Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 254 Everyone Loves Me, I Love...

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Partial palace.

Under Bai Jie's meticulous care, Zhu Guoer only needs to eat there every day.

It can be described as monotonous, but there is no lack of happiness.

At this time, the door of the Piandian Palace was suddenly pushed open.

A man walked in.

"See the leader." Seeing this, Bai Jie stepped forward and bowed.

Chen Xiu showed a gentle smile, "You don't need to be so cautious, just treat this as your own home, I remember, you seem to be called Bai Jie, right? Your name is good."

Bai Jie just wanted to retire, but she didn't expect the leader to say so much to herself!

Suddenly, Bai Jie felt a warm current pouring into her heart, which made her cheeks flush, a little embarrassed.

"Wh, where, if there is no leader, there can be no Bai Jie today, Bai Jie will not disturb the leader, and the subordinates will leave."

Bai Jie blushed and retired. When she left, he was still secretly remembering Chen Xiu's smile, which he could not forget for a long time.

Today’s leader seems to be more handsome than ever!

Do not!

It must be my own illusion!

The leader has always been so handsome, but today is a little charming.

Let her be a little bit sprouting.

At this time, some unknown change appeared in Chen Xiu.

It seems that his charm value has soared to the top, and a smile can detract from the hearts of countless girls.

And seeing Chen Xiu who chatted with Bai Jie as soon as he came in, Zhu Guoer was instantly depressed.

Chen Xiu smiled forward and gently stroked Zhu Guoer's little head, "What's wrong, my Guoer, are you unhappy?"

Seeing Chen Xiu being so gentle to herself, Zhu Guoer was at a loss for a while. The first reaction was that Chen Xiu was taken away?

Especially, the words of my Guoer made her face flushed even more.

"No, no, how could people be angry with you, Guo'er is looking forward to you coming every day."

Chen Xiu slowly sat on the edge of the bed, hugging Zhu Guoer into her arms, and gently stroking her slightly bulging belly.

"Our child, I wonder if he will look like me or you, Guoer?" Chen Xiurou said.

No way!

it's wired!

Chen Xiu's speech now is not as sharp as before. Before speaking, every sentence seems to be attacking the enemy.

Full of aggression!

But now, Chen Xiu's eyes are tender and watery, and her voice is full of magnetism, which makes people drool.

Zhu Guoer felt a little uncomfortable, and his ears were a little itchy.

"Husband, have you taken away the house?" Zhu Guoer couldn't help but asked.

Chen Xiu looked at Zhu Guoer's eyes, "Why, Guoer, don't you like the way I am now?"

Zhu Guoer shook his head decisively, "No, no, it's better now!"

Seeing Zhu Guo'er so excited, Chen Xiu smiled for a moment, and lightly nod Zhu Guoer's little nose with her finger, "You are so cute."

In this way, Chen Xiu stayed with Zhu Guoer until late at night before leaving.

Before leaving, Zhu Guoer still reluctantly pulled Chen Xiuyi's corner, hoping that he would stay.

But Chen Xiu tactfully refused.


Main hall.

Seeing Chen Xiu bathing in the spring breeze, Zong Yang rubbed his eyes. What's the matter?

What happened to the leader?

This smells wrong!

Not the original leader!

Chen Xiu still had that smile when he saw Zong Yang.

I saw Chen Xiu slowly coming to Zong Yang's side, and a strange breath came on her face.

Zong Yang took a step back unconsciously.

Seeing this, Chen Xiu smiled slightly and stroked Zong Yang's apple with a finger.

For some reason, Zong Yang, who was always calm and rational, blushed a little!

Zong Yang was a little flustered.

How can I blush?

Strange.Long Long Novel Network

And his heartbeat speeded up suddenly!

For some reason, today's leader seems to be damn attractive!

Even I am a bit...

Seeing Zong Yang's reaction, Chen Xiu retracted her finger, the smile on her face disappeared, and she returned to the cold.

Seeing this, Zong Yang's heart also calmed down.

For some reason, he was a little disappointed. As for what was disappointed?

This is a bit subtle.

"Master, you are, what new skills have you mastered that will destroy the world?" Zong Yang asked.

Chen Xiu shook her head calmly, "No, I just found love."


What the hell?

Chen Xiu didn't want to explain too much, but it was similar to what Zong Yang said.

He has indeed mastered the new skills to destroy the world!


Think about it, how many heroes in this world dare to fight against the world alone for the beauty?

Zhou Youwang smiled for Bo Hongyan before, and he did not hesitate to play with the princes.

After that, there were countless cases in front of us, showing that love is terrible, and people can willingly give their lives for it.

And Chen Xiu delved into a new path from love.

He should not be a hero who dared to fight against the world with a smile of Bo Hongyan, he should be the hero.

Don't be crooked.

This is just a metaphor, not that Chen Xiu wants to become a woman.

Think about it, if Xiao Wu fell in love with Chen Xiu, then I wouldn't have to act on Chen Xiu, and Tang San would be destined not to confront him!

If Tang San dared to attack Chen Xiu, Chen Xiu didn't have to do anything, and Xiao Wu would run over to shield him.

You can also threaten Tang San directly. As long as he touches Chen Xiu, Xiao Wu will commit suicide!

If one more thing, Bibi Dong falls in love with Chen Xiu, isn't the Wuhun Palace all Chen Xiu's?


You said that Bibi Dong has a place to make Chen Xiu think about it?

Those who can ask this sentence can only say that you are still young.

There is a saying that is good, as long as the hoe is swung well, there is no corner to dig!

But this has some drawbacks after all, that is, in the Douluo Continent, men are still in power after all.

As for the titled Douluo women, there are only a handful of them.

What about this?


Don't those titled Douluo have family members?

Does he have no wife?Does he have no daughters?

Suppose there is a Title Douluo who wants to kill Chen Xiu, and his daughter comes out to intercede, even threatening his life.

That Title Douluo was not Chen Xiu, and certainly not a hard-hearted person.

How can you bear the heart of your baby girl to die?

Then Chen Xiu got out of trouble as a matter of course, and if he had another relative by the way, it would take longer.

Isn't Chen Xiu invincible on another level?

No enemies, all relatives!

Of course, all of this is based on theory.

If the reality is as smooth as Chen Xiu thought, then he would have left the Holy Spirit to open his harem..., ah no, invincible plan!

The so-called two-handed preparation for everything, Chen Xiu, who has no bottom line, did both. The original plan was developed, and the new plan was also developed!

To sum it up, the child makes a choice, and I want to prepare with both hands!

However, Chen Xiu himself might not have noticed that when he got his love back, he seemed to be full of charm by the way.

Even men can't stand Chen Xiu a little bit.

"Master, with the establishment of the dark empire intelligence network, we finally have a complete intelligence network. Now the news from the mainland of Jiucheng can not escape the eyes of our Holy Spirit Sect." Zong Yanghui reported.

"Oh, how about Tang San?" Chen Xiu asked calmly.

"The latest news. Tang San is practicing the distraction control method with Ning Rongrong. It seems to be the secret method of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. This secret method is also included in our teaching."

"Sorted by level, the first layer is the heart of the three orifices, the second layer is the heart of the four orifices, the third layer is the heart of the five orifices, the fourth layer is the heart of the six orifices, and the Five-fold, seven-orifice exquisite heart." Zong Yang explained.

Chen Xiu thought for a moment, "It's interesting."

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