Chapter 336

   "The Blazing Academy team won." Doudou announced the result the moment Dai Mubai flew out.

   "The Blazing Academy wins another round. I hope the Shrek team will make persistent efforts! Show your style and level! Don't underestimate the enemy." Doudou was still flying in the air, and announced to the Shrek team under the stage.

  When Dai Mubai listened to the hostess telling them to fight Huo Wu's soul, don't underestimate the enemy, Dai Mubai's face turned green with anger,

   He really did not underestimate the enemy, and he still used all his strength.

  The ghost knows that Huo Wu suddenly seems to have changed a person. The fighting power is sturdy out of the sky.

   As time passed, Yu Tianheng was easily defeated.

  Oslo was perfectly restrained by the fire dance, and he couldn't get close at all!

   Ma Hongjun took the stage, and his martial spirit was suppressed by Huo Wu's Naruto martial spirit and could not be released, so he was kicked in the face by Huo Wu with her high heels. Rolled off the fighting platform.

   The only one who wasn't beaten was the Shrek team's support-type soul master Oscar.

   "Let's congratulate the Blazing Academy team for winning their first victory against Shrek." Doudou gave Huowu a sweet smile.

   But when everyone was cheering and celebrating Shrek's defeat.

  Yu Xiaogang, who thought he was invincible in the theoretical world, remembered the books he had read in Wuhun Temple. There is a kind of soul master who can improve his soul power level through special means.

   But he couldn't question Huo Wu here, he wanted to reveal this matter in front of the spirit masters all over the world at the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Competition.

   "This Shrek team is alright in team battles, is the individual match so staggering? It seems that's not the case!" All the other teams had a very poor image of Shrek's team.

   "Yeah! You don't know, it is said that the leader of the Shrek team is the invincible Yu Xiaogang in the theoretical world."

   "Fuck, let's report it quickly! The rewards given by the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect are very rich!"

   "People from the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School have long known about it. It's just that they wait for the end of the Continent's Advanced Spirit Master Elite Competition to capture the traitor Yu Xiaogang and deal with it!"

   With the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect's network, they already knew that Yu Xiaogang was in the Shrek team when they were in the Shrek team qualifiers!


   "Congratulations, congratulations, there is no need to shut down the flame school." Huo Wu just stepped off the Soul Fighting Platform and passed by the Botany School's Captain Mu surnamed.

   "You still think about how to deal with those two idiots at Kamikaze Academy?" A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Huo Wu's mouth. The pace under his feet did not stop at all, and he walked towards the lounge of the Blazing Academy team.

   The people who left the Botanical Academy team were stunned for a long time.


   "Sister, you did a good job in this battle." Huo Wushuang was extremely excited.

   Finally got revenge for the Shrek team bullying Huo Wu.

   "Brother, this is where I am, I have kept my hands on Shrek team, and I have not exerted my full strength." Huo Wu said a little arrogantly.

   Huo Wu was telling the truth, but her brother Huo Wushuang twitched at the corners of her mouth.

   "Old girl! Let's drop it! You still want to kill those **** from the Shrek team."

   If this is killed, then the people behind Shrek team will jump out. Especially that guy named Tang San, he was a second idiot. But it is the direct descendant of Clear Sky Sect,

   To the extent that the **** of the Clear Sky Sect were protecting their calf, their Blazing Academy could not withstand the revenge of the Clear Sky Sect.

   "Deputy Captain, I heard that you are going to marry His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire! After that, His Highness the Crown Prince will become the Emperor, wouldn't you be the Queen?"

   As soon as Huo Wu entered the team lounge, Huo Yu and Mars two silly roe deer asked!

   "Don't think about the position of the queen, that's for the crown princess, I'll be a noble concubine or something! It doesn't matter anyway." Huo Wu didn't feel much about being a wife to Xue Qinghe.

   She already knew Xue Qinghe's true identity, otherwise she wouldn't suggest Xue Qinghe marry her.

   However, she was extremely speechless about Qian Renxue's practice of coming to the Tiandou Empire to hide her country.

   She went deep into the enemy's rear by herself, yet she acted in such a noble position. What was even more incredible was that she met her nemesis, Yun Xiaofeng, on the side of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   Every time her Huo Wu thought of when Ma Xiaotao proposed to kill Xue Beng, Qian Renxue was worried that Princess Xueke would be uncomfortable. Yun Xiaofeng will not be happy in general. She cried every time.

   For most people on the Douluo Continent, the Spirit Hall is indeed a good organization, helping the poor to awaken their martial spirit, and also oppressing the two empires to pay wages to the poor who are new to the Spirit Master. Without these, poor soul masters would never be able to emerge.

   So Huo Wu is not at all disgusted with her young grandmother Qian Renxue!


  After the Shrek team was easily defeated by the Blazing Academy team Huo Wu, the Shrek Seven Devils suffered a strong blow both physically and mentally!

   Especially Tang San in their team, he had the urge to add a spirit ring to his Clear Sky Hammer and then hit level 50.

   But the comfort of Master Yu Xiaogang made them feel a little more at ease.

"Little monsters, this time it's just a personal loss. Don't be discouraged. I believe that your talents are the top ones. Teamfights are the key to the outcome." Yu Xiaogang stood on Shrek. Inside the team lounge, with his hands on his back, he looked into the distance, and the distance he looked at happened to be in the direction of Wuhun City.

   He wants to lead the Shrek team to make great progress, isn't it because there is a powerful golden team in Wuhun Hall?

   He has six Soul Kings of the Shrek Seven Devils, and a peak Soul Sect, whose combat power is no weaker than that of the Soul King's disciple Tang San. Although he lost the individual game, he believed that he would still not lose in the team game.

   After hearing what Master Yu Xiaogang said, the Shrek Seven Devils felt that what Master said was right, they just lost an individual match, they could quickly recover from their injuries and continue fighting!

   In an instant, the Shrek Seven Devils recovered their vitality.

   One of them is Tyrone, Oscar is not bald. The other five people were all burned by the flames, Zeng Liang!

the next day,

   Alien Beast Academy vs Shrek Team.

   Meng still stepped onto the Dou Soul Stage. She was a little nervous.

  The Shrek team is a famous existence. The result of fighting with them is hard not to be seriously injured.

   "Captain of Alien Beast Academy, Meng still plays against Shrek team students, please play Shrek team students." The host of Doudou announced on the Dou Soul Stage.

   In the past, the students of the Shrek team were very active, but today they didn't show up.

   "This special Shrek team is still playing a big game!" Yun Xiaofeng was in the room of the Yunlan Academy team, leaning against the sofa. Enjoy the massage of Yun Xiaomiao and Jiang Zhu. Feel comfortable!

"Shrek team students are invited to play. If they don't show up for 30 seconds, they will be disqualified from this competition." The host's words in mid-air made Yu Xiaogang in the Shrek team's lounge instantly smart. .

   "Oscar go quickly and announce that he will abstain from this game." Master Yu Xiaogang can't let Shrek team be disqualified!

   (end of this chapter)

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