Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 108 Complete Soul Beastization!

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Due to physical discomfort, Chen Xiu'er has been paying attention to the front and ignoring the rear.

This allowed this soul beast to succeed.

Xuan Ming Divine Palm!

Chen Xiuer's hands condensed with cold air, and she pressed hard on the upper and lower jaws of the Asian Dragon Soul Beast!


The soul beast behind him was huge, with two feet standing on the ground and short forelegs.

But the dragon head was huge, and a sharp dragon tooth directly bit through the dragon scales on Chen Xiu'er's abdomen!

For an instant, feeling the cold poison into the body, this sub-dragon soul beast suddenly roared!


Chen Xiu'er tried to break its giant jaw!

But the power of this sub-dragon soul beast is so great that its bite force is simply unimaginable!

But something more unfortunate happened!

The earth dragon has also approached Chen Xiu'er!

"Naughty animal, you dare to provoke me, the Spear of Deaththorn!"

Three spirit rings appeared around Chen Xiu'er, and the third purple spirit ring suddenly shone!

An inky black soul power gathered in Chen Xiu'er's hands, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a deadly thorn!


Chen Xiu'er raised the Deaththorn Spear with both hands and slammed into the head of this sub-dragon soul beast!



The penetrating power of the Deaththorn Spear is so strong that even the skull of this soul beast penetrates!


This sub-dragon soul beast actually bites tighter!

I saw that his eyes were blood red and he seemed to be absorbing Chen Xiu'er blood crazily!

"Do you dare to suck my blood?" Chen Xiuer's eyes widened!

In an instant, a large number of dead thorns and black vines broke out of Chen Xiu'er's back!

Chen Xiuer used herself as a carrier to plant dead thorns and black vines on her body!

"Do you want to eat me?"


"I am the predator, and you are just the prey!"

As Chen Xiuer said, all the black vines on her body pierced the body of the Yalong soul beast!

At the same time, the soul sucked!

Chen Xiu'er's fingers were like cold nails, and they directly pierced the eyes of the Yalong spirit beast!


"Look at who is the prey!!"

Chen Xiuer used "Soul Soul" to suck the spirit power of the soul beast!

This is the first time he has absorbed the spirit power of a thousand-year spirit beast!

A large number of dead spines pierced into the body of the sub-dragon spirit beast, absorbing his spirit power crazy!

Blood vessels surged on the surface of Chen Xiu'er's body, and her eyes turned into blood-red dragon pupils unconsciously!

At the same time, the scales on the body grow wildly!

The eyes of this sub-dragon soul beast gradually faded from blood red to pale white.

At the same time, his two jaws lost their power!

Chen Xiu'er broke free from his sharp teeth!

At this time, Chen Xiu'er's body became abnormally strong, which directly broke the clothes on her upper body.

All that was left was the torn pants on the lower body.

A large number of black vines behind Chen Xiu'er are like tentacles, each of them seems to have opened their mouths, waiting to continue devouring soul power!

At the same time, the corpse of that sub-dragon spirit beast fell, and a white ten-year spirit ring gradually appeared on its body!

At this time, Chen Xiu'er was covered with dark red scales, and the whole body looked very dark.

Only under the sunlight can you see the blood red of the scales.

Chen Xiuer's eyes are red as blood, and her hands and feet have become dragon claws at the same time!

Long dark hair, gently blown by the wind.Look at the novel

"Come on, see who is the prey and who is the predator!" Chen Xiu'er grinned.

Suddenly, a mental force came into Chen Xiu'er's mind: "Xiu'er boy, are you okay?"

Ye Zixiao looked in anxiously, while Nielong was drinking tea leisurely.

"Now I haven't done anything, don't doubt me." Nielong smiled.

Ye Zixiao didn't doubt Nielong either, after all, he had been staring at Nielong.

Even if Nielong had the ability to shake the sky, it was impossible to make small moves in front of Ye Zixiao.

"Ye Zixiao, I'm fine, I've never been so well, the feeling that this power fills the whole body is great!!" Chen Xiu'er smiled grimly.

"Boy Xiuer, be sober, the side effects of soul-sucking will be over soon, then I will let Nielong help you beastly on your body." Ye Zixiao said urgently.

"Why suppress?"

"Ye Zixiao, you have never allowed me to use soul-sucking before, so you have been hiding it from me...this power feels...very good!!!"

With that said, the earth dragon suddenly rushed towards Chen Xiu'er and opened his blood basin!

Chen Xiu'er's blood-red eyes flashed a little jokingly.

"Do you want to participate in this feast of killing?"


The corners of Chen Xiu'er's mouth split open, and countless dead thorns and black vines rushed towards the earth dragon like a poisonous snake!

The earth dragon walked on all fours, ran extremely fast, and was about to rush to Chen Xiu'er!

Those dead thorns and black vines directly pierced his back!

But the same!

He didn't flinch, he still rushed to Chen Xiu'er crazy!

Chen Xiu'er stepped on the ground and jumped three feet away, while raising her right arm!

"The next song of the Feast of Killing, the Symphony of Death!!"

As Chen Xiu'er raised her right arm, a punch fell!

Smashed directly through the skull of Earth Dragon!


For a moment, the brain was mixed with blood, and the fragments with skulls were shaken off by Chen Xiu'er.

At the same time, a white spirit ring rose from the earth dragon.

A different color flashed between Chen Xiu'er's eyebrows, and a pair of dragon horns suddenly grew from his forehead!


"Comfortable, this power is endless, I can continue to grow stronger!" Chen Xiu'er said, her figure flashed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only two pale white spirit rings were left.

at this time.

In the heavenly space, Ye Zixiao's brows frowned: "Why on earth, soul-sucking, I have been improving, and I shouldn't lose my mind."

Nielong smiled softly.

"It's a soul beast after all, you have overlooked a particularly important point. When your soul beasts devour other soul beasts, it will not be affected by the emotions of the other party, but humans will not."

Ye Zixiao's pupils tightened: "You mean, Chen Xiu'er is still him, it's just that many spirit beast characters have been added?"

"Yes, it's a soul beast. I can't discover the secrets of human beings. Okay, I will go to bed first, and I will be called after millions of years."

Nielong's figure flashed, and he did not know where he went to sleep, Ye Zixiao was thinking wildly.

"Sucked the spirit power of two thousand-year-old soul beasts, and at the same time brought emotions, sub-dragon soul beasts, what emotions are there, think carefully..."

Ye Zixiao felt that he had a new way of thinking, and he could make a breakthrough in absorbing soul!


Three days later.

Qian Renxue led Li Feng through the void to the Star Dou Great Forest.

"It's not easy, the people on the old emperor's side are still staring so tightly, let's put down the corpse of the big sacrifice." Qian Renxue said.

Li Feng nodded and threw off the body he was carrying on his shoulders.

The corpse is well preserved, there is no sign of corruption, if you don't touch him, it looks like an ordinary person.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind in the forest.

Li Feng narrowed his eyes, as if something was moving through the forest.

"Master, it seems..."

Before Li Feng finished speaking, the sound of the wind reached his ears!!

Li Feng quickly turned his arms to block!


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