Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 115 The Might of the Holy Spirit!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chu Lianmeng gritted his teeth and directly activated the first spirit ability!

Seed of white lotus!

Planting the seeds of the white lotus in a person's body, Chu Lian can take away the person's spirit power at any time and increase herself.

The amount of soul power taken away depends on the parasitic time.

If the parasitic time is long enough, even life can be extracted!

And these people who are parasitized by the white lotus seed can borrow each other's spirit power.

In other words, they have a common spirit power pool, and you usually use a spirit ability to consume half of the spirit power.

If you use the white lotus seed to borrow the spirit power of others, you can evenly distribute the spirit power you consume to everyone!

If only one soul master is allowed to attack, he can even release soul skills infinitely!

Chu Lian worked hard for ten years before developing a sect of today's scale.

Now it was ruined by four children!

Chu Lian's unspeakable anger, now that his life is threatened, he is forced to initiate a sacrifice!

That is to take back the white lotus seeds in their bodies!

However, the white lotus seed has grown into the white lotus flower in their bodies.

Chu Lian took back all the seeds released before, even more!

This is equivalent to loan sharking!

"Send sacrifices to me!!" Chu Lian said frantically.

Although he was a spirit master of the three rings, his own martial spirit did not have any fighting ability.

It's just that the graph has a virtual table.


In an instant, the white light soaring into the sky rose, and countless followers opened their arms and looked up at the sky.

A lot of white light rose from their bodies, this is their spirit power!

It is their lives that are paid together!

"I have merged with the Lotus God!!"

"For the lotus god!!"

"Please take all of me!!"

Seeing the believers fall one by one, the soul power soaring to the sky gradually fell on Chu Lian!

Even the spirit power gushes out of the body.

"Come on, I see how you can help me now!"

The white light fell on Chu Lian, and for a time, his spirit power was increased countless times!

Chu Lian's eyes burst out with dazzling white light, and a giant white lotus rose under his feet!

Huang Sha Holy Spirit's third spirit ability was directly broken!

Chu Lian's face was crazy, and the third spirit ring around her suddenly shone!

"The third spirit ability, the touch of the white lotus!!"

Chu Lian stomped her foot fiercely, and the white lotus under her feet instantly released a large number of white vines!

These vines opened their mouths one by one, and a bunch of sharp teeth reflected light!

A pungent smell came from the vine's mouth!

This is Chu Lian's martial soul, Jing Yao Bai Lian!

Watching the white vines opened their mouths to bite into the holy spirit of the yellow sand.

Huangsha Holy Spirit quickly used the second spirit ability.

"Wall of Yellow Sand!"

Huang Sha Holy Spirit slammed his hind legs and pressed his hands on the ground!

Suddenly, a huge sand wall emerged, blocking all the white vines!

Yin Ling: "Brother, only we are the strongest together."

Yang Ling: "Sister, this time you will take the lead."

Yin Ling: "Good brother."

Yin Ling and Yang Ling stood opposite each other suddenly, with their fingers interlocking.

The foreheads of the two were lightly tapped together, while silently saying:

"Hold the hand of the son, and live with the son." x2

When the words fell, the yang soul and yin soul that had burnt on the two suddenly merged!

The yin and yang souls are like Tai Chi, slowly blending together.

And Yang Ling and Yin Ling are also completely integrated!

The figure of Yang Ling disappeared, and only Yin Ling was left, wearing a black and white robe, with long white hair, but his eyes became pure black.Tomb Raider Novel Network

And a black wolf head flame hovered beside Yin Ling like this.

The flame is pure black, and the wolf head flame looks like a ghost.

At the same time, three spirit rings rose up beside her, namely, yellow, purple, and purple.

The spirit rings of the two people merged!

Now they can be called the twin holy spirits.

The Holy Spirit Huang Sha saw this and joked: "Is the martial arts fusion skill? So this is your secret."


Following Chu Lian's roar, the wall of yellow sand broke through him directly.


"Hey hey hey, do you want to be so strong, aren't you a control spirit master? What kind of trouble is this strong?" Huang Sha Holy Spirit said.

"From the perspective of spirit power alone, his spirit power is probably close to the soul king." The Holy Spirit of Blood Prison frowned.

Since all the believers were sacrificed by the leader, the Holy Spirit of the Blood Prison was free.

But the corpse he controlled was also drained of spirit power, so the Holy Spirit of Blood Prison could not control the corpse now.

He can only control corpses with spirit power.

In the end, the Holy Spirit of the Blood Prison can only sigh, this person is really abnormal, and even the body is not let go~

The Gemini Holy Spirit made a backward gesture to the two of them.

"Next, leave it to me and my brother." Twin Holy Spirit said.

The Holy Spirit of the Blood Prison and the Holy Spirit of Huangsha secretly exchanged their eyes and withdrew at the same time.

After all, the two are in a group.

When the twin holy spirits merged with the martial souls, if someone's consciousness is leading, then the body will look like.

At this time, the Yin Ling dominates the body, and the Yang Ling's consciousness is attached to the flame of the wolf head.

Yin Ling: "Brother, let us hunt him down."

Yang Ling: "There is no word for hunting, because he can't escape!"

The twin holy spirit's pure black eyes flashed with light, "Then let's use that trick."

Yang Ling: "Which trick?"

Yin Ling: "The most common trick."

"First Soul Ability: Competing between Yin and Yang!" x2

The twin holy spirit suddenly had an extra bow in his hand. The upper body of the bow was black and the lower body was white.

And the yellow spirit ring beside her also shone!

A white arrow gently condensed on the hands of the Twin Holy Spirit.

The twin holy spirit gently pulled the bowstring, and the flame of the wolf head floating beside it slowly attached to the arrow!

Yang Ling: "Let's pierce them! Sister!"

Yin Ling: "Good brother."

The twins of the Holy Spirit narrowed his eyes, the bowstring was full, and he violently released towards Chu Lian!

Chu Lian broke through the sand wall and spent a lot of soul power before, but now she once again released her third soul ability and rushed towards the twin holy spirit!

The arrows fired by the twin holy spirits are extremely fast, and they will fly to Chu Lian in the blink of an eye!

Chu Lian showed disdain, waved his hand to make those vines open their mouths and bit the arrows!

However, the soul of Yin and Yang is attached to the arrow, and its power is unmatched!

Directly pierced his large number of white vines!

But Chu Lian saw that something was wrong, and quickly controlled the vines, trying to bite the tail of the arrow!

But the arrow body suddenly drilled out a black phantom with a wolf head, and directly bit all these vines!


"Is this the martial soul fusion skill of the two children?" Chu Lian exclaimed.

Chu Lian belonged to the control-assisted spirit master, and her attack ability was low, even though she had the spirit power close to that of the soul king, it was not enough.


Seeing that the arrow was about to fly in front of her, Chu Lian gritted her teeth and directly released her second spirit ability!

Bailian guards!

A huge white lotus bloomed in front of Chu Lian!

The arrow pierced the white lotus, and the white lotus closed like a huge mouth!

Hold the arrow!

However, the tail of the lotus was suddenly pierced!

Not arrows, but wolf head flames!

Yang Ling: "Unexpectedly, I am the real attack!!"

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