Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 252 Chapter XX: If Tang San is the heroine (this chapter has nothing to do with the text!!)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Among the gods.

With the combination of the god of destruction and the nine-sage god Chen Xiu, Tang San, the law enforcer of the gods, could only succumb.

However, Tang San still didn't know the news of Chen Xiu's resurrection, so he simply thought that all this was caused by destruction.

And as Seagod Tang San was imprisoned by the God of Destruction, time passed bit by bit.

At Chen Xiu's request, Tang San and Xiao Wu were separated.

As for their children, they have not yet been born.

Instead, Huo Yuhao, the god of emotions, took Tang Wutong away.

Chen Xiu didn't chase them down either, it was all things to worry about for destruction.

Day after day passed.

this day.

Seagod Tang San still drank tea leisurely at home as usual, without any consciousness of being imprisoned.

However, an uninvited guest landed quietly.

He was accompanied by four sickles of different colors, and he wore a very bright black robe.

He looks very handsome and has black waist-length hair.

There are nine black light wheels hung on the back, which is not angry or pretentious, and makes people awe.

This person is not Chen Xiu, the Nine Saints God, who is it?

I saw Chen Xiu gently waved his hand, and in an instant, a pale sickle behind him directly cut through the space in front of Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu smiled and stepped directly into the crack.

Tang San in the room was still drinking tea by himself, and when he saw Chen Xiu appearing in front of him, he was dumbfounded.

Without waiting for Tang San to speak, Chen Xiu opened his arms first, "I didn't expect it, Tang San, my spirit emperor is back?"

"For you, I not only stole the power of the goddess of life, but also the power of the gods of Yin and Yang, Tang San, can you clearly mean what I mean?"

Of course Tang San understands!

When he fought Chen Xiu, he thought he had been beheaded, but he didn't want Chen Xiu to steal the power of the goddess of life!

But it is conceivable that the destruction is still in the dark, and Chen Xiu is holding it as a spear!

"So, have you come to avenge me?" Tang San was very calm.

He has predicted what Chen Xiu will do!

Chen Xiu smiled lightly, and Zhuanyan appeared in front of Tang San!

Before Tang San could react, Chen Xiu had already slammed his chest on his chest!

Suddenly, a milky yang energy was extracted by Chen Xiu!

In an instant, a pure black Yin Qi was injected into Tang San's body by Chen Xiu again!

Tang San's divine power is now sealed, and Chen Xiu, who is one of the nine gods, is helpless!

With a panting, Tang San felt his body getting hotter and hotter, his chest seemed to become dull, and something seemed to be missing below.

And her bones and muscles seem to have shrunk, and her body shape has changed greatly!

Gradually, Tang San's voice was no longer full of magnetism, but became very feminine, even sweet!

Tang San turned out to be a woman!Love the book

At this time, because Tang San became a woman, her figure shrank a lot.

The original clothes can no longer be worn, especially the double peaks on the chest, which can compete with Qian Renxue.

Smooth skin, perfect figure, it seems that you can pinch water out.

"Ling Sovereign, are you planning to retaliate against me like this?" Tang San said, his voice extremely pleasant.

Chen Xiu leaned on the sofa and gently raised Tang San's chin, "Tang San~ Tang San~ You are such a beautiful woman, and only Xue'er can compare to you, right?"

Tang San grabbed the clothes on his chest, and then let out a sneer: "When you said this, what did you think of Qian Renxue?"

At the mention of Qian Renxue, Chen Xiu's chest became dull, making him a little breathless.

"Don't mention her, in the mortal world, I was the spirit emperor, and the harem was three thousand beauties. Now I have ascended to the realm of the gods. The glory of the past has already passed away with the wind. No need to mention the past!"

Hearing Chen Xiu's words, Tang San's sarcasm was even stronger, "But where the Holy Spirit Cult you left behind, how can it pass away with the wind? It's simply a legacy of thousands of years."

"Okay, shut up."

Chen Xiu's expression was a little cold, as if she didn't want to talk nonsense with Tang San.

"Tang San, you have to pay for the crime you committed now! Do you remember? You let them mutilate my body, sealed them in nine forbidden places, and imprisoned me for ten thousand years!"

"From now on, at the end of time, I will let you pay for what you do! I will erode your body, and I will pierce your soul!"

Seeing the killing intent flashing in Chen Xiu's eyes, Tang San's heart was full of emotions. All this is a reincarnation...

After a long time.

Tang San said first: "Xiao Wu, how is she?"

Chen Xiu grinned, "She? She is waiting to see your posture!"

"Think about it, you have become a woman now, your wife, your daughter, what do they think of you? Isn't it interesting to think about it?"

The evil taste in Chen Xiu's heart has reached a peak!

Hearing Chen Xiu's words, Tang San showed bitterness in an instant, and no longer had the hard-heartedness he had before: "You, even if you cut me thousands of times, I have no regrets or regrets, why do you humiliate me so?"

The corner of Chen Xiu's mouth smiled more intensely, "Yes, that's it, I've wanted to see you like this for a long time, Tang San, it seems that you and I will be together for a long time!"

Tang San's plan was all disrupted by Chen Xiu, and now, even if he broke the seal, Tang San didn't know how to meet Xiao Wu and the others.

When Tang San sealed Chen Xiu back then, he also thought that he would break the seal.

But I didn't expect that destruction turned out to have opened his seal!

And Chen Xiu not only killed Destruction's wife, but also turned Destruction around.


"Seagod Tang San, Seagod Tang San, hahaha! You are really worthy of the name now!" Chen Xiu's words were very explicit, but Tang San didn't understand.

Wasn't I the Poseidon?

Why is it worthy of the name?

"Ling Sovereign, you have no regrets, you are a better skill, I lost, give me a personal way of death, I have no regrets." Tang San said in a low voice.

"To deal with, it's like this chaste woman. Tang San, I found out that I actually like you a little bit now. After you become a woman, you are so attractive."

"I changed my mind. From now on, you Tang San will be my spirit emperor's plaything!"

(The author, I want to write the content afterwards, but I don’t want my mother, please make up for it yourself.)

pa: The above is pure nonsense and has nothing to do with the text!

The above is misleading, please don't consciously substitute it, this is just a hypothesis that Tang San becomes the heroine.

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