiaogang, who was originally still in the old god's presence, instantly became restless.

   stood up and clenched his fists.

   Because he had an ominous premonition at the moment. His disciple Tang San will lose!

   As expected, Tang San rushed towards Huo Wu very fast, but the next moment he flew backwards even faster.

   The diameter of the entire Douhuntai is 100 meters. And Huo Wu's current resistance fire ring has a diameter of 150 meters centered on herself!

  Tang San was deflected by the fire ring and flew out, like a shrimp. The Clear Sky Hammer had already let go when it flew out.

   And the place where Tang San flew backwards happened to be the Shrek team's lounge!

   A loud bang.

   After a brief silence.

   The first person to applaud was none other than the Captain Mu of the Botanical College who mocked Blazing College for being the Flame College.

   With the beginning of the person, the sound of applause began to resound through the Dadouhuntai.

   After all, the Shrek team members were beaten, and the members of each team were very happy.

"Damn, sister Huo Wu is so sturdy? Looking at Tang San's miserable appearance, it's really miserable! I don't know how many bones were broken." Feng Xiaotian of Kamikaze Academy, leaning on his back in the team lounge on the door frame. Excited, don't, don't,

  Although he knew that Sister Huo Wu didn't like him anymore, he still didn't prevent him from watching Tang San get beaten up!

   He was almost killed by Tang San's second martial spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer.

   If it wasn't for Haitang Douluo to help him heal, I guess he hasn't fully recovered yet?

   Seeing Tang San being beaten, his heart was full of excitement.

  Tang San was thrown upside down by Huo Wu's resistance to the fire ring bullet, and was embedded in the wall, the kind that couldn't be buckled!

   The long flowing hair of **** green was completely burned by the fire of the fire dance!

   Leaving only a bald head that could generate electricity, Tang San's confused face was embedded on the wall,

  Tang San: Who am I, where am I? I just flew?

   (end of this chapter)

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