Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 238 New Member

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!I saw Hao Xingdi step forward and whispered to Ye Feng and Li Hong: "You two don't need to resist too much. With my strength, you two are not my opponents together."

At this moment, Ye Feng, who was sitting at the dining table with a leisurely look, suddenly got up.

He looked directly at Hao Xingdi, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Are you the only remaining descendant of the Hao Xing family?"

Hao Xingdi's expression revealed a trace of puzzlement, "Do you know me?"

Ye Feng smiled indifferently, "Although I don't dare to call Ye Feng known as astronomy and geography, but the changes in the world above the land, I have three points."

"Your Haoxing family has fallen, leaving only your brother and sister, imprisoned here, it is really miserable."

Hao Xingdi looked at Ye Feng in surprise, who is this kid?

His family has been hidden for a hundred years, so who is this kid who knows his life experience?

"Who are you?" Hao Xingdi asked solemnly.

At this time, the black shop owner Zhu Lao Er behind Hao Xingdi seemed impatient, "Hao Xingdi! Don't you want to see your sister!!"

"If you don't do anything, you won't want to see your sister again in this life!!"

Hao Xingdi's complexion revealed a bit of bitterness. He was hunted down by his enemies, and to this point, he met the owner of this black shop and gave them food and shelter.

But never thought that the boss would add medicine to their food!

When Hao Xingdi woke up, his sister was no longer by his side, and the black shop owner Zhu Lao Er imprisoned her.

In order to force Hao Xingdi to serve him.

But Ye Feng didn't appear panicked at all, his face was still leisurely and calmly, "Come out, you brothers and sisters may not have seen you in a long time."

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Hao Xingdi was puzzled, what did he mean?

But Hao Xingdi doesn't understand, it doesn't mean that others don't understand!

The black shop owner Zhu Lao Er panicked for a moment!


With a clear call, Hao Xingdi suddenly turned around!

In an instant, a tattered little girl threw into Hao Xingdi's arms.

"younger sister!"

Hao Xingdi looked at the thin and unpretentious little girl in his arms with a look of surprise, with pity in his eyes.

"What the hell happened, second Zhu, what did you do to my sister!!" Hao Xingdi turned his head and scolded.

The black shop owner Zhu Lao Er has panicked, he backs up again and again, "Hao Xingdi, calm down, it is a misunderstanding!!"

Ye Feng suddenly called out his martial soul, Jiuxin Begonia.

At the same time, five spirit rings slowly wrapped around the Jiuxin Begonia in Ye Feng's hand.

Ye Feng waved to the little girl in Hao Xingdi's arms.


A green light flashed, and the little girl's skin suddenly became white and tender, regained its luster, and looked very healthy.

Hao Xingdi cast a grateful look at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng pointed to Zhu Lao Er, the black shop owner behind Hao Xingdi. In an instant, Hao Xingdi quickly understood and turned around.

"Hao Xingdi!!"

"I feed you and live in, you treat me like that!!" Zhu Lao Er was already panicked, he had already retreated to the corner.Romance 888

Hao Xingdi showed a sneer, "The first soul ability, the seven-star beam."

When the words fell, Hao Xingdi suddenly played the flute in his hand.

In an instant, the hollow flute reverberated, the space gradually dimmed, and countless stars appeared in it.

Among them, the seven most shining stars turned into seven light beams and pierced Zhu Lao Er in place.

For an instant, the second child of Zhu couldn't move, he couldn't even speak, and the whole person seemed to be still.

And Hao Xingdi also put down the flute and turned to look at Ye Feng, "Can I say it now?"

Ye Feng smiled and nodded, "It's also fate. We happened to meet a group of human traffickers on the trail to Soto City, and your sister was inside."

"We learned about your experience through what your sister said. The so-called darts and help, so we..."

Halfway through, Ye Feng suddenly paused, then raised his right hand to Li Hong.

"Let me introduce, this is Li Hong, who is your sister he rescued."

Hao Xingdi looked at Li Hong again in an instant, and quickly thanked him: "Thank you very much. Without you, I might still be used by Lao Zhu until I don't know when..."

Ye Feng touched the little girl's head, "This second Zhu wants to keep you detained, so he wants to transfer your sister to another place so that you can't find it."

Hao Xingdi nodded and hurriedly bowed his hands to the two of them, "Anyway, it is thanks to the two that I can get together with my sister. If you have any needs, don't hesitate to mention it. If I can do it, I will do my best."

Ye Feng's expression suddenly became solemn. Without the indifferent he had before, he looked firmly at Hao Xingdi and said:

"Speaking of which, I have had the same experience as you, but my sister has left me forever."

"But I still don't know who the murderer is. I was so foolishly kept in the dark and played with by the murderer between applause. Therefore, I made up my mind to find the real murderer and do something for the dawn common people. A big event."

"As the founder of the Liming Organization, I extend an invitation to you, Hao Xingdi, are you willing to contribute to Liming Common Life?"

"I know, this is very impractical, but if no one comes forward forever, then the world will always be bleak."

"There is always someone to stand up. I am willing to be the first for the world, and I am willing to be the leader. Even if the end result is unrequited, I have no regrets, because..."

"This world needs more heroes."

While Ye Feng said, he stretched out his right hand to Hao Xingdi.

Hao Xingdi smiled and shook his head, then grasped Ye Feng's right hand!

"Since you saved my sister, then you are my benefactor, my Hao Xingdi, willing to join Liming!"

After speaking, the three of them looked at each other and smiled. Ye Feng was the first to walk out of the hotel. He looked up at the sky full of stars, his eyes blurred and said:

"This night is so beautiful, I hope that everyone in this world can look up at the colorful starry sky with us."

Li Hong also followed outside, looking up at the night sky as well: "It's a pity that this world is not created equal. Some people are born to touch the stars, and some people can't see the moon once in a lifetime."

Hao Xingdi led her sister to stand beside Ye Feng, "Then what we are going to do, isn't it so that everyone can witness this starry sky from the same angle?"

Ye Feng smiled and shook his head, "I don't know if you believe it or not, since the moment my sister left me, not only my martial soul, but also my heart has changed."

"Since that day, I have had a dream every day, a long and cruel dream."

"In my dream, the world after ten years is a cloud of haze, with constant wars, the people are not living, and there is no place to live on the mainland."

"In my dream, the creator of all these chaos and catastrophes is because of a man, he is a demon king, he is powerful and unreasonable, and makes people feel deeply powerless, just like the sun in the sky."

"Leading his iron cavalry, he can easily level the imperial capital of Tiandou and Xingluo. He is a nightmare for the common people, and also my nightmare."

"This dream has been with me until now, and he seems to be reminding me that if I don't do something, maybe the dream thing will happen to me!"

"So, I established Liming."

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