Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 117 Marriage!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect supports the Heaven Dou Empire, although the Haotian Sect retreats, but secretly has been supporting the Star Luo Empire.

Of the last three sects, only the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect remained neutral.

If the Blue Electric Overlord Sect can also be pulled onto the ship of Heaven Dou...

Ning Fengzhi narrowed his eyes, and the Bone Douluo beside him looked at Ning Fengzhi with surprise.

This daughter is willing to sell her daughter?

Seeing the surprise in Bone Douluo's eyes, Ning Fengzhi didn't explain.

But is it really that easy to marry Ning Fengzhi's daughter?

Bone Douluo knew Ning Fengzhi very well. In other words, apart from Sword Douluo, no one knew Ning Fengzhi better than him!

Even the Sect Master’s wife, Bone Douluo did not understand Ning Fengzhi!


"Marriage is a lifelong event, and it depends on the meaning of the two children. Our elders, may it not be good to force a marriage contract?" Yu Luomian frowned.


"Sect Master Jade, you didn't say that before. The little girl has been enamored with her lover, and the lover loves her so much. Isn't it beautiful to be happy?" Ning Fengzhi trailed.

Yu Luomian felt a bit tricky.

Ning Fengzhi deserves to be a person who can become the master of a sect.

This trick is to retreat to advance and sell his daughter, which seems to be a failure.

In fact, Ning Fengzhi was right, and Yu Luomian would definitely not dare to accept this marriage!

"You and my elders are here, and the two children are not there. It is too sloppy to make a marriage contract. Besides, the children are still young..."

Just halfway through Yu Luo Mian's words, Ning Fengzhi interrupted him.

"The two are right, what's wrong, let's talk about it, call both children over, and they will both be shy and not good." Ning Fengzhi smiled.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

At this moment, there was a strange laughter outside the door.

"Sect Master Ning, are you serious about this?"

A low voice suddenly came from outside the hall, and the Great Elder Yu Yuan walked slowly into the discussion hall.

Ning Fengzhi suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Elder, what are you doing here?" Yu Luomian said displeased.

He felt that the great elder had become more and more presumptuous recently.

If this were young, he would definitely rectify him a lot!

It's a pity that people are getting old now...

"Jie Jie Jie, Sovereign Lord, just now the old man passed by the meeting hall by chance and just heard that the Sovereign Lord was discussing marriage with Sect Master Ning. I hereby congratulate him." Yu Yuanzhen grinned.

"The old man has no intentions, just want to ask, is the marriage marriage that Sect Master Ning mentioned just now true?" Yu Yuan asked with a smile.

"My words are naturally true." Ning Fengzhi frowned.

"That's good, that's good."

As Yu Yuanzhen said, he slowly took out a mirrored stone from his sleeve.

The material of this stone is exactly the same as the one taken out by Spurfish Douluo and Snake Lance Douluo!

And there is also a picture recorded above, that is, Ning Fengzhi personally said that he wants to get married.

And, Yu Yuanzhen asked again while Ning Fengzhi answered!

Ning Fengzhi felt that time was miscalculated!

What happened to this great elder Yu Yuanzhen?

Yu Luomian also frowned. Just when he wanted to scold him, he listened to Yu Yuanzhen first:

"That's fine, the old man will announce the good news, so that the true dragon and eight peaks can prepare early." Yu Yuanzhen retired with a smile.

"Elder, what are you doing? Sect Master Ning and I are just discussing, and there is still no definite conclusion on this matter." Yu Luo Mian said angrily.

Yu Yuanzhen was puzzled, "In other words, what the Sect Master and Ning Sect Master said just now were all jokes?"


Ning Fengzhi gritted his teeth secretly.

He had already grasped Yu Luomian before, so why did he kill a Yuyuan Zhen halfway?

Yu Luomian suddenly seemed to have found a breakthrough at this time, and said hurriedly: "Yes, Sect Master Ning, we have not settled this matter yet, I wonder what you mean?"


Ning Fengzhi's complexion was green and purple, and could not say a complete sentence.

Ha ha.

Ning Fengzhi!

