Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 240: Jade Sky Jade is Really Handsome

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Three days later, the imperial capital of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City.

The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition was held in the Tiandou City sub-region, and the opening ceremony was extremely grand.

As the most grand soul master contest in the soul master world, it attracts more than just the attention of soul masters.

From nobles to commoners, almost all residents of Tiandou City bought tickets for the opening ceremony.

Tickets for the opening ceremony have already been sold out in advance. For example, today the Arena of Fighting Souls has ushered in a huge audience.

Among them, a lot of young girls are pregnant.

You know, to participate in the Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition, one must be under 25 years old.

Such, powerful and young spirit masters, if they were lucky enough to be looked at by any spirit master, it would definitely be a surprise like a sudden wealth.

Seeing young spirit masters from all walks of life enter the arena one after another, these young girls who are full of spring unscrupulously looked at those spirit masters, all looking for their own goals.

"Wow, look at that, it looks so strong and makes people feel safe."

"It's ugly, don't you like this kind of muscle man?"

"I still think the skinny and handsome one on the left is better."

"I also think that one looks pretty."

"he's mine!"

"Why is it yours? People don't necessarily like you?"

"Then can he see you?"

There are talks everywhere, and such a situation is not unusual in the entire audience.

These girls are all pretty good, they have enough confidence in themselves to attract the attention of those soul masters.

However, among them, there was a very thin girl who kept her head low without saying a word.

"Look at her, she is so ugly, she is embarrassed to come out."

"The toad wants to eat swan meat and doesn't look at what he looks like."

"I don't know any soul master who can look at her, I guess even if she is for ordinary people, no one wants it?"


"Don't say that, people will be sad~"

"Oh, what does it matter to us whether she is sad or not?"

Sometimes, when an independent individual appears in a group, then she will be excluded by everyone.

Whether it is language or spirit, they always draw a line with her.

The girl was talked about by everyone, and she dared not raise her head for a while.

Among those women, a woman with long purple hair sneered secretly.

"Mo Qingxuan, aren't you very arrogant? Why don't you continue to be arrogant?"

"Ha ha."

"My father always spoils you at home. Today I bring you out. I want to see who is still facing you!"

That's right, the girl named Mo Qingxuan and the purple-haired woman are half sisters.

Mo Qingxuan was not ugly, but not beautiful, until her mother passed away, her father was marrying, and she gave birth to a daughter.

That is, Mo Qingxuan's younger sister, which is the opposite of her, but her younger sister is very beautiful and affectionate.

But Mo Qingxuan's father loves Mo Qingxuan.

This made her sister very jealous, and she often calculated Mo Qingxuan secretly.

And Mo Qingxuan was innocent by nature, didn't understand the sinister heart, and even more defenseless against her sister.

Today, after her sister's persuasion, she finally brought Mo Qingxuan to the Great Fighting Soul Arena.

The purpose is to humiliate Mo Qingxuan, this is only because of the jealousy in her heart, nothing more, there is no more reason.

And Mo Qingxuan can only say that he looks ordinary, but he is definitely not ugly.

As for why they said it was so unbearable, it was because there was a black mark on Mo Qingxuan's face.

This ink-black rune extended down from the left eyebrow, across the left eye, and reached her mouth.520 novel

It looks like a scar, so it looks ugly.

No matter how they scolded Mo Qingxuan, she didn't say anything, but in her heart, she kept telling something.

"Little girl, do I need to make them shut up?"

Hearing the voice in his mind, Mo Qingxuan quickly replied: "Grandpa Ying, no, they are all innocent."

"Didn't I ask you to call me a master? I should not be killed by Kong Jue Douluo. Now I have merged with your shadow into one, and I can't occupy your shadow for nothing."

"The old man has passed the Shadow Martial Spirit to you, and you are naturally the old man's apprentice."

Mo Qingxuan nodded gently, "I know, but grandpa, I don't want any martial arts, I just want to live a normal life."

"Ha ha."

"Stupid girl, the human heart is sinister, only the strong can ignore all conspiracy and tricks, and you are not strong enough, so they play with you like this."

"If you can inherit the old man's spirit and become a spirit master, then they won't dare to tease you anymore."

"On the contrary, they still have to respect you. Look at the soul masters in the audience, bathed in radiance, praise and respect from countless people.

"Don't you want to be such a person?"

No matter how Kong Jue Douluo persuaded him, Mo Qingxuan just shook his head and refused to accept her shadow martial soul.

Kong Jue Douluo was not in a hurry, after all, seizing a home was not a matter of overnight.

I think that back then, he was absolutely empty and Douluo, using his ninth spirit ability to "take the shadow", avoided many enemies, and even occupied countless bodies.

"Then Li Yao, you wait!"

"The old man finally became a Title Douluo. Not only did he not enjoy a stable day, he was chased and killed by this Li Yao ninety-nine times!"

"When I occupy this new body, I see how you can find me!"

"I don't believe it anymore. This time the old man seized a female doll, you can still find me!"

At this moment, there was a sensation on the stage!!

"Oh my God!"

"Who is that!"

"Okay, so handsome!"

"I instantly discovered that those soul masters before were too rubbish, this is the real best!"

"Before I saw him, I always thought that being handsome has no limits, but after seeing him, I know, it turns out that handsome has limits!"


"Who is he?"

"I'm so good-looking, I want to see more."

"He looked at me! He looked at me!"

"Don't block me, he clearly sees me!"

"You are not blocking me, he clearly sees me!"

"He smiled at me, he smiled at me!"

"Smelly bitch, you have to be shameless, he clearly smiles at me!"

"No matter who he is, I have decided that he will not marry in this life!"

"me too!"

"You guys don't even know who he is, and they said they won't marry forever."

"you know?"

"Hmph, of course I know, after all, he is from my Blue Electric Overlord Sect."

"Blue Electric Overlord Sect?" xN

"Yes, he is the next generation of my Blue Lightning Overlord Sect Master, a personal disciple under the crown of Thunder Douluo, a peerless genius with true dragon blood, and the current Young Sect Master, Yu Tianxuan!"

Hearing the endless admiration in his ears, Mo Qingxuan couldn't help but looked up at the beautiful man who was admired by many people.

He raised his head and glanced, ah, he was really handsome.

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