You are nothing more than that, it turns out that the previous posture was pretended!Haha Literature Network

Yu Luomian sneered.

Seeing that Ning Feng was embarrassed, Yu Yuanzhen hurriedly came up to make up his knife: "Sect Master Ning, do you want to go back and forth? Did you personally confirm it before?"

"My words, naturally there can be no fakes, it's just time? The two children are still young for the time being, and they really need to be careful, careful, discuss and measure." Ning Fengzhi gritted his teeth.

Now he can only grit his teeth.

This Yu Yuanzhen might still hold the stone and record every word he said!

If Ning Feng caused a backlash at this time, it would be made public.

What position will Ning Fengzhi be in?

Thinking that Ning Fengzhi was the dignified master of the sect, now he was pinched by a little elder!

Yuyuan Zhen secretly smiled.

He has received news that Yu Tianxuan is Chen Xiu'er, his own!

After receiving this news, Yu Yuanzhen began to secretly build momentum for Chen Xiu'er!

Create a particularly favorable environment!

Marriage couldn't be better. At that time, Chen Xiuer killed the bride in public on the day of their wedding!

Ning Fengzhi and Yu Luomian must turn their faces!

A big battle is inevitable!

"Okay, you go down first, Great Elder, and don't let go of that section," Yu Luomian asked.

"Yes, Sect Master, the old man retires." Yu Yuanzhen bowed and left.

Don't let it go?

how is this possible!

In the end, no one knew what Yu Luomian and Ning Fengzhi had said.

But seeing Ning Fengzhi coming out of the discussion hall with a blue-purple face, I knew that he was definitely not taking advantage!

At this time, what Yu Luomian and Ning Fengzhi didn't know was.

The news of Yu Tianxuan and Ning Rongrong's marriage has been spread out by Wuhun Hall!

Pope Bibi Dong said that he would host the wedding for the two in person!

And it will be very grand!


Let alone how dark the faces of the two sect masters are, looking at Chen Xiu'er, he also got news!

Holy Spirit Church, in the main hall.

Tian Yinxing knelt down on the white and sacred floor, presenting a secret report with both hands.

Chen Xiuer spread it on a table made of silver and read it carefully!

There are three key messages, Yu Tianxuan and Ning Rongrong are married, Qibao Liulizong and Landian Bawangzong are married!!

And the time is set, after the Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition!

After the competition, Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Temple personally hosted the wedding for the two!

Chen Xiuer's expression sank when she saw it.

The first thing he thought of was not the reward, but the risk!

Qian Renxue must have passed the news with Bibi Dong, and they are creating opportunities for Chen Xiu'er!

Chen Xiu'er gritted her teeth, "If I kill Ning Rongrong in the middle of the wedding, of course, I can provoke two battles, but I am afraid I can't protect myself!"

"Wuhundian treats me as an abandoned son!" Chen Xiuer gritted his teeth.

"But I can't help but pick it up. Now that I am tied to the chariot of the Spirit Hall, I have exposed my ability to change. Then, it is definitely not possible to cross the sea without hiding it."

"At that time, Yu Luomian will definitely protect me, but there is no guarantee that the accident will not happen, so it seems that I can only call the ghost mother." Chen Xiu'er eyes gloomy.

Chen Xiu'er gently closed the secret protection, and said to Tianyinxing:

"Continue to inquire about the news, especially to keep an eye on the changes in the two sect masters of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect."

Tian Yinxing nodded lightly, and soon disappeared in place.

Chen Xiu'er had to admire Zong Yang for taking care of everything in the teaching in an orderly manner.

Especially candidates for the 36 Heavenly Spirits and 72 Earth Spirits are also good.

The hidden star, the spirit of the beast, and the phantom scaly shadow reptile, have hidden aura, eliminate the sense of existence, and the ability to become one with the surrounding colors.

It was also the martial spirit that Chen Xiuer had merged back then, but there was nothing strange at first.

Because this person is taciturn and has a very low sense of existence.

Chen Xiu'er was already prepared to reshuffle the thirty-six heavenly spirit and the seventy-two earthly spirit.

All martial spirits merged, as for how many survived.

Ha ha.

